diff --git a/tsg_util/updateTsgStructWithCalCoeff.m b/tsg_util/updateTsgStructWithCalCoeff.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..4b5f6d0f3078807903b7e6c43e2598957e519f43
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tsg_util/updateTsgStructWithCalCoeff.m
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+function updateTsgStructWithCalCoeff(hMainFig)
+% This function is called after change option/parameter calibrations coeff
+% type or when initialize tsgStruct
+% Input
+% -----
+% hMainFig ............ Handle to the main user interface
+% $Id$
+% Get the data from the application GUI
+% -------------------------------------
+tsg = getappdata( hMainFig, 'tsg_data');
+% define coefficients variables
+% -----------------------------
+% define coefficients names
+% -------------------------
+coeff_type = {{'DATE','A','B','C','D','F0',''},{'DATE','A','B','C','D','M','CPCOR'},...
+  {'DATE','A','B','C','D','F0',''}; ...
+  {'DATE','G','H','I','J','F0',''},{'DATE','G','H','I','J','CTCOR','CPCOR'},...
+  {'DATE','G','H','I','J','F0',''}};
+% get preference choice for cabrations type popup
+% -----------------------------------------------
+pref = tsg.preference.coeff_type_value;
+% dynamically fill variables
+% --------------------------
+for i = 1:numel(var)
+  if isempty(tsg.(var{i})) 
+    for j = 1:tsg.dim.CALCOEF
+      tsg.(var{i})(j) = NaN;
+      tsg.([var{i} '_CONV']) = ...
+        [tsg.([var{i} '_CONV']); padding(coeff_type{pref,i}{j}, tsg.dim.COEF_CONV_SIZE)];
+    end
+  elseif isnan(tsg.(var{i})) 
+    tsg.([var{i} '_CONV']) = [];
+    for j = 1:tsg.dim.CALCOEF
+      tsg.(var{i})(j) = NaN;
+      tsg.([var{i} '_CONV']) = ...
+        [tsg.([var{i} '_CONV']); padding(coeff_type{pref,i}{j}, tsg.dim.COEF_CONV_SIZE)];
+    end
+  end
+% Save tsg structure
+% ------------------
+setappdata( hMainFig, 'tsg_data', tsg);
\ No newline at end of file