# Containers

![](pages/images/container.png){: style="height:250px"}

## Course overview

<img src="https://www.svgrepo.com/show/305241/github.svg"
    width="20" height="20"/>
    [GitHub repository]( {{config.repo_url}})
<img src="https://www.svgrepo.com/show/20800/event-date-and-time-symbol.svg"
    width="20" height="20"/>
    15 Oct 2024 - 14:00 - 17:30

include "pages/course_content.md"

## Application

This course is open for members of the {{config.extra.unit}} unit from the IRD 
(Research Institute for Development).

**The only entry requirements for this course is a basic knowledge of Unix systems
(*i.e.* being able to work on the command line).**

The number of participants accepted is limited to the number of people that the 
teacher(s) can supervise in good conditions for the learners. If
we receive more applications, participants will be selected based on several
criteria. Selection criteria include correct entry requirements, motivation to
attend the course.

Please note that this training events do not provide any formal university

By accepting to participate in the course, you agree to follow the [Code of Conduct](pages/course-information/code-of-conduct).

## Schedule

--8<-- "pages/course-information/schedule.md"

## Location

This course round is given on site.  
--8<-- "pages/course-information/location.md"

## Pre-course setup

The [pre-course setup](pages/course-information/pre-course-setup)
page lists the installation and setup of all the tools used in the
course, so make sure you've gone through them all before the course begins.

## Teachers

* Jacques Dainat (course leader)

## Contact

To contact me, please send a mail at {{config.extra.contact}}.