Setting up the virtual environement ====== | It's best to use virtualization to install Sen2Chain properly. There are different virtual environments for Python. Here we present the procedure for venv. | First you need to install venv Python : .. code-block:: bash sudo apt install python-3-venv | Then, create your venv workspace where Sen2Chain will be installed : .. code-block:: bash python3 -m venv --system-site-package ~/.venv_sen2chain | The --system-site-package is important because it allows you to retrieve glbally installed packages such as GDAL. The command will create a folder containing the Python packages for this virtual machine. | Next, activate the new environment (the basic name of the start prompt will change): .. code-block:: bash source ~/.venv_sen2chain/bin/activate | This virtual environment can then be deactivated as follows .. code-block:: bash deactivate | Once the environment has been activated, the following python packages can be installed.