Prerequisites =============== Sen2Chain requires pip, GDAL, Git and Sen2Cor pip ----- .. code-block:: bash sudo apt install python3-pip GDAL ----- .. code-block:: bash sudo apt install gdal-bin libgdal-dev python3-gdal Git ---- .. code-block:: bash sudo apt-get install git Sen2cor 2.11 ---------------- 1. Download Sen2Cor v2.12.03 .. code-block:: bash wget 2. Make it executable .. code-block:: bash chmod +x 3. Install Sen2Cor .. code-block:: bash ./ .. note:: Installation guide and requirements for previous versions of Sen2Chain and Sen2Cor are available :ref:`here <configure_sen2cor>`. Previous versions are needed to process imagery before 2018. | You can add extra data input to Sen2Cor in order to improve some features of Sen2Chain. | These functions are not directly mobilized by Sen2Chain but for optimal operation you can add ESA landcover data and the SRTM. Please find the process at this :ref:`page <sen2cor>`.