diff --git a/sen2chain/download_eodag.py b/sen2chain/download_eodag.py
index dbe9752f69689f79c97b054a4747cb4a8ab9ea8b..8ca4375f5ac0b21b5868e036abc6974fbea144a2 100644
--- a/sen2chain/download_eodag.py
+++ b/sen2chain/download_eodag.py
@@ -57,9 +57,10 @@ class S2cEodag:
         productType: str = "L1C",
         start: str = "2015-01-01",
-        end: str = "9999-01-01",
+        end: str = "9999-12-31",
+        ######### ici faudrait virer le self.productType, qui ne doit pas être global pour le download... 
         if productType == "L1C":
             self.productType = "S2_MSI_L1C"
             outputs_prefix = Path(Config().get("l1c_path")) / self.name
@@ -74,27 +75,19 @@ class S2cEodag:
         self.products = self.dag.search_all(
-            locations=dict(s2_tile_centroid=self.name),
+            locations = dict(s2_tile_centroid = self.name),
-        #### Vériffier ici si le produit existe déjà en local
-        # ~ logger.info(outputs_prefix)
         for p in self.products:
-            # ~ logger.info("location: {}".format(p.location))
             if (outputs_prefix / (p.properties["title"] + ".SAFE")).exists():
                 p.location = "file://" + str(outputs_prefix / (p.properties["title"] + ".SAFE"))
-                logger.info("Product {} locally present ".format(p.properties["title"]))
+                logger.info("Product {} - {} - locally present".format(p.properties["title"], p.properties["storageStatus"]))
-                logger.info("Product {} locally absent ".format(p.properties["title"]))
-            # ~ logger.info("location: {}".format(p.location))
+                logger.info("Product {} - {} - locally absent".format(p.properties["title"], p.properties["storageStatus"]))
         # ~ logger.info("{} products were found given the above search criteria".format(len(self.products)))
         # ~ logger.info(self.products)
-        # ~ logger.info([p.properties["storageStatus"] for p in self.products])
         # ~ logger.info("{} products were found given the above search criteria".format(len(self.products)))
         # ~ logger.info("{} products were found given the above search criteria, online".format(len(self.products.filter_online())))
@@ -106,16 +99,16 @@ class S2cEodag:
         extract: bool = True,
         delete_archive: bool = True,
-        ######### faudrait ici récupérer le type de produit L1C/L2A du nom du product_id et adapter le dossier en conséquence
         if not outputs_prefix:
-            if self.productType == "S2_MSI_L1C":
+            if "L1C" in product_id.properties['title']:
                 root_path = "l1c_path"
-            elif self.productType == "S2_MSI_L2A":
+            elif "L2A" in product_id.properties['title']:
                 root_path = "l2a_path"
             outputs_prefix = str(Path(Config().get(root_path)) / self.name)
         ########## faudrait aussi mettre une condition sur le online
         ########## et si offline supprimer les retry
+        # ~ logger.info([p.properties["storageStatus"] for p in self.products])
         downloaded_path = self.dag.download(
             outputs_prefix = outputs_prefix,