diff --git a/sen2chain/__init__.py b/sen2chain/__init__.py
index fefbddbe7882f65f7e457f82a80b630b170248a2..9d15b5068fa63592958ef79873f52f3cfe5bc5ae 100644
--- a/sen2chain/__init__.py
+++ b/sen2chain/__init__.py
@@ -31,6 +31,6 @@ from .automatization import Automatization
 from .utils import format_word, grouper, datetime_to_str, str_to_datetime, human_size_decimal, human_size
 from .geo_utils import serialise_tiles_index, get_processed_indices_vect, crop_product_by_shp
 from .multi_processing import l2a_multiprocessing, cldidx_multiprocessing, cld_multiprocessing, idx_multiprocessing
+from .tileset import TileSet
 __version__ = "0.1.0"
 __author__ = "Jérémy Commins <jebins@openmailbox.org> & Impact <pascal.mouquet@ird.fr>"
diff --git a/sen2chain/download_and_process.py b/sen2chain/download_and_process.py
index 159bcd0462d0196e036e9f2dff22b3d5e80de009..63a45cc3d67bc4e1835f492b1a3c41bba16809cc 100644
--- a/sen2chain/download_and_process.py
+++ b/sen2chain/download_and_process.py
@@ -89,6 +89,7 @@ def download_peps(identifier: str, tile: str, hub: str) -> Tuple[str, str, str,
             # archive_l1c(identifier, tile, hub)
         except Exception as e:
+            temp_container.delete_temp_folder()
         if not temp_container.l1c.path.exists():
@@ -126,7 +127,7 @@ def download_scihub(identifier: str, tile: str, hub: str) -> Tuple[str, str, str
             #archive_l1c(identifier, tile, hub)
         except Exception as e:
-            #temp_container.delete_temp_folder()
+            temp_container.delete_temp_folder()
             downloaded = False
             logger.info("Failed download: {}".format(identifier))
diff --git a/sen2chain/library.py b/sen2chain/library.py
index 5498896ec8125c0927644af4858ec444b34bb72f..a6fdbc7251dfed57e8aa723dfb3d56928f1e42f8 100644
--- a/sen2chain/library.py
+++ b/sen2chain/library.py
@@ -60,6 +60,14 @@ class Library:
               clean_list: list = [],
               remove_indice_tif: bool = False, 
               remove: bool = False):
+        """Function to clean corrupted files during processing errors from whole Library
+        or selected Tiles. Calls the clean_lib function from Tile class.
+        :param clean_list: list of tiles to be cleaned. If not provided, will process all l1c tiles.
+        :param remove_indice_tif: bool. If True will remove present TIFF files present in indice folders. Default value False.
+        :param remove: bool. If True will effectively remove corrupted files, if False will just list identified problems. Default value False.
+        """
         nb_id = 0
         nb_rm = 0
         if not clean_list:
@@ -77,8 +85,16 @@ class Library:
     def archive_l1c(self,
                     archive_list: list = [],
-                    size: bool = False,
+                    size_only: bool = False,
+        """
+        Function to archive l1c products from library folder to l1c_archive_path.
+        Calls the archive_l1c function from Tile class, see there for details.
+        :param archive_list: list of tiles to archive. If not provided, will process all l1c tiles.
+        :param size_only: if True, only gives sizes
+        """        
         total_size = 0 
         if not archive_list:
             archive_list = self.l1c
@@ -86,22 +102,70 @@ class Library:
                 til = Tile(t)
-                size_tile = til.archive_l1c(size = size)
-                if size:
+                size_tile = til.archive_l1c(size_only = size_only)
+                if size_only:
                     total_size += size_tile
-                    logger.info("Total size: {}".format(human_size_decimal(total_size)))
-        #~ else:
-            #~ logger.info("Please specify a tile list to archive")
+        logger.info("Total l1c size to move: {}".format(human_size_decimal(total_size)))
     def update_latest_ql(self):
-        Produce or update the latest quicklook for the tile
+        Produce or update the latest quicklook for the L2A library tiles
         for tile in self.l2a:
+    def archive_l2a(self,
+                    archive_list: list = [],
+                    size_only: bool = False,
+                    ):
+        """
+        Function to archive l2a products from library folder to l2a_archive_path.
+        Calls the archive_l2a function from Tile class, see there for details.
+        :param archive_list: list of tiles to archive. If not provided, will process all l2a tiles.
+        :param size_only: if True, only gives sizes
+        """        
+        total_size = 0 
+        if not archive_list:
+            archive_list = self.l2a
+        for t in archive_list:
+            try:
+                logger.info(t)
+                til = Tile(t)
+                size_tile = til.archive_l2a(size_only = size_only)
+                if size_only:
+                    total_size += size_tile
+            except:
+                pass
+        logger.info("Total l2a size to move: {}".format(human_size_decimal(total_size)))
+    def archive_all(self,
+                    archive_list: list = [],
+                    size_only: bool = False,
+                    ):
+        total_size = 0 
+        if not archive_list:
+            archive_list = self.l1c
+        for t in archive_list:
+            try:
+                logger.info(t)
+                til = Tile(t)
+                size_tile = til.archive_all(size_only = size_only)
+                total_size += size_tile
+            except:
+                pass
+        logger.info("Total size to move: {}".format(human_size_decimal(total_size)))
+    def update_latest_ql(self):
+        """
+        Produce or update the latest quicklook for the L2A library tiles
+        """
+        for tile in self.l2a:
+            Tile(tile).update_latest_ql()
 class TempContainer:
     """Class for managing a downloaded L1C products.
diff --git a/sen2chain/tiles.py b/sen2chain/tiles.py
index 705947ee7246e597f52d0d01785b01b0b0bfff7f..501b415d34c4073a106f3e9a446109b7935b011f 100644
--- a/sen2chain/tiles.py
+++ b/sen2chain/tiles.py
@@ -17,12 +17,13 @@ from datetime import datetime
 from pprint import pformat
 # type annotations
 from typing import List, Dict, Iterable
+from itertools import chain
 from .config import Config, SHARED_DATA
 from .utils import str_to_datetime, human_size, getFolderSize
 from .indices import IndicesCollection
 from .products import L1cProduct, L2aProduct
+from .multi_processing import l2a_multiprocessing, cld_multiprocessing, idx_multiprocessing
 logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
@@ -93,7 +94,6 @@ class ProductsList:
             cover_min: int = 0, cover_max: int = 100
     ) -> "ProductsList":
         """Filters products list.
         :param cover_min: minimum cloud coverage.
         :param cover_max: maximum cloud coverage.
@@ -323,9 +323,10 @@ class Tile:
         return prods_list
-    def len(self):
+    def info(self):
         logger.info("l1c: {}".format(len(self.l1c)))
         logger.info("l2a: {}".format(len(self.l2a)))
+        logger.info("cloud_masks: {}".format(len(self.cloudmasks)))
         for indice, path in self._paths["indices"].items():
             logger.info("{} (raw / masked): {} / {}".format(indice, len(getattr(self, indice).raws), len(getattr(self, indice).masks)))
@@ -362,16 +363,91 @@ class Tile:
                 prods_list[prod] = {"date": self._products["l2a"][prod].date,
                                 "cloud_cover": self._products["l2a"][prod].cloud_cover}            
         return prods_list
+    def compute_l2a(self,
+                    date_min: str = None,
+                    date_max: str = None,
+                    nb_proc: int = 8):
+        """
+        Compute all missing l2a for l1c products
+        """
+        l1c_process_list =  []
+        l1c_process_list.append(list(p.identifier for p in self.l2a_missings.filter_dates(date_min = date_min, date_max = date_max)))
+        l1c_process_list = list(chain.from_iterable(l1c_process_list))
+        if l1c_process_list:
+            logger.info("{} l1c products to process:".format(len(l1c_process_list)))
+            logger.info("{}".format(l1c_process_list))
+        else:
+            logger.info("All l2a products already computed")
+        l2a_res = False
+        if l1c_process_list:
+            l2a_res = l2a_multiprocessing(l1c_process_list, nb_proc=nb_proc)
+    def compute_cloudmasks(self,
+                            date_min: str = None,
+                            date_max: str = None,
+                            nb_proc: int = 8):
+        """
+        Compute all missing cloud masks for l2a products
+        """
+        cld_l2a_process_list =  []
+        cld_l2a_process_list.append(list(p.identifier for p in self.cloudmasks_missings.filter_dates(date_min = date_min, date_max = date_max)))
+        cld_l2a_process_list = list(chain.from_iterable(cld_l2a_process_list))
+        if cld_l2a_process_list:
+            logger.info("{} l2a products to process:".format(len(cld_l2a_process_list)))
+            logger.info("{}".format(cld_l2a_process_list))
+        else:
+            logger.info("All cloud masks already computed")
+        cld_res = False
+        if cld_l2a_process_list:
+            cld_res = cld_multiprocessing(cld_l2a_process_list, nb_proc=nb_proc)
+    def compute_indices(self,
+                        indices: list = [],
+                        date_min: str = None,
+                        date_max: str = None,
+                        nb_proc: int = 8):
+        """
+        Compute all missing indices for l2a products
+        - indices are given as a list
+        - if indices not provided, will compute missing dates of already existing indices for this tile (no new indice computed)
+        - indices won't be masked if no cloud masks are present, you have to compute cloudmasks first
+        """
+        if not indices:
+            indices = list(self._paths["indices"].keys())
+        else:
+            indices = [indice.upper() for indice in indices]
+        indices_l2a_process_list =  []
+        for i in indices:
+            l2a_list = [p.identifier for p in self.missing_indices(i).filter_dates(date_min = date_min, date_max = date_max)]
+            for j in l2a_list:
+                indices_l2a_process_list.append([j, i])
+        if indices_l2a_process_list:
+            logger.info("{} l2a products to process:".format(len(indices_l2a_process_list)))
+            logger.info("{}".format(indices_l2a_process_list))
+        else:
+            logger.info("All indices already computed")
+        indices_res = False
+        if indices_l2a_process_list:
+            indices_res = idx_multiprocessing(indices_l2a_process_list, nb_proc=nb_proc)
+            #~ toto=24
     def clean_lib(self,
                   remove_indice_tif: bool = False,
                   remove: bool = False):
-        Search and clean processing error products
+        Function to search and clean corrupted files during processing errors from Tile
         - unmoved error l2a products from l1c folder
         - moved error l2a products from l2a folder
         - cloud masks error (0kb)
         - indices error (0kb)        
+        :param clean_list: list of tiles to be cleaned. If not provided, will process all l1c Tiles.
+        :param remove_indice_tif: bool. If True will remove present TIFF files present in indice folders. Default value False.
+        :param remove: bool. If True will effectively remove corrupted files, if False will just list identified problems. Default value False.
         #~ logger.info("Cleaning {} library".format(self.name))
@@ -495,7 +571,7 @@ class Tile:
         return {"identified_problems": nb_id, "removed_problems": nb_rm}
     def archive_l1c(self, 
-                    size: bool = False,):
+                    size_only: bool = False,):
         Check and move l1c products to archive folder
@@ -503,7 +579,6 @@ class Tile:
         l1c_archive_path = Path(Config().get("l1c_archive_path"))
-        logger.info("Scanning L1C ready to move")
         prod_list = ProductsList()
         archive_l1c_set = {a for a in {identifier.replace("L2A_", "L1C_").replace("_USER_", "__OPER__")
                                                      for identifier in self.l2a.products} if a in set(self.l1c.products)}
@@ -511,6 +586,7 @@ class Tile:
         for prod in archive_l1c_set:
             prod_list[prod] = {"date": self._products["l1c"][prod].date,
                                 "cloud_cover": self._products["l1c"][prod].cloud_cover}
         if prod_list:
             count = 0
             total_size = 0 
@@ -518,10 +594,8 @@ class Tile:
                 l1c = L1cProduct(prod.identifier)
                 if not l1c.path.is_symlink():
                     count += 1
-                    if size:
-                        total_size += getFolderSize(str(l1c.path))
-                        #~ logger.info("{}: {}".format(prod, human_size(getFolderSize(str(l1c.path)))))
-                    else:
+                    total_size += getFolderSize(str(l1c.path))
+                    if not size_only:
                         move_path = l1c_archive_path / l1c.tile / l1c.path.name
                         logger.info("archiving {}".format(l1c.identifier))
@@ -529,22 +603,23 @@ class Tile:
                         distutils.dir_util.copy_tree(str(l1c.path), str(move_path))
                         l1c.path.symlink_to(move_path, target_is_directory = True)
-            logger.info("{} products archived".format(count))
-            if size:
-                logger.info("Total size to move: {}".format(human_size(total_size)))
-                return total_size
+            if size_only:
+                logger.info("{} l1c product(s) to archive ({})".format(count, human_size(total_size)))
+            else:
+                logger.info("{} l1c product(s) archived ({})".format(count, human_size(total_size)))
+            return total_size
         if not count:
             logger.info("No L1C products to archive")
+            return 0
-    def archive_l2a(self):
+    def archive_l2a(self,
+                    size_only: bool = False,):
         Check errors and move l2a products to archive folder
         if (self.clean_lib()['identified_problems']-self.clean_lib()['removed_problems']) == 0:
-            logger.info("No tile error processing l2a archive")
             l2a_archive_path = Path(Config().get("l2a_archive_path"))
@@ -552,21 +627,36 @@ class Tile:
             if prod_list:
                 count = 0
+                total_size = 0 
                 for prod in prod_list:
                     l2a = L2aProduct(prod.identifier)
                     if not l2a.path.is_symlink():
                         count += 1
-                        move_path = l2a_archive_path / l2a.tile / l2a.path.name
-                        logger.info("archiving {}".format(l2a.identifier))
-                        move_path.parent.mkdir(exist_ok=True)
-                        shutil.move(str(l2a.path), str(move_path.parent))
-                        l2a.path.symlink_to(move_path, target_is_directory = True)
-                logger.info("{} products archived".format(count))
+                        total_size += getFolderSize(str(l2a.path))
+                        if not size_only:
+                            move_path = l2a_archive_path / l2a.tile / l2a.path.name
+                            logger.info("archiving {}".format(l2a.identifier))
+                            move_path.parent.mkdir(exist_ok=True)
+                            shutil.move(str(l2a.path), str(move_path.parent))
+                            l2a.path.symlink_to(move_path, target_is_directory = True)
+                if size_only:
+                    logger.info("{} l2a product(s) to archive ({})".format(count, human_size(total_size)))
+                else:
+                    logger.info("{} l2a product(s) archived ({})".format(count, human_size(total_size)))
+                return total_size
                 logger.info("No L2A products, nothing to archive")
+                return 0
             logger.info("Error(s) in l2a product(s) please correct them running clean_lib(remove=True) before archiving")
+            return 0
+    def archive_all(self, 
+                    size_only: bool = False,):
+        l1c_size = self.archive_l1c(size_only = size_only)
+        l2a_size = self.archive_l2a(size_only = size_only)
+        return l1c_size + l2a_size   
     def update_latest_ql(self):
         Produce or update the latest l2a quicklook for the tile
diff --git a/sen2chain/tileset.py b/sen2chain/tileset.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..89acc683c298c96b6e99af87a6a609a1164b5c68
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sen2chain/tileset.py
@@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+import os
+import shutil
+import logging
+import pathlib
+from pathlib import Path
+# type annotations
+from typing import List, Dict
+from itertools import chain
+from .config import Config, SHARED_DATA
+from .products import L1cProduct
+from .tiles import Tile
+from .utils import human_size, human_size_decimal
+from .multi_processing import l2a_multiprocessing, cld_multiprocessing, idx_multiprocessing
+s2_tiles_index = SHARED_DATA.get("tiles_index")
+logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+class TileSet:
+    """
+    Module to process l2a, cloud masks and indices from a tile list, using multiprocessing.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, 
+                 tile_list: list = [],
+                 ):
+        self.tile_list = tile_list
+        if not self.tile_list:
+            logger.info("TileSet list cannot be empty, please provide a tile list while initializing class")            
+    def __repr__(self) -> str:
+        return "TileSet: {}".format(self.tile_list)
+    def compute_l2a(self,
+                    date_min: str = None,
+                    date_max: str = None,
+                    nb_proc: int = 8):
+        """
+        Compute all missing l2a for l1c products
+        """
+        l1c_process_list =  []
+        for tile in self.tile_list:
+            t = Tile(tile)
+            l1c_process_list.append(list(p.identifier for p in t.l2a_missings.filter_dates(date_min = date_min, date_max = date_max)))
+        l1c_process_list = list(chain.from_iterable(l1c_process_list))
+        if l1c_process_list:
+            logger.info("{} L1C products to process:".format(len(l1c_process_list)))
+            logger.info("{}".format(l1c_process_list))
+            l2a_multiprocessing(l1c_process_list, nb_proc=nb_proc)
+        else:
+            logger.info("All L2A already computed")
+    def compute_cloudmasks(self,
+                            date_min: str = None,
+                            date_max: str = None,
+                            nb_proc: int = 8):
+        """
+        Compute all missing cloud masks for l2a products
+        """
+        cld_l2a_process_list =  []
+        for tile in self.tile_list:
+            t = Tile(tile)
+            cld_l2a_process_list.append(list(p.identifier for p in t.cloudmasks_missings.filter_dates(date_min = date_min, date_max = date_max)))
+        cld_l2a_process_list = list(chain.from_iterable(cld_l2a_process_list))
+        if cld_l2a_process_list:
+            logger.info("{} L2A products to process:".format(len(cld_l2a_process_list)))
+            logger.info("{}".format(cld_l2a_process_list))
+            cld_multiprocessing(cld_l2a_process_list, nb_proc=nb_proc)
+        else:
+            logger.info("All cloud masks already computed")
+    def compute_indices(self,
+                        indices: list = [],
+                        date_min: str = None,
+                        date_max: str = None,
+                        nb_proc: int = 8):
+        """
+        Compute all missing indices for l2a products
+        - indices are given as a list
+        - if indices not provided, will compute missing dates of already existing indices for each tile (no new indice computed)
+        - ! indices won't be masked if no cloud masks are present, you have to compute cloudmasks first
+        """
+        indices_l2a_process_list =  []
+        for tile in self.tile_list:
+            t = Tile(tile)
+            if not indices:
+                indices = list(t._paths["indices"].keys())
+            else:
+                indices = [indice.upper() for indice in indices]
+            for i in indices:
+                l2a_list = [p.identifier for p in t.missing_indices(i).filter_dates(date_min = date_min, date_max = date_max)]
+                for j in l2a_list:
+                    indices_l2a_process_list.append([j, i])
+        if indices_l2a_process_list:
+            logger.info("{} l2a products to process:".format(len(indices_l2a_process_list)))
+            logger.info("{}".format(indices_l2a_process_list))
+            idx_multiprocessing(indices_l2a_process_list, nb_proc=nb_proc)
+        else:
+            logger.info("All indices already computed")
+    @property
+    def info(self):
+        for t in self.tile_list:
+            logger.info(t)
+            Tile(t).info