diff --git a/sen2chain/download_eodag.py b/sen2chain/download_eodag.py
index 3283dffa2b5b974cbef9cf3e75a6bd91a2a5a442..01bdb4467f1a56d04159abee2d230e2e58400b70 100644
--- a/sen2chain/download_eodag.py
+++ b/sen2chain/download_eodag.py
@@ -21,6 +21,7 @@ import multiprocessing
 from .config import SHARED_DATA, Config
 from .utils import get_tile
+from .products import FamilyProduct
 logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
@@ -99,6 +100,12 @@ class S2cEodag:
+        if not isinstance(ref, list):
+            ref_string = ref
+        else:
+            ref_string = "specific cloudmask(s) and / or indice(s) product(s)"
+        logger.info("Searching online products, ref: {}".format(ref))
         fitered = self.products[:]
         for p in fitered:
             if (outputs_prefix / (p.properties["title"] + ".SAFE")).exists():
@@ -123,28 +130,121 @@ class S2cEodag:
                         p.properties["storageStatus"] = "ONLINE"
                 if not(min_cloudcover <= float(p.properties["cloudCover"] or 0) <= max_cloudcover):
-                    logger.info("{} - local l1c {} - filtering (CC = {}%)".format(p.properties["title"], l1c_presence, int(p.properties["cloudCover"])))
+                    logger.info(
+                        "{} - local l1c {} - filtering (CC = {}%)".format(
+                            p.properties["title"], 
+                            l1c_presence, 
+                            int(p.properties["cloudCover"])
+                        )
+                    )
                     if ref == "l1c":
-                        if (outputs_prefix / (p.properties["title"] + ".SAFE")).exists():
-                            logger.info("{} - local l1c {} - filtering".format(p.properties["title"], l1c_presence, p.properties["storageStatus"]))
+                        if l1c_presence == "PRESENT":
+                            logger.info(
+                                "{} - l1c PRESENT - filtering".format(
+                                    p.properties["title"], 
+                                )
+                            )
-                            logger.info("{} - local l1c {} - remote {}".format(p.properties["title"], l1c_presence, p.properties["storageStatus"]))
+                            logger.info(
+                                "{} - l1c ABSENT - remote {}".format(
+                                    p.properties["title"], 
+                                    p.properties["storageStatus"]
+                                )
+                            )
                     elif ref == "l2a":
-                        if (Path(Config().get("l2a_path")) / self.name / (p.properties["title"].replace("L1C_", "L2A_").replace("__OPER__", "_USER_") + ".SAFE")).exists():
-                            logger.info("{} - local l1c {} - local l2a {} - filtering".format(p.properties["title"], l1c_presence, l2a_presence, p.properties["storageStatus"]))
+                        if l2a_presence == "PRESENT":
+                            logger.info(
+                                "{} - l2a PRESENT - filtering".format(
+                                    p.properties["title"], 
+                                )
+                            )
-                            if (outputs_prefix / (p.properties["title"] + ".SAFE")).exists():
-                                logger.info("{} - local l1c {} - filtering".format(p.properties["title"], l1c_presence, p.properties["storageStatus"]))
+                            if l1c_presence == "PRESENT":
+                                logger.info(
+                                    "{} - l1c PRESENT - filtering".format(
+                                        p.properties["title"], 
+                                    )
+                                )
-                                logger.info("{} - local l1c {} - local l2a {} - remote {}".format(p.properties["title"], l1c_presence, l2a_presence, p.properties["storageStatus"]))
-                    # elif ref == "ndvi" or indice:
-                        # toto = 13
+                                logger.info(
+                                    "{} - l1c ABSENT, l2a ABSENT - remote {}".format(
+                                        p.properties["title"], 
+                                        p.properties["storageStatus"]
+                                    )
+                                )
+                    elif ref == "cloudmasks":
+                        fp = FamilyProduct(p.properties["title"])
+                        if fp.cloudmasks:
+                            logger.info(
+                                "{} - at least one cloudmask PRESENT - filtering".format(
+                                    p.properties["title"], 
+                                )
+                            )
+                            self.products.remove(p)
+                        else:
+                            if l2a_presence == "PRESENT":
+                                logger.info(
+                                    "{} - l2a PRESENT - cloudmasks ABSENT - filtering".format(
+                                        p.properties["title"], 
+                                    )
+                                )
+                                self.products.remove(p)
+                            else:
+                                if l1c_presence == "PRESENT":
+                                    logger.info(
+                                        "{} - l1c PRESENT - cloudmasks ABSENT - filtering".format(
+                                            p.properties["title"], 
+                                        )
+                                    )
+                                    self.products.remove(p)
+                                else:
+                                    logger.info(
+                                        "{} - l1c ABSENT, l2a ABSENT, cloudmasks ABSENT - remote {}".format(
+                                            p.properties["title"], 
+                                            p.properties["storageStatus"]
+                                        )
+                                    )
+                    elif ref == "indices":
+                        fp = FamilyProduct(p.properties["title"])
+                        if fp.indices:
+                            logger.info(
+                                "{} - at least one indice PRESENT - filtering".format(
+                                    p.properties["title"], 
+                                )
+                            )
+                            self.products.remove(p)
+                        else:
+                            if l2a_presence == "PRESENT":
+                                logger.info(
+                                    "{} - l2a PRESENT - indices ABSENT - filtering".format(
+                                        p.properties["title"], 
+                                    )
+                                )
+                                self.products.remove(p)
+                            else:
+                                if l1c_presence == "PRESENT":
+                                    logger.info(
+                                        "{} - l1c PRESENT - indices ABSENT - filtering".format(
+                                            p.properties["title"], 
+                                            l1c_presence, 
+                                            p.properties["storageStatus"]
+                                        )
+                                    )
+                                    self.products.remove(p)
+                                else:
+                                    logger.info(
+                                        "{} - l1c ABSENT, l2a ABSENT, indices ABSENT - remote {}".format(
+                                            p.properties["title"], 
+                                            p.properties["storageStatus"]
+                                        )
+                                    )
+                    elif isinstance(ref, list):
+                        toto =3
         # clouds = self.products[:]
diff --git a/sen2chain/products.py b/sen2chain/products.py
index 0847440236f91231a0758eeda69cbb40ac086815..0331be24a22114a82baa184ce4469daa14d40c0b 100755
--- a/sen2chain/products.py
+++ b/sen2chain/products.py
@@ -1766,10 +1766,12 @@ class FamilyProduct(dict):
                 self.family_id = fid_tile["family_id"]
                 self.tile = fid_tile["tile"]
-            self.l1c_id = self.get_l1c()
-            self.l2a_id = self.get_l2a()
-            self.cloudmasks = self.get_cloudmasks()
-            self.indices = self.get_indices()
+                self.l1c_id = self.get_l1c()
+                self.l2a_id = self.get_l2a()
+                self.cloudmasks = self.get_cloudmasks()
+                self.indices = self.get_indices()
+            else:
+                logger.info("Invalid identifier {}".format(identifier))
             for key, val in self.__dict__.items():
                 self[key] = val
@@ -1805,36 +1807,42 @@ class FamilyProduct(dict):
     def get_cloudmasks(self):
         cloudmasks = []
-        library_path = self._cloudmask_library_path / self.tile / self.l2a_id
-        paths = list(library_path.glob("*L2A*" + self.family_id + "_CM*.jp2"))
-        for item in paths:
-            cm_dict = get_cm_dict(item.stem)
-            cm_string = get_cm_string_from_dict(cm_dict)
-            cm_dict["cm_string"] = cm_string
-            cloudmasks.append(cm_dict)
+        try:
+            library_path = self._cloudmask_library_path / self.tile / self.l2a_id
+            paths = list(library_path.glob("*L2A*" + self.family_id + "_CM*.jp2"))
+            for item in paths:
+                cm_dict = get_cm_dict(item.stem)
+                cm_string = get_cm_string_from_dict(cm_dict)
+                cm_dict["cm_string"] = cm_string
+                cloudmasks.append(cm_dict)
+        except:
+            pass
         return cloudmasks    
     def get_indices(self):
         indices = []
-        library_path = self._indice_library_path
-        paths = list(
-            library_path.glob(
-                "*/"
-                + self.tile + "/"
-                + self.l2a_id + "/"
-                + "*.jp2"
+        try:
+            library_path = self._indice_library_path
+            paths = list(
+                library_path.glob(
+                    "*/"
+                    + self.tile + "/"
+                    + self.l2a_id + "/"
+                    + "*.jp2"
+                )
-        )
-        for item in paths:
-            logger.info(item)
-            indice_dict = {}
-            indice_dict["indice"] = get_indice_from_identifier(item.stem)
-            cm_dict = get_cm_dict(item.stem)
-            if cm_dict:
-                indice_dict.update(cm_dict)
-                indice_dict["cm_string"] = get_cm_string_from_dict(cm_dict)
-                indice_dict["indice_string"] = indice_dict["indice"] + "_" + indice_dict["cm_string"]
-            else:
-                indice_dict["indice_string"] = indice_dict["indice"]
-            indices.append(indice_dict)
+            for item in paths:
+                # logger.info(item)
+                indice_dict = {}
+                indice_dict["indice"] = get_indice_from_identifier(item.stem)
+                cm_dict = get_cm_dict(item.stem)
+                if cm_dict:
+                    indice_dict.update(cm_dict)
+                    indice_dict["cm_string"] = get_cm_string_from_dict(cm_dict)
+                    indice_dict["indice_string"] = indice_dict["indice"] + "_" + indice_dict["cm_string"]
+                else:
+                    indice_dict["indice_string"] = indice_dict["indice"]
+                indices.append(indice_dict)
+        except:
+            pass
         return indices    
diff --git a/sen2chain/tiles.py b/sen2chain/tiles.py
index f0666229affeba9e388186c5c1828a3b1dbbc5d5..47f8a0d58edc0ebb20a7f47b8d8dd21bfcfc58c6 100644
--- a/sen2chain/tiles.py
+++ b/sen2chain/tiles.py
@@ -835,6 +835,10 @@ class Tile:
         tries: int = 1,
         sleep: int = 0,
+        """
+        Function to download l1c products using EODAG
+        """
         if provider == "scihub":
             NUM_THREADS = 4