diff --git a/sen2chain/download_eodag.py b/sen2chain/download_eodag.py
index 8df64992f2ac27eb4ba6305431b6014ea0446be7..0a05c95eea1146aabf2d644897983f6bf49ae8d9 100644
--- a/sen2chain/download_eodag.py
+++ b/sen2chain/download_eodag.py
@@ -12,8 +12,13 @@ import os
 from pathlib import Path
 from eodag import EODataAccessGateway
 from eodag import setup_logging
-from .config import SHARED_DATA, Config
+from queue import Queue
+from eodag.utils.logging import get_logging_verbose
+from threading import Thread
+import multiprocessing
+from .config import SHARED_DATA, Config
+from .utils import get_tile
 logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
@@ -66,6 +71,7 @@ class S2cEodag:
         productType: str = "L1C",
         start: str = "2015-01-01",
         end: str = "9999-12-31",
+        ref: str = "l1c",
         ######### ici faudrait virer le self.productType, qui ne doit pas être global pour le download... 
@@ -90,19 +96,28 @@ class S2cEodag:
-        fitered = self.products
+        fitered = self.products[:]
         for p in fitered:
             if self.name not in p.properties["title"]:
-                logger.info("removing wrong tiles from search items: {}".format(p.properties["title"]))        
-        for p in self.products:
-            if (outputs_prefix / (p.properties["title"] + ".SAFE")).exists():
-                p.location = "file://" + str(outputs_prefix / (p.properties["title"] + ".SAFE"))
-                logger.info("{} - remote {} - local PRESENT".format(p.properties["title"], p.properties["storageStatus"]))
-            else:
-                logger.info("{} - remote {} - local ABSENT".format(p.properties["title"], p.properties["storageStatus"]))
-        logger.info("Search returned {} products".format(len(self.products))) ####### rajouter ici "- dont xx ABSENT - dont xx ONLINE / xx STAGING"
+                logger.info("{} - wrong Tile - filtering".format(p.properties["title"]))        
+        local = self.products[:]
+        for p in local:
+            if ref == "l1c":
+                if (outputs_prefix / (p.properties["title"] + ".SAFE")).exists():
+                    # p.location = "file://" + str(outputs_prefix / (p.properties["title"] + ".SAFE"))
+                    logger.info("{} - remote {} - local l1c PRESENT - filtering".format(p.properties["title"], p.properties["storageStatus"]))
+                    self.products.remove(p)
+                else:
+                    logger.info("{} - remote {} - local l1c ABSENT".format(p.properties["title"], p.properties["storageStatus"]))
+            elif ref == "l2a":
+                if (Path(Config().get("l2a_path")) / self.name / (p.properties["title"].replace("L1C_", "L2A_").replace("__OPER__", "_USER_") + ".SAFE")).exists():
+                    logger.info("{} - remote {} - local l2a PRESENT - filtering".format(p.properties["title"], p.properties["storageStatus"]))
+                    self.products.remove(p)
+                else:
+                    logger.info("{} - remote {} - local l2a ABSENT".format(p.properties["title"], p.properties["storageStatus"]))
+        logger.info("Search returned {} new product(s) to download".format(len(self.products))) ####### rajouter ici "- dont xx ABSENT - dont xx ONLINE / xx STAGING"
     def download(
@@ -154,8 +169,135 @@ class S2cEodag:
-                logger.info("OFFLINE product, ordered, retry later")
+                logger.info("remote OFFLINE, ordered")
         elif product_id.properties["storageStatus"] == "STAGING":
-            logger.info("STAGING product, retry later")            
+            logger.info("remote STAGING, retry later")            
+    def order_offline(
+        self,
+        product_id, 
+    ):
+        setup_logging(verbose = 0)
+        if product_id.properties["storageStatus"] == "OFFLINE":
+            try:
+                downloaded_path = self.dag.download(
+                    product_id, 
+                    wait=1,
+                    timeout=0,
+                )
+            except:
+                logger.info("{} - remote OFFLINE, ordered".format(product_id.properties["title"]))
+        setup_logging(verbose = 2)
+def S2cEodag_download_uniq(
+    product, 
+    outputs_prefix: str = None,
+    extract: bool = True,
+    delete_archive: bool = True,
+    tile_name = get_tile(product.properties['title'])
+    if not outputs_prefix:
+        if "L1C" in product.properties['title']:
+            root_path = "l1c_path"
+        elif "L2A" in product.properties['title']:
+            root_path = "l2a_path"
+        outputs_prefix = str(Path(Config().get(root_path)) / tile_name)
+    setup_logging(verbose = 2)
+    logging.disable(level=logging.WARNING)
+    dag = EODataAccessGateway()
+    logging.disable(logging.NOTSET)
+    if product.properties["storageStatus"] == "ONLINE":
+        try:
+            # logging.disable(level=logging.WARNING)
+            downloaded_path = dag.download(
+                product, 
+                outputs_prefix = outputs_prefix, 
+                extract = extract, 
+                delete_archive = delete_archive,
+                wait=1,
+                timeout=0,
+            )
+            # logging.disable(logging.NOTSET)
+            if Path(downloaded_path).stem == Path(downloaded_path).parent.stem:
+                upper_location = Path(downloaded_path).parent.parent / Path(downloaded_path).name
+                Path(downloaded_path).replace(upper_location)
+                product.location = "file://" + str(upper_location)
+                Path(downloaded_path).parent.rmdir()
+                logger.info("Moving up SAVE file")
+        except:
+            logger.info("Error: ONLINE product but cannot be downloaded, retry later")
+    elif product.properties["storageStatus"] == "OFFLINE":
+        try:
+            setup_logging(verbose = 0)
+            downloaded_path = dag.download(
+                product, 
+                outputs_prefix = outputs_prefix, 
+                extract = extract, 
+                delete_archive = delete_archive,
+                wait=1,
+                timeout=0,
+            )
+        except:
+            logger.info("OFFLINE product, ordered, retry later")
+    elif product.properties["storageStatus"] == "STAGING":
+        logger.info("STAGING product, retry later")            
+def S2cEodag_download(
+    download_list: list = None,
+    dl_mode: str = "multit",
+    outputs_prefix: str = None,
+    extract: bool = True,
+    delete_archive: bool = True,
+    ## sequential
+    if dl_mode == "seq":  
+        for product in download_list:
+            S2cEodag_download_uniq(
+                product,
+                outputs_prefix = outputs_prefix, 
+                extract = extract,
+                delete_archive = delete_archive,                                
+            )     
+    ## multithreading
+    elif dl_mode == "multit":
+        NUM_THREADS = 8
+        q = Queue()
+        def do_stuff(q):
+          while True:
+            S2cEodag_download_uniq(q.get())
+            q.task_done()
+        for product in download_list:
+            q.put(product)
+        for t in range(NUM_THREADS):
+            worker = Thread(target = do_stuff, args = (q,))
+            worker.daemon = True
+            worker.start()
+        q.join()
+    ## multiprocessing
+    elif dl_mode == "multip":
+        nb_proc = 8
+        nb_proc = max(min(len(os.sched_getaffinity(0)) - 1, nb_proc), 1)
+        pool = multiprocessing.Pool(nb_proc)
+        results = [pool.map(S2cEodag_download_uniq, download_list)]
+        pool.close()
+        pool.join()
diff --git a/sen2chain/jobs.py b/sen2chain/jobs.py
index 020203e33eaadb997258033d55d0bfbf0d786404..662ffbe0079ebec89efde2456df8b12beff4dfdd 100644
--- a/sen2chain/jobs.py
+++ b/sen2chain/jobs.py
@@ -23,6 +23,11 @@ from .tiles import Tile
 from .utils import datetime_to_str
 from .multi_processing import (
+    idx_multiprocessing,
+from .download_eodag import (
+    S2cEodag_download, 
+    S2cEodag_download_uniq,
@@ -394,7 +399,7 @@ class Job:
         if not self.tasks.empty:
-            # Nettoyage
+            ## Cleaning before
             if clean_before:
                 logger.info("Cleaning Tiles")
                 clean_list = []
@@ -406,25 +411,49 @@ class Job:
                 # lib.clean(clean_list, remove=False)
-            # Telechargement des L1C
-            logger.info("Downloading l1c")
+            ## L1C download - each tile sequential
+            # download_list= []
+            # logger.info("Downloading l1c seq")
+            # for index, row in self.tasks.iterrows():
+                # if bool(setuptools.distutils.util.strtobool(str(row.l1c))):
+                    # t = Tile(row.tile)
+                    # logger.info("Tile: {}".format(t.name))
+                    # downloaded = t.get_l1c(
+                        # provider = "peps",
+                        # download = True,
+                        # dl_mode = "multit",
+                        # start = row.date_min,
+                        # end = row.date_max,
+                        # new = False,
+                    # )
+                    # logger.info("Downloaded list: {}".format(downloaded))
+                    # download_list.extend(downloaded)
+            # logger.info("download_list: {}".format(download_list))
+            ## L1C download - all tiles multi
+            download_list= []
+            logger.info("Searching l1c products")
             for index, row in self.tasks.iterrows():
                 if bool(setuptools.distutils.util.strtobool(str(row.l1c))):
                     t = Tile(row.tile)
                     logger.info("Tile: {}".format(t.name))
-                    downloaded = t.get_l1c(
+                    tile_download_list = t.get_l1c(
                         provider = "peps",
-                        download = True,
-                        dl_mode = "multit",
+                        download = False,
                         start = row.date_min,
                         end = row.date_max,
                         new = False,
-                    logger.info("Downloaded list: {}".format(downloaded))
-            # todo
-            # keep list of downloaded l1c products
+                    download_list.extend(tile_download_list)
+            ### download 
+            before_list = [p.location for p in download_list]
+            # S2cEodag_download(download_list, "seq")
+            S2cEodag_download(download_list, "multit")
+            # S2cEodag_download(download_list, "multip")
+            after_list = [p.location for p in download_list]
+            downloaded_products = [Path(after_list[i]).stem for i in range(len(before_list)) if before_list[i] != after_list[i]]
+            logger.info("Downloaded product(s): {}".format(downloaded_products))
             # Traitement des L1C en L2A
             logger.info("Computing l2a")
@@ -463,10 +492,13 @@ class Job:
                         + "\n".join(l1c_process_list)
                         + "\n"
-            # Remove L1C
-            # todo
-            # remove list of downloaded l1c products
+            # Remove downloaded L1C
+            for index, row in self.tasks.iterrows():
+                if "l1c" in str(row.remove).lower():
+                    t = Tile(row.tile)
+                    t.remove_l1c([p for p in downloaded_products if row.tile in p])
             # Traitement des L2A (clouds)
             logger.info("Computing cloudmasks")
@@ -583,7 +615,8 @@ class Job:
             # todo
-            # Nettoyage
+            # Cleaning after
             if clean_after:
                 logger.info("Cleaning Tiles")
                 clean_list = []
diff --git a/sen2chain/tiles.py b/sen2chain/tiles.py
index 89db6b4236da8599050dd0460f8147defd17231e..6b1bcfad19c5e3eb0d85aa4f8d9007b066bfa3e0 100644
--- a/sen2chain/tiles.py
+++ b/sen2chain/tiles.py
@@ -17,10 +17,9 @@ from pathlib import Path
 from collections import namedtuple
 from datetime import datetime, timedelta
 from pprint import pformat
-# import multiprocessing
+import multiprocessing
 from queue import Queue
 from threading import Thread
-# import threading
 # type annotations
 from typing import List, Dict, Iterable
@@ -730,16 +729,38 @@ class Tile:
         start: str = "2015-01-01",
         end: str = "9999-12-31",
         new: bool = False,
+        ref: str = "l1c",
+        order_offline: bool = False,
         dag = S2cEodag(self.name, provider = provider)
         if new:
-            start = datetime_to_str(self.l1c.last.date + timedelta(days=1), date_format = 'ymd')
-        dag.search(start = start, end = end)
+            if self.l1c:
+                start = datetime_to_str(self.l1c.last.date + timedelta(days=1), date_format = 'ymd')
+        dag.search(start = start, end = end, ref = ref)
-        before_list = [p.location for p in dag.products]
-        if download:
+        ##############  virer ici de la liste des téléchargements les produits qui ont déjà des l2a ou indices (pour ne pas retélécharger des produits l1c à chaque fois)
+        # if ref == "l2a":
+            # new_list = [p for p in dag.products if p.properties["title"].replace("L1C_", "L2A_").replace("__OPER__", "_USER_") + ".SAFE" not in [l2a.identifier for l2a in self.l2a]]
+            # logger.info("new list: {}".format(new_list))
+            # local = dag.products[:]
+            # l2a_identifiers = [Path(prod.identifier).stem for prod in self.l2a]
+            # logger.info("l2a_identifiers: {}".format(l2a_identifiers))
+            # for p in local:
+                # l2a_corresp = p.properties["title"].replace("L1C_", "L2A_").replace("__OPER__", "_USER_")
+                # logger.info("l2a_corresp: {}".format(l2a_corresp))
+                # if l2a_corresp in l2a_identifiers:
+                    # logger.info("found l2a {} removing l1c {} from download list".format(l2a_corresp, p.properties["title"]))
+                    # dag.products.remove(p)
+        # elif ref == "ndvi":
+            # toto = 13
+        #############
+        if download:
+            before_list = [p.location for p in dag.products]
             ## sequential
             if dl_mode == "seq":
                 for p in dag.products:
@@ -769,11 +790,28 @@ class Tile:
                 results = [pool.map(dag.download, dag.products)]
-        after_list = [p.location for p in dag.products]
-        return [Path(after_list[i]).stem for i in range(len(before_list)) if before_list[i] != after_list[i]]
+            after_list = [p.location for p in dag.products]
+            return [Path(after_list[i]).stem for i in range(len(before_list)) if before_list[i] != after_list[i]]
+        elif order_offline:
+            # for p in dag.products:
+                # if p.properties["storageStatus"] == "OFFLINE":
+                    # dag.order_offline(p)
+            NUM_THREADS = 8
+            q = Queue()
+            def do_stuff(q, dag):
+              while True:
+                dag.order_offline(q.get())
+                q.task_done()
+            for p in dag.products:
+                q.put(p)
+            for t in range(NUM_THREADS):
+                worker = Thread(target=do_stuff, args = (q, dag))
+                worker.daemon = True
+                worker.start()
+            q.join()
+        return dag.products
     def compute_l2a(
@@ -1507,11 +1545,12 @@ class Tile:
     def remove_l1c(
         product_list: list = [],
+        entire: bool = False,
         Remove l1c files
-        if not product_list:
+        if entire:
             product_list = [product.identifier for product in self.l1c]
         for identifier in product_list:
             l1c = L1cProduct(identifier)
@@ -1522,11 +1561,12 @@ class Tile:
     def remove_l2a(
         product_list: list = [],
+        entire: bool = False,
         Remove l2a files
-        if not product_list:
+        if entire:
             product_list = [product.identifier for product in self.l2a]
         for identifier in product_list:
             l2a = L2aProduct(identifier)
diff --git a/sen2chain/utils.py b/sen2chain/utils.py
index f54d141f0878968241779dd395e8a02448aa4e1a..12d0f6ca785b0f5421cf312927c4cbfccb2be2b6 100644
--- a/sen2chain/utils.py
+++ b/sen2chain/utils.py
@@ -144,3 +144,11 @@ def get_current_Sen2Cor_version():
+def get_tile(identifier) -> str:
+    """Returns tile name from a string.
+    :param string: string from which to extract the tile name.
+    """
+    return re.findall("_T([0-9]{2}[A-Z]{3})_", identifier)[0]