diff --git a/sen2chain/multi_processing.py b/sen2chain/multi_processing.py
index a5549d03d9a211087ae55c3db6906fe50d979cd7..079157260ffd6484d1479ea34bdaa010244adf05 100644
--- a/sen2chain/multi_processing.py
+++ b/sen2chain/multi_processing.py
@@ -74,11 +74,19 @@ def multi_cld_ver_pro_iter_repro(l2a_ver_pro_iter_repro):
     cm_version = l2a_ver_pro_iter_repro[1]
     probability = l2a_ver_pro_iter_repro[2]
     iterations = l2a_ver_pro_iter_repro[3]
-    reprocess = l2a_ver_pro_iter_repro[4]
+    cld_shad = l2a_ver_pro_iter_repro[4]
+    cld_med_prob = l2a_ver_pro_iter_repro[5]
+    cld_hi_prob = l2a_ver_pro_iter_repro[6]
+    thin_cir = l2a_ver_pro_iter_repro[7]
+    reprocess = l2a_ver_pro_iter_repro[8]
         l2a.compute_cloud_mask(cm_version = cm_version, 
                                probability = probability, 
                                iterations = iterations, 
+                               cld_shad = cld_shad,
+                               cld_med_prob = cld_med_prob, 
+                               cld_hi_prob = cld_hi_prob,
+                               thin_cir = thin_cir,
                                reprocess = reprocess)
diff --git a/sen2chain/products.py b/sen2chain/products.py
index 0a985829aa88a02c5c490b7edafa73e315adddee..6e51674f27657a8022d6b1a1a0290a6723dca739 100755
--- a/sen2chain/products.py
+++ b/sen2chain/products.py
@@ -528,6 +528,9 @@ class L2aProduct(Product):
         if cm_version == "cm003":
             logger.info("Computing cloudmask version {}, probability {}%, iteration(s) {}: {}".format(cm_version, probability, iterations, self.identifier))
+        elif cm_version == "cm004":
+            logger.info("Computing cloudmask version {}, ITER {}, SHAD {}, MED-PRB {}, HI-PRB {}, CIRR {}: {}"\
+                        .format(cm_version, iterations, cld_shad, cld_med_prob, cld_hi_prob, thin_cir, self.identifier))
             logger.info("Computing cloudmask version {}: {}".format(cm_version, self.identifier))
diff --git a/sen2chain/tiles.py b/sen2chain/tiles.py
index 925cae3974438b74ccba97d1d05542a9f3ee301c..64bbdf43c8d3ca18e54e0508861ddf9814bb2d3b 100644
--- a/sen2chain/tiles.py
+++ b/sen2chain/tiles.py
@@ -168,11 +168,23 @@ class CloudMaskList(ProductsList):
     def params(self,
                probability: int = 1, 
                iterations: int = 5,
+               cld_shad: bool = True,
+               cld_med_prob: bool = True,
+               cld_hi_prob: bool = True,
+               thin_cir: bool = True,
         filtered = CloudMaskList()
         for k, v in self._dict.items():
             if "_CM003" in k:
-                if "-PRB" + str(probability) + "-ITER" + str(iterations) in k:
+                if "-PRB" + str(probability) + \
+                   "-ITER" + str(iterations) in k:
+                    filtered[k] = {"date": v["date"], "cloud_cover": v["cloud_cover"]}
+            elif "_CM004" in k:
+                if "-CSH" + str(int(cld_shad)) + \
+                   "-CMP" + str(int(cld_med_prob)) + \
+                   "-CHP" + str(int(cld_hi_prob)) + \
+                   "-TCI" + str(int(thin_cir)) + \
+                   "-ITER" + str(iterations) in k:
                     filtered[k] = {"date": v["date"], "cloud_cover": v["cloud_cover"]}
                 filtered[k] = {"date": v["date"], "cloud_cover": v["cloud_cover"]}
@@ -467,12 +479,22 @@ class Tile:
                            cm_version: str = "cm001",
                            probability: int = 1,
                            iterations: int = 5,
+                           cld_shad: bool = True,
+                           cld_med_prob: bool = True,
+                           cld_hi_prob: bool = True,
+                           thin_cir: bool = True,
                            ) -> "ProductsList":
         """Returns tile's L2A products that don't have a cloud mask as a ProductsList."""
         prods_list = ProductsList()
         missings_l2a_set = set(self.l2a.products) - {(re.findall(r"(S2.+)_CM.+.jp2", identifier)[0] + ".SAFE") \
                                                      for identifier in getattr(self.cloudmasks, cm_version).\
-                                                                               params(probability = probability, iterations = iterations).\
+                                                                               params(probability = probability, 
+                                                                                      iterations = iterations,
+                                                                                      cld_shad = cld_shad,
+                                                                                      cld_med_prob = cld_med_prob, 
+                                                                                      cld_hi_prob = cld_hi_prob,
+                                                                                      thin_cir = thin_cir,
+                                                                                      ).\
         for prod in missings_l2a_set:
             prods_list[prod] = {"date": self._products["l2a"][prod].date,
@@ -596,6 +618,10 @@ class Tile:
                            cm_version: str = "cm001",
                            probability: int = 1,
                            iterations: int = 5,
+                           cld_shad: bool = True,
+                           cld_med_prob: bool = True,
+                           cld_hi_prob: bool = True,
+                           thin_cir: bool = True,
                            reprocess: bool = False,
                            date_min: str = None,
                            date_max: str = None,
@@ -612,18 +638,24 @@ class Tile:
         if not reprocess:
-            cld_l2a_process_list = list([p.identifier, cm_version, probability, iterations, reprocess] \
+            cld_l2a_process_list = list([p.identifier, cm_version, probability, iterations, 
+                                         cld_shad, cld_med_prob, cld_hi_prob, thin_cir, reprocess] \
                                         for p in self.cloudmasks_missing(cm_version = cm_version,
                                                                          probability = probability,
                                                                          iterations = iterations,
+                                                                         cld_shad = cld_shad,
+                                                                         cld_med_prob = cld_med_prob, 
+                                                                         cld_hi_prob = cld_hi_prob,
+                                                                         thin_cir = thin_cir,
                                                                         .filter_dates(date_min = date_min, date_max = date_max))
-            cld_l2a_process_list = list([p.identifier, cm_version, probability, iterations, reprocess] \
+            cld_l2a_process_list = list([p.identifier, cm_version, probability, iterations, 
+                                         cld_shad, cld_med_prob, cld_hi_prob, thin_cir, reprocess] \
                                         for p in self.l2a.filter_dates(date_min = date_min, date_max = date_max))
         if cld_l2a_process_list:
             logger.info("{} l2a products to process:".format(len(cld_l2a_process_list)))
-            logger.info("{}".format(cld_l2a_process_list))
+            #~ logger.info("{}".format(cld_l2a_process_list))
             cld_version_probability_iterations_reprocessing_multiprocessing(cld_l2a_process_list, nb_proc=nb_proc)
             logger.info("All cloud masks already computed")