diff --git a/sen2chain/data/job_ini.cfg b/sen2chain/data/job_ini.cfg
index fa3a45321a18164ec869065104edcc97b90860cd..0e2b58cafff789127170248b77ffbaf3bdd3135d 100644
--- a/sen2chain/data/job_ini.cfg
+++ b/sen2chain/data/job_ini.cfg
@@ -20,15 +20,15 @@
 #    empty (2015-01-01 will be used) | any date | today-xx (xx nb of days before today to consider)
 # date_max the last date for this task, possible values:
 #    empty (9999-12-31 will be used) | any date | today
-# max_clouds: max cloud cover to consider for downloading images, and computing l2a products 
+# max_clouds: max cloud cover to consider for downloading images, computing l2a, cloudmask and indice products
 # l1c: download l1c: True|False
 # l2a: compute l2a with sen2chain: True | False
 # cloudmasks: the cloudmask(s) to compute and use to mask indice(s). Possible values range from none (False) to multiple cloudmasks:
-#    False | CM001/CM002/CM003-PRB1-ITER5/CM004-CSH1-CMP1-CHP1-TCI1-ITER0/etc.
-# indices: False | All | NDVI/NDWIGAO/etc.
+#    empty or False | CM001/CM002/CM003-PRB1-ITER5/CM004-CSH1-CMP1-CHP1-TCI1-ITER0/etc.
+# indices: empty or False | All | NDVI/NDWIGAO/etc.
 # remove: used to remove L1C and L2A products, considering only new products (-new) (dowloaded or produced) or the whole time serie (-all) 
 #    and with possible filtering to keep products below specified cloud couver (-ccXX) 
-#    example of possible values: False | l1c-new-cc80 | l1c-all | l2a-new | l1c-all/l2a-new-cc25 
+#    example of possible values: empty or False | l1c-new-cc80 | l1c-all | l2a-new | l1c-all/l2a-new-cc25 
 # comments: free user comments, ie tile name, etc.
 logs = False
diff --git a/sen2chain/jobs.py b/sen2chain/jobs.py
index 3ee39673ca1a6c695995e4cdb84b08a60ca6c8dd..6e6037d0ccca6fca3f4661a9e51a4551b581d5ac 100644
--- a/sen2chain/jobs.py
+++ b/sen2chain/jobs.py
@@ -188,9 +188,9 @@ class Job:
                 ("max_clouds", [100]),
                 ("l1c", ["False"]),
                 ("l2a", ["False"]),
-                ("cloudmasks", ["False"]),
-                ("indices", ["False"]),
-                ("remove", ["False"]),
+                ("cloudmasks", [""]),
+                ("indices", [""]),
+                ("remove", [""]),
                 ("comments", [""]),
@@ -304,15 +304,15 @@ class Job:
                     "#    empty (2015-01-01 will be used) | any date | today-xx (xx nb of days before today to consider)", 
                     "# date_max the last date for this task, possible values:", 
                     "#    empty (9999-12-31 will be used) | any date | today", 
-                    "# max_clouds: max cloud cover to consider for downloading images, and computing l2a products ", 
+                    "# max_clouds: max cloud cover to consider for downloading images, computing l2a, cloudmask and indice products", 
                     "# l1c: download l1c: True|False", 
                     "# l2a: compute l2a with sen2chain: True | False", 
                     "# cloudmasks: the cloudmask(s) to compute and use to mask indice(s). Possible values range from none (False) to multiple cloudmasks:", 
-                    "#    False | CM001/CM002/CM003-PRB1-ITER5/CM004-CSH1-CMP1-CHP1-TCI1-ITER0/etc.", 
-                    "# indices: False | All | NDVI/NDWIGAO/etc.", 
+                    "#    empty or False | CM001/CM002/CM003-PRB1-ITER5/CM004-CSH1-CMP1-CHP1-TCI1-ITER0/etc.", 
+                    "# indices: empty or False | All | NDVI/NDWIGAO/etc.", 
                     "# remove: used to remove L1C and L2A products, considering only new products (-new) (dowloaded or produced) or the whole time serie (-all)", 
                     "#    and with possible filtering to keep products below specified cloud couver (-ccXX)", 
-                    "#    example of possible values: False | l1c-new-cc80 | l1c-all | l2a-new | l1c-all/l2a-new-cc25", 
+                    "#    example of possible values: empty or False | l1c-new-cc80 | l1c-all | l2a-new | l1c-all/l2a-new-cc25", 
                     "# comments: free user comments, ie tile name, etc.", 
@@ -515,6 +515,7 @@ class Job:
+                self.check_tasks()
@@ -531,11 +532,16 @@ class Job:
                         self.tasks.at[index, "indices"] = str(row.indices).split(
+            else:
+                self.tasks.at[index, "indices"] = []
             if not row.cloudmasks == "False":
                 if not isinstance(self.tasks.at[index, "cloudmasks"] , list):
-                    self.tasks.at[index, "cloudmasks"] = str(row.cloudmasks).split(
-                        "/"
-                    )
+                    self.tasks.at[index, "cloudmasks"] = str(row.cloudmasks).split("/")
+            else:
+                self.tasks.at[index, "cloudmasks"] = []
+            row.cloudmasks = [cm for cm in row.cloudmasks if cm != ""]
+            row.indices = [ind for ind in row.indices if ind != ""]            
     def unformat_cm_indices(self):
         for index, row in self.tasks.iterrows():
@@ -553,6 +559,8 @@ class Job:
                     self.tasks.at[index, "remove"] = [b + "-new" if b == "l1c" or b == "l2a" else b for b in self.tasks.at[index, "remove"]]
+            else:
+                self.tasks.at[index, "remove"] = []                
     def unformat_remove(self):
         for index, row in self.tasks.iterrows():
@@ -656,7 +664,73 @@ class Job:
         returned_val["thin_cir"] = returned_val["thin_cir"] in ["1", 1, True, "True"]
         return returned_val
+    def _get_ref(
+        self,
+        index,
+        row,
+    ):
+        max_cloudcover = 0
+        ref = []
+        if bool(setuptools.distutils.util.strtobool(str(row.l1c))):
+            if row.remove:
+                if bool(setuptools.distutils.util.strtobool(str(row.l2a))):
+                    # row.cloudmasks = [cm for cm in row.cloudmasks if cm != ""]
+                    # row.indices = [ind for ind in row.indices if ind != ""]
+                    if (row.cloudmasks or row.indices):
+                        for cm in row.cloudmasks:
+                            ref.append(cm)
+                        for ind in row.indices:
+                            ref.extend([ind])
+                            for cm in row.cloudmasks:
+                                ref.extend([ind + "_" + cm])
+                        ref = list(set(ref))
+                        max_cloudcover = int(row.max_clouds)
+                    else:
+                        if "l2a" not in "/".join(row.remove).lower():
+                            ref = "l2a"
+                            max_cloudcover = int(row.max_clouds)
+                        elif "l1c" not in "/".join(row.remove).lower():
+                            ref = "l1c"
+                            max_cloudcover = int(row.max_clouds)
+                        else:
+                            for rm in row.remove:
+                                if "-cc" in rm:
+                                    cloudcover = int(rm.split("-cc")[1])
+                                else:
+                                    cloudcover = 0
+                                if cloudcover >= max_cloudcover:
+                                    max_cloudcover = cloudcover
+                                    ref = rm.split("-")[0]                        
+                else:
+                    ref = "l1c"
+                    for rm in row.remove:
+                        if "-cc" in rm and rm.split("-")[0] == "l1c":
+                            cloudcover = int(rm.split("-cc")[1])
+                        else:
+                            cloudcover = 0
+                        if cloudcover >= max_cloudcover:
+                            max_cloudcover = cloudcover
+                if int(row.max_clouds) > max_cloudcover:
+                    logger.info(
+                        "Download not optimal for line {}, downloading useless l1c:\n{}".format(
+                            index, 
+                            self.tasks.iloc[index:index+1]
+                        )
+                    )
+            else:
+                ref = "l1c"
+        return ref
+    def check_tasks(
+        self,
+    ):
+        for index, row in self.tasks.iterrows():
+            # logger.info(row)
+            self._get_ref(index, row)
     def run(
         # nb_proc: int = self.nb_proc,
@@ -761,26 +835,38 @@ class Job:
                     ## Get new product list to download
                     download_list= []
                     for index, row in chunk.iterrows():
-                        ref = "l1c"
+                        ref = self._get_ref(index, row)
+                        # ref = "l1c"
                         if bool(setuptools.distutils.util.strtobool(str(row.l1c))):
-                            if not (row.remove == "False" or not row.remove):
-                                if "l1c" in str(row.remove).lower():
-                                    if "l2a" not in str(row.remove).lower():
-                                        ref = "l2a"
-                                    else:
-                                        ref = []
-                                        for cm in row.cloudmasks:
-                                            if not (row.cloudmasks == "False" or not row.cloudmasks):
-                                                ref.append(cm)
-                                            for ind in row.indices:
-                                                if not (row.indices == "False" or not row.indices):
-                                                    ref.extend([ind, ind + "_" + cm])
-                                        ref = list(set(ref))
+                            # if row.remove:
+                                # if not row.cloudmasks and not row.indices:
+                                    # max_cloudcover = 0
+                                    # for rm in row.remove:
+                                        # if "-cc" in rm:
+                                            # cloudcover = int(rm.split("-cc")[1])
+                                        # else:
+                                            # cloudcover = 0
+                                        # if cloudcover > max_cloudcover:
+                                            # max_cloudcover = cloudcover
+                                            # ref = rm.split("-")[0]
+                                    # if row.max_clouds > max_cloudcover_above:
+                                        # logger.info("Download not optimal for this line, keep downloading useless l1c:\n{}".format(row))
+                                # else:
+                                    # if "l1c" in "/".join(row.remove).lower():
+                                        # if "l2a" not in "/".join(row.remove).lower():
+                                            # ref = "l2a"
+                                        # else:
+                                            # ref = []
+                                            # for cm in row.cloudmasks:
+                                                # ref.append(cm)
+                                            # for ind in row.indices:
+                                                # ref.extend([ind, ind + "_" + cm])
+                                            # ref = list(set(ref))
                             t = Tile(row.tile)
                             tile_download_list = t.get_l1c(
                                 provider = self.provider,
-                                download = False,
+                                download = True,
                                 start = row.date_min,
                                 end = row.date_max,
                                 new = False,
@@ -1090,6 +1176,7 @@ class Job:
                 indices_l2a_process_list = []
                 for index, row in chunk.iterrows():
                     if not (row.indices == "False" or not row.indices):
+                        logger.info("row.indices: {}".format(row.indices))
                         nodata_clouds = not (row.cloudmasks == "False" or not row.cloudmasks)
                         if nodata_clouds:
                             for cm in row.cloudmasks:
diff --git a/sen2chain/library.py b/sen2chain/library.py
index a5669af38d6f7376a237541c7ad7d58056e951a5..45c24776b76ce2b5f06d44c5f107e152c558945f 100644
--- a/sen2chain/library.py
+++ b/sen2chain/library.py
@@ -639,7 +639,7 @@ class Library:
         :type jpg: bool, Default to True
         if tile_list is None:
-            tile_list = self.l2a
+            tile_list = self.tiles_l2a
         logger.info("{} L2A tile(s) to remove".format(len(tile_list)))
         for tile in tile_list:
@@ -663,7 +663,7 @@ class Library:
         dates_before: str = "9999-12-31",
         if tile_list is None:
-            tile_list = self.l2a
+            tile_list = self.tiles_l2a
         logger.info("{} L2A tile(s) to process".format(len(tile_list)))
         for tile in tile_list:
diff --git a/sen2chain/tiles.py b/sen2chain/tiles.py
index 28ba4194d024ecb5948ac6f8b0527345e12ace4e..432e866f142f210580c016329a3e28027acaa98b 100644
--- a/sen2chain/tiles.py
+++ b/sen2chain/tiles.py
@@ -2200,6 +2200,8 @@ class Tile:
                 logger.info("Removed all cloudmasks")
                 self._products["cloudmasks"] = ProductsList()
+                self.cloudmask_list = self._get_cloudmask_list()
     def remove_cloudmask_filter(
@@ -2235,6 +2237,8 @@ class Tile:
             self._products["cloudmasks"] = ProductsList()
+            self.cloudmask_list = self._get_cloudmask_list()
     def remove_indice_all(