diff --git a/README.rst b/README.rst
index e54dbdb8819df4dc96dc1a1d04a5ca7152f23e29..7327dd9c948f9b98228b6786f6b1d68a5fedd098 100644
--- a/README.rst
+++ b/README.rst
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
-Sen2Chain is a simple utility to download and process Sentinel-2 images.
+Sen2Chain is a simple utility written in Python 3 to download and process Sentinel-2 images.
 It uses the `sentinelsat <https://github.com/sentinelsat/sentinelsat>`_ and `peps_download <https://github.com/olivierhagolle/peps_download>`_ packages to find and download data, and ESA's `Sen2Cor <http://step.esa.int/main/third-party-plugins-2/sen2cor/>`_ processor to perform atmospheric, terrain and cirrus correction.
@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ This project is open to anyone willing to help. You can contribute by adding new
-.. image:: docs/source/funding.png
+.. image:: docs/source/logo_framagit_funding.JPG
     :align: center
     :alt: logos
diff --git a/docs/source/logo_framagit_funding.JPG b/docs/source/logo_framagit_funding.JPG
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..d2e086f2b2e29e5f8b31c5ba37e8c6cb47304b17
Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/source/logo_framagit_funding.JPG differ
diff --git a/requirements.txt b/requirements.txt
index 482dcf8f99e441438e3190a43f12ffc5344795c6..d85bd7e003a4c3e414968fdda0672fc124369633 100644
--- a/requirements.txt
+++ b/requirements.txt
@@ -12,4 +12,4 @@ pandas>=0.23.4
diff --git a/sen2chain/indices.py b/sen2chain/indices.py
index 58bfc8dbf7608f4992716eb860ed48e0ffa9c260..9d88a74184128f11fd5a5d205c04115755afc9cf 100644
--- a/sen2chain/indices.py
+++ b/sen2chain/indices.py
@@ -106,6 +106,7 @@ class Ndvi(Indice):
                             out_path=(out_path / self.indice_raw))
             index_tiff_2_jp2(img_path=(out_path / self.indice_raw),
                             out_path=(out_path / self.indice_filename))
         if nodata_clouds:
             if self.l2a_product.user_cloud_mask is None:
                 raise ValueError("Cloud mask does not exist")
@@ -125,7 +126,12 @@ class Ndvi(Indice):
                 index_tiff_2_jp2(img_path=(out_path / masked_indice_raw),
                                 out_path=(out_path / masked_indice_filename))
                 os.remove(str(out_path / masked_indice_raw))
+        try:
+            os.remove(str(out_path / self.indice_raw))
+        except:
+            pass
         if quicklook:
             cmap = matplotlib_colormap_to_rgb(self.colormap, revers=False)
diff --git a/sen2chain/library.py b/sen2chain/library.py
index 22ec776868ce5616de4adc97df8cfde1c5788f79..3ced9825e00c71e7530f9970cf6efbde5c81bf01 100644
--- a/sen2chain/library.py
+++ b/sen2chain/library.py
@@ -57,16 +57,31 @@ class Library:
         return self._indices
     def clean(self, 
-              clean_list : list = [], 
+              clean_list: list = [],
+              remove_indice_tif: bool = False, 
               remove: bool = False):
         if not clean_list:
             clean_list = self.l1c
         for t in clean_list:
                 til = Tile(t)
-                til.clean_lib(remove=remove)
+                til.clean_lib(remove=remove, remove_indice_tif=remove_indice_tif)
+    def archive_l1c(self,
+                    archive_list: list = [],
+                    ):
+        if archive_list:
+            for t in archive_list:
+                try:
+                    til = Tile(t)
+                    til.archive_l1c()
+                except:
+                    pass
+        else:
+            logger.info("Please specify a tile list to archive")
 class TempContainer:
@@ -99,6 +114,7 @@ class TempContainer:
         if zip_file.exists():
             logger.info("{} : Unzipping L1C archive".format(self.l1c.identifier))
             shutil.unpack_archive(str(zip_file), str(self.temp_path))
+            sorted(zip_file.parent.glob("*.SAFE"))[0].rename(zip_file.parent / (zip_file.stem + ".SAFE"))
         return self
diff --git a/sen2chain/tiles.py b/sen2chain/tiles.py
index 35f7225a05235e8a185e1890fef986d9898c7905..9de76b9632c4448113237e5d28801d5d7f63659a 100644
--- a/sen2chain/tiles.py
+++ b/sen2chain/tiles.py
@@ -324,8 +324,8 @@ class Tile:
         """Returns tile's L2A products that don't have indices as a ProductsList."""
         prods_list = ProductsList()
-            missings_indice_set = set(self.l2a.products) - {identifier.replace("_" + indice.upper() + ".jp2", ".SAFE") \
-                                                        for identifier in getattr(getattr(self, indice.lower()), 'raws').products}
+            missings_indice_set = set(self.l2a.products) - {identifier.replace("_" + indice.upper() + "_MASKED.jp2", ".SAFE") \
+                                                            for identifier in getattr(getattr(self, indice.lower()), 'masks').products}
             missings_indice_set = set(self.l2a.products)
         for prod in missings_indice_set:
@@ -334,15 +334,31 @@ class Tile:
         return prods_list
     def clean_lib(self,
+                  remove_indice_tif: bool = False,
                   remove: bool = False):
-        Clean processing errors
+        Search and clean processing error products
         - unmoved error l2a products from l1c folder
-        - moved  error l2a products from l2a folder
+        - moved error l2a products from l2a folder
         - cloud masks error (0kb)
         - indices error (0kb)        
         #~ logger.info("Cleaning {} library".format(self.name))
+        # identify corrupted jp2 in l1c folder
+        erase_set = set()
+        for f in self._paths["l1c"].glob("*/GRANULE/*/IMG_DATA/*.jp2"):
+            if f.stat().st_size == 0:
+                logger.info("Identified 0b corrupted {} in L1C folder".format(f.name))
+                if remove:
+                    erase_set.update({f.parent.parent.parent.parent})
+        for e in erase_set:
+            try:
+                logger.info("Removing {} from L1C folder".format(e))
+                shutil.rmtree(str(e))
+            except:
+                logger.error("Can't remove {} from L1C folder".format(e))
         # identify residual l2a from l1c folder
         for f in self._paths["l1c"].glob("*L2A*.SAFE"):
             logger.info("Identified {} in L1C folder".format(f.name))
@@ -378,8 +394,9 @@ class Tile:
         # identify 0B or absent indices QL
         for f in self._paths["indices"]:
-            #~ print(f, self._paths["indices"][f])
+            #~ logger.info(f, self._paths["indices"][f])
             for p in self._paths["indices"][f].glob("*_MSIL2A_*/"):
+                #~ logger.info(p)
                 if p.is_file():
                     logger.info("Identified old indice format {}".format(p.name))
                     if remove:
@@ -394,9 +411,21 @@ class Tile:
                             if remove:
                                 logger.info("Removing indice QL {}".format(q.name))
+                    for q in p.glob("*.*"):
+                        if q.stat().st_size == 0:
+                            logger.info("Corrupted file {} (0B size)".format(q.name))
+                            if remove:
+                                logger.info("Removing indice QL {}".format(q.name))
+                                q.unlink()
+                    if remove_indice_tif:
+                        for q in p.glob("*" + f.upper() + ".tif"):
+                            logger.info("Identified indice in tif format {}".format(q.name))
+                            if remove:
+                                logger.info("Removing indice QL {}".format(q.name))
+                                q.unlink()
-    def archive_l1c(self,
-                move: bool = False):
+    def archive_l1c(self):
         Check and move l1c products to archive folder
@@ -406,8 +435,6 @@ class Tile:
         logger.info("Scanning L1C ready to move")
         prod_list = ProductsList()
-        #~ archive_l1c_set = set(self.l1c.products) - {identifier.replace("L2A_", "L1C_").replace("_USER_", "__OPER__")
-                                                     #~ for identifier in self.l2a.products}
         archive_l1c_set = {a for a in {identifier.replace("L2A_", "L1C_").replace("_USER_", "__OPER__")
                                                      for identifier in self.l2a.products} if a in set(self.l1c.products)}
@@ -430,10 +457,3 @@ class Tile:
             logger.info("No L1C products to archive")
diff --git a/sen2chain/time_series.py b/sen2chain/time_series.py
index 56bdc577b14703596ebb20cbc6f589fdca8d8f21..1799eed4d4726596ab1517deb5eceadb9ba59eef 100644
--- a/sen2chain/time_series.py
+++ b/sen2chain/time_series.py
@@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ import rasterio
 from rasterio.plot import show
 from rasterio.plot import plotting_extent
 from rasterio.mask import mask
+from rasterio.enums import Resampling
 from fiona import transform
 from shapely.geometry import shape
 from shapely.geometry import mapping
@@ -146,7 +147,9 @@ class TimeSeries:
     def _get_raster_stats_in_geom(
             feature: Dict,
-            raster_path: Union[str, pathlib.PosixPath]
+            raster_path: Union[str, pathlib.PosixPath],
+            cloud_path: str = None, 
+            cloud_proba_path: str = None
     ) -> Dict:
         """Extracts statistics from a raster in a geometry.
@@ -157,13 +160,60 @@ class TimeSeries:
+        #~ with rasterio.open(str(raster_path)) as raster_src:
+            #~ raster_profile = raster_src.profile
+        #~ logger.info(raster_profile)
         stats = zonal_stats(geom, str(raster_path), stats=["count",
-                                                           "std"])[0]
+                                                           "std",
+                                                           "percentile_25",
+                                                           "percentile_75"])[0]
+        #~ logger.info(stats)
+        if cloud_path:
+            #~ def mycount(x):
+                #~ return np.count_nonzero(x == 1)            
+            #~ with rasterio.open(str(cloud_path)) as cld_src:
+                #~ cld_profile = cld_src.profile
+                #~ cld_array = cld_src.read(1, out_shape = (10980, 10980), resampling=Resampling.nearest)
+                #~ cld_array = cld_src.read(1)
+                #~ logger.info("shape: {}".format(cld_array.shape))
+            #~ stats_cld = zonal_stats(geom, cld_array, affine=raster_profile["transform"] , stats=["count", "nodata"], add_stats={'cldcount':mycount})
+            #~ stats_cld = zonal_stats(geom, cld_array, affine=raster_profile["transform"], categorical=True)[0]
+            #~ stats_cld = zonal_stats(geom, str(cloud_path), nodata = 16383.0, categorical=True)[0]
+            #~ stats_cld = zonal_stats(geom, str(cloud_path), stats=["count", "nodata"], add_stats={'cldcount':mycount})
+            #~ stats_cld = zonal_stats(geom, str(cloud_path), categorical=True, nodata = 16383.0, category_map= {-999: 'tttttttttttt', 1.0: 'clds', 0.0:'noclds', 16383.0: 'nnnnnnn'})[0]
+            stats_cld = zonal_stats(geom, str(cloud_path), stats=["count", "nodata"])[0]
+            #~ logger.info(stats_cld)
+            try:
+                nbcld = stats["nodata"] - stats_cld["nodata"]
+            except:
+                nbcld = 0
+            #~ logger.info(stats_cld)
+            #~ logger.info(cld_pct)
+            stats['nbcld'] = nbcld
+        if cloud_proba_path:
+            stats_cld_prb = zonal_stats(geom, str(cloud_proba_path), stats=["mean"])[0]
+            stats['cldprb'] = stats_cld_prb["mean"]
+        logger.info(stats)
+        # mettre ici le cloud mask !
         return stats
     def _get_stats(self) -> None:
@@ -190,6 +240,12 @@ class TimeSeries:
                         for index1, prod in enumerate(products):
                             prod_path = tile_indice_path / prod.identifier[:(-12 - len(indice))] / prod.identifier
+                            #~ cloud_path = tile_obj.paths["l2a"] / (prod.identifier[:(-12 - len(indice))] + "_CLOUD_MASK.jp2")
+                            prod_path_unmasked = tile_indice_path / prod.identifier[:(-12 - len(indice))] / (prod.identifier[:-11] + '.jp2')
+                            prod_path_cloud_proba = L2aProduct(prod.identifier[:(-12 - len(indice))]).msk_cldprb_20m
+                            #~ logger.info(prod_path_cloud_proba)
                             logger.info("Product {}/{}: {}".format(index1 + 1, len(products), prod.identifier))
                             logger.info("{} features".format(len(fid_list)))
@@ -200,7 +256,7 @@ class TimeSeries:
                                 # feat_properties = features[fid]["properties"]
                                 # if feat_properties:
                                     # df_dict.update(feat_properties)
-                                df_dict.update(TimeSeries._get_raster_stats_in_geom(features[fid], prod_path))
+                                df_dict.update(TimeSeries._get_raster_stats_in_geom(features[fid], prod_path, prod_path_unmasked, prod_path_cloud_proba))
                                 # df_properties = features[fid]["properties"]
                                 df_dict["date"] = prod.date
@@ -218,10 +274,14 @@ class TimeSeries:
     def _raster_stats_multi(self, features, shared_list, proc_item):
         prod_path = proc_item[2] / proc_item[0].identifier[:(-12 - len(proc_item[3]))] / proc_item[0].identifier
+        prod_path_unmasked = proc_item[2] / proc_item[0].identifier[:(-12 - len(proc_item[3]))] / (proc_item[0].identifier[:-11] + '.jp2')
+        prod_path_cloud_proba = L2aProduct(proc_item[0].identifier[:(-12 - len(proc_item[3]))]).msk_cldprb_20m
+        #~ logger.info(prod_path_cloud_proba)
         fid = proc_item[1]
         result_dict = OrderedDict()
         result_dict["fid"] = fid
-        result_dict.update(TimeSeries._get_raster_stats_in_geom(features[fid], prod_path))
+        result_dict.update(TimeSeries._get_raster_stats_in_geom(features[fid], prod_path, prod_path_unmasked, prod_path_cloud_proba))
         result_dict["date"] = proc_item[0].date
         result_dict["tile"] = proc_item[4]
         result_dict["filename"] = proc_item[0].identifier
@@ -323,7 +383,7 @@ class TimeSeries:
         out_path_folder = Path(out_path) / self._vectors_file.stem
         out_path_folder.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
-        list_order = ['fid', 'count', 'nodata', 'min', 'max', 'mean', 'median', 'std', 'tile', 'filename']
+        list_order = ['fid', 'tile', 'filename', 'count', 'nodata', 'nbcld', 'cldprb', 'min', 'max', 'mean', 'std','median', 'percentile_25', 'percentile_75']
         #~ b=[a for a in df.columns if a not in liste]
         for df_name, df in self._df_dicts.items():
@@ -332,7 +392,14 @@ class TimeSeries:
-            df.sort_values(by=['fid']).reindex(columns=(list_order + [a for a in df.columns if a not in list_order]), copy=False).to_csv(str(csv_path))
+            #~ df.sort_values(by=['fid', 'date', 'count', 'tile']).reindex(columns=(list_order + [a for a in df.columns if a not in list_order]), copy=False).to_csv(str(csv_path))
+            dg = df.sort_values(by=['fid', 'date', 'count', 'std'], ascending=[True, True, True, False]).\
+                    reindex(columns=(list_order + [a for a in df.columns if a not in list_order]), copy=False).\
+                    reset_index().\
+                    drop_duplicates(['date','fid'], keep='last')
+            dg.set_index("date", inplace=True, drop=True)
+            dg.to_csv(str(csv_path))
             logger.info("exported to csv: {}".format(csv_path))
     def plot_global(self, out_path: Union[str, pathlib.PosixPath] = None) -> None: