diff --git a/requirements.txt b/requirements.txt
index 6548cbcf39545d1c01f4755e781c58ebb8b7f99e..5d4c3e5f390c07e745cb358a39083c436e8e8058 100644
--- a/requirements.txt
+++ b/requirements.txt
@@ -15,3 +15,4 @@ scipy
diff --git a/sen2chain/config/eodag.yml b/sen2chain/config/eodag.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index 46df0d4b852219543cfbf999ab5bd76ab6703edc..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/sen2chain/config/eodag.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,98 +0,0 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-# Copyright 2021, CS GROUP - France, http://www.c-s.fr
-# This file is part of EODAG project
-#     https://www.github.com/CS-SI/EODAG
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-    priority: # Lower value means lower priority (Default: 1)
-    search:  # Search parameters configuration
-    download:
-        extract:  # whether to extract the downloaded products (true or false).
-        outputs_prefix: # where to store downloaded products.
-        dl_url_params:  # additional parameters to pass over to the download url as an url parameter
-    auth:
-        credentials:
-            username:
-            password:
-    priority: # Lower value means lower priority (Default: 0)
-    search:   # Search parameters configuration
-    download:
-        extract:
-        outputs_prefix:
-        dl_url_params:
-    auth:
-        credentials:
-            ident:
-            pass:
-    priority: # Lower value means lower priority (Default: 0)
-    api:
-        extract:
-        outputs_prefix:
-        dl_url_params:
-        product_location_scheme:
-        credentials:
-            username:
-            password:
-    priority: # Lower value means lower priority (Default: 0)
-    search:   # Search parameters configuration
-    auth:
-        credentials:
-            apikey:
-            aws_access_key_id:
-            aws_secret_access_key:
-    download:
-        outputs_prefix:
-    priority: # Lower value means lower priority (Default: 0)
-    search:   # Search parameters configuration
-    download:
-        extract:
-        outputs_prefix:
-        dl_url_params:
-    auth:
-        credentials:
-            apikey:
-    priority: # Lower value means lower priority (Default: 0)
-    search:   # Search parameters configuration
-    download:
-        extract:
-        outputs_prefix:
-    auth:
-        credentials:
-            username:
-            password:
-    priority: # Lower value means lower priority (Default: 0)
-    search:   # Search parameters configuration
-    download:
-        extract:
-        outputs_prefix:
-    auth:
-        credentials:
-            apikey:
-    priority: # Lower value means lower priority (Default: 0)
-    search:   # Search parameters configuration
-    download:
-        extract:
-        outputs_prefix:
-    auth:
-        credentials:
-            username:
-            password:
diff --git a/sen2chain/data/job_ini.cfg b/sen2chain/data/job_ini.cfg
index 6ef215a872d5e022c78b317568ac22a4521481e2..41340bac6a333bddfffd1afa877d44dec681a1e0 100644
--- a/sen2chain/data/job_ini.cfg
+++ b/sen2chain/data/job_ini.cfg
@@ -1,12 +1,13 @@
 ### Parameters
 # logs: True | False
 # timing: in cron format
-# tile: tile identifier, format ##XXX
+# tile: tile identifier, format ##XXX, comment line using ! before tile name
 # l1c: download l1c: True|False
 # l2a: compute l2a with sen2chain: True | False
 # cloudmasks: False | CM001 | CM002 | CM003-PRB1-ITER5 | CM004-CSH1-CMP1-CHP1-TCI1-ITER0
 # indices: False | All | NDVI/NDWIGAO/etc.
-# remove: False | l1c/l2a
+# remove: to remove downloaded L1C and/or produced L2A, possible values: False | l1c | l2a | l1c/l2a
+# comments: free user comments, ie tile name, etc.
 logs = False
 timing = 0 0 * * *
diff --git a/sen2chain/download_eodag.py b/sen2chain/download_eodag.py
index a9326e53421afcae0f5ce6801c96f2bd332ca11e..15699ad9c9436fbebe58cfd7bf4ae03590bf6afe 100644
--- a/sen2chain/download_eodag.py
+++ b/sen2chain/download_eodag.py
@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ https://www.github.com/CS-SI/EODAG
 import logging
 import shapefile
 import os
+import shutil
 from pathlib import Path
 from eodag import EODataAccessGateway
 from eodag import setup_logging
@@ -100,27 +101,44 @@ class S2cEodag:
         fitered = self.products[:]
         for p in fitered:
+            if (outputs_prefix / (p.properties["title"] + ".SAFE")).exists():
+                l1c_presence = "PRESENT"
+            else:
+                l1c_presence = "ABSENT"
+            if (Path(Config().get("l2a_path")) / self.name / (p.properties["title"].replace("L1C_", "L2A_").replace("__OPER__", "_USER_") + ".SAFE")).exists():
+                l2a_presence = "PRESENT"
+            else:
+                l2a_presence = "ABSENT"
+            ##### remonter la condition l1c
             if self.name not in p.properties["title"]:
-                logger.info("{} - wrong Tile - filtering".format(p.properties["title"]))
+                logger.info("{} - local l1c {} - filtering (wrong Tile)".format(p.properties["title"], l1c_presence))
-                if not(min_cloudcover <= int(p.properties["cloudCover"]) <= max_cloudcover):
+                # logger.info(p.properties["cloudCover"])
+                if not(min_cloudcover <= float(p.properties["cloudCover"] or 0) <= max_cloudcover):
-                    logger.info("{} - wrong cloud cover ({}%) - filtering".format(p.properties["title"], int(p.properties["cloudCover"])))
+                    logger.info("{} - local l1c {} - filtering (CC = {}%)".format(p.properties["title"], l1c_presence, int(p.properties["cloudCover"])))
                     if ref == "l1c":
                         if (outputs_prefix / (p.properties["title"] + ".SAFE")).exists():
-                            # p.location = "file://" + str(outputs_prefix / (p.properties["title"] + ".SAFE"))
-                            logger.info("{} - remote {} - local l1c PRESENT - filtering".format(p.properties["title"], p.properties["storageStatus"]))
+                            logger.info("{} - local l1c {} - filtering".format(p.properties["title"], l1c_presence, p.properties["storageStatus"]))
-                            logger.info("{} - remote {} - local l1c ABSENT".format(p.properties["title"], p.properties["storageStatus"]))
+                            logger.info("{} - local l1c {} - remote {}".format(p.properties["title"], l1c_presence, p.properties["storageStatus"]))
                     elif ref == "l2a":
                         if (Path(Config().get("l2a_path")) / self.name / (p.properties["title"].replace("L1C_", "L2A_").replace("__OPER__", "_USER_") + ".SAFE")).exists():
-                            logger.info("{} - remote {} - local l2a PRESENT - filtering".format(p.properties["title"], p.properties["storageStatus"]))
+                            logger.info("{} - local l1c {} - local l2a {} - filtering".format(p.properties["title"], l1c_presence, l2a_presence, p.properties["storageStatus"]))
-                            logger.info("{} - remote {} - local l2a ABSENT".format(p.properties["title"], p.properties["storageStatus"]))
+                            if (outputs_prefix / (p.properties["title"] + ".SAFE")).exists():
+                                logger.info("{} - local l1c {} - filtering".format(p.properties["title"], l1c_presence, p.properties["storageStatus"]))
+                                self.products.remove(p)
+                            else:
+                                logger.info("{} - local l1c {} - local l2a {} - remote {}".format(p.properties["title"], l1c_presence, l2a_presence, p.properties["storageStatus"]))
@@ -173,15 +191,20 @@ class S2cEodag:
                 # logging.disable(logging.NOTSET)
                 if Path(downloaded_path).stem == Path(downloaded_path).parent.stem:
                     upper_location = Path(downloaded_path).parent.parent / Path(downloaded_path).name
                     product_id.location = "file://" + str(upper_location)
                     logger.info("Moving up SAVE file")
+                # modification de l'arborescence si il y a un sous dossier en trop (provider onda par ex)
+                if os.listdir(downloaded_path)[0] == str(Path(downloaded_path).name):
+                    shutil.copytree(downloaded_path + '/' + os.listdir(downloaded_path)[0],downloaded_path,dirs_exist_ok=True)
+                    logger.info("Moving up files")
+                    shutil.rmtree(downloaded_path + '/' + os.listdir(downloaded_path)[0])
+                    logger.info("Deleting old folder")
-                logger.info("Error: ONLINE product but cannot be downloaded, retry later")
+                logger.info("Error: ONLINE product but cannot be downloaded, check your credentials or retry later")
         elif product_id.properties["storageStatus"] == "OFFLINE":
@@ -198,8 +221,8 @@ class S2cEodag:
                 logger.info("remote OFFLINE, ordered")
         elif product_id.properties["storageStatus"] == "STAGING":
-            logger.info("remote STAGING, retry later")            
+            logger.info("remote STAGING, retry later")
     def order_offline(
diff --git a/sen2chain/indices.py b/sen2chain/indices.py
index 4a17247a2b1bf3b36ff20018ceab91041feb0f0d..7a967457b1ab780a13fa5d61a2cdbb492466a24c 100644
--- a/sen2chain/indices.py
+++ b/sen2chain/indices.py
@@ -24,6 +24,7 @@ from .indices_functions import (
+    create_raw_evi,
@@ -68,7 +69,8 @@ class Indice(metaclass=ABCMeta):
 class Ndvi(Indice):
-    NDVI = (NIR-VIR) / (NIR+VIR)
+    $$NDVI = {{NIR-VIR}\over{NIR+VIR}}$$
     NIR: band 08 (10m)
     VIR: band 04 (10m)
@@ -183,7 +185,7 @@ class Ndvi(Indice):
 class NdwiMcf(Indice):
-    NDWI(McFeeters) = (GREEN-NIR) / (GREEN+NIR)
+    $$NDWI(McFeeters) = {{GREEN-NIR}\over{GREEN+NIR}}$$
     GREEN: band 03
     NIR: band 08
@@ -295,10 +297,12 @@ class NdwiMcf(Indice):
 class NdwiGao(Indice):
-    NDWI(Gao) = (NIR-SWIR) / (NIR+SWIR)
+    $$NDWI(Gao) = {{NIR-SWIR}\over{NIR+SWIR}}$$
     NIR: band 08
     SWIR: band 11
+    Also called NDMI
     name = "NDWIGAO"
@@ -403,7 +407,7 @@ class NdwiGao(Indice):
 class Mndwi(Indice):
+    $$MNDWI = {{GREEN-SWIR}\over{GREEN+SWIR}}$$
     GREEN: band 03
     SWIR: band 11
@@ -513,10 +517,10 @@ class Mndwi(Indice):
 class Ndre(Indice):
+    $$NDRE = {{NIR-RedEdge}\over{NIR+RedEdge}}$$
     NIR: band 08
-    REDEDGE: band 05
+    RedEdge: band 05
     name = "NDRE"
@@ -621,7 +625,8 @@ class Ndre(Indice):
 class IRECI(Indice):
-    IRECI = (NIR-R)/(RE1/RE2)
+    $$IRECI = {{NIR-R}\over{RE1/RE2}}$$
     NIR: band 783nm (B7 - 20m)
     R: band 665nm (B4 - 10m)
     RE1: band 705nm (B5 - 20m)
@@ -732,7 +737,7 @@ class IRECI(Indice):
 class BIGR(Indice):
-    Brightness Index Green Red = ( (GREEN² + RED²)/2 ) ^ 0.5
+    $$Brightness\,Index\,Green\,Red = \sqrt{ {GREEN^{2}+ RED^{2}}\over{2}}$$
     GREEN: band 03
     RED: band 04
@@ -843,7 +848,7 @@ class BIGR(Indice):
 class BIRNIR(Indice):
-    Brightness Index Red Near InfraRed = ( (RED² + NIR²)/2 ) ^ 0.5
+    $$Brightness\,Index\,Red\,Near\,InfraRed = \sqrt{ {RED^{2} + NIR^{2}}\over{2} }$$
     NIR: band 08
     RED: band 04
@@ -954,7 +959,7 @@ class BIRNIR(Indice):
 class BIBG(Indice):
-    Brightness Index Blue Green = ( (BLUE² + GREEN²)/2 ) ^ 0.5
+    $$Brightness\,Index\,Blue\,Green = \sqrt{{BLUE^{2} + GREEN^{2}}\over{2}}$$
     BLUE: band 02
     GREEN: band 03
@@ -1057,6 +1062,222 @@ class BIBG(Indice):
                     stretch=(0, 2500),
+class EVI(Indice):
+    """
+    $$Enhanced\,Vegetation\,Index = {2.5 * {( NIR - RED )}\over{( NIR + 6 * RED - 7.5 * BLUE ) + 1}}$$
+    BLUE: band 02
+    RED: band 04
+    NIR: band 08
+    """
+    name = "EVI"
+    filename_template = "{product_identifier}_EVI{ext}"
+    ext = ".jp2"
+    ext_raw = ".tif"
+    colormap = cm.bone # à changer selon la bonne couleur
+    def __init__(self, l2a_product_object, cm_product_object):
+        if (l2a_product_object or cm_product_object) is None:
+            raise ValueError(
+                "A L2aProduct and NewCloudMask objects must be provided"
+            )
+        else:
+            self.l2a_product = l2a_product_object
+            self.cm_product = cm_product_object
+        # output path
+        self.out_path = None
+        # filenames
+        self.indice_stem = self.filename_template.format(
+            product_identifier=self.l2a_product.identifier, ext=""
+        )
+        self.indice_filename = self.indice_stem + self.ext
+        self.indice_raw = self.indice_stem + self.ext_raw
+    def process_indice(
+        self,
+        out_path: pathlib.PosixPath,
+        reprocess: bool = False,
+        nodata_clouds: bool = False,
+        quicklook: bool = False,
+    ) -> None:
+        """process"""
+        self.out_path = out_path
+        if (out_path / self.indice_filename).exists() and not reprocess:
+            logger.info("{} already exists".format(self.indice_filename))
+        else:
+            create_raw_evi(
+                blue_path=self.l2a_product.b02_10m,
+                red_path=self.l2a_product.b04_10m,
+                nir_path=self.l2a_product.b08_10m,
+                out_path=(out_path / self.indice_raw),
+            )
+            index_tiff_2_jp2(
+                img_path=(out_path / self.indice_raw),
+                out_path=(out_path / self.indice_filename),
+            )
+        if nodata_clouds:
+            if not self.cm_product.path.exists():
+                logger.info("Cloudmask does not exist, indice not masked")
+                raise ValueError("Cloud mask does not exist")
+            masked_indice_filename = (
+                self.indice_stem + "_" + self.cm_product.suffix + self.ext
+            )
+            masked_indice_raw = (
+                self.indice_stem + "_" + self.cm_product.suffix + self.ext_raw
+            )
+            if (out_path / masked_indice_filename).exists() and not reprocess:
+                logger.info("{} already exists".format(masked_indice_filename))
+            else:
+                if (out_path / self.indice_raw).exists():
+                    evi_name = out_path / self.indice_raw
+                else:
+                    evi_name = out_path / self.indice_filename
+                create_masked_indice(
+                    indice_path=evi_name,
+                    cloud_mask_path=self.cm_product.path,
+                    out_path=(out_path / masked_indice_raw),
+                )
+                index_tiff_2_jp2(
+                    img_path=(out_path / masked_indice_raw),
+                    out_path=(out_path / masked_indice_filename),
+                )
+                os.remove(str(out_path / masked_indice_raw))
+        try:
+            os.remove(str(out_path / self.indice_raw))
+            logger.info("Removing {}".format(self.indice_raw))
+        except:
+            pass
+        if quicklook:
+            cmap = matplotlib_colormap_to_rgb(self.colormap, revers=False)
+            quicklook_filename = (
+                self.indice_stem + "_" + self.cm_product.suffix + "_QL.tif"
+            )
+            if (self.out_path / quicklook_filename).exists() and not reprocess:
+                logger.info("{} already exists".format(quicklook_filename))
+            else:
+                logger.info("creating quicklook")
+                create_rvb(
+                    raster=(self.out_path / self.indice_filename),
+                    cloud_mask=self.cm_product.path,
+                    lut_dict=cmap,
+                    clouds_color="white",
+                    out_path=(self.out_path / quicklook_filename),
+                    stretch=(0, 2500),
+                )
+class NBR(Indice):
+    """
+    $$Normalized\,Burn\,Ratio = {{NIR-SWIR}\over{NIR+SWIR}}$$
+    NIR: band 08
+    SWIR: band 12
+    """
+    name = "NBR"
+    filename_template = "{product_identifier}NBR{ext}"
+    ext = ".jp2"
+    ext_raw = ".tif"
+    colormap = cm.RdYlBu
+    def __init__(self, l2a_product_object, cm_product_object):
+        if (l2a_product_object or cm_product_object) is None:
+            raise ValueError(
+                "A L2aProduct and NewCloudMask objects must be provided"
+            )
+        else:
+            self.l2a_product = l2a_product_object
+            self.cm_product = cm_product_object
+        self.out_path = None
+        self.indice_stem = self.filename_template.format(
+            product_identifier=self.l2a_product.identifier, ext=""
+        )
+        self.indice_filename = self.indice_stem + self.ext
+        self.indice_raw = self.indice_stem + self.ext_raw
+    def process_indice(
+            self,
+            out_path: pathlib.PosixPath,
+            reprocess: bool = False,
+            nodata_clouds: bool = False,
+            quicklook: bool = False,
+    ) -> None:
+        """process"""
+        self.out_path = out_path
+        if (out_path / self.indice_filename).exists() and not reprocess:
+            logger.info("{} already exists".format(self.indice_filename))
+        else:
+            create_raw_ndr(
+                b1_path=self.l2a_product.b08_10m,
+                b2_path=self.l2a_product.b12_20m,
+                out_path=(out_path / self.indice_raw),
+            )
+            index_tiff_2_jp2(
+                img_path=(out_path / self.indice_raw),
+                out_path=(out_path / self.indice_filename),
+                quality=20,
+            )
+        if nodata_clouds:
+            if not self.cm_product.path.exists():
+                logger.info("Cloudmask does not exist, indice not masked")
+                raise ValueError("Cloud mask does not exist")
+            masked_indice_filename = (
+                    self.indice_stem + "_" + self.cm_product.suffix + self.ext
+            )
+            masked_indice_raw = (
+                    self.indice_stem + "_" + self.cm_product.suffix + self.ext_raw
+            )
+            if (out_path / masked_indice_filename).exists() and not reprocess:
+                logger.info("{} already exists".format(masked_indice_filename))
+            else:
+                if (out_path / self.indice_raw).exists():
+                    nbr_name = out_path / self.indice_raw
+                else:
+                    nbr_name = out_path / self.indice_filename
+                create_masked_indice(
+                    indice_path=nbr_name,
+                    cloud_mask_path=self.cm_product.path,
+                    out_path=(out_path / masked_indice_raw),
+                )
+                index_tiff_2_jp2(
+                    img_path=(out_path / masked_indice_raw),
+                    out_path=(out_path / masked_indice_filename),
+                    quality=20,
+                )
+                os.remove(str(out_path / masked_indice_raw))
+        try:
+            os.remove(str(out_path / self.indice_raw))
+            logger.info("Removing {}".format(self.indice_raw))
+        except:
+            pass
+        if quicklook:
+            cmap = matplotlib_colormap_to_rgb(self.colormap, revers=False)
+            quicklook_filename = self.indice_stem + "_QUICKLOOK.tif"
+            if (self.out_path / quicklook_filename).exists() and not reprocess:
+                logger.info("{} already exists".format(quicklook_filename))
+            else:
+                logger.info("creating quicklook")
+                create_rvb(
+                    raster=(self.out_path / self.indice_filename),
+                    cloud_mask=self.cm_product.path,
+                    lut_dict=cmap,
+                    clouds_color="white",
+                    out_path=(self.out_path / quicklook_filename),
+                )
 class IndicesCollectionMeta(type):
     """Adds special methods to IndicesCollection class."""
diff --git a/sen2chain/indices_functions.py b/sen2chain/indices_functions.py
index ea9919a01f2b03b9aba21099dd8a436935558745..6833ce76327ab16f082cd49210c223ea785554ea 100644
--- a/sen2chain/indices_functions.py
+++ b/sen2chain/indices_functions.py
@@ -549,6 +549,46 @@ def create_raw_bi(
             dst.write(bigr_masked, 1)
     return Path(str(out_path)).absolute
+def create_raw_evi(
+    blue_path: Union[str, pathlib.PosixPath],
+    red_path: Union[str, pathlib.PosixPath],
+    nir_path: Union[str, pathlib.PosixPath],
+    out_path: Union[str, pathlib.PosixPath] = "./raw_evi.tif",
+) -> pathlib.PosixPath:
+    """
+    Creates en EVI raster from BLUE, RED, NIR rasters.
+    :param blue_path: path to the BLUE raster
+    :param red_path: path to the RED raster.
+    :param nir_path: path to the NIR raster.
+    :param out_path: path to the output raster.
+    """
+    logger.info("creating raw EVI (tiff - int16)")
+    with rasterio.open(str(red_path)) as red_src, rasterio.open(str(blue_path)) as blue_src, rasterio.open(str(nir_path)) as nir_src:
+        red_profile = red_src.profile
+        red = red_src.read(1).astype(np.float32)
+        blue = blue_src.read(1).astype(np.float32)
+        nir = nir_src.read(1).astype(np.float32)
+        np.seterr(
+            divide="ignore", invalid="ignore"
+        )  # ignore warnings when dividing by zero
+        evi = 2.5 * ((nir/10000 - red/10000)) / ((nir/10000 + 6.0 * red/10000- 7.5 * blue/10000)+ 1).astype(np.int32)
+        evi_masked = np.where(red != 0, evi, 32767)
+    red_profile.update(
+        driver="Gtiff",
+        compress="DEFLATE",
+        tiled=False,
+        dtype=np.int16,
+        nodata=32767,
+        transform=red_src.transform,
+    )
+    red_profile.pop("tiled", None)
+    with rasterio.Env(GDAL_CACHEMAX=512) as env:
+        with rasterio.open(str(out_path), "w", **red_profile) as dst:
+            dst.write(evi_masked, 1)
+    return Path(str(out_path)).absolute
 def create_masked_indice(
     indice_path: Union[str, pathlib.PosixPath],
diff --git a/sen2chain/jobs.py b/sen2chain/jobs.py
index fb8d425ab34b6d263a4467ff2a14e88b8cbe4596..1fd9013d7c13101fcab415180495b7892eac2f32 100644
--- a/sen2chain/jobs.py
+++ b/sen2chain/jobs.py
@@ -24,6 +24,7 @@ from .utils import datetime_to_str
 from .multi_processing import (
+    cld_version_probability_iterations_reprocessing_multiprocessing,
 from .download_eodag import (
@@ -36,7 +37,7 @@ logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
 class Jobs:
-    Class to manage created jobs
+    Class to manage jobs routines
     def __init__(self):
@@ -105,7 +106,16 @@ class Jobs:
 class Job:
-    Class to manage job
+    Class to create, edit or delete a job routine. A job consist of a group of tasks. A task is a succession of sen2chain main Tile processings :
+    - Download L1C
+    - Process L2A
+    - Process cloudmask (only 1 per task)
+    - Process Indices (Any, using previously produced cloudmask)
+    Both L1C and L2A can be removed once the task is performed.
+    Job editing can be done manually in sen2chain_data/config/jobs/yourjobname.cfg
+    A job can be launched immediately or scheduled with the cron command line.
     # logger.propagate = False
@@ -136,16 +146,23 @@ class Job:
                 ("date_min", [datetime_to_str(datetime.datetime.now(), date_format = 'ymd')]),
                 ("date_max", [datetime_to_str(datetime.datetime.now(), date_format = 'ymd')]),
                 ("max_clouds", [100]),
-                ("l1c", [False]),
-                ("l2a", [False]),
-                ("cloudmask", [False]),
-                ("indices", [False]),
-                ("remove", [False]),
+                ("l1c", ["False"]),
+                ("l2a", ["False"]),
+                ("cloudmask", ["False"]),
+                ("indices", ["False"]),
+                ("remove", ["False"]),
+                ("comments", [""]),
         self.tasks = pd.DataFrame(first_row)
     def task_add(self, row: dict = None):
+        """
+        Add a task to the job. If row : dict = None, default settings are used
+        :param row: Dictionnary of task attributes.
+        :type row: dict
+        """
         if not row:
             logger.info("No row provided, using default")
             row = pd.DataFrame(
@@ -154,11 +171,12 @@ class Job:
                     "date_min": [datetime_to_str(datetime.datetime.now(), date_format = 'ymd')],
                     "date_max": [datetime_to_str(datetime.datetime.now(), date_format = 'ymd')],
                     "max_clouds": [100],
-                    "l1c": [False],
-                    "l2a": [False],
-                    "cloudmask": [False],
-                    "indices": [False],
-                    "remove": [False],
+                    "l1c": ["False"],
+                    "l2a": ["False"],
+                    "cloudmask": ["False"],
+                    "indices": ["False"],
+                    "remove": ["False"],
+                    "comments": [""],
         # self.tasks = self.tasks.append(row, ignore_index=True)
@@ -169,6 +187,12 @@ class Job:
     def task_edit(self, task_id: int = None, **kwargs):
+        """
+        Edit existing task from job routine. Any task attribute can be provided.
+        :param task_id: Task number ID. Default to none
+        :type task_id: int
+        """
         if task_id is None:
                 "Please provide task_number to edit, if no task in job, create_task first"
@@ -185,11 +209,18 @@ class Job:
                         logger.info("{} not found".format(arg))
+                self.clean_fields()
                 logger.info("Task_number not found")
     def task_remove(self, task_id: int = None):
+        """
+        Remove task from job.
+        :param task_id: Tas number ID
+        :type task_id: int
+        """
         if task_id is None:
             logger.info("Please provide task_number to remove")
@@ -201,21 +232,49 @@ class Job:
                 logger.info("Task_number not found")
     def save(self):
+        """
+        Save all task edits to job. Job file located in sen2chain_data/config/jobs/yourjob.cfg
+        """
         # save task to disk
         with open(str(self._config_path), "w") as ict:
+            comments_header ="\n".join(
+                [
+                    "### Parameters", 
+                    "# logs: True | False", 
+                    "# timing: in cron format", 
+                    "# tile: tile identifier, format ##XXX, comment line using ! before tile name"
+                    "# l1c: download l1c: True|False",
+                    "# l2a: compute l2a with sen2chain: True | False", 
+                    "# cloudmasks: False | CM001 | CM002 | CM003-PRB1-ITER5 | CM004-CSH1-CMP1-CHP1-TCI1-ITER0",
+                    "# indices: False | All | NDVI/NDWIGAO/etc.", 
+                    "# remove: to remove downloaded L1C and/or produced L2A, possible values: False | l1c | l2a | l1c/l2a",
+                    "# comments: free user comments, ie tile name, etc.", 
+                    "",
+                    "",
+                ]
+            )
             header = "\n".join(
                     "logs = " + str(self.logs),
                     "timing = " + self.timing,
+                    "",
+            for line in comments_header:
+                ict.write(line)
             for line in header:
             # self.tasks.to_csv(ict)
+            self.unclean_fields()
             self.tasks.to_csv(ict, index=False, sep=";")
     def get_cron_status(self):
+        """
+        Return cron status of selected job : enabled, disabled or absent from cron.
+        """
         iter = list(self._cron.find_comment("sen2chain_job_" + self.jid))
         if iter:
             for job in iter:
@@ -250,6 +309,9 @@ class Job:
     def cron_enable(
+        """
+        Enable job in cron.
+        """
         # enable job in cron
@@ -278,6 +340,9 @@ class Job:
     def cron_disable(self):
+        """
+        Disable job from cron.
+        """
         # disable / commenting job in cron
         iter = list(self._cron.find_comment("sen2chain_job_" + self.jid))
         if iter:
@@ -288,6 +353,9 @@ class Job:
     def cron_remove(self):
+        """
+        Remove job from cron.
+        """
         # remove job from cron
         iter = list(self._cron.find_comment("sen2chain_job_" + self.jid))
         if iter:
@@ -298,10 +366,10 @@ class Job:
     def read(self, path):
-        parser = ConfigParser(allow_no_value=True)
+        parser = ConfigParser(allow_no_value=True, strict = False)
         with open(str(path)) as stream:
-                "[top]\n" + stream.read()
+                "[top]\n" + stream.read(),
             )  # This line does the trick.
         self.logs = bool(setuptools.distutils.util.strtobool(parser["top"]["logs"]))
         self.timing = parser["top"]["timing"]
@@ -315,9 +383,16 @@ class Job:
         # if "logs" not in self.tasks:
         # self.tasks["logs"] = False
+        ##### prévoir ici un check pour les champs nouveaux ou manquants !
+        if 'comments' not in self.tasks:
+            self.tasks['comments'] = ""
+        self.clean_fields()
+    def clean_fields(self):
         for index, row in self.tasks.iterrows():
             if not row.date_min:
                 # self.tasks.at[index, "start_time"] = (datetime.datetime.now()-datetime.timedelta(days=delta_t)).strftime('%Y-%m-%d')
@@ -336,14 +411,17 @@ class Job:
                         index, "indices"
                     ] = IndicesCollection.available_indices
-                    self.tasks.at[index, "indices"] = str(row.indices).split(
-                        "/"
-                    )
-            if not row.cloudmask == "False":
-                self.tasks.at[index, "cloudmask"] = self.get_cm_version(
-                    row.cloudmask
-                )
+                    if not isinstance(self.tasks.at[index, "indices"] , list):
+                        self.tasks.at[index, "indices"] = str(row.indices).split(
+                            "/"
+                        )
+    def unclean_fields(self):
+        for index, row in self.tasks.iterrows():
+            if not((row.indices == "False") or (row.indices == "All")):
+                logger.info(row.indices)
+                self.tasks.at[index, "indices"] = '/'.join(self.tasks.at[index, "indices"])   
     def get_cm_version(identifier) -> str:
         """Returns cloudmask version from a cloud mask identifier string.
@@ -351,7 +429,7 @@ class Job:
             pat = re.compile(r"(?P<cm_version>CM00[1-2])")
-            return pat.match(identifier).groupdict()
+            # return pat.match(identifier).groupdict()
@@ -360,7 +438,7 @@ class Job:
                 + "-PRB(?P<probability>.*)"
                 + "-ITER(?P<iterations>.*)"
-            return pat.match(identifier).groupdict()
+            # return pat.match(identifier).groupdict()
@@ -372,9 +450,37 @@ class Job:
                 + "-TCI(?P<thin_cir>.*)"
                 + "-ITER(?P<iterations>.*)"
-            return pat.match(identifier).groupdict()
+            # return pat.match(identifier).groupdict()
+        try:
+            returned_val = pat.match(identifier).groupdict()
+            if "probability" not in returned_val:
+                returned_val["probability"] = 1
+            if "iterations" not in returned_val:
+                returned_val["iterations"] = 5
+            if "cld_shad" not in returned_val:
+                returned_val["cld_shad"] = True
+            if "cld_med_prob" not in returned_val:
+                returned_val["cld_med_prob"] = True
+            if "cld_hi_prob" not in returned_val:
+                returned_val["cld_hi_prob"] = True
+            if "thin_cir" not in returned_val:
+                returned_val["thin_cir"] = True
+        except:
+            returned_val = {
+                "cm_version": "cm001",
+                "probability": 1,
+                "iterations": 5,
+                "cld_shad": True,
+                "cld_med_prob": True,
+                "cld_hi_prob": True, 
+                "thin_cir": True, 
+            }
+        return returned_val
     def run(
@@ -382,7 +488,10 @@ class Job:
         clean_before: bool = False,
         clean_after: bool = False,
+        """
+        Run job. Tasks are executed on
+        """
         if self.logs:
             self._log_file = self._log_folder_path / (
@@ -393,16 +502,23 @@ class Job:
                 + ".log"
             f = open(str(self._log_file), "w")
-            f.write("Debut : {}\n\n".format(datetime.datetime.now()))
-            f.write(repr(self) + "\n")
+            f.write("Start : {}\n\n".format(datetime.datetime.now()))
+            f.write(repr(self) + "\n\n")
-        if not self.tasks.empty:
+        tasks = self.tasks
+        tasks = tasks[tasks["tile"].str.contains("!") == False]
+        if not tasks.empty:
             ## Cleaning before
             if clean_before:
                 logger.info("Cleaning Tiles")
+                if self.logs:
+                    f.write("Cleaning Tiles\n")
+                    f.flush()
                 clean_list = []
-                for index, row in self.tasks.iterrows():
+                for index, row in tasks.iterrows():
                 lib = Library()
                 pb_before = lib.clean(
@@ -413,7 +529,7 @@ class Job:
             ## L1C download - each tile sequential
             # download_list= []
             # logger.info("Downloading l1c seq")
-            # for index, row in self.tasks.iterrows():
+            # for index, row in tasks.iterrows():
                 # if bool(setuptools.distutils.util.strtobool(str(row.l1c))):
                     # t = Tile(row.tile)
                     # logger.info("Tile: {}".format(t.name))
@@ -431,11 +547,19 @@ class Job:
             ## L1C download - all tiles multi
             download_list= []
-            logger.info("Searching l1c products")
-            for index, row in self.tasks.iterrows():
+            logger.info("Downloading l1c products")
+            if self.logs:
+                f.write("Downloading l1c products\n")
+                f.flush()
+            for index, row in tasks.iterrows():
                 if bool(setuptools.distutils.util.strtobool(str(row.l1c))):
                     t = Tile(row.tile)
-                    logger.info("Tile: {}".format(t.name))
+                    logger.info("Checking tile: {}".format(t.name))
+                    if self.logs:
+                        f.write("Checking tile: {}\n".format(t.name))
+                        f.flush()
                     tile_download_list = t.get_l1c(
                         provider = "peps",
                         download = False,
@@ -452,12 +576,25 @@ class Job:
             # S2cEodag_download(download_list, "multip")
             after_list = [p.location for p in download_list]
             downloaded_products = [Path(after_list[i]).stem for i in range(len(before_list)) if before_list[i] != after_list[i]]
-            logger.info("Downloaded product(s): {}".format(downloaded_products))
+            logger.info("{} product(s) downloaded: {}\n\n".format(len(downloaded_products), downloaded_products))
+            if self.logs:
+                f.write("{} product(s) downloaded: \n".format(len(downloaded_products)))
+                if downloaded_products:
+                    for pro in downloaded_products:
+                        f.write("{}\n\n".format(pro))
+                else:
+                    f.write("\n".format(cld))
+                f.flush()
             # Traitement des L1C en L2A
             logger.info("Computing l2a")
+            if self.logs:
+                f.write("Computing l2a\n")
+                f.flush()
             l1c_process_list = []
-            for index, row in self.tasks.iterrows():
+            for index, row in tasks.iterrows():
                 if bool(setuptools.distutils.util.strtobool(str(row.l2a))):
                     t = Tile(row.tile)
                     l1c_to_process = list(
@@ -468,43 +605,52 @@ class Job:
-                        "ajout {}: {} l1c files".format(
+                        "ajout {}: {} l1c files\n".format(
                             row.tile, len(l1c_to_process)
             l1c_process_list = list(chain.from_iterable(l1c_process_list))
-                "l1c Sen2Cor process list ({} files): {}".format(
+                "Process list ({} files): {}".format(
                     len(l1c_process_list), l1c_process_list
+            if self.logs:
+                f.write(
+                    "Process list ({} files): {}\n\n".format(
+                        len(l1c_process_list), l1c_process_list
+                    )
+                )
+                f.flush()
             l2a_res = False
             if l1c_process_list:
                 l2a_res = l2a_multiprocessing(
                     l1c_process_list, nb_proc=nb_proc
-                # logger.info("je multiprocess les l1c en l2a")
-                if self.logs:
-                    f.write("\nTraitement des l1c : {}\n".format(l2a_res))
-                    f.write(
-                        "l1c_process_list: \n"
-                        + "\n".join(l1c_process_list)
-                        + "\n"
-                    )
             # Remove downloaded L1C
-            for index, row in self.tasks.iterrows():
+            for index, row in tasks.iterrows():
                 if "l1c" in str(row.remove).lower():
                     t = Tile(row.tile)
-                    t.remove_l1c([p for p in downloaded_products if row.tile in p])
-            # Traitement des L2A (clouds)
+                    prodlist = [p for p in l1c_process_list if row.tile in p]
+                    t.remove_l2a(prodlist)
+                    logger.info("Removing downloaded l1c products: {}".format(prodlist))
+                    if self.logs:
+                        f.write("Removing downloaded l1c products: {}\n\n".format(prodlist))
+                        f.flush()                    
+            # Comuting cloudmasks (from L2A)
             logger.info("Computing cloudmasks")
+            if self.logs:
+                f.write("Computing cloudmasks\n")
+                f.flush()
             reprocess = False
             cld_l2a_process_list = []
-            for index, row in self.tasks.iterrows():
+            for index, row in tasks.iterrows():
                 # if not bool(distutils.util.strtobool(str(row.cloudmask))):
                 if not (row.cloudmask == "False" or not row.cloudmask):
+                    cloudmask = self.get_cm_version(row.cloudmask)                    
                     t = Tile(row.tile)
                     l2a_to_process = [
@@ -515,45 +661,62 @@ class Job:
                     for j in l2a_to_process:
                         l2a_cm_details = [
-                            row.cloudmask["cm_version"],
-                            row.cloudmask["probability"],
-                            row.cloudmask["iterations"],
-                            row.cloudmask["cld_shad"],
-                            row.cloudmask["cld_med_prob"],
-                            row.cloudmask["cld_hi_prob"],
-                            row.cloudmask["thin_cir"],
+                            cloudmask["cm_version"].lower(),
+                            cloudmask["probability"],
+                            cloudmask["iterations"],
+                            cloudmask["cld_shad"],
+                            cloudmask["cld_med_prob"],
+                            cloudmask["cld_hi_prob"],
+                            cloudmask["thin_cir"],
-                        "ajout {}: {} l2a products".format(
+                        "{} adding: {} l2a products to process".format(
                             row.tile, len(l2a_to_process)
+                    if self.logs:
+                        f.write(
+                            "{} adding: {} l2a products to process\n".format(
+                                row.tile, len(l2a_to_process)
+                            )
+                        )
+                        f.flush()
-                "l2a cloudmasks process list ({} products): {}".format(
+                "Cloudmask computing process list ({} l2a products): {}".format(
                     len(cld_l2a_process_list), cld_l2a_process_list
+            if self.logs:
+                f.write(
+                    "Cloudmask computing process list ({} l2a products):\n".format(
+                        len(cld_l2a_process_list),                     )
+                )
+                if cld_l2a_process_list:
+                    for cld in cld_l2a_process_list:
+                        f.write("{}\n\n".format(cld))
+                else:
+                    f.write("\n".format(cld))
+                f.flush()
             cld_res = False
             if cld_l2a_process_list:
                 cld_res = cld_version_probability_iterations_reprocessing_multiprocessing(
                     cld_l2a_process_list, nb_proc=nb_proc
-                if self.logs:
-                    f.write("\nTraitement des clouds : {}\n".format(cld_res))
-                    f.write(
-                        "cld_l2a_process_list: \n"
-                        + "\n".join(cld_l2a_process_list)
-                        + "\n"
-                    )
             # Traitement des L2A (indices)
             logger.info("Computing indices")
+            if self.logs:
+                f.write("Computing indices\n")
+                f.flush()
             nodata_clouds = True
             quicklook = False
             indices_l2a_process_list = []
-            for index, row in self.tasks.iterrows():
+            for index, row in tasks.iterrows():
                 if not (row.indices == "False" or not row.indices):
                     t = Tile(row.tile)
                     # indices_list = row.indices.split("/")
@@ -575,48 +738,76 @@ class Job:
-                                row.cloudmask["cm_version"],
-                                row.cloudmask["probability"],
-                                row.cloudmask["iterations"],
-                                row.cloudmask["cld_shad"],
-                                row.cloudmask["cld_med_prob"],
-                                row.cloudmask["cld_hi_prob"],
-                                row.cloudmask["thin_cir"],
+                                cloudmask["cm_version"],
+                                cloudmask["probability"],
+                                cloudmask["iterations"],
+                                cloudmask["cld_shad"],
+                                cloudmask["cld_med_prob"],
+                                cloudmask["cld_hi_prob"],
+                                cloudmask["thin_cir"],
-                            "ajout {} - {}: {} l2a products".format(
+                            "{}: adding - {}: {} l2a products".format(
                                 row.tile, i, len(l2a_to_process)
+                        if self.logs:
+                            f.write(
+                            "{}: adding - {}: {} l2a products\n".format(
+                                row.tile, i, len(l2a_to_process)
+                                )
+                            )
+                            f.flush()
-                "l2a indices process list ({} products): {}".format(
+                "Indice computing process list ({} l2a products): {}".format(
                     len(indices_l2a_process_list), indices_l2a_process_list
+            if self.logs:
+                f.write(
+                    "Indice computing process list ({} l2a products): \n".format(
+                        len(indices_l2a_process_list),
+                    )
+                )
+                for ind in indices_l2a_process_list:
+                    f.write("{}\n".format(ind))
+                f.write("\n")
+                f.flush()            
             indices_res = False
             if indices_l2a_process_list:
                 indices_res = idx_multiprocessing(
                     indices_l2a_process_list, nb_proc=nb_proc
-                if self.logs:
-                    f.write(
-                        "\nTraitement des indices: {}\n".format(indices_res)
-                    )
-                    f.write(
-                        "indices_l2a_process_list: \n"
-                        + "\n".join(indices_l2a_process_list)
-                        + "\n"
-                    )
             # Remove L2A
-            # todo
+            l2a_remove_list = list(
+                set(
+                    [cld[0] for cld in cld_l2a_process_list] + [ind[0] for ind in indices_l2a_process_list]
+                )
+            )
+            for index, row in tasks.iterrows():
+                if "l2a" in str(row.remove).lower():
+                    t = Tile(row.tile)
+                    prodlist = [p for p in l2a_remove_list if row.tile in p]
+                    t.remove_l2a(prodlist)
+                    logger.info("Removing {} produced l2a product(s): {}".format(len(prodlist), prodlist))
+                    if self.logs:
+                        f.write("Removing {} produced l2a products: {}\n".format(len(prodlist)))
+                        for l2a in prodlist:
+                            f.write("{}\n\n".format(l2a))
+                        f.flush()   
             # Cleaning after
             if clean_after:
                 logger.info("Cleaning Tiles")
+                if self.logs:
+                    f.write("Cleaning Tiles\n\n")
+                    f.flush()
                 clean_list = []
-                for index, row in self.tasks.iterrows():
+                for index, row in tasks.iterrows():
                 lib = Library()
                 pb_before = lib.clean(
@@ -626,7 +817,10 @@ class Job:
             logger.info("No task defined for this job, doing nothing")
+            if self.logs:
+                f.write("No task defined for this job, doing nothing\n\n")
+                f.flush()
         if self.logs:
-            f.write("\nFin : {}\n".format(datetime.datetime.now()))
+            f.write("Fin : {}\n".format(datetime.datetime.now()))
diff --git a/sen2chain/multi_processing.py b/sen2chain/multi_processing.py
index b794ee27b25a3455d9380e25431537ab6b52044f..f33b580635b3ea49e391a08f838954345e8f27a1 100644
--- a/sen2chain/multi_processing.py
+++ b/sen2chain/multi_processing.py
@@ -19,22 +19,24 @@ def multi(product):
         fwd = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
         logger.info("Processing {}".format(product))
-        cmd = [
-            "setsid",
-            "/usr/bin/python3",
-            fwd + "/multiprocess_l2a.py",
-            product,
-        ]
-        proc = subprocess.Popen(cmd)
         l1c = L1cProduct(product)
-        l2a_identifier = l1c.identifier.replace("L1C_", "L2A_").replace(
-            "_OPER_", "_USER_"
-        )
-        l2a_prod = L2aProduct(l2a_identifier)
-        while not (l2a_prod.in_library):
-            sleep(5)
-        logger.info("End {}".format(product))
+        if l1c.processable_to_l2a():
+            cmd = [
+                "setsid",
+                "/usr/bin/python3",
+                fwd + "/multiprocess_l2a.py",
+                product,
+            ]
+            proc = subprocess.Popen(cmd)
+            # l1c = L1cProduct(product)
+            l2a_identifier = l1c.identifier.replace("L1C_", "L2A_").replace(
+                "_OPER_", "_USER_"
+            )
+            l2a_prod = L2aProduct(l2a_identifier)
+            while not (l2a_prod.in_library):
+                sleep(5)
+            logger.info("End {}".format(product))
         logger.info("Plante {}".format(product))
diff --git a/sen2chain/products.py b/sen2chain/products.py
index 36a6e89fb79cfa86dd6723fc9b8cac325ffbc40b..79cc710727f2f68c18f82106a7b0f322078eef8a 100755
--- a/sen2chain/products.py
+++ b/sen2chain/products.py
@@ -203,12 +203,24 @@ class L1cProduct(Product):
     def __init__(
         self, identifier: str = None, tile: str = None, path: str = None
         super().__init__(identifier=identifier, tile=tile, path=path)
         if not re.match(r".*L1C_.*", self.identifier):
             raise ValueError("Invalid L1C product name")
+    def processable_to_l2a(
+        self, 
+        s2c_path: Union[str, pathlib.PosixPath] = None,
+    ) -> "L1cProduct":
+        """ check if l1c can be processed to l2a with sen2cor """
+        s2c_path = s2c_path or get_latest_s2c_version_path(self.identifier)
+        if s2c_path:
+            return True
+        else:
+            logger.info("{} not processable, check your Sen2Cor install".format(self.identifier))
+            return False
     def process_l2a(
         reprocess: bool = False,
@@ -228,6 +240,8 @@ class L1cProduct(Product):
             s2c_path = s2c_path or get_latest_s2c_version_path(self.identifier)
             if s2c_path:
                 process_it = True
+            else:
+                logger.info("{} not processable, check your Sen2Cor install".format(self.identifier))
             if not reprocess:
                 logger.info("{} already exists.".format(l2a_identifier))
diff --git a/sen2chain/tiles.py b/sen2chain/tiles.py
index f07cf012ed9e67dfca52ac6ddadc3a75cc61bce1..cb999d76c3165a4ab3878b4db56161c7535b0159 100644
--- a/sen2chain/tiles.py
+++ b/sen2chain/tiles.py
@@ -839,6 +839,10 @@ class Tile:
         # elif ref == "ndvi":
             # toto = 13
+        if provider == "scihub":
+            NUM_THREADS = 4
+        else:
+            NUM_THREADS = 8
         if download:
             before_list = [p.location for p in dag.products]
@@ -850,7 +854,7 @@ class Tile:
             ## multithreading
             elif dl_mode == "multit":
-                NUM_THREADS = 8
+                #NUM_THREADS = 8
                 q = Queue()
                 def do_stuff(q, dag):
                   while True:
diff --git a/sen2chain/xmlparser.py b/sen2chain/xmlparser.py
index 8815a25a0dc3b39c6385f2f11261da9aaa12c82b..50610bad253b87b0110b8f01075d4924ca4e20fa 100644
--- a/sen2chain/xmlparser.py
+++ b/sen2chain/xmlparser.py
@@ -219,7 +219,7 @@ class Sen2ChainMetadataParser:
         self._root.find("SEN2CHAIN_PROCESSING_VERSION").text = Config().get(
-        self._root.find("SEN2COR_VERSION").text = get_current_Sen2Cor_version()
+        self._root.find("SEN2COR_VERSION").text = get_Sen2Cor_version()
@@ -241,8 +241,10 @@ class Sen2ChainMetadataParser:
         self._root.find("SEN2COR_VERSION").text = (
-            sen2cor_version or get_current_Sen2Cor_version()
+            sen2cor_version or get_Sen2Cor_version()
-            str(self.xml_path), encoding="UTF-8", xml_declaration=True
+            str(self.xml_path), 
+            encoding="UTF-8", 
+            xml_declaration=True