diff --git a/sen2chain/__init__.py b/sen2chain/__init__.py
index ddb76c4f6ddc822fbb2a455ad1532c7b07700c18..4679ab400f3dacdcd16f265358505e0fa5d6145a 100644
--- a/sen2chain/__init__.py
+++ b/sen2chain/__init__.py
@@ -27,6 +27,7 @@ from .products import (
+    FamilyProduct,
 from .library import Library
 from .data_request import DataRequest
@@ -46,6 +47,7 @@ from .utils import (
+    get_cm_dict, get_cm_string_from_dict, get_indice_from_identifier
 from .geo_utils import (
diff --git a/sen2chain/products.py b/sen2chain/products.py
index 22411e0967918f30569caac7b6e61ccc3412e076..0847440236f91231a0758eeda69cbb40ac086815 100755
--- a/sen2chain/products.py
+++ b/sen2chain/products.py
@@ -20,7 +20,15 @@ from typing import (
 from packaging import version
-from .utils import grouper, set_permissions, get_Sen2Cor_version, get_latest_s2c_version_path
+from .utils import (
+    grouper,
+    set_permissions,
+    get_Sen2Cor_version,
+    get_latest_s2c_version_path,
+    get_cm_dict,
+    get_cm_string_from_dict,
+    get_indice_from_identifier
 from .config import Config, SHARED_DATA
 from .xmlparser import MetadataParser, Sen2ChainMetadataParser
 from .sen2cor import process_sen2cor
@@ -1733,3 +1741,100 @@ class IndiceProduct:
+class FamilyProduct(dict):
+    """Family product class
+    :param identifier: cloudmask filename.
+    """
+    _l1c_library_path = Path(Config().get("l1c_path"))
+    _l2a_library_path = Path(Config().get("l2a_path"))
+    _cloudmask_library_path = Path(Config().get("cloudmasks_path"))
+    _indice_library_path = Path(Config().get("indices_path"))
+    def __init__(
+        self,
+        identifier: str = None,
+    ):
+        if not (identifier):
+            raise ValueError(
+                "Identifier cannot be empty"
+            )
+        else:
+            fid_tile = self.get_family_id_tile(identifier)
+            if fid_tile:
+                self.update(fid_tile)
+                self.family_id = fid_tile["family_id"]
+                self.tile = fid_tile["tile"]
+            self.l1c_id = self.get_l1c()
+            self.l2a_id = self.get_l2a()
+            self.cloudmasks = self.get_cloudmasks()
+            self.indices = self.get_indices()
+            for key, val in self.__dict__.items():
+                self[key] = val
+    def get_family_id_tile(self, identifier):
+        try:
+            pat = re.compile(        
+                r".*(?P<family_id>"
+                + "[0-9]{8}T[0-9]{6}"
+                + "_N[0-9]{4}_R[0-9]{3}"
+                + "_T(?P<tile>[0-9]{2}[A-Z]{3})"
+                + "_[0-9]{8}T[0-9]{6}"
+                + ").*"
+            )
+            return pat.match(identifier).groupdict()
+        except:
+            pass
+    def get_l1c(self):
+        library_path = self._l1c_library_path / self.tile
+        paths = list(library_path.glob("*L1C*" + self.family_id + "*"))
+        if len(paths) > 0:
+            return paths[0].stem
+        else:
+            return None
+    def get_l2a(self):
+        library_path = self._l2a_library_path / self.tile
+        paths = list(library_path.glob("*L2A*" + self.family_id + "*"))
+        if len(paths) > 0:
+            return paths[0].stem
+        else:
+            return None    
+    def get_cloudmasks(self):
+        cloudmasks = []
+        library_path = self._cloudmask_library_path / self.tile / self.l2a_id
+        paths = list(library_path.glob("*L2A*" + self.family_id + "_CM*.jp2"))
+        for item in paths:
+            cm_dict = get_cm_dict(item.stem)
+            cm_string = get_cm_string_from_dict(cm_dict)
+            cm_dict["cm_string"] = cm_string
+            cloudmasks.append(cm_dict)
+        return cloudmasks    
+    def get_indices(self):
+        indices = []
+        library_path = self._indice_library_path
+        paths = list(
+            library_path.glob(
+                "*/"
+                + self.tile + "/"
+                + self.l2a_id + "/"
+                + "*.jp2"
+            )
+        )
+        for item in paths:
+            logger.info(item)
+            indice_dict = {}
+            indice_dict["indice"] = get_indice_from_identifier(item.stem)
+            cm_dict = get_cm_dict(item.stem)
+            if cm_dict:
+                indice_dict.update(cm_dict)
+                indice_dict["cm_string"] = get_cm_string_from_dict(cm_dict)
+                indice_dict["indice_string"] = indice_dict["indice"] + "_" + indice_dict["cm_string"]
+            else:
+                indice_dict["indice_string"] = indice_dict["indice"]
+            indices.append(indice_dict)
+        return indices    
diff --git a/sen2chain/utils.py b/sen2chain/utils.py
index 862551965a578b826b618a19e8c927cb7f3c314f..8828b89dce044f15d000b4fe2e1020660a6d50a0 100644
--- a/sen2chain/utils.py
+++ b/sen2chain/utils.py
@@ -200,3 +200,89 @@ def get_latest_s2c_version_path(l1c_identifier):
             return current_path
+def get_cm_dict(identifier) -> dict:
+    """Returns cloudmask version from an identifier string.
+    :param string: string from which to extract the version name.
+    can be a cloudmask or an indice identifier
+    """
+    returned_val = None
+    try:
+        pat = re.compile(r".*(?P<cm_version>CM00[1-2])")
+        returned_val = pat.match(identifier).groupdict()
+    except:
+        try:
+            pat = re.compile(
+                r".*(?P<cm_version>CM003)"
+                + "-PRB(?P<probability>.*)"
+                + "-ITER(?P<iterations>.*)"
+            )
+            returned_val = pat.match(identifier).groupdict()
+        except:
+            try:
+                pat = re.compile(
+                    r".*(?P<cm_version>CM004)"
+                    + "-CSH(?P<cld_shad>.*)"
+                    + "-CMP(?P<cld_med_prob>.*)"
+                    + "-CHP(?P<cld_hi_prob>.*)"
+                    + "-TCI(?P<thin_cir>.*)"
+                    + "-ITER(?P<iterations>.*)"
+                )
+                returned_val = pat.match(identifier).groupdict()
+            except:
+               pass
+    if returned_val:
+        if "probability" not in returned_val:
+            returned_val["probability"] = 1
+        if "iterations" not in returned_val:
+            returned_val["iterations"] = 5
+        if "cld_shad" not in returned_val:
+            returned_val["cld_shad"] = True
+        if "cld_med_prob" not in returned_val:
+            returned_val["cld_med_prob"] = True
+        if "cld_hi_prob" not in returned_val:
+            returned_val["cld_hi_prob"] = True
+        if "thin_cir" not in returned_val:
+            returned_val["thin_cir"] = True
+        returned_val["probability"] = int(returned_val["probability"])
+        returned_val["iterations"] = int(returned_val["iterations"])
+        returned_val["cld_shad"] = returned_val["cld_shad"] in ["1", 1, True, "True"] 
+        returned_val["cld_med_prob"] = returned_val["cld_med_prob"] in ["1", 1, True, "True"]
+        returned_val["cld_hi_prob"] = returned_val["cld_hi_prob"] in ["1", 1, True, "True"]
+        returned_val["thin_cir"] = returned_val["thin_cir"] in ["1", 1, True, "True"]
+    return returned_val
+def get_cm_string_from_dict(cm_dict) -> str:
+    if cm_dict:
+        if cm_dict["cm_version"] == "CM001":
+            cm_string = "CM001"
+        elif cm_dict["cm_version"] == "CM002":
+            cm_string = "CM002-B11"
+        elif cm_dict["cm_version"] == "CM003":
+            cm_string = (
+                "CM003" +
+                "-PRB" + str(cm_dict["probability"])  + 
+                "-ITER" + str(cm_dict["iterations"])
+            )
+        elif cm_dict["cm_version"] == "CM004":
+            cm_string = (
+                "CM004" + 
+                "-CSH" + str(1 * cm_dict["cld_shad"]) + 
+                "-CMP" + str(1 * cm_dict["cld_med_prob"]) + 
+                "-CHP" + str(1 * cm_dict["cld_hi_prob"]) + 
+                "-TCI" + str(1 * cm_dict["thin_cir"]) + 
+                "-ITER" + str(cm_dict["iterations"])
+            )
+        else:
+            cm_string = None
+    else:
+        cm_string = None
+    return cm_string
+def get_indice_from_identifier(identifier) -> str:
+    indice = (identifier.replace(".", "_").split("_")[7]).upper()
+    return indice