diff --git a/sen2chain/automatization.py b/sen2chain/automatization.py
index af6bd365edd19837913faa320c2ba415f0dfbcdc..b1814cadd5141d2f269b9006ee21749e6449e571 100644
--- a/sen2chain/automatization.py
+++ b/sen2chain/automatization.py
@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ class Automatization:
     def __init__(self) -> None:
         self._df = None
         self._tiles_to_update = dict()
-        self._products_list = {"hubs": {}, "aws": {}}
+        self._products_list = {}
         if not self._csv_path.exists():
             logger.info("Creating tiles_to_watch file")
@@ -190,8 +190,7 @@ class Automatization:
-            self._products_list["hubs"].update(request.products_list["hubs"])
-            self._products_list["aws"].update(request.products_list["aws"])
+            self._products_list.update(request.products_list)
     def _get_ignored_tiles(self) -> np.ndarray:
@@ -235,7 +234,6 @@ class Automatization:
             prods = DownloadAndProcess(
-                aws_limit=2,
@@ -273,7 +271,7 @@ class Automatization:
     def products(self) -> Dict[str, dict]:
-        """Returns the products to download on AWS and on hubs."""
+        """Returns the products to download."""
         return self._products_list
diff --git a/sen2chain/data_request.py b/sen2chain/data_request.py
index c718d5d3a42d78c2c1280dcd046cc62cc5bb2d5f..65403749512bdcd45fcde6c4dacd342563fb557f 100644
--- a/sen2chain/data_request.py
+++ b/sen2chain/data_request.py
@@ -64,13 +64,6 @@ class DataRequest:
                 land_only=True).from_tiles["40KCB", "40KEC"]
-    # Since "requester pays" was enabled on AWS for the Sentienl-2 L1C dataset
-    # (products are no longer free), downloading non-tiled products on AWS
-    # does'nt work anymore.
-    # Therefore, it's useless to make a complex request to separate non-tiled
-    # and tiled products.
-    # This class needs to be refactored.
     # Proxy settings
     proxy_http_url = Config().get("proxy_http_url").strip()
     proxy_https_url = Config().get("proxy_https_url").strip()
@@ -105,7 +98,7 @@ class DataRequest:
         self.land_only = land_only
         self.tiles_to_keep = None
         self.tiles_to_keep_geom = dict()
-        self.products_list = {"aws": {}, "hubs": {}}
+        self.products_list = {}
         self.cloudcoverpercentage = (
             cloud_cover_percentage if cloud_cover_percentage else (0, 100)
@@ -198,146 +191,18 @@ class DataRequest:
         return self.products_list
     def _make_request(self) -> None:
-        """Will call the right request method depending on products"""
+        """Scihub API request using sentinelsat."""
-            "Requesting images ranging from {} to {}".format(
-                self.start_date, self.end_date
-            )
+            f"Requesting images ranging from {self.start_date} to {self.end_date}"
         if self.tiles_to_keep is None:
             raise ValueError("Query tiles not provided")
-        # reset products_list
-        # should the products_list be updated or erased for each new request ?
-        self.products_list = {"aws": {}, "hubs": {}}
-        tileddate = str_to_datetime("2016-11-01", "ymd")
-        if self.start_date > tileddate:
-            self._make_request_tiled_only()
-        else:
-            self._make_request_not_tiled()
-    def _make_request_not_tiled(self) -> None:
-        """Scihub API request using sentinelsat. This method is called for
-        tiled products only."""
-        logger.debug("_make_request_not_tiled")
-        print("Tile:", self.tiles_to_keep)
-        products_from_hubs = dict()
-        products_from_aws = dict()
-        # query by group of 3 tiles,  otherwise getting error message
-        # "Request URI too long" from scihub
-        for tiles_to_keep_triplet, tiles_to_keep_triplet_geom in zip(
-            grouper(self.tiles_to_keep, 3),
-            grouper(self.tiles_to_keep_geom.values(), 3),
-        ):
-            tiles_to_keep = [tile for tile in tiles_to_keep_triplet if tile]
-            tiles_to_keep_geom = [
-                geom for geom in tiles_to_keep_triplet_geom if geom
-            ]
-            print(tiles_to_keep)
-            # build a multipolygon from tiles geom
-            query_geom = MultiPolygon(tiles_to_keep_geom)
-            logging.debug("query geometry:\n{}".format(query_geom))
-            # scihub request
-            products = OrderedDict()
-            products = self.api.query(
-                query_geom,
-                date=(self.start_date, self.end_date),
-                order_by="+endposition",
-                platformname="Sentinel-2",
-                producttype="S2MSI1C",
-                cloudcoverpercentage=self.cloudcoverpercentage,
-            )
-            # save products list as a pandas dataframe
-            products_df = self.api.to_dataframe(products)
-            if products_df.empty:
-                return
-            # a products dictionnay for each server (AWS vs hubs)
-            # fill each dictionnary depending on the acquisition date
-            for index, row in products_df[
-                ["title", "beginposition", "footprint"]
-            ].iterrows():
-                # start date of the tiled S2 collection on the scihub server
-                tileddate = str_to_datetime("2016-11-01", "ymd")
-                img_title = row[0]
-                img_date = row[1].to_pydatetime()
-                img_footprint = loads(row[2])
-                for tile_name, tile_geom in self.tiles_to_keep_geom.items():
-                    # in case of duplicates on the server
-                    if (
-                        img_title not in self.products_list["hubs"].keys()
-                        and img_title not in self.products_list["aws"].keys()
-                    ):
-                        # tiled products are downloaded on hubs
-                        if re.match(r".*_T[0-9]{2}[A-Z]{3}_.*", img_title):
-                            if tile_name in img_title:
-                                self.products_list["hubs"][img_title] = {
-                                    "date": img_date,
-                                    "tile": tile_name,
-                                }
-                                continue
-                            else:
-                                continue
-                        # non-tiled products will be downloaded on aws
-                        else:
-                            if tile_geom.intersects(img_footprint):
-                                self.products_list["aws"][img_title] = {
-                                    "date": img_date,
-                                    "tile": tile_name,
-                                }
-        # pprint dicts in chronological order
-        print("\nFrom AWS")
-        pprint(
-            list(
-                OrderedDict(
-                    sorted(
-                        self.products_list["aws"].items(),
-                        key=lambda t: t[1]["date"],
-                    )
-                )
-            )
-        )
-        print("\nFrom hubs")
-        pprint(
-            list(
-                OrderedDict(
-                    sorted(
-                        self.products_list["hubs"].items(),
-                        key=lambda t: t[1]["date"],
-                    )
-                )
-            )
-        )
-    # Tiled products request (lighter)
-    def _make_request_tiled_only(self) -> None:
-        """Scihub API request using sentinelsat. This method is called if
-        products are a mix of tiled and non-tiled products."""
-        logger.debug("_make_request_tiled_only")
         print("Sentinel2 tiles:\n", self.tiles_to_keep)
-        products_from_hubs = dict()
-        products_from_aws = dict()
+        products = dict()
         # remove water-only tiles when land-only parameter is enabled
         if self.land_only:
@@ -361,7 +226,7 @@ class DataRequest:
         products = OrderedDict()
         for tile in self.tiles_to_keep:
             kw = query_kwargs.copy()
-            kw["filename"] = "*_T{}_*".format(tile)
+            kw["filename"] = f"*_T{tile}_*"
             pp = self.api.query(**kw)
@@ -370,23 +235,21 @@ class DataRequest:
         if products_df.empty:
-            # a products dictionnay for each server (AWS vs hubs)
             # fill each dictionnary depending on the acquisition date
         for index, row in products_df[["title", "beginposition"]].iterrows():
             img_title = row[0]
             img_date = row[1].to_pydatetime()
-            self.products_list["hubs"][img_title] = {
+            self.products_list[img_title] = {
                 "date": img_date,
                 "tile": re.findall("_T([0-9]{2}[A-Z]{3})_", img_title)[0],
         # pprint dicts in chronological order
-        print("\nFrom hubs")
-                        self.products_list["hubs"].items(),
+                        self.products_list.items(),
                         key=lambda t: t[1]["date"],
diff --git a/sen2chain/download_and_process.py b/sen2chain/download_and_process.py
index fa7aae9f9a1210d43f60f46cb63fc56163e255b4..ae272ccfbf4bbfa7a30d80308e39253f0fe763fb 100644
--- a/sen2chain/download_and_process.py
+++ b/sen2chain/download_and_process.py
@@ -13,7 +13,6 @@ from datetime import datetime
 from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor, ProcessPoolExecutor
 from collections import defaultdict
 from sentinelsat import SentinelAPI
-# from sentinelhub import AwsProductRequest
 from pprint import pprint
 # type annotations
@@ -31,38 +30,6 @@ logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
-# FIXME: AWS download no longer available
-def download_aws(identifier: str, tile: str, hub: str) -> Tuple[str, bool]:
-    """Downloads L1C safe from AWS using sentinelhub package.
-    :param identifier:
-    :param tile:
-    :param hub:
-    """
-    logger.debug("download_aws {}".format(identifier))
-    temp_container = TempContainer(identifier, tile)
-    temp_container.create_temp_folder()
-    # downloaded = True
-    if (
-        not temp_container.l1c.path.exists()
-        and not temp_container.l1c.in_library
-    ):
-        product_request = AwsProductRequest(
-            product_id=identifier,
-            tile_list=["T" + tile],
-            data_folder=str(temp_container.temp_path),
-            safe_format=True,
-        )
-        product_request.save_data()
-        # archive_l1c(identifier, tile, hub)
-        # if not temp_container.l1c.path.exists():
-        # downloaded = False
-    return identifier, hub
 def download_peps(
     identifier: str, tile: str, hub: str
 ) -> Tuple[str, str, str, bool]:
@@ -214,7 +181,6 @@ class DownloadAndProcess:
     :param identifiers: a dictionnary containing products identifiers as keys.
     :param hubs_limit: hub name as key, max of downloading threads as value.
-    :param aws_limit: max of downloading threads.
     :param process_products: process products after download.
     :param max_processes: number of parallel processes.
     :param indices_list: list of valid indices names that will be processed.
@@ -233,7 +199,6 @@ class DownloadAndProcess:
         identifiers: Dict[str, dict],
         hubs_limit: dict = None,
-        aws_limit: int = None,
         process_products: bool = False,
         max_processes: int = 2,
         indices_list: list = [],
@@ -252,18 +217,6 @@ class DownloadAndProcess:
             self.hubs_limit = hubs_limit
-        if aws_limit is None:
-            self.aws_limit = 3
-            logger.debug("aws_limit set to: {}".format(self.aws_limit))
-        else:
-            if aws_limit > 3:
-                self.aws_limit = 3
-                logger.warning(
-                    "aws limit too high, using default: {}".format(
-                        self.aws_limit
-                    )
-                )
         if not isinstance(process_products, bool):
             raise ValueError("process_product must be either True or False")
@@ -339,7 +292,7 @@ class DownloadAndProcess:
             while len(tasks) < limit and self.queue.qsize() > 0:
                 logger.debug("tasks < limit")
                 item = await self.queue.get()
-                tile = self.identifiers["hubs"][item]["tile"]
+                tile = self.identifiers[item]["tile"]
                 task = asyncio.ensure_future(
                     self.downloader_hubs(item, tile, hub)
@@ -412,25 +365,6 @@ class DownloadAndProcess:
         return (identifier, tile, hub)
-    # FIXME: AWS download no longer available
-    async def downloader_aws(
-        self, identifier: str, tile: str, hub: str
-    ) -> Tuple[str, str, str]:
-        """coroutine appelant la coroutine de téléchargement sur aws"""
-        logger.debug("downloader_aws {}".format(identifier))
-        async with asyncio.Semaphore(self.aws_limit):
-            fut = self.loop.run_in_executor(
-                self.threads_executor,
-                functools.partial(download_aws, identifier, tile, hub),
-            )
-            await fut
-            logger.info(
-                "--> --> {} downloaded from {}".format(identifier, hub)
-            )
-        return (identifier, tile, hub)
     async def archive_l1c(
         self, identifier: str, tile: str, hub: str
     ) -> Tuple[str, str, str]:
@@ -479,38 +413,13 @@ class DownloadAndProcess:
         return identifier, tile, hub
-    # FIXME: AWS download no longer available
-    async def download_process_aws(
-        self, identifier: str
-    ) -> Tuple[str, str, str]:
-        """
-        Coroutine for downloading and processing products from AWS.
-        :param identifier:
-        """
-        logger.info("download_process_aws")
-        tile = self.identifiers["aws"][identifier]["tile"]
-        downloads = await asyncio.ensure_future(
-            self.downloader_aws(identifier, tile, "aws")
-        )
-        if self.process_products:
-            fut = self.process(*downloads)
-            # if fut.cancelled():
-            # return fut
-            await fut
-        return downloads
     async def main(self) -> None:
         """Main coroutine. Starts proxies and fills the queue."""
-        identifiers_aws = self.identifiers["aws"]
-        identifiers_hubs = self.identifiers["hubs"]
+        identifiers_hubs = self.identifiers
         print("Tiled: ", len(identifiers_hubs))
-        print("Non tiled: ", len(identifiers_aws))
         tasks = []
         # on lance les proxies
@@ -530,14 +439,6 @@ class DownloadAndProcess:
             # on attend que tout se termine
             await asyncio.gather(*tasks)
-        # on lance les DL aws sur la bonne liste
-        if identifiers_aws:
-            aws = [
-                asyncio.ensure_future(self.download_process_aws(identifier))
-                for (identifier, data) in identifiers_aws.items()
-            ]
-            await asyncio.gather(*aws)
         # shutting down executors
@@ -560,11 +461,7 @@ class DownloadAndProcess:
             end_time = datetime.now() - start_time
-            total_products = (
-                len(self.identifiers["aws"])
-                + len(self.identifiers["hubs"])
-                - len(self.failed_products)
-            )
+            total_products = len(self.identifiers) - len(self.failed_products)
                 "Downloaded and processed {} file(s) in {}".format(
                     total_products, end_time
diff --git a/sen2chain/products.py b/sen2chain/products.py
index 5159cc160a9f77a5b3028c099e26d541d1c49659..010c21d01c07d9fe8e646d9d41884b56c94c753a 100755
--- a/sen2chain/products.py
+++ b/sen2chain/products.py
@@ -1043,10 +1043,6 @@ class L2aProduct(Product):
     def thin_cirrus_percentage(self):
         return self._get_metadata_value(key="THIN_CIRRUS_PERCENTAGE")
-    @property
-    def cloud_coverage_percentage(self):
-        return self._get_metadata_value(key="CLOUD_COVERAGE_PERCENTAGE")
     def footprint(self) -> List[Tuple[float, float]]: