diff --git a/sen2chain/data/tiles_index.gpkg b/sen2chain/data/tiles_index.gpkg
index ca1f02ab10897923f24f6e9b6369a1bd1f75d9f1..96ff5c1332d802fc360e7cef528eee4620d07ea0 100644
Binary files a/sen2chain/data/tiles_index.gpkg and b/sen2chain/data/tiles_index.gpkg differ
diff --git a/sen2chain/download_eodag.py b/sen2chain/download_eodag.py
index 74b55254916f7cc5e974f18434f5a944702832c0..ad4352248233a6e35f3ab3dac788a844c5cbbf5e 100644
--- a/sen2chain/download_eodag.py
+++ b/sen2chain/download_eodag.py
@@ -18,6 +18,13 @@ from queue import Queue
 from eodag.utils.logging import get_logging_verbose
 from threading import Thread
 import multiprocessing
+from simplejson import JSONDecodeError
+from urllib3.exceptions import (
+    ConnectTimeoutError, MaxRetryError,
+    NewConnectionError, SSLError,
+    ReadTimeoutError,
+from requests.exceptions import ConnectTimeout
 from .config import SHARED_DATA, Config
 from .utils import get_tile, set_permissions
@@ -40,6 +47,7 @@ class S2cEodag:
         self.provider = provider
         self.products = None
+        # os.environ["EODAG__PEPS__SEARCH__TIMEOUT"] = 50    # decomment when eodag > 2.11
         self.dag = EODataAccessGateway()
@@ -68,21 +76,32 @@ class S2cEodag:
             end = end, 
             tileIdentifier = self.name,
+        logger.info("{} - Searching online products, ref: {}".format(self.name, ref))
-        self.products = self.dag.search_all(
-            **default_search_criteria
-        )
-        logging.disable(logging.NOTSET)
+        try:
+            self.products = self.dag.search_all(
+                **default_search_criteria
+            )
+            logging.disable(logging.NOTSET)
+        except (ConnectTimeout, MaxRetryError, TimeoutError, ConnectTimeoutError):
+            logging.disable(logging.NOTSET)
+            logger.info("Issue with this tile search for now, should try to increase the timeout for this provider or check your internet connexion")
+            self.products = []
+            pass
+        except:
+            logging.disable(logging.NOTSET)
+            logger.info("An error occured check everything")
+            self.products = []
+            pass        
         # if not isinstance(ref, list):
             # ref_string = ref
         # else:
             # ref_string = "specific cloudmask(s) and / or indice(s) product(s)"
-        logger.info("Searching online products, ref: {}".format(ref))
-        fitered = self.products[:]
-        for p in fitered:
+        filtered = self.products[:]
+        for p in filtered:
             if (outputs_prefix / (p.properties["title"] + ".SAFE")).exists():
                 l1c_presence = "PRESENT"
@@ -285,6 +304,7 @@ class S2cEodag:
         outputs_prefix: str = None,
         extract: bool = True,
         delete_archive: bool = True,
+        remove_existing_zipfile: bool = True,
         if not outputs_prefix:
             if "L1C" in product_id.properties['title']:
@@ -294,24 +314,31 @@ class S2cEodag:
             outputs_prefix = str(Path(Config().get(root_path)) / self.name)
         setup_logging(verbose = 2)
+        if remove_existing_zipfile:
+            zip_file = L1cProduct(product_id.properties["id"]).zip_path
+            if zip_file:
+                logger.info("Found existing zipfile {}".format(zip_file.name))
+                try:
+                    L1cProduct(product_id.properties["id"]).remove(zipfile = True)                                
+                except:
+                    logger.info("Issue with removing {}".format(zip_file))
+                    pass
         if product_id.properties["storageStatus"] == "ONLINE":
             # logging.disable(level=logging.WARNING)
-            try:
-                L1cProduct(product_id.properties["id"]).remove(zipfile = True)                                
-                downloaded_path = self.dag.download(
-                    product_id, 
-                    outputs_prefix = outputs_prefix, 
-                    extract = extract, 
-                    delete_archive = delete_archive,
-                    wait=1,
-                    timeout=0,
-                )
-            except:
-                downloaded_path = None
-                logger.info("Issue with {}, removing corrupted zipfile".format(product_id.properties["id"]))
-                L1cProduct(product_id.properties["id"]).remove(zipfile = True)                                
-                pass
+            # try:
+            downloaded_path = self.dag.download(
+                product_id, 
+                outputs_prefix = outputs_prefix, 
+                extract = extract, 
+                delete_archive = delete_archive,
+                wait=1,
+                timeout=0,
+            )
+            # except:
+                # logger.info("Issue with dowloading {}, removing corrupted zipfile".format(product_id.properties["id"]))
+                # downloaded_path = None
+                # pass
             if downloaded_path:
                 logger.info("dl_path {}".format(downloaded_path))
                 # logging.disable(logging.NOTSET)
@@ -331,7 +358,7 @@ class S2cEodag:
                     # shutil.rmtree(downloaded_path ,ignore_errors = True)
                     # logger.info("Moving up files and deleting old folder")
                     # downloaded_path=Path(downloaded_path).parent
-            set_permissions(Path(downloaded_path))
+                set_permissions(Path(downloaded_path))
         elif product_id.properties["storageStatus"] == "OFFLINE":
diff --git a/sen2chain/products.py b/sen2chain/products.py
index 46cf7de71e1fd4e142d6bed3e73c82e65445e602..6c36adb067f706948db358d7a2691e41c9228da8 100755
--- a/sen2chain/products.py
+++ b/sen2chain/products.py
@@ -427,7 +427,11 @@ class L1cProduct(Product):
     def zip_path(self) -> str:
         """Returns zip path"""
-        return self.path.parent / (self.path.stem + ".zip")
+        zip_path = self.path.parent / (self.path.stem + ".zip")
+        if zip_path.exists():
+            return zip_path
+        else:
+            return None
diff --git a/sen2chain/tiles.py b/sen2chain/tiles.py
index e84aeeb682244658aa785e8576e897908fd56a0a..66addabf46d521f2283989e2db149d3e08ad42ee 100644
--- a/sen2chain/tiles.py
+++ b/sen2chain/tiles.py
@@ -1421,6 +1421,51 @@ class Tile:
                         "Can't remove {} from L1C folder".format(f.name)
+        # research residual zipfiles in l1c folder
+        for f in chain(
+            self._paths["l1c"].glob("*L1C*.zip"),
+            # self._paths["l1c"].glob("*L2A*.tmp"),
+        ):
+            txt = "Identified remaining {} in L1C folder".format(f.name)
+            prob_id.append(txt)
+            logger.info(txt)
+            nb_id += 1
+            if remove:
+                # try:
+                f.unlink()
+                logger.info("Removing {} from L1C folder".format(f.name))
+                nb_rm += 1
+                # except:
+                    # logger.error(
+                        # "Can't remove {} from L1C folder".format(f.name)
+                    # )
+        # identify corrupted zip extractions from l1c folder
+        for f in chain(
+            self._paths["l1c"].glob("*L1C*"),
+            # self._paths["l1c"].glob("*L2A*.tmp"),
+        ):
+            if not f.suffix:
+                txt = "Identified {} corrupted zip extraction in L1C folder".format(f.name)
+                prob_id.append(txt)
+                logger.info(txt)
+                nb_id += 1
+                if remove:
+                    if f.is_dir():
+                        try:
+                            shutil.rmtree(str(f))
+                            logger.info("Removing {} folder from L1C folder".format(f.name))
+                            nb_rm += 1
+                        except:
+                            logger.error(
+                                "Can't remove {} from L1C folder".format(f.name)
+                            )
+                    else:
+                        f.unlink()
+                        logger.info("Removing {} file from L1C folder".format(f.name))
+                        nb_rm += 1
         # identify missing jp2 in L2A folder
         for f in self._paths["l2a"].glob("*L2A*.SAFE"):
             # Nb jp2 < 7