diff --git a/sen2chain/__init__.py b/sen2chain/__init__.py
index edcd026ac40ab1e73d134163ad53b862b234c49e..83cd50323fe9fb2ce950a214f32d892e9bce4028 100644
--- a/sen2chain/__init__.py
+++ b/sen2chain/__init__.py
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# coding: utf-8
-# Copyright (C) 2018  Jeremy Commins <jebins@openmailbox.org>
+# Copyright (C) 2018  Jeremy Commins <jebins@laposte.net>
 # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
@@ -21,18 +21,42 @@ This module lists all externally useful classes and functions.
 from .config import Config
 from .tiles import Tile
-from .products import L1cProduct, L2aProduct, OldCloudMaskProduct, NewCloudMaskProduct, IndiceProduct
+from .products import (
+    L1cProduct,
+    L2aProduct,
+    OldCloudMaskProduct,
+    NewCloudMaskProduct,
+    IndiceProduct,
 from .library import Library
 from .data_request import DataRequest
 from .indices import IndicesCollection
 from .download_and_process import DownloadAndProcess
 from .time_series import TimeSeries
 from .automatization import Automatization
-from .utils import format_word, grouper, datetime_to_str, str_to_datetime, human_size_decimal, human_size, get_current_Sen2Cor_version
-from .geo_utils import serialise_tiles_index, get_processed_indices_vect, crop_product_by_shp
-from .multi_processing import l2a_multiprocessing, cld_version_probability_iterations_reprocessing_multiprocessing, idx_multiprocessing
+from .utils import (
+    format_word,
+    grouper,
+    datetime_to_str,
+    str_to_datetime,
+    human_size_decimal,
+    human_size,
+    get_current_Sen2Cor_version,
+from .geo_utils import (
+    serialise_tiles_index,
+    get_processed_indices_vect,
+    crop_product_by_shp,
+from .multi_processing import (
+    l2a_multiprocessing,
+    cld_version_probability_iterations_reprocessing_multiprocessing,
+    idx_multiprocessing,
 from .tileset import TileSet
 from .jobs import Jobs, Job
 __version__ = "0.7.0"
-__author__ = "Jérémy Commins <jebins@openmailbox.org> & Impact <pascal.mouquet@ird.fr>"
+__author__ = (
+    "Jérémy Commins <jebins@laposte.net> & Impact <pascal.mouquet@ird.fr>"
diff --git a/sen2chain/automatization.py b/sen2chain/automatization.py
index 6487bf64962d7d1b7f0d108ac19f1f77dbc8fe09..af6bd365edd19837913faa320c2ba415f0dfbcdc 100644
--- a/sen2chain/automatization.py
+++ b/sen2chain/automatization.py
@@ -1,14 +1,17 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# coding: utf-8
-Module for automatized downloading, processing and time series computing of new Sentinel-2 images.
+Module for automatized downloading, processing and time series computing of new 
+Sentinel-2 images.
 import time
 import logging
 import pandas as pd
 import numpy as np
 from pathlib import Path
 from datetime import datetime, timedelta
 # type annotations
 from typing import Sequence, List, Set, Dict, Union, Tuple
@@ -26,11 +29,12 @@ logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO)
 class Automatization:
     """Class to automate the downloading and processing of Sentinel-2 images.
-    At first launch it will scan L1C tiles in the library, create a new CSV file
-    in ``~/sen2chain/config/tiles_to_watch.csv``, and update the file.
-    If the CSV file already exists, it will read it and download and process new images for
-    the tiles listed in that file.
+    At first launch it will scan L1C tiles in the library, create a new CSV
+    file in ``~/sen2chain/config/tiles_to_watch.csv``, and update the file.
+    If the CSV file already exists, it will read it and download and process
+    new images for the tiles listed in that file.
     _csv_path = Config().tiles_to_watch
     def __init__(self) -> None:
@@ -54,32 +58,39 @@ class Automatization:
     def _create_df(self) -> None:
         """Creates a pandas dataframe."""
-        self._df = pd.DataFrame(index=Library().l1c,
-                                columns=["start_date",
-                                         "last_date",
-                                         "ignore",
-                                         "tags"])
+        self._df = pd.DataFrame(
+            index=Library().l1c,
+            columns=["start_date", "last_date", "ignore", "tags"],
+        )
         self._df.index.name = "tile"
     def _read_csv(self) -> None:
         """Reads the csv file."""
-        self._df = pd.read_csv(self._csv_path,
-                               sep=",",
-                               converters={"tile": str.strip,
-                                           "start_date": str.strip,
-                                           "last_date": str.strip,
-                                           "ignore": str.strip,
-                                           "tags": str.strip},
-                               index_col="tile",
-                               na_values="")
-        self._df["start_date"] = pd.to_datetime(self._df["start_date"], format="%Y-%m-%d")
-        self._df["last_date"] = pd.to_datetime(self._df["last_date"], format="%Y-%m-%d")
+        self._df = pd.read_csv(
+            self._csv_path,
+            sep=",",
+            converters={
+                "tile": str.strip,
+                "start_date": str.strip,
+                "last_date": str.strip,
+                "ignore": str.strip,
+                "tags": str.strip,
+            },
+            index_col="tile",
+            na_values="",
+        )
+        self._df["start_date"] = pd.to_datetime(
+            self._df["start_date"], format="%Y-%m-%d"
+        )
+        self._df["last_date"] = pd.to_datetime(
+            self._df["last_date"], format="%Y-%m-%d"
+        )
         # bug sur replace:
         self._df.replace(r"^\s*$", np.nan, regex=True, inplace=True)
         # -> workaround:
         # for c in self._df.select_dtypes(include=["object"]).columns:
-        # self._df[c] = self._df[c].replace(r"^\s*$", np.nan, regex=True, inplace=True)
+        #     self._df[c] = self._df[c].replace(r"^\s*$", np.nan, regex=True, inplace=True)
     def _save_csv(self) -> None:
         """Saves the dataframe to CSV."""
@@ -166,13 +177,17 @@ class Automatization:
             # Don't overload the server with useless requests :
             # Sentinel-2 revisit time is 5 days
             if request_date:
-                if not Automatization._ndays_since_date(request_date, revisit_period):
+                if not Automatization._ndays_since_date(
+                    request_date, revisit_period
+                ):
                     logger.info("Too early to check {}".format(tile))
             logger.info("Checking tile: {}".format(tile))
-            request = DataRequest(start_date=request_date if request_date else None,
-                                  end_date=None)
+            request = DataRequest(
+                start_date=request_date if request_date else None,
+                end_date=None,
+            )
@@ -183,15 +198,16 @@ class Automatization:
         """Returns ignored tiles."""
         return self._df[self._df["ignore"].notna()].index.values
-    def run(self,
-            tiles: List[str] = None,
-            process_products: bool = False,
-            indices_list: List[str] = None,
-            nodata_clouds: bool = True,
-            quicklook: bool = True,
-            hubs_limit: Dict[str, int] = None,
-            revisit_period: int = 2,
-            ) -> None:
+    def run(
+        self,
+        tiles: List[str] = None,
+        process_products: bool = False,
+        indices_list: List[str] = None,
+        nodata_clouds: bool = True,
+        quicklook: bool = True,
+        hubs_limit: Dict[str, int] = None,
+        revisit_period: int = 2,
+    ) -> None:
         Runs automatization.
@@ -200,7 +216,8 @@ class Automatization:
         :param indices_list: list of valid indices names that will be processed.
         :param nodata_clouds: mask indices output rasters with a cloud-mask.
         :param quicklook: creates a quicklook for each indice processed.
-        :param revisit_period: number of days, since last date, to check again for new images.
+        :param revisit_period: number of days, since last date, to check again
+            for new images.
         logger.info("Running automatization")
         logger.info("Ignored tiles: {}".format(self._get_ignored_tiles(self)))
@@ -215,18 +232,20 @@ class Automatization:
         if any(self._products_list.values()):
-            prods = DownloadAndProcess(identifiers=self._products_list,
-                                       hubs_limit=hubs_limit,
-                                       aws_limit=2,
-                                       process_products=process_products,
-                                       max_processes=3,
-                                       indices_list=indices_list,
-                                       nodata_clouds=nodata_clouds,
-                                       quicklook=quicklook)
+            prods = DownloadAndProcess(
+                identifiers=self._products_list,
+                hubs_limit=hubs_limit,
+                aws_limit=2,
+                process_products=process_products,
+                max_processes=3,
+                indices_list=indices_list,
+                nodata_clouds=nodata_clouds,
+                quicklook=quicklook,
+            )
             failed = prods.failed_products
             if failed:
-        # When working on a local network storage, pause the process in 
+        # When working on a local network storage, pause the process in
         # order to let the file to be checked by the filesystem (lags).
@@ -261,9 +280,10 @@ class Automatization:
 class TimeSeriesAutomatization:
     """Time series automatization.
-    Scans vectors files in the Time Series folder and computes a time
-    series extraction for each of the files.
+    Scans vectors files in the Time Series folder and computes a time series
+    extraction for each of the files.
     _time_series_path = Path(Config().get("time_series_path"))
     def __init__(self) -> None:
@@ -272,9 +292,15 @@ class TimeSeriesAutomatization:
     def _list_vectors_files(self) -> None:
         """Scans vectors files found in the TIME_SERIES folder."""
-        valid_types = ("*.geojson", "*.gpkg", "*.shp", )  # type: Tuple[str, ...]
+        valid_types = (
+            "*.geojson",
+            "*.gpkg",
+            "*.shp",
+        )  # type: Tuple[str, ...]
         for valid_type in valid_types:
-            self._vectors_files.extend(list(self._time_series_path.glob(valid_type)))
+            self._vectors_files.extend(
+                list(self._time_series_path.glob(valid_type))
+            )
     def run(self, indices: Sequence[str] = ("NDVI",)) -> None:
         """Computes time series extraction for each indice and for each
@@ -284,8 +310,10 @@ class TimeSeriesAutomatization:
         for vectors_file in self._vectors_files:
             logger.info("Processing: {}".format(vectors_file.name))
-            ts = TimeSeries(date_min=None,
-                            date_max=None,
-                            vectors_file=str(vectors_file),
-                            indices=indices)
+            ts = TimeSeries(
+                date_min=None,
+                date_max=None,
+                vectors_file=str(vectors_file),
+                indices=indices,
+            )
diff --git a/sen2chain/cloud_mask.py b/sen2chain/cloud_mask.py
index 131c05b0c8a2bef1a01712bc68224a26d771e5af..24334dd09c650b6382e84979c8100b20ef934ba2 100755
--- a/sen2chain/cloud_mask.py
+++ b/sen2chain/cloud_mask.py
@@ -1,16 +1,24 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# coding: utf-8
 Module for computing cloud-mask from a sen2cor clouds classification raster.
+import os
 import logging
 import pathlib
 from pathlib import Path
 import pyproj
-#~ import otbApplication
 import shapely.geometry
-from shapely.geometry import box, Polygon, MultiPolygon, GeometryCollection, mapping, shape
+from shapely.geometry import (
+    box,
+    Polygon,
+    MultiPolygon,
+    GeometryCollection,
+    mapping,
+    shape,
 from shapely.ops import transform
 import rasterio
 from rasterio.features import shapes, rasterize
@@ -19,9 +27,6 @@ from itertools import compress
 from scipy import ndimage
 from typing import Sequence, List, Dict, Union
 from osgeo import gdal
-# import gdal
-import os
-# type annotations
 from .config import Config
@@ -35,8 +40,9 @@ def max_dtype_value(dtype: np.dtype):
 def mask_footprint(
-        raster_band: Union[str, pathlib.PosixPath], footprint: List[float],
-        out_path: Union[str, pathlib.PosixPath] = "./footprint_masked.tif"
+    raster_band: Union[str, pathlib.PosixPath],
+    footprint: List[float],
+    out_path: Union[str, pathlib.PosixPath] = "./footprint_masked.tif",
 ) -> None:
     """Masks a raster band with a footprint.
@@ -49,33 +55,46 @@ def mask_footprint(
         band = src.read(1)
         fp_poly = Polygon(footprint)
-        projection = lambda x, y: pyproj.transform(pyproj.Proj(init='epsg:4326'),
-                                                   pyproj.Proj(profile["crs"].to_string()), x, y
-                                                   )
+        # FIXME: use def instead of lambda assignment
+        projection = lambda x, y: pyproj.transform(
+            pyproj.Proj(init="epsg:4326"),
+            pyproj.Proj(profile["crs"].to_string()),
+            x,
+            y,
+        )
         fp_poly_reproj = transform(projection, fp_poly)
-        fp_band = rasterize(shapes=[mapping(fp_poly_reproj)],
-                            all_touched=True,
-                            dtype=np.uint8,
-                            out_shape=(profile["width"], profile["height"]),
-                            transform=profile["affine"]
-                            )
+        fp_band = rasterize(
+            shapes=[mapping(fp_poly_reproj)],
+            all_touched=True,
+            dtype=np.uint8,
+            out_shape=(profile["width"], profile["height"]),
+            transform=profile["affine"],
+        )
         nodata_value = max_dtype_value(profile["dtype"])
-        band_masked = np.where(fp_band == 1, band, nodata_value).astype(np.uint16)
-        profile.update(driver="Gtiff",
-                       nodata=nodata_value,
-                       tiled=False,
-                       transform=profile["affine"])
-    with rasterio.open(str(out_path), 'w', **profile) as out:
+        band_masked = np.where(fp_band == 1, band, nodata_value).astype(
+            np.uint16
+        )
+        profile.update(
+            driver="Gtiff",
+            nodata=nodata_value,
+            tiled=False,
+            transform=profile["affine"],
+        )
+    with rasterio.open(str(out_path), "w", **profile) as out:
         out.write(band_masked, 1)
 def katana(
-        geometry: Union[shapely.geometry.polygon.Polygon, shapely.geometry.multipolygon.MultiPolygon],
-        threshold: int = 2500, count: int = 0
+    geometry: Union[
+        shapely.geometry.polygon.Polygon,
+        shapely.geometry.multipolygon.MultiPolygon,
+    ],
+    threshold: int = 2500,
+    count: int = 0,
 ) -> List[shapely.geometry.polygon.Polygon]:
     Splits a Polygon into two parts across it's shortest dimension
@@ -87,7 +106,8 @@ def katana(
     # Credits: Joshua Arnott
     # Licence: BSD 2-clause
-    # https://snorfalorpagus.net/blog/2016/03/13/splitting-large-polygons-for-faster-intersections/
+    # 'https://snorfalorpagus.net/blog/2016/03/13/splitting-large-polygons-for-
+    # faster-intersections/'
     logger.debug("Splitting polygons.")
     bounds = geometry.bounds
@@ -110,7 +130,10 @@ def katana(
         part_2 = box(bounds[0] + width / 2, bounds[1], bounds[2], bounds[3])
     result = []
-    for each in (part_1, part_2,):
+    for each in (
+        part_1,
+        part_2,
+    ):
         intersec = geometry.intersection(each)
         if not isinstance(intersec, GeometryCollection):
             intersec = [intersec]
@@ -132,8 +155,11 @@ def katana(
 def erosion_dilatation(
-        features: Sequence[Dict], threshold: int = 2500,
-        erosion: int = -20, dilatation: int = 100) -> Dict:
+    features: Sequence[Dict],
+    threshold: int = 2500,
+    erosion: int = -20,
+    dilatation: int = 100,
+) -> Dict:
     Erosion then dilatation.
@@ -150,15 +176,25 @@ def erosion_dilatation(
             eroded = shape(part).buffer(float(erosion))
             new_geom = eroded if int(eroded.area) else "POLYGON EMPTY"
-            if str(new_geom) != "POLYGON EMPTY":  # small geometries are empty after erosion
-                yield ({"properties": feat["properties"],
-                        "geometry": mapping(new_geom.buffer(float(dilatation)))
-                        })
+            if (
+                str(new_geom) != "POLYGON EMPTY"
+            ):  # small geometries are empty after erosion
+                yield (
+                    {
+                        "properties": feat["properties"],
+                        "geometry": mapping(
+                            new_geom.buffer(float(dilatation))
+                        ),
+                    }
+                )
 def create_cloud_mask(
-        cloud_mask: Union[str, pathlib.PosixPath], out_path="./cloud_mask.tif",
-        buffering: bool = True, erosion: int = None, dilatation: int = None
+    cloud_mask: Union[str, pathlib.PosixPath],
+    out_path="./cloud_mask.tif",
+    buffering: bool = True,
+    erosion: int = None,
+    dilatation: int = None,
 ) -> None:
     create cloud mask
@@ -191,38 +227,49 @@ def create_cloud_mask(
     # print("cloud-less array")
     band_norm01_masked = np.ma.masked_where(band_norm01 == 1, band_norm01).mask
-    with rasterio.open(str(out_path), 'w',
-                       driver="Gtiff",
-                       height=profile["height"],
-                       width=profile["width"],
-                       count=1,
-                       dtype=np.uint8,
-                       transform=profile["affine"],
-                       crs=profile["crs"],
-                       tiled=False) as out:
+    with rasterio.open(
+        str(out_path),
+        "w",
+        driver="Gtiff",
+        height=profile["height"],
+        width=profile["width"],
+        count=1,
+        dtype=np.uint8,
+        transform=profile["affine"],
+        crs=profile["crs"],
+        tiled=False,
+    ) as out:
         # with erosion-dilatation
         if buffering:
             # vectorization
-            vectors = ({'properties': {'raster_val': v}, 'geometry': s}
-                       for i, (s, v) in enumerate(shapes(band_norm01,
-                                                         mask=band_norm01_masked,
-                                                         transform=profile["affine"]))) < qw
+            vectors = (
+                {"properties": {"raster_val": v}, "geometry": s}
+                for i, (s, v) in enumerate(
+                    shapes(
+                        band_norm01,
+                        mask=band_norm01_masked,
+                        transform=profile["affine"],
+                    )
+                )
+            ) < qw
             # buffering
-            buffers = erosion_dilatation(vectors,
-                                         erosion=erosion,
-                                         dilatation=dilatation)
+            buffers = erosion_dilatation(
+                vectors, erosion=erosion, dilatation=dilatation
+            )
             shapes_values = ((f["geometry"], 1) for f in buffers)
             # rasterisation
-            burned = rasterize(shapes=shapes_values,
-                               all_touched=False,
-                               dtype=np.uint8,
-                               out_shape=(profile["width"], profile["height"]),
-                               transform=profile["affine"])
+            burned = rasterize(
+                shapes=shapes_values,
+                all_touched=False,
+                dtype=np.uint8,
+                out_shape=(profile["width"], profile["height"]),
+                transform=profile["affine"],
+            )
             # write band
             out.write(burned, 1)
@@ -234,26 +281,12 @@ def create_cloud_mask(
     # return str(Path(str(out_path)).absolute)
-    # cascaded union
-    # from shapely.ops import cascaded_union
-    # print("cascaded union")
-    # dissolved = cascaded_union( [shape(f["geometry"]) for f in buffers] )
-    # shapes = ((mapping(g), 1) for i, g in enumerate(dissolved))  # with cascaded union
-    ###### TEST ######
-    # with fiona.open(str("vectors.shp"), "w",
-    # driver="ESRI Shapefile",
-    # crs=profile["crs"],
-    # schema={"geometry":"Polygon", "properties": {"raster_val": "int"}}) as dst:
-    # dst.writerecords(vectors)
-    # sys.exit(0)
-    ##################
 def create_cloud_mask_v2(
-        cloud_mask: Union[str, pathlib.PosixPath],
-        out_path="./cloud_mask_v2.jp2",
-        erosion: int = 1, dilatation: int = 5
+    cloud_mask: Union[str, pathlib.PosixPath],
+    out_path="./cloud_mask_v2.jp2",
+    erosion: int = 1,
+    dilatation: int = 5,
 ) -> None:
     create cloud mask
@@ -272,37 +305,48 @@ def create_cloud_mask_v2(
         cld_profile = cld_src.profile
     cld_bin = np.where(cld > CLD_seuil, 1, 0).astype(np.uint8)
     cld_erode = ndimage.binary_erosion(cld_bin).astype(cld_bin.dtype)
-    kernel = np.array([[0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0],
-                       [0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0],
-                       [0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0],
-                       [0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0],
-                       [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1],
-                       [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1],
-                       [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1],
-                       [0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0],
-                       [0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0],
-                       [0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0],
-                       [0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0]])
-    cld_dilate = ndimage.binary_dilation(cld_erode, kernel).astype(cld_erode.dtype)
-    cld_profile.update(driver="Gtiff",
-                       compress="NONE",
-                       tiled=False,
-                       dtype=np.int8,
-                       transform=cld_src.transform,
-                       count=1)
-    cld_profile.pop('tiled', None)
-    cld_profile.pop('nodata', None)
+    kernel = np.array(
+        [
+            [0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0],
+            [0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0],
+            [0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0],
+            [0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0],
+            [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1],
+            [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1],
+            [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1],
+            [0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0],
+            [0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0],
+            [0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0],
+            [0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0],
+        ]
+    )
+    cld_dilate = ndimage.binary_dilation(cld_erode, kernel).astype(
+        cld_erode.dtype
+    )
+    cld_profile.update(
+        driver="Gtiff",
+        compress="NONE",
+        tiled=False,
+        dtype=np.int8,
+        transform=cld_src.transform,
+        count=1,
+    )
+    cld_profile.pop("tiled", None)
+    cld_profile.pop("nodata", None)
     with rasterio.Env(GDAL_CACHEMAX=512) as env:
         with rasterio.open(out_dilate, "w", **cld_profile) as dst:
             dst.write(cld_dilate.astype(np.int8), 1)
-    # Save to JP2000 
+    # Save to JP2000
     src_ds = gdal.Open(out_dilate)
     driver = gdal.GetDriverByName("JP2OpenJPEG")
-    dst_ds = driver.CreateCopy(str(out_path), src_ds,
-                               options=["CODEC=JP2", "QUALITY=100", "REVERSIBLE=YES", "YCBCR420=NO"])
+    dst_ds = driver.CreateCopy(
+        str(out_path),
+        src_ds,
+        options=["CODEC=JP2", "QUALITY=100", "REVERSIBLE=YES", "YCBCR420=NO"],
+    )
     dst_ds = None
     src_ds = None
@@ -311,16 +355,17 @@ def create_cloud_mask_v2(
 def create_cloud_mask_b11(
-        cloud_mask: Union[str, pathlib.PosixPath],
-        b11_path: Union[str, pathlib.PosixPath],
-        out_path="./cloud_mask_b11.jp2",
-        dilatation: int = 5) -> None:
+    cloud_mask: Union[str, pathlib.PosixPath],
+    b11_path: Union[str, pathlib.PosixPath],
+    out_path="./cloud_mask_b11.jp2",
+    dilatation: int = 5,
+) -> None:
-    Marking cloud mask v2 with B11 values to reduce overdetection of clouds for some specific water bodies
-    uint8
+    Marking cloud mask v2 with B11 values to reduce overdetection of clouds for
+    some specific water bodies (uint8).
-    :param cloud_mask: path to the cloud mask raster (sen2chain)
-    :param b11_path: path to the l2a b11
+    :param cloud_mask: path to the cloud mask raster (sen2chain).
+    :param b11_path: path to the l2a b11.
     :param out_path: path to the output.
     :param erosion: size of the outer buffer in px.
     :param dilatation: size of the inner buffer in px.
@@ -333,126 +378,154 @@ def create_cloud_mask_b11(
     with rasterio.open(str(b11_path)) as b11_src:
         b11 = b11_src.read(1).astype(np.int16)
     b11_bin = np.where(b11 < b11_seuil, 1, 0).astype(np.uint8)
-    kernel = np.array([[0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0],
-                       [0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0],
-                       [0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0],
-                       [0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0],
-                       [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1],
-                       [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1],
-                       [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1],
-                       [0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0],
-                       [0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0],
-                       [0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0],
-                       [0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0]])
+    kernel = np.array(
+        [
+            [0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0],
+            [0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0],
+            [0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0],
+            [0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0],
+            [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1],
+            [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1],
+            [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1],
+            [0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0],
+            [0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0],
+            [0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0],
+            [0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0],
+        ]
+    )
     b11_dilate = ndimage.binary_dilation(b11_bin, kernel).astype(b11_bin.dtype)
     with rasterio.open(str(cloud_mask)) as cld_src:
         cld = cld_src.read(1).astype(np.int16)
         cld_profile = cld_src.profile
     cld_mskd = ((cld == 1) * (b11_dilate == 0)).astype(np.uint8)
-    kernel = np.array([[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
-                    [0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0],
-                    [0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0],
-                    [0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0],
-                    [0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0],
-                    [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1],
-                    [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1],
-                    [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1],
-                    [0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0],
-                    [0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0],
-                    [0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0],
-                    [0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0],
-                    [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]])
-    cld_mskd_dilate = ndimage.binary_dilation(cld_mskd, kernel).astype(cld_mskd.dtype)
-    cld_profile.update(driver="Gtiff",
-                       compress="NONE",
-                       tiled=False,
-                       dtype=np.int8,
-                       transform=cld_src.transform,
-                       count=1)
-    cld_profile.pop('tiled', None)
-    cld_profile.pop('nodata', None)
+    kernel = np.array(
+        [
+            [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
+            [0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0],
+            [0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0],
+            [0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0],
+            [0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0],
+            [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1],
+            [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1],
+            [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1],
+            [0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0],
+            [0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0],
+            [0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0],
+            [0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0],
+            [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
+        ]
+    )
+    cld_mskd_dilate = ndimage.binary_dilation(cld_mskd, kernel).astype(
+        cld_mskd.dtype
+    )
+    cld_profile.update(
+        driver="Gtiff",
+        compress="NONE",
+        tiled=False,
+        dtype=np.int8,
+        transform=cld_src.transform,
+        count=1,
+    )
+    cld_profile.pop("tiled", None)
+    cld_profile.pop("nodata", None)
     with rasterio.Env(GDAL_CACHEMAX=512) as env:
         with rasterio.open(out_mask, "w", **cld_profile) as dst:
             dst.write(cld_mskd_dilate.astype(np.int8), 1)
-    # Save to JP2000 
+    # Save to JP2000
     src_ds = gdal.Open(out_mask)
     driver = gdal.GetDriverByName("JP2OpenJPEG")
-    dst_ds = driver.CreateCopy(str(out_path), src_ds,
-                               options=["CODEC=JP2", "QUALITY=100", "REVERSIBLE=YES", "YCBCR420=NO"])
+    dst_ds = driver.CreateCopy(
+        str(out_path),
+        src_ds,
+        options=["CODEC=JP2", "QUALITY=100", "REVERSIBLE=YES", "YCBCR420=NO"],
+    )
     dst_ds = None
     src_ds = None
     logger.info("Done: {}".format(out_path.name))
-def create_cloud_mask_v003(cloud_mask: Union[str, pathlib.PosixPath],
-                           out_path="./cm003.jp2",
-                           probability: int = 1, 
-                           iterations: int = 5
-                           ) -> None:
+def create_cloud_mask_v003(
+    cloud_mask: Union[str, pathlib.PosixPath],
+    out_path="./cm003.jp2",
+    probability: int = 1,
+    iterations: int = 5,
+) -> None:
-    create cloud mask version cm003. This cloudmask uses a simple thresholding and dilatations 
-    over the 20m cloud_probability band from Sen2Cor. The threshold value and number of dilatation cycles 
-    can be manually modified by the user. Default values 1% and 5 cycles. 
+    create cloud mask version cm003. This cloudmask uses a simple thresholding
+    and dilatations over the 20m cloud_probability band from Sen2Cor. The
+    threshold value and number of dilatation cycles can be manually modified by
+    the user. Default values 1% and 5 cycles.
     :param cloud_mask: path to the 20m cloud mask raster.
     :param out_path: path to the output file.
-    :param probability: threshold in percent for the 20m cloud_probability band binarisation.
+    :param probability: threshold in percent for the 20m cloud_probability band
+        binarisation.
     :param iterations: number of dilatation cylces to apply.
     out_temp_path = Path(Config().get("temp_path"))
     out_temp = str(out_temp_path / (out_path.stem + "_tmp_cm003.tif"))
     with rasterio.open(str(cloud_mask)) as cld_src:
         cld_profile = cld_src.profile
         cld = cld_src.read(1).astype(np.int8)
     cld = np.where(cld >= probability, 1, 0)
-    kernel = np.array([[0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0],
-                       [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1],
-                       [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1],
-                       [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1],
-                       [0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0]])
-    cld_dilated = ndimage.binary_dilation(cld, kernel, iterations = iterations)
-    cld_profile.update(driver="Gtiff",
-                       compress="DEFLATE",
-                       tiled=False,
-                       dtype=np.int8)
+    kernel = np.array(
+        [
+            [0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0],
+            [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1],
+            [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1],
+            [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1],
+            [0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0],
+        ]
+    )
+    cld_dilated = ndimage.binary_dilation(cld, kernel, iterations=iterations)
+    cld_profile.update(
+        driver="Gtiff", compress="DEFLATE", tiled=False, dtype=np.int8
+    )
     with rasterio.Env(GDAL_CACHEMAX=512) as env:
         with rasterio.open(str(out_temp), "w", **cld_profile) as dst:
             dst.write(cld_dilated.astype(np.int8), 1)
-    # Save to JP2000 
+    # Save to JP2000
     src_ds = gdal.Open(out_temp)
     driver = gdal.GetDriverByName("JP2OpenJPEG")
-    dst_ds = driver.CreateCopy(str(out_path), src_ds,
-                               options=["CODEC=JP2", "QUALITY=100", "REVERSIBLE=YES", "YCBCR420=NO"])
+    dst_ds = driver.CreateCopy(
+        str(out_path),
+        src_ds,
+        options=["CODEC=JP2", "QUALITY=100", "REVERSIBLE=YES", "YCBCR420=NO"],
+    )
     dst_ds = None
     src_ds = None
     logger.info("Done: {}".format(out_path.name))
-def create_cloud_mask_v004(scl_path: Union[str, pathlib.PosixPath],
-                           out_path="./cm004.jp2",
-                           iterations: int = 5,
-                           cld_shad: bool = True,
-                           cld_med_prob: bool = True,
-                           cld_hi_prob: bool = True,
-                           thin_cir: bool = True,
-                           ) -> None:
+def create_cloud_mask_v004(
+    scl_path: Union[str, pathlib.PosixPath],
+    out_path="./cm004.jp2",
+    iterations: int = 5,
+    cld_shad: bool = True,
+    cld_med_prob: bool = True,
+    cld_hi_prob: bool = True,
+    thin_cir: bool = True,
+) -> None:
-    create cloud mask version cm004. This cloudmask uses 20m resolution SCL image from Sen2Cor 
-    The number of dilatation cycles can be manually modified by the user. Default value: 5 cycles. 
+    create cloud mask version cm004. This cloudmask uses 20m resolution SCL
+    image from Sen2Cor. The number of dilatation cycles can be manually
+    modified by the user. Default value: 5 cycles.
     :param scl_path: path to the Sen2Cor 20m scene classification raster.
     :param out_path: path to the output file.
     :param iterations: number of dilatation cylces to apply.
@@ -461,44 +534,55 @@ def create_cloud_mask_v004(scl_path: Union[str, pathlib.PosixPath],
     :param cld_hi_prob: usage of the CLOUD_HIGH_PROBABILITY (9)
     :param thin_cir: usage of the THIN_CIRRUS (10)
     out_temp_path = Path(Config().get("temp_path"))
     out_temp = str(out_temp_path / (out_path.stem + "_tmp_cm004.tif"))
     with rasterio.open(str(scl_path)) as scl_src:
         scl_profile = scl_src.profile
         scl = scl_src.read(1).astype(np.int8)
-    list_values = list(compress([3, 8, 9, 10], [cld_shad, cld_med_prob, cld_hi_prob, thin_cir]))
+    list_values = list(
+        compress(
+            [3, 8, 9, 10], [cld_shad, cld_med_prob, cld_hi_prob, thin_cir]
+        )
+    )
     cld = np.isin(scl, list_values)
     if iterations > 0:
-        kernel = np.array([[0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0],
-                           [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1],
-                           [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1],
-                           [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1],
-                           [0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0]])
-        cld_dilated = ndimage.binary_dilation(cld, kernel, iterations = iterations)
+        kernel = np.array(
+            [
+                [0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0],
+                [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1],
+                [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1],
+                [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1],
+                [0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0],
+            ]
+        )
+        cld_dilated = ndimage.binary_dilation(
+            cld, kernel, iterations=iterations
+        )
         cld_dilated = cld
-    scl_profile.update(driver="Gtiff",
-                       compress="DEFLATE",
-                       tiled=False,
-                       dtype=np.int8)
+    scl_profile.update(
+        driver="Gtiff", compress="DEFLATE", tiled=False, dtype=np.int8
+    )
     with rasterio.Env(GDAL_CACHEMAX=512) as env:
         with rasterio.open(str(out_temp), "w", **scl_profile) as dst:
             dst.write(cld_dilated.astype(np.int8), 1)
-    # Save to JP2000 
+    # Save to JP2000
     src_ds = gdal.Open(out_temp)
     driver = gdal.GetDriverByName("JP2OpenJPEG")
-    dst_ds = driver.CreateCopy(str(out_path), src_ds,
-                               options=["CODEC=JP2", "QUALITY=100", "REVERSIBLE=YES", "YCBCR420=NO"])
+    dst_ds = driver.CreateCopy(
+        str(out_path),
+        src_ds,
+        options=["CODEC=JP2", "QUALITY=100", "REVERSIBLE=YES", "YCBCR420=NO"],
+    )
     dst_ds = None
     src_ds = None
-    logger.info("Done: {}".format(out_path.name))    
+    logger.info("Done: {}".format(out_path.name))
diff --git a/sen2chain/colormap.py b/sen2chain/colormap.py
index 7f0692b09809a64c295f4ddd85bb874636058028..46902ab12d3803318ae7b74970ae6169d31ec6ae 100644
--- a/sen2chain/colormap.py
+++ b/sen2chain/colormap.py
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# coding: utf-8
 Module for computing colormaps from single band rasters.
@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ import pathlib
 import csv
 from pathlib import Path
 from typing import Any
 # import colorcet as cc
 import rasterio
 from rasterio.warp import calculate_default_transform, reproject, Resampling
@@ -48,8 +49,7 @@ logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO)
 def matplotlib_colormap_to_rgb(
-        cmap: matplotlib.colors.LinearSegmentedColormap,
-        revers=False
+    cmap: matplotlib.colors.LinearSegmentedColormap, revers=False
 ) -> Dict[int, Tuple[int, int, int]]:
     Returns a matplotlib colormap as a dictionnary of RGB values.
@@ -58,16 +58,23 @@ def matplotlib_colormap_to_rgb(
     :param cmap: matplotlib colormap.
     :param revers: if true, reverse the colormap.
     def float_to_integer(flt):
         """Returns a normalised ([0-1]) value in the [0-255] range."""
-        return int(round(flt*255))
+        return int(round(flt * 255))
     cmap_list = [cmap(i) for i in range(0, 256)]  # type: List[Any]
     if revers:
         cmap_list = reversed(cmap_list)
-    cmap_dict = {i: (float_to_integer(v[0]), float_to_integer(v[1]), float_to_integer(v[2]))
-                 for i, v in enumerate(cmap_list)}  # type: Dict[int, Tuple[int, int, int]]
+    cmap_dict = {
+        i: (
+            float_to_integer(v[0]),
+            float_to_integer(v[1]),
+            float_to_integer(v[2]),
+        )
+        for i, v in enumerate(cmap_list)
+    }  # type: Dict[int, Tuple[int, int, int]]
     return cmap_dict
@@ -87,19 +94,21 @@ def get_tsv_colormap(lut_path: str) -> Dict[int, Tuple[int, int, int]]:
         reader = csv.reader(csv_file, delimiter=" ")
         colormap_dict = dict()  # type: Dict[int, Tuple[int, int, int]]
         for row in reader:
-            color = tuple([int(row[1]), int(row[2]), int(row[3])])  # type: Tuple[int, int, int]
+            color = tuple(
+                [int(row[1]), int(row[2]), int(row[3])]
+            )  # type: Tuple[int, int, int]
             colormap_dict[int(row[0])] = color
     return colormap_dict
 def create_colormap(
-        raster: Union[str, pathlib.PosixPath],
-        lut_dict: Dict[int, Tuple[int, int, int]],
-        cloud_mask: str = None,
-        out_path: Union[str, pathlib.PosixPath] = "./colormap.tif",
-        out_crs: str = None,
-        clouds_color: str = "black",
-        out_resolution: Tuple[int, int] = (100, 100)
+    raster: Union[str, pathlib.PosixPath],
+    lut_dict: Dict[int, Tuple[int, int, int]],
+    cloud_mask: str = None,
+    out_path: Union[str, pathlib.PosixPath] = "./colormap.tif",
+    out_crs: str = None,
+    clouds_color: str = "black",
+    out_resolution: Tuple[int, int] = (100, 100),
 ) -> str:
     Colormapping of a single-band raster with a look-up table passed as
@@ -119,8 +128,10 @@ def create_colormap(
     # cloud mask
     if not Path(str(cloud_mask)).is_file():
         cloud_mask = None
-        logger.error("Cloud mask path wrong or not provided \
-        \nClouds will not be colored")
+        logger.error(
+            "Cloud mask path wrong or not provided \
+        \nClouds will not be colored"
+        )
     # clouds color
     if clouds_color.lower() == "black":
@@ -130,8 +141,10 @@ def create_colormap(
         cld_val = 255
         # lut_dict[0] = (255, 255, 255)
-        logger.warning('Available clouds colors: "black" or "white" \
-        \nApplying default: black')
+        logger.warning(
+            'Available clouds colors: "black" or "white" \
+        \nApplying default: black'
+        )
     lut_dict[0] = (0, 0, 0)
     lut_dict[255] = (255, 255, 255)
@@ -152,20 +165,24 @@ def create_colormap(
                 clouds_band = cld_src.read(1)
                 # resample cloud_mask to raster grid
                 cld_reproj = np.empty(raster_band.shape, dtype=np.uint8)
-                reproject(source=clouds_band,
-                          destination=cld_reproj,
-                          src_transform=cld_src.transform,
-                          src_crs=cld_src.crs,
-                          dst_transform=src.transform,
-                          dst_crs=src.crs,
-                          resampling=Resampling.nearest)
+                reproject(
+                    source=clouds_band,
+                    destination=cld_reproj,
+                    src_transform=cld_src.transform,
+                    src_crs=cld_src.crs,
+                    dst_transform=src.transform,
+                    dst_crs=src.crs,
+                    resampling=Resampling.nearest,
+                )
                 # clouds
                 raster_band = np.where(cld_reproj == 0, raster_band, 16383)
         # band_mask_borders = np.where(raster_band != 32767, raster_band, -10000)
         cmap = np.where(raster_band == 16383, -10000, raster_band)
-        cmap = (128 * (cmap/10000 + 1) * ((cmap+10000) > 0)).astype(np.uint8)
+        cmap = (128 * (cmap / 10000 + 1) * ((cmap + 10000) > 0)).astype(
+            np.uint8
+        )
         cmap = np.where(cld_reproj == 1, cld_val, cmap)
         # compute default transform, width and height to fit the out resolution
         dst_transform, dst_width, dst_height = calculate_default_transform(
@@ -174,17 +191,20 @@ def create_colormap(
-            resolution=out_resolution)
+            resolution=out_resolution
+        )
         out_crs = src.crs if not out_crs else out_crs
-        profile.update(nodata=0,
-                       driver="Gtiff",
-                       # compress="DEFLATE",
-                       dtype=np.uint8,
-                       transform=dst_transform,
-                       width=dst_width,
-                       height=dst_height,
-                       crs=out_crs)
+        profile.update(
+            nodata=0,
+            driver="Gtiff",
+            # compress="DEFLATE",
+            dtype=np.uint8,
+            transform=dst_transform,
+            width=dst_width,
+            height=dst_height,
+            crs=out_crs,
+        )
     # write colormap to out_path
     with rasterio.open(str(out_path), "w", **profile) as dst:
         dst.write(cmap, 1)
@@ -192,15 +212,16 @@ def create_colormap(
     return str(Path(str(out_path)).absolute)
 def create_rvb(
-        raster: Union[str, pathlib.PosixPath],
-        lut_dict: Dict[int, Tuple[int, int, int]],
-        cloud_mask: str = None,
-        out_path: Union[str, pathlib.PosixPath] = "./colormap_rvb.tif",
-        out_crs: str = None,
-        clouds_color: str = "black",
-        out_resolution: Tuple[int, int] = (100, 100),
-        stretch: Tuple[float, float] = (-10000, 10000)
+    raster: Union[str, pathlib.PosixPath],
+    lut_dict: Dict[int, Tuple[int, int, int]],
+    cloud_mask: str = None,
+    out_path: Union[str, pathlib.PosixPath] = "./colormap_rvb.tif",
+    out_crs: str = None,
+    clouds_color: str = "black",
+    out_resolution: Tuple[int, int] = (100, 100),
+    stretch: Tuple[float, float] = (-10000, 10000),
 ) -> str:
     Colormapping of a single-band raster with a look-up table passed as
@@ -220,8 +241,10 @@ def create_rvb(
     # cloud mask
     if not Path(str(cloud_mask)).is_file():
         cloud_mask = None
-        logger.error("Cloud mask path wrong or not provided \
-        \nClouds will not be colored")
+        logger.error(
+            "Cloud mask path wrong or not provided \
+        \nClouds will not be colored"
+        )
     # clouds color
     if clouds_color.lower() == "black":
@@ -231,8 +254,10 @@ def create_rvb(
         cld_val = 255
         # lut_dict[0] = (255, 255, 255)
-        logger.warning('Available clouds colors: "black" or "white" \
-        \nApplying default: black')
+        logger.warning(
+            'Available clouds colors: "black" or "white" \
+        \nApplying default: black'
+        )
     lut_dict[0] = (0, 0, 0)
     lut_dict[255] = (255, 255, 255)
@@ -245,27 +270,43 @@ def create_rvb(
             print("Invalid CRS: {}\nUsing source raster CRS".format(e))
     fact = int(1000 // out_resolution[0])
-    fact_cld = int(1000 // (2*out_resolution[0]))
+    fact_cld = int(1000 // (2 * out_resolution[0]))
     with rasterio.open(str(raster)) as src:
-        raster_band = src.read(1, out_shape=(1, int(src.height // fact), int(src.height // fact)))
+        raster_band = src.read(
+            1, out_shape=(1, int(src.height // fact), int(src.height // fact))
+        )
         profile = src.profile
         if cloud_mask:
             with rasterio.open(str(cloud_mask)) as cld_src:
-                cld_reproj = cld_src.read(1, out_shape=(1, int(cld_src.height // fact_cld),
-                                                           int(cld_src.height // fact_cld)))
+                cld_reproj = cld_src.read(
+                    1,
+                    out_shape=(
+                        1,
+                        int(cld_src.height // fact_cld),
+                        int(cld_src.height // fact_cld),
+                    ),
+                )
                 cld_band = cld_src.read(1)
                 raster_band = np.where(cld_reproj == 0, raster_band, 16383)
         # band_mask_borders = np.where(raster_band != 32767, raster_band, -10000)
-        #~ cmap = np.where(raster_band == 16383, -10000, raster_band)
-        #~ cmap = (128 * (cmap/10000 + 1) * ((cmap+10000) > 0)).astype(np.uint8)
+        # cmap = np.where(raster_band == 16383, -10000, raster_band)
+        # cmap = (128 * (cmap/10000 + 1) * ((cmap+10000) > 0)).astype(np.uint8)
         cmap = np.where(raster_band == 16383, stretch[0], raster_band)
-        cmap = np.clip((255 * (cmap - stretch[0]).astype(np.float) / (stretch[1] - stretch[0])), 0, 255).astype(np.uint8)
+        cmap = np.clip(
+            (
+                255
+                * (cmap - stretch[0]).astype(np.float)
+                / (stretch[1] - stretch[0])
+            ),
+            0,
+            255,
+        ).astype(np.uint8)
         cmap = np.where(cld_reproj == 1, cld_val, cmap)
         # compute default transform, width and height to fit the out resolution
         dst_transform, dst_width, dst_height = calculate_default_transform(
@@ -274,34 +315,39 @@ def create_rvb(
-            resolution=out_resolution)
+            resolution=out_resolution
+        )
         out_crs = src.crs if not out_crs else out_crs
-        profile.update(nodata=0,
-                       tiled=False,
-                       driver="Gtiff",
-                       dtype=np.uint8,
-                       transform=dst_transform,
-                       width=dst_width,
-                       height=dst_height,
-                       crs=out_crs,
-                       count=3)
+        profile.update(
+            nodata=0,
+            tiled=False,
+            driver="Gtiff",
+            dtype=np.uint8,
+            transform=dst_transform,
+            width=dst_width,
+            height=dst_height,
+            crs=out_crs,
+            count=3,
+        )
     with rasterio.open(str(out_path), "w", **profile) as dst:
         for k in range(3):
             cmap_temp = np.copy(cmap)
-            for idx in np.nditer(cmap_temp, op_flags=['readwrite']):
+            for idx in np.nditer(cmap_temp, op_flags=["readwrite"]):
                 idx[...] = lut_dict[int(idx)][k]
-            dst.write(cmap_temp.astype(np.uint8), k+1)
+            dst.write(cmap_temp.astype(np.uint8), k + 1)
     return str(Path(str(out_path)).absolute)
-def create_l2a_ql(b02: Union[str, pathlib.PosixPath],
-                  b03: Union[str, pathlib.PosixPath],
-                  b04: Union[str, pathlib.PosixPath],
-                  out_path: Union[str, pathlib.PosixPath] = "./L2A_QL.tif",
-                  out_resolution: Tuple[int, int] = (100, 100),
-                  jpg = False,
-                  ) -> str:
+def create_l2a_ql(
+    b02: Union[str, pathlib.PosixPath],
+    b03: Union[str, pathlib.PosixPath],
+    b04: Union[str, pathlib.PosixPath],
+    out_path: Union[str, pathlib.PosixPath] = "./L2A_QL.tif",
+    out_resolution: Tuple[int, int] = (100, 100),
+    jpg=False,
+) -> str:
     Creating a color RVB quicklook from 3 single band files passed as arguments
     :param b02: path to B raster
@@ -322,46 +368,55 @@ def create_l2a_ql(b02: Union[str, pathlib.PosixPath],
-            resolution=out_resolution)
+            resolution=out_resolution
+        )
     if out_path.suffix == ".jpg" or jpg:
-        profile.update(nodata=0,
-                       driver="JPEG",
-                       dtype=np.uint8,
-                       transform=dst_transform,
-                       width=dst_width,
-                       height=dst_height,
-                       tiled=False,
-                       count=len(file_list))
-        profile.pop('tiled', None)
-        profile.pop('blockxsize', None)
-        profile.pop('blockysize', None)
+        profile.update(
+            nodata=0,
+            driver="JPEG",
+            dtype=np.uint8,
+            transform=dst_transform,
+            width=dst_width,
+            height=dst_height,
+            tiled=False,
+            count=len(file_list),
+        )
+        profile.pop("tiled", None)
+        profile.pop("blockxsize", None)
+        profile.pop("blockysize", None)
-        profile.update(nodata=0,
-                       driver="Gtiff",
-                       dtype=np.uint8,
-                       transform=dst_transform,
-                       width=dst_width,
-                       height=dst_height,
-                       tiled=False,
-                       count=len(file_list))
-    with rasterio.open(str(out_path), 'w', **profile) as dst:
+        profile.update(
+            nodata=0,
+            driver="Gtiff",
+            dtype=np.uint8,
+            transform=dst_transform,
+            width=dst_width,
+            height=dst_height,
+            tiled=False,
+            count=len(file_list),
+        )
+    with rasterio.open(str(out_path), "w", **profile) as dst:
         for id, layer in enumerate(file_list, start=1):
             with rasterio.open(layer) as src1:
                 raster_band = src1.read(1)
                 raster_band = np.where(raster_band > 2000, 2000, raster_band)
-                raster_band = np.where(raster_band > 1, (raster_band/2000)*255, raster_band)
+                raster_band = np.where(
+                    raster_band > 1, (raster_band / 2000) * 255, raster_band
+                )
                 raster_band = raster_band.astype(np.uint8)
                 dst.write_band(id, raster_band)
     return str(Path(str(out_path)).absolute)
-def create_l1c_ql(tci: Union[str, pathlib.PosixPath],
-                  out_path: Union[str, pathlib.PosixPath] = "./L1C_QL.tif",
-                  out_resolution: Tuple[int, int] = (100, 100),
-                  jpg = False,
-                  ) -> str:
+def create_l1c_ql(
+    tci: Union[str, pathlib.PosixPath],
+    out_path: Union[str, pathlib.PosixPath] = "./L1C_QL.tif",
+    out_resolution: Tuple[int, int] = (100, 100),
+    jpg=False,
+) -> str:
     Creating a color RVB quicklook from tci 3 bands file passed as argument
     :param tci: path to tci raster
@@ -373,56 +428,70 @@ def create_l1c_ql(tci: Union[str, pathlib.PosixPath],
     with rasterio.open(str(tci)) as src:
         profile = src.profile
         fact = int(1000 // out_resolution[0])
         dst_transform, dst_width, dst_height = calculate_default_transform(
-            resolution=out_resolution)
+            resolution=out_resolution
+        )
         if out_path.suffix == ".jpg" or jpg:
-            profile.update(nodata=0,
-                          driver="JPEG",
-                          dtype=np.uint8,
-                          transform=dst_transform,
-                          width=dst_width,
-                          height=dst_height,
-                          tiled=False,
-                          count=3)
-            profile.pop('tiled', None)
-            profile.pop('blockxsize', None)
-            profile.pop('blockysize', None)
-            profile.pop('interleave', None)
+            profile.update(
+                nodata=0,
+                driver="JPEG",
+                dtype=np.uint8,
+                transform=dst_transform,
+                width=dst_width,
+                height=dst_height,
+                tiled=False,
+                count=3,
+            )
+            profile.pop("tiled", None)
+            profile.pop("blockxsize", None)
+            profile.pop("blockysize", None)
+            profile.pop("interleave", None)
-            profile.update(nodata=0,
-                          driver="Gtiff",
-                          dtype=np.uint8,
-                          transform=dst_transform,
-                          width=dst_width,
-                          height=dst_height,
-                          tiled=False,
-                          count=3)
-        with rasterio.open(str(out_path), 'w', **profile) as dst:
-        #~ with rasterio.open(str(tci)) as src1:
-            for band_id in range(1,4):
+            profile.update(
+                nodata=0,
+                driver="Gtiff",
+                dtype=np.uint8,
+                transform=dst_transform,
+                width=dst_width,
+                height=dst_height,
+                tiled=False,
+                count=3,
+            )
+        with rasterio.open(str(out_path), "w", **profile) as dst:
+            # with rasterio.open(str(tci)) as src1:
+            for band_id in range(1, 4):
-                raster_band = src.read(band_id, out_shape=(1, int(src.height // fact), int(src.height // fact))).astype(np.uint8)
-                #~ raster_band = np.where(raster_band > 2000, 2000, raster_band)
-                #~ raster_band = np.where(raster_band > 1, (raster_band/2000)*255, raster_band)
-                #~ raster_band = raster_band.astype(np.uint8)
+                raster_band = src.read(
+                    band_id,
+                    out_shape=(
+                        1,
+                        int(src.height // fact),
+                        int(src.height // fact),
+                    ),
+                ).astype(np.uint8)
+                # raster_band = np.where(raster_band > 2000, 2000, raster_band)
+                # raster_band = np.where(raster_band > 1, (raster_band/2000)*255, raster_band)
+                # raster_band = raster_band.astype(np.uint8)
                 dst.write_band(band_id, raster_band)
     return str(Path(str(out_path)).absolute)
-def create_l1c_ql_v2(tci: Union[str, pathlib.PosixPath],
-                  out_path: Union[str, pathlib.PosixPath] = "./L1C_QL.tif",
-                  out_resolution: Tuple[int, int] = (100, 100),
-                  jpg = False,
-                  ) -> str:
+def create_l1c_ql_v2(
+    tci: Union[str, pathlib.PosixPath],
+    out_path: Union[str, pathlib.PosixPath] = "./L1C_QL.tif",
+    out_resolution: Tuple[int, int] = (100, 100),
+    jpg=False,
+) -> str:
     Creating a color RVB quicklook from tci 3 bands file passed as argument
     :param tci: path to tci raster
@@ -431,56 +500,69 @@ def create_l1c_ql_v2(tci: Union[str, pathlib.PosixPath],
     with rasterio.open(str(tci)) as src:
         profile = src.profile
         fact = int(out_resolution[0] // 10)
         dst_transform, dst_width, dst_height = calculate_default_transform(
-            resolution = out_resolution) 
-        logger.info("creating L1C QL - {}m/px - {}px".format(out_resolution[0], dst_width))
+            resolution=out_resolution
+        )
+        logger.info(
+            "creating L1C QL - {}m/px - {}px".format(
+                out_resolution[0], dst_width
+            )
+        )
         if out_path.suffix == ".jpg" or jpg:
-            profile.update(nodata=0,
-                          driver="JPEG",
-                          dtype=np.uint8,
-                          transform=dst_transform,
-                          width=dst_width,
-                          height=dst_height,
-                          tiled=False,
-                          count=3)
-            profile.pop('tiled', None)
-            profile.pop('blockxsize', None)
-            profile.pop('blockysize', None)
-            profile.pop('interleave', None)
+            profile.update(
+                nodata=0,
+                driver="JPEG",
+                dtype=np.uint8,
+                transform=dst_transform,
+                width=dst_width,
+                height=dst_height,
+                tiled=False,
+                count=3,
+            )
+            profile.pop("tiled", None)
+            profile.pop("blockxsize", None)
+            profile.pop("blockysize", None)
+            profile.pop("interleave", None)
-            profile.update(nodata=0,
-                          driver="Gtiff",
-                          dtype=np.uint8,
-                          transform=dst_transform,
-                          width=dst_width,
-                          height=dst_height,
-                          tiled=False,
-                          count=3)
-        with rasterio.open(str(out_path), 'w', **profile) as dst:
-            raster_band = src.read(out_shape=(src.count, 
-                                              dst_width, 
-                                              dst_height,
-                                              ),
-                                   resampling=Resampling.nearest
-                                   ).astype(np.uint8)
+            profile.update(
+                nodata=0,
+                driver="Gtiff",
+                dtype=np.uint8,
+                transform=dst_transform,
+                width=dst_width,
+                height=dst_height,
+                tiled=False,
+                count=3,
+            )
+        with rasterio.open(str(out_path), "w", **profile) as dst:
+            raster_band = src.read(
+                out_shape=(
+                    src.count,
+                    dst_width,
+                    dst_height,
+                ),
+                resampling=Resampling.nearest,
+            ).astype(np.uint8)
     return str(Path(str(out_path)).absolute)
-def create_l2a_ql_v2(tci: Union[str, pathlib.PosixPath],
-                  out_path: Union[str, pathlib.PosixPath] = "./L2A_QL.tif",
-                  out_resolution: Tuple[int, int] = (100, 100),
-                  jpg = False,
-                  ) -> str:
+def create_l2a_ql_v2(
+    tci: Union[str, pathlib.PosixPath],
+    out_path: Union[str, pathlib.PosixPath] = "./L2A_QL.tif",
+    out_resolution: Tuple[int, int] = (100, 100),
+    jpg=False,
+) -> str:
     Creating a color RVB quicklook from tci 3 bands file passed as argument
     :param tci: path to tci raster
@@ -489,49 +571,59 @@ def create_l2a_ql_v2(tci: Union[str, pathlib.PosixPath],
     with rasterio.open(str(tci)) as src:
         profile = src.profile
         fact = int(out_resolution[0] // 10)
         dst_transform, dst_width, dst_height = calculate_default_transform(
-            resolution = out_resolution) 
-        logger.info("creating L2A QL - {}m/px - {}px".format(out_resolution[0], dst_width))
+            resolution=out_resolution
+        )
+        logger.info(
+            "creating L2A QL - {}m/px - {}px".format(
+                out_resolution[0], dst_width
+            )
+        )
         if out_path.suffix == ".jpg" or jpg:
-            profile.update(nodata=0,
-                          driver="JPEG",
-                          dtype=np.uint8,
-                          transform=dst_transform,
-                          width=dst_width,
-                          height=dst_height,
-                          tiled=False,
-                          count=3)
-            profile.pop('tiled', None)
-            profile.pop('blockxsize', None)
-            profile.pop('blockysize', None)
-            profile.pop('interleave', None)
+            profile.update(
+                nodata=0,
+                driver="JPEG",
+                dtype=np.uint8,
+                transform=dst_transform,
+                width=dst_width,
+                height=dst_height,
+                tiled=False,
+                count=3,
+            )
+            profile.pop("tiled", None)
+            profile.pop("blockxsize", None)
+            profile.pop("blockysize", None)
+            profile.pop("interleave", None)
-            profile.update(nodata=0,
-                          driver="Gtiff",
-                          dtype=np.uint8,
-                          transform=dst_transform,
-                          width=dst_width,
-                          height=dst_height,
-                          tiled=False,
-                          count=3)
-        with rasterio.open(str(out_path), 'w', **profile) as dst:
-            raster_band = src.read(out_shape=(src.count, 
-                                              dst_width, 
-                                              dst_height,
-                                              ),
-                                   resampling=Resampling.nearest
-                                   ).astype(np.uint8)
+            profile.update(
+                nodata=0,
+                driver="Gtiff",
+                dtype=np.uint8,
+                transform=dst_transform,
+                width=dst_width,
+                height=dst_height,
+                tiled=False,
+                count=3,
+            )
+        with rasterio.open(str(out_path), "w", **profile) as dst:
+            raster_band = src.read(
+                out_shape=(
+                    src.count,
+                    dst_width,
+                    dst_height,
+                ),
+                resampling=Resampling.nearest,
+            ).astype(np.uint8)
-    return str(Path(str(out_path)).absolute)
+    return str(Path(str(out_path)).absolute)
diff --git a/sen2chain/config.py b/sen2chain/config.py
index 3454613b2e5b03375876a20b9bceefa5e5d4c0b5..d44d7c6feeb42420d9c13efe2ae0f03ea98c544c 100644
--- a/sen2chain/config.py
+++ b/sen2chain/config.py
@@ -1,7 +1,8 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# coding: utf-8
-Module for collecting configuration data from ``~/sen2chain_data/config/config.cfg``
+Module for collecting configuration data from 
 import os
@@ -16,12 +17,12 @@ logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO)
 ROOT = Path(os.path.realpath(__file__)).parent.parent
 SHARED_DATA = dict(
-                   tiles_index = ROOT / "sen2chain" / "data" / "tiles_index.gpkg",
-                   tiles_index_dict = ROOT / "sen2chain" / "data" / "tiles_index_dict.p",
-                   peps_download = ROOT / "sen2chain" / "peps_download3.py",
-                   sen2chain_meta = ROOT / "sen2chain" / "data" / "sen2chain_info.xml",
-                   raw_job_cfg = ROOT / "sen2chain" / "data" / "job_ini.cfg",
-                   )
+    tiles_index=ROOT / "sen2chain" / "data" / "tiles_index.gpkg",
+    tiles_index_dict=ROOT / "sen2chain" / "data" / "tiles_index_dict.p",
+    peps_download=ROOT / "sen2chain" / "peps_download3.py",
+    sen2chain_meta=ROOT / "sen2chain" / "data" / "sen2chain_info.xml",
+    raw_job_cfg=ROOT / "sen2chain" / "data" / "job_ini.cfg",
 class Config:
@@ -32,6 +33,7 @@ class Config:
         >>> Config().get("l1c_path")
     # TODO: Implement the Config class as a singleton.
     _USER_DIR = Path.home() / "sen2chain_data"
@@ -44,35 +46,44 @@ class Config:
     def __init__(self) -> None:
         self._config_params = ConfigParser()
-        self._config_params["DATA PATHS"] = {"temp_path": "",
-                                             "l1c_path": "",
-                                             "l1c_archive_path": "",
-                                             "l2a_path": "",
-                                             "l2a_archive_path": "",
-                                             "indices_path": "",
-                                             "time_series_path": "",
-                                             "temporal_summaries_path": "",
-                                             "cloudmasks_path": "",
-                                             }
+        self._config_params["DATA PATHS"] = {
+            "temp_path": "",
+            "l1c_path": "",
+            "l1c_archive_path": "",
+            "l2a_path": "",
+            "l2a_archive_path": "",
+            "indices_path": "",
+            "time_series_path": "",
+            "temporal_summaries_path": "",
+            "cloudmasks_path": "",
+        }
         self._config_params["SEN2COR PATH"] = {"sen2cor_bashrc_path": ""}
-        self._config_params["HUBS LOGINS"] = {"scihub_id": "",
-                                              "scihub_pwd": "",
-                                              "peps_config_path": ""}
-        self._config_params["PROXY SETTINGS"] = {"proxy_http_url": "",
-                                                 "proxy_https_url": ""}
-        self._config_params["SEN2CHAIN VERSIONS"] = {"sen2chain_processing_version": "xx.xx"}
-        self._config_params["LOG PATH"] = {"log_path": str(self._USER_DIR / "logs")}
+        self._config_params["HUBS LOGINS"] = {
+            "scihub_id": "",
+            "scihub_pwd": "",
+            "peps_config_path": "",
+        }
+        self._config_params["PROXY SETTINGS"] = {
+            "proxy_http_url": "",
+            "proxy_https_url": "",
+        }
+        self._config_params["SEN2CHAIN VERSIONS"] = {
+            "sen2chain_processing_version": "xx.xx"
+        }
+        self._config_params["LOG PATH"] = {
+            "log_path": str(self._USER_DIR / "logs")
+        }
         if self._CONFIG_FILE.exists():
             self._config_params_disk = ConfigParser()
-            if self._config_params_disk != self._config_params: 
+            if self._config_params_disk != self._config_params:
         self.config_dict = dict()
         for section in self._config_params.sections():
@@ -87,9 +98,9 @@ class Config:
-        Path(self._config_params["LOG PATH"]["log_path"]).mkdir(exist_ok = True)
-        #~ (self.__JOBS_DIR / "logs").mkdir(exist_ok=True)
+        Path(self._config_params["LOG PATH"]["log_path"]).mkdir(exist_ok=True)
+        # ~ (self.__JOBS_DIR / "logs").mkdir(exist_ok=True)
         with open(str(self._CONFIG_FILE), "w") as cfg_file:
@@ -98,6 +109,7 @@ class Config:
         Checks if data paths are provided and valids. If not, create default
         folders in sen2chain_data/DATA and update the configuration file.
         def update_config(section, key, val):
             Update a setting in config.ini
@@ -113,16 +125,25 @@ class Config:
             if value.rstrip() == "" or not Path(value).exists():
-                default_value = self._DEFAULT_DATA_DIR / path.replace("_path", "").upper()
+                default_value = (
+                    self._DEFAULT_DATA_DIR / path.replace("_path", "").upper()
+                )
                 default_value.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
                 update_config("DATA PATHS", path, str(default_value))
-                logger.info("{}: using default at {}".format(path, str(default_value)))
+                logger.info(
+                    "{}: using default at {}".format(path, str(default_value))
+                )
         sen2cor_bashrc_path_value = self.config_dict["sen2cor_bashrc_path"]
-        if sen2cor_bashrc_path_value.rstrip() == "" or not Path(sen2cor_bashrc_path_value).exists():
-            logging.error("Make sure the path to the sen2cor Bashrc file is valid.")
+        if (
+            sen2cor_bashrc_path_value.rstrip() == ""
+            or not Path(sen2cor_bashrc_path_value).exists()
+        ):
+            logging.error(
+                "Make sure the path to the sen2cor Bashrc file is valid."
+            )
             raise ValueError("Invalid sen2cor Bashrc")
     def get(self, param: str) -> str:
diff --git a/sen2chain/data_request.py b/sen2chain/data_request.py
index 32508e745251cbf944765abc4d9091b06aff96a3..c718d5d3a42d78c2c1280dcd046cc62cc5bb2d5f 100644
--- a/sen2chain/data_request.py
+++ b/sen2chain/data_request.py
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# coding: utf-8
 Module for obtaining data from the scihub API.
@@ -20,13 +20,19 @@ from shapely.wkt import loads
 from shapely.ops import cascaded_union
 from pprint import pprint
 import itertools
 # type annotations
 from typing import List, Set, Dict, Tuple, Union
 from .config import Config, SHARED_DATA
-#from geo_utils import get_tiles_from_point, get_tiles_from_bbox, get_tiles_from_file
 from .utils import grouper, str_to_datetime
-from .geo_utils import get_tiles_from_point, get_tiles_from_bbox, get_tiles_from_file, serialise_tiles_index
+from .geo_utils import (
+    get_tiles_from_point,
+    get_tiles_from_bbox,
+    get_tiles_from_file,
+    serialise_tiles_index,
 # présentation problème #
 # il n'est pas possible avec l'API du scihub de faire une recherche
@@ -48,15 +54,21 @@ class DataRequest:
     :param start_date: query's start date (YYYY-MM-DD).
     :param end_date: query's end date(YYYY-MM-DD) or datetime objet.
     :param land_only: keep only tiles that contain land or datetime object.
-    :param cloud_cover_percentage: cloud cover percentage range (min, max) from 0 to 100.
+    :param cloud_cover_percentage: cloud cover percentage range (min, max)
+        from 0 to 100.
-        >>> data_request.DataRequest(start_date="2018-01-10", end_date="2018-01-31,
-                                     land_only=True).from_tiles["40KCB", "40KEC"]
+        >>> data_request.DataRequest(
+                start_date="2018-01-10",
+                end_date="2018-01-31,
+                land_only=True).from_tiles["40KCB", "40KEC"]
     # Since "requester pays" was enabled on AWS for the Sentienl-2 L1C dataset
-    # (products are no longer free), downloading non-tiled products on AWS does'nt work anymore.
-    # Therefore, it's useless to make a complex request to separate non-tiled and tiled products.
+    # (products are no longer free), downloading non-tiled products on AWS
+    # does'nt work anymore.
+    # Therefore, it's useless to make a complex request to separate non-tiled
+    # and tiled products.
     # This class needs to be refactored.
     # Proxy settings
@@ -64,17 +76,19 @@ class DataRequest:
     proxy_https_url = Config().get("proxy_https_url").strip()
     def __init__(
-            self,
-            start_date: Union[str, datetime] = None,
-            end_date: Union[str, datetime] = None,
-            land_only: bool = False,
-            cloud_cover_percentage: Tuple[int, int] = None
+        self,
+        start_date: Union[str, datetime] = None,
+        end_date: Union[str, datetime] = None,
+        land_only: bool = False,
+        cloud_cover_percentage: Tuple[int, int] = None,
     ) -> None:
         if start_date is None:
             # default start_date : first sentinel2 acquisition
             self.start_date = str_to_datetime("2015-06-29", "ymd")
-            logger.info("Start date not provided, using {}.".format(self.start_date))
+            logger.info(
+                "Start date not provided, using {}.".format(self.start_date)
+            )
             if not isinstance(start_date, datetime):
                 start_date = str_to_datetime(start_date, "ymd")
@@ -92,12 +106,21 @@ class DataRequest:
         self.tiles_to_keep = None
         self.tiles_to_keep_geom = dict()
         self.products_list = {"aws": {}, "hubs": {}}
-        self.cloudcoverpercentage = cloud_cover_percentage if cloud_cover_percentage else (0,100)
-        self.api = SentinelAPI(Config().get("scihub_id"), Config().get("scihub_pwd"), "https://apihub.copernicus.eu/apihub/")
+        self.cloudcoverpercentage = (
+            cloud_cover_percentage if cloud_cover_percentage else (0, 100)
+        )
+        self.api = SentinelAPI(
+            Config().get("scihub_id"),
+            Config().get("scihub_pwd"),
+            "https://apihub.copernicus.eu/apihub/",
+        )
         # Set proxy settings to the Requests session
         if self.proxy_http_url or self.proxy_https_url:
-            proxies = {"http": self.proxy_http_url, "https": self.proxy_https_url}
+            proxies = {
+                "http": self.proxy_http_url,
+                "https": self.proxy_https_url,
+            }
             self.api.session.proxies = proxies
     def _get_tiles_geom(self) -> None:
@@ -122,7 +145,9 @@ class DataRequest:
         :param : tiles: list of valid tiles names.
-        self.tiles_to_keep = [re.sub("^T", "", tile.upper()) for tile in set(tiles)]
+        self.tiles_to_keep = [
+            re.sub("^T", "", tile.upper()) for tile in set(tiles)
+        ]
         return self.products_list
@@ -133,15 +158,15 @@ class DataRequest:
         :param lon: longitude.
         :param lat: latitude.
-        self.tiles_to_keep = get_tiles_from_point(lon, lat, land_only=self.land_only)
+        self.tiles_to_keep = get_tiles_from_point(
+            lon, lat, land_only=self.land_only
+        )
         return self.products_list
     def from_bbox(
-            self,
-            lon_min: float, lat_min: float,
-            lon_max: float, lat_max: float
+        self, lon_min: float, lat_min: float, lon_max: float, lat_max: float
     ) -> Dict[str, Dict]:
         """akes request from a bbox.
@@ -150,7 +175,9 @@ class DataRequest:
         :param lon_max: longitude.
         :param lat_max: latitude.
-        self.tiles_to_keep = get_tiles_from_bbox(lon_min, lat_min, lon_max, lat_max, land_only=self.land_only)
+        self.tiles_to_keep = get_tiles_from_bbox(
+            lon_min, lat_min, lon_max, lat_max, land_only=self.land_only
+        )
         return self.products_list
@@ -160,10 +187,12 @@ class DataRequest:
         :param : tiles: list of valid tiles names.
-        geom_tiles = get_tiles_from_file(vectors_file, land_only=self.land_only)
-        self.tiles_to_keep = list(set(itertools.chain.from_iterable(
-                                                        geom_tiles.values()
-                                                        )))
+        geom_tiles = get_tiles_from_file(
+            vectors_file, land_only=self.land_only
+        )
+        self.tiles_to_keep = list(
+            set(itertools.chain.from_iterable(geom_tiles.values()))
+        )
         return self.products_list
@@ -172,14 +201,18 @@ class DataRequest:
         """Will call the right request method depending on products"""
-        logger.info("Requesting images ranging from {} to {}".format(self.start_date, self.end_date))
+        logger.info(
+            "Requesting images ranging from {} to {}".format(
+                self.start_date, self.end_date
+            )
+        )
         if self.tiles_to_keep is None:
             raise ValueError("Query tiles not provided")
         # reset products_list
         # should the products_list be updated or erased for each new request ?
-        self.products_list = {"aws":{}, "hubs":{}}
+        self.products_list = {"aws": {}, "hubs": {}}
         tileddate = str_to_datetime("2016-11-01", "ymd")
@@ -201,12 +234,15 @@ class DataRequest:
         # query by group of 3 tiles,  otherwise getting error message
         # "Request URI too long" from scihub
-        for tiles_to_keep_triplet, tiles_to_keep_triplet_geom \
-                in zip(grouper(self.tiles_to_keep, 3),
-                       grouper(self.tiles_to_keep_geom.values(), 3)):
+        for tiles_to_keep_triplet, tiles_to_keep_triplet_geom in zip(
+            grouper(self.tiles_to_keep, 3),
+            grouper(self.tiles_to_keep_geom.values(), 3),
+        ):
             tiles_to_keep = [tile for tile in tiles_to_keep_triplet if tile]
-            tiles_to_keep_geom = [geom for geom in tiles_to_keep_triplet_geom if geom]
+            tiles_to_keep_geom = [
+                geom for geom in tiles_to_keep_triplet_geom if geom
+            ]
@@ -217,12 +253,13 @@ class DataRequest:
             # scihub request
             products = OrderedDict()
             products = self.api.query(
-                                 query_geom,
-                                 date=(self.start_date, self.end_date),
-                                 order_by="+endposition",
-                                 platformname="Sentinel-2",
-                                 producttype="S2MSI1C",
-                                 cloudcoverpercentage=self.cloudcoverpercentage)
+                query_geom,
+                date=(self.start_date, self.end_date),
+                order_by="+endposition",
+                platformname="Sentinel-2",
+                producttype="S2MSI1C",
+                cloudcoverpercentage=self.cloudcoverpercentage,
+            )
             # save products list as a pandas dataframe
             products_df = self.api.to_dataframe(products)
@@ -231,7 +268,9 @@ class DataRequest:
             # a products dictionnay for each server (AWS vs hubs)
             # fill each dictionnary depending on the acquisition date
-            for index, row in products_df[["title", "beginposition", "footprint"]].iterrows():
+            for index, row in products_df[
+                ["title", "beginposition", "footprint"]
+            ].iterrows():
                 # start date of the tiled S2 collection on the scihub server
                 tileddate = str_to_datetime("2016-11-01", "ymd")
@@ -241,34 +280,55 @@ class DataRequest:
                 for tile_name, tile_geom in self.tiles_to_keep_geom.items():
                     # in case of duplicates on the server
-                    if img_title not in self.products_list["hubs"].keys() and img_title not in self.products_list["aws"].keys():
+                    if (
+                        img_title not in self.products_list["hubs"].keys()
+                        and img_title not in self.products_list["aws"].keys()
+                    ):
                         # tiled products are downloaded on hubs
                         if re.match(r".*_T[0-9]{2}[A-Z]{3}_.*", img_title):
                             if tile_name in img_title:
-                                self.products_list["hubs"][img_title] = {"date": img_date,
-                                                                         "tile": tile_name}
+                                self.products_list["hubs"][img_title] = {
+                                    "date": img_date,
+                                    "tile": tile_name,
+                                }
-                         # non-tiled products will be downloaded on aws
+                        # non-tiled products will be downloaded on aws
                             if tile_geom.intersects(img_footprint):
-                                self.products_list["aws"][img_title] = {"date": img_date,
-                                                                        "tile": tile_name}
+                                self.products_list["aws"][img_title] = {
+                                    "date": img_date,
+                                    "tile": tile_name,
+                                }
         # pprint dicts in chronological order
         print("\nFrom AWS")
-        pprint(list(OrderedDict(sorted(self.products_list["aws"].items(),
-                                key=lambda t: t[1]["date"]))))
+        pprint(
+            list(
+                OrderedDict(
+                    sorted(
+                        self.products_list["aws"].items(),
+                        key=lambda t: t[1]["date"],
+                    )
+                )
+            )
+        )
         print("\nFrom hubs")
-        pprint(list(OrderedDict(sorted(self.products_list["hubs"].items(),
-                                key=lambda t: t[1]["date"]))))
+        pprint(
+            list(
+                OrderedDict(
+                    sorted(
+                        self.products_list["hubs"].items(),
+                        key=lambda t: t[1]["date"],
+                    )
+                )
+            )
+        )
+    # Tiled products request (lighter)
     def _make_request_tiled_only(self) -> None:
         """Scihub API request using sentinelsat. This method is called if
         products are a mix of tiled and non-tiled products."""
@@ -276,7 +336,6 @@ class DataRequest:
         print("Sentinel2 tiles:\n", self.tiles_to_keep)
         products_from_hubs = dict()
         products_from_aws = dict()
@@ -293,15 +352,16 @@ class DataRequest:
             print("Ignoring water-only tiles:", water_tiles)
         query_kwargs = {
-                'platformname': 'Sentinel-2',
-                'producttype': 'S2MSI1C',
-                'cloudcoverpercentage': self.cloudcoverpercentage,
-                'date': (self.start_date, self.end_date)}
+            "platformname": "Sentinel-2",
+            "producttype": "S2MSI1C",
+            "cloudcoverpercentage": self.cloudcoverpercentage,
+            "date": (self.start_date, self.end_date),
+        }
         products = OrderedDict()
         for tile in self.tiles_to_keep:
             kw = query_kwargs.copy()
-            kw['filename'] = '*_T{}_*'.format(tile)
+            kw["filename"] = "*_T{}_*".format(tile)
             pp = self.api.query(**kw)
@@ -315,58 +375,20 @@ class DataRequest:
         for index, row in products_df[["title", "beginposition"]].iterrows():
             img_title = row[0]
             img_date = row[1].to_pydatetime()
-            self.products_list["hubs"][img_title] = {"date": img_date,
-                                                     "tile": re.findall("_T([0-9]{2}[A-Z]{3})_", img_title)[0]}
+            self.products_list["hubs"][img_title] = {
+                "date": img_date,
+                "tile": re.findall("_T([0-9]{2}[A-Z]{3})_", img_title)[0],
+            }
         # pprint dicts in chronological order
         print("\nFrom hubs")
-        pprint(list(OrderedDict(sorted(self.products_list["hubs"].items(),
-                                key=lambda t: t[1]["date"]))))
-#instance_start_date = '2018-07-01'
-#instance_end_date = '2018-07-16'
-#instance_start_date, instance_end_date = '20160123', '20160424'
-#x = 55.5331
-#y = -21.1331
-#bbox = (54.66796875, -21.647217065387817, 58.4033203125, -19.652934210612436)
-#data = DataRequest(start_date=instance_start_date,
-                   #end_date=instance_end_date,
-                   #land_only=False).from_tiles("35LLD", "40KCB", "38KQV", "34HBJ")
-#req = DataRequest(start_date=instance_start_date,
-                  #end_date=instance_end_date,
-                  #land_only=False)
-#pprint(req.from_tiles("40KCB", "38KQV", "34HBJ"))
-#data = DataRequest(start_date=instance_start_date,
-                   #end_date=instance_end_date,
-                   #land_only=False).from_point(lon=x, lat=y)
-#data = DataRequest(start_date=instance_start_date,
-                   #end_date=instance_end_date,
-                   #land_only=True).from_bbox(54.66796875, -21.647217065387817, 58.4033203125, -19.652934210612436)
-#data = DataRequest(start_date=instance_start_date,
-                   #end_date=instance_end_date,
-                   #land_only=True).from_file("/home/seas-oi/Documents/NDVI-MODIS-SENTINEL/SIG/sites_mada/34_sites_sentinelles.shp")
-                   #land_only=True).from_file("/home/seas-oi/Téléchargements/map.geojson")
+        pprint(
+            list(
+                OrderedDict(
+                    sorted(
+                        self.products_list["hubs"].items(),
+                        key=lambda t: t[1]["date"],
+                    )
+                )
+            )
+        )
diff --git a/sen2chain/download_and_process.py b/sen2chain/download_and_process.py
index 06d69ffdf253c018aed1f7b53c574f833323e9ea..99532dcc383ee04526209f409133de912dbf2ba5 100644
--- a/sen2chain/download_and_process.py
+++ b/sen2chain/download_and_process.py
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# coding: utf-8
 Module for downloading and processing Sentinel-2 images in parallel.
@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ from collections import defaultdict
 from sentinelsat import SentinelAPI
 from sentinelhub import AwsProductRequest
 from pprint import pprint
 # type annotations
 from typing import Dict, List, Tuple
@@ -30,6 +31,7 @@ logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+# FIXME: AWS download no longer available
 def download_aws(identifier: str, tile: str, hub: str) -> Tuple[str, bool]:
     """Downloads L1C safe from AWS using sentinelhub package.
@@ -42,21 +44,28 @@ def download_aws(identifier: str, tile: str, hub: str) -> Tuple[str, bool]:
     # downloaded = True
-    if not temp_container.l1c.path.exists() and not temp_container.l1c.in_library:
-        product_request = AwsProductRequest(product_id=identifier,
-                                            tile_list=["T"+tile],
-                                            data_folder=str(temp_container.temp_path),
-                                            safe_format=True)
+    if (
+        not temp_container.l1c.path.exists()
+        and not temp_container.l1c.in_library
+    ):
+        product_request = AwsProductRequest(
+            product_id=identifier,
+            tile_list=["T" + tile],
+            data_folder=str(temp_container.temp_path),
+            safe_format=True,
+        )
-        #archive_l1c(identifier, tile, hub)
+        # archive_l1c(identifier, tile, hub)
         # if not temp_container.l1c.path.exists():
-            # downloaded = False
+        # downloaded = False
     return identifier, hub
-def download_peps(identifier: str, tile: str, hub: str) -> Tuple[str, str, str, bool]:
+def download_peps(
+    identifier: str, tile: str, hub: str
+) -> Tuple[str, str, str, bool]:
     """Downloads L1C safe zip file from PEPS using peps_downloader.py.
     :param identifier:
@@ -69,20 +78,28 @@ def download_peps(identifier: str, tile: str, hub: str) -> Tuple[str, str, str,
     downloaded = True
-    if not temp_container.l1c.path.exists() and not temp_container.l1c.in_library:
+    if (
+        not temp_container.l1c.path.exists()
+        and not temp_container.l1c.in_library
+    ):
             command = "python3 {peps_download_script} -a {peps_download_config} -c S2ST -i {identifier}".format(
-                identifier=identifier)
-            process = subprocess.run(command.split(),
-                                     cwd=str(temp_container.temp_path),
-                                     check=True,
-                                     stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
+                identifier=identifier,
+            )
+            process = subprocess.run(
+                command.split(),
+                cwd=str(temp_container.temp_path),
+                check=True,
+                stderr=subprocess.PIPE,
+            )
         except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:
             logger.error("download_peps - peps_download FAILED: {}".format(e))
-            logger.warning("File does not exist on PEPS yet: {}".format(identifier))
+            logger.warning(
+                "File does not exist on PEPS yet: {}".format(identifier)
+            )
@@ -99,7 +116,9 @@ def download_peps(identifier: str, tile: str, hub: str) -> Tuple[str, str, str,
     return identifier, tile, hub, downloaded
-def download_scihub(identifier: str, tile: str, hub: str) -> Tuple[str, str, str, bool]:
+def download_scihub(
+    identifier: str, tile: str, hub: str
+) -> Tuple[str, str, str, bool]:
     """Downloads L1C safe zip file from Scihub using sentinelsat package.
     :param identifier:
@@ -112,19 +131,33 @@ def download_scihub(identifier: str, tile: str, hub: str) -> Tuple[str, str, str
     downloaded = True
-    if not temp_container.l1c.path.exists() and not temp_container.l1c.in_library:
-        api = SentinelAPI(Config().get("scihub_id"), Config().get("scihub_pwd"), "https://apihub.copernicus.eu/apihub/")
+    if (
+        not temp_container.l1c.path.exists()
+        and not temp_container.l1c.in_library
+    ):
+        api = SentinelAPI(
+            Config().get("scihub_id"),
+            Config().get("scihub_pwd"),
+            "https://apihub.copernicus.eu/apihub/",
+        )
         # Set proxy settings to the Requests session
-        if DownloadAndProcess.proxy_http_url or DownloadAndProcess.proxy_https_url:
-            proxies = {"http": DownloadAndProcess.proxy_http_url, 
-                       "https": DownloadAndProcess.proxy_https_url}
+        if (
+            DownloadAndProcess.proxy_http_url
+            or DownloadAndProcess.proxy_https_url
+        ):
+            proxies = {
+                "http": DownloadAndProcess.proxy_http_url,
+                "https": DownloadAndProcess.proxy_https_url,
+            }
             api.session.proxies = proxies
-        product_request = api.query(identifier='*{}*'.format(identifier))
-        api.download_all(product_request, directory_path=str(temp_container.temp_path))
+        product_request = api.query(identifier="*{}*".format(identifier))
+        api.download_all(
+            product_request, directory_path=str(temp_container.temp_path)
+        )
-            #archive_l1c(identifier, tile, hub)
+            # archive_l1c(identifier, tile, hub)
         except Exception as e:
@@ -134,10 +167,14 @@ def download_scihub(identifier: str, tile: str, hub: str) -> Tuple[str, str, str
     return identifier, tile, hub, downloaded
+# FIXME: docs
 def processing(
-        identifier: str, tile: str, hub: str,
-        indices_list: List[str],
-        nodata_clouds: bool, quicklook: bool
+    identifier: str,
+    tile: str,
+    hub: str,
+    indices_list: List[str],
+    nodata_clouds: bool,
+    quicklook: bool,
 ) -> Tuple[str, str, str]:
     """Process each L1C downloaded.
@@ -152,7 +189,9 @@ def processing(
     l1c_product = L1cProduct(identifier, tile)
-    l2a_identifier = identifier.replace("L1C_","L2A_").replace("_USER_", "_OPER_")
+    l2a_identifier = identifier.replace("L1C_", "L2A_").replace(
+        "_USER_", "_OPER_"
+    )
     l2a_product = L2aProduct(l2a_identifier, tile)
     l2a_product.process_indices(indices_list, nodata_clouds, quicklook)
@@ -161,8 +200,7 @@ def processing(
 def archive_l1c(identifier, tile, hub):
-    """
-    """
+    """ """
     temp = TempContainer(identifier)
     l1c_prod = L1cProduct(identifier, tile, path=temp.temp_path)
@@ -183,18 +221,24 @@ class DownloadAndProcess:
     :param nodata_clouds: mask indices output rasters with a cloud-mask.
     :param quicklook: creates a quicklook for each indice processed.
     # TODO: make most of methods private.
+    # TODO: translate french docs and comments.
     # Proxy settings
     proxy_http_url = Config().get("proxy_http_url").strip()
     proxy_https_url = Config().get("proxy_https_url").strip()
     def __init__(
-            self,
-            identifiers: Dict[str, dict],
-            hubs_limit: dict = None, aws_limit: int = None,
-            process_products: bool = False, max_processes: int = 2, indices_list: list = [],
-            nodata_clouds: bool = False, quicklook: bool = False
+        self,
+        identifiers: Dict[str, dict],
+        hubs_limit: dict = None,
+        aws_limit: int = None,
+        process_products: bool = False,
+        max_processes: int = 2,
+        indices_list: list = [],
+        nodata_clouds: bool = False,
+        quicklook: bool = False,
     ) -> None:
         if not isinstance(identifiers, dict):
@@ -203,7 +247,7 @@ class DownloadAndProcess:
             self.identifiers = identifiers
         if hubs_limit is None:
-            self.hubs_limit={"peps":3, "scihub":2}
+            self.hubs_limit = {"peps": 3, "scihub": 2}
             logger.debug("hubs_limit set to: {}".format(self.hubs_limit))
             self.hubs_limit = hubs_limit
@@ -214,7 +258,11 @@ class DownloadAndProcess:
             if aws_limit > 3:
                 self.aws_limit = 3
-                logger.warning("aws limit too high, using default: {}".format(self.aws_limit))
+                logger.warning(
+                    "aws limit too high, using default: {}".format(
+                        self.aws_limit
+                    )
+                )
         if not isinstance(process_products, bool):
             raise ValueError("process_product must be either True or False")
@@ -222,9 +270,15 @@ class DownloadAndProcess:
             self.process_products = process_products
         if max_processes >= 1:
-            self.max_processes = max_processes + 1 # + 1 pour process principal
+            self.max_processes = (
+                max_processes + 1
+            )  # + 1 pour process principal
             if max_processes > 2:
-                logger.warning("max_processes set to: {}, don't run out of memory!".format(max_processes))
+                logger.warning(
+                    "max_processes set to: {}, don't run out of memory!".format(
+                        max_processes
+                    )
+                )
             raise ValueError("max_processes must be an unsigned number > 0.")
@@ -232,7 +286,9 @@ class DownloadAndProcess:
             self.indices_list = []
             if not isinstance(indices_list, list):
-                raise ValueError("indices_list must be a list of indices names")
+                raise ValueError(
+                    "indices_list must be a list of indices names"
+                )
             self.indices_list = indices_list
         if not isinstance(nodata_clouds, bool):
@@ -250,11 +306,13 @@ class DownloadAndProcess:
         # executors
         self.threads_executor = ThreadPoolExecutor(
-                                    max_workers=sum(self.hubs_limit.values())
-                                    )
-        self.processes_executor = ProcessPoolExecutor(
-                                    max_workers=self.max_processes
-                                    ) if self.process_products else None
+            max_workers=sum(self.hubs_limit.values())
+        )
+        self.processes_executor = (
+            ProcessPoolExecutor(max_workers=self.max_processes)
+            if self.process_products
+            else None
+        )
         # failed downloads
         self._products_attempts = defaultdict(lambda: 0)
@@ -282,10 +340,13 @@ class DownloadAndProcess:
                 logger.debug("tasks < limit")
                 item = await self.queue.get()
                 tile = self.identifiers["hubs"][item]["tile"]
-                task = asyncio.ensure_future(self.downloader_hubs(item, tile, hub))
+                task = asyncio.ensure_future(
+                    self.downloader_hubs(item, tile, hub)
+                )
-            done, pending = await asyncio.wait(tasks,
-                                               return_when=asyncio.FIRST_COMPLETED)
+            done, pending = await asyncio.wait(
+                tasks, return_when=asyncio.FIRST_COMPLETED
+            )
             for each in done:
@@ -296,41 +357,48 @@ class DownloadAndProcess:
                     await asyncio.gather(*tasks)
-    async def downloader_hubs(self,
-            identifier: str, tile: str, hub: str) -> Tuple[str, str, str]:
+    async def downloader_hubs(
+        self, identifier: str, tile: str, hub: str
+    ) -> Tuple[str, str, str]:
         """Coroutine for starting
         coroutine de téléchargement sur peps et scihub : appelle la fonction qui va télécharger
         if hub == "scihub":
             logger.info("--> downloading {} from {}".format(identifier, hub))
-            fut = self.loop.run_in_executor(self.threads_executor,
-                                           functools.partial(download_scihub,
-                                                             identifier,
-                                                             tile,
-                                                             hub))
+            fut = self.loop.run_in_executor(
+                self.threads_executor,
+                functools.partial(download_scihub, identifier, tile, hub),
+            )
         elif hub == "peps":
             logger.info("--> downloading {} from {}".format(identifier, hub))
-            fut = self.loop.run_in_executor(self.threads_executor,
-                                           functools.partial(download_peps,
-                                                             identifier,
-                                                             tile,
-                                                             hub))
+            fut = self.loop.run_in_executor(
+                self.threads_executor,
+                functools.partial(download_peps, identifier, tile, hub),
+            )
         await fut
         # if download was successful, process the file
         if fut.result()[3]:
-            logger.info("--> --> {} downloaded from {}".format(identifier, hub))
-            arch = asyncio.ensure_future(self.archive_l1c(identifier, tile, hub))
+            logger.info(
+                "--> --> {} downloaded from {}".format(identifier, hub)
+            )
+            arch = asyncio.ensure_future(
+                self.archive_l1c(identifier, tile, hub)
+            )
             await arch
             if self.process_products:
-                fut = asyncio.ensure_future(self.process(identifier, tile, hub))
+                fut = asyncio.ensure_future(
+                    self.process(identifier, tile, hub)
+                )
                 await fut
         # if download failed, try again on another hub if first retry
         elif not fut.result()[3] and self._products_attempts[identifier] < 3:
             self._products_attempts[identifier] += 1
-            logger.info("{} download failed, will try again".format(identifier))
+            logger.info(
+                "{} download failed, will try again".format(identifier)
+            )
             # increase the number of seconds to wait with the number of attempts
             # will retry in 2, 4 then 6 minutes before giving up
             seconds_to_wait = self._products_attempts[identifier] * 120
@@ -344,34 +412,33 @@ class DownloadAndProcess:
         return (identifier, tile, hub)
-    async def downloader_aws(self,
-            identifier: str, tile: str, hub: str) -> Tuple[str, str, str]:
-        """coroutine appelant la coroutine de téléchargement sur aws
-        """
+    # FIXME: AWS download no longer available
+    async def downloader_aws(
+        self, identifier: str, tile: str, hub: str
+    ) -> Tuple[str, str, str]:
+        """coroutine appelant la coroutine de téléchargement sur aws"""
         logger.debug("downloader_aws {}".format(identifier))
         async with asyncio.Semaphore(self.aws_limit):
-            fut = self.loop.run_in_executor(self.threads_executor,
-                                           functools.partial(download_aws,
-                                                             identifier,
-                                                             tile,
-                                                             hub))
+            fut = self.loop.run_in_executor(
+                self.threads_executor,
+                functools.partial(download_aws, identifier, tile, hub),
+            )
             await fut
-            logger.info("--> --> {} downloaded from {}".format(identifier, hub))
+            logger.info(
+                "--> --> {} downloaded from {}".format(identifier, hub)
+            )
         return (identifier, tile, hub)
-    async def archive_l1c(self,
-            identifier: str, tile: str, hub: str) -> Tuple[str, str, str]:
-        """
-        """
-        #fut = self.loop.run_in_executor(self.processes_executor,
-        fut = self.loop.run_in_executor(None,
-                                        functools.partial(archive_l1c,
-                                                          identifier,
-                                                          tile,
-                                                          hub))
+    async def archive_l1c(
+        self, identifier: str, tile: str, hub: str
+    ) -> Tuple[str, str, str]:
+        """ """
+        # fut = self.loop.run_in_executor(self.processes_executor,
+        fut = self.loop.run_in_executor(
+            None, functools.partial(archive_l1c, identifier, tile, hub)
+        )
         if fut.cancelled:
             return fut
         await fut
@@ -379,8 +446,9 @@ class DownloadAndProcess:
         return (identifier, tile, hub)
-    async def process(self,
-            identifier: str, tile: str, hub: str) -> Tuple[str, str, str]:
+    async def process(
+        self, identifier: str, tile: str, hub: str
+    ) -> Tuple[str, str, str]:
         coroutine qui va appeler la fonction permettant de traiter le fichier pour scihub et peps
@@ -390,16 +458,20 @@ class DownloadAndProcess:
         logger.debug("process {}".format(identifier))
-        #async with asyncio.Semaphore(self.max_processes):
+        # async with asyncio.Semaphore(self.max_processes):
         logger.info("--> --> --> processing {}".format(identifier))
-        fut = self.loop.run_in_executor(self.processes_executor,
-                                        functools.partial(processing,
-                                                          identifier,
-                                                          tile,
-                                                          hub,
-                                                          self.indices_list,
-                                                          self.nodata_clouds,
-                                                          self.quicklook))
+        fut = self.loop.run_in_executor(
+            self.processes_executor,
+            functools.partial(
+                processing,
+                identifier,
+                tile,
+                hub,
+                self.indices_list,
+                self.nodata_clouds,
+                self.quicklook,
+            ),
+        )
         if fut.cancelled:
             return fut
         await fut
@@ -407,7 +479,10 @@ class DownloadAndProcess:
         return identifier, tile, hub
-    async def download_process_aws(self, identifier: str) -> Tuple[str, str, str]:
+    # FIXME: AWS download no longer available
+    async def download_process_aws(
+        self, identifier: str
+    ) -> Tuple[str, str, str]:
         Coroutine for downloading and processing products from AWS.
@@ -416,11 +491,13 @@ class DownloadAndProcess:
         tile = self.identifiers["aws"][identifier]["tile"]
-        downloads = await asyncio.ensure_future(self.downloader_aws(identifier, tile, "aws"))
+        downloads = await asyncio.ensure_future(
+            self.downloader_aws(identifier, tile, "aws")
+        )
         if self.process_products:
             fut = self.process(*downloads)
-            #if fut.cancelled():
-                #return fut
+            # if fut.cancelled():
+            # return fut
             await fut
         return downloads
@@ -432,19 +509,21 @@ class DownloadAndProcess:
         identifiers_aws = self.identifiers["aws"]
         identifiers_hubs = self.identifiers["hubs"]
-        print("Tiled: ",len(identifiers_hubs))
+        print("Tiled: ", len(identifiers_hubs))
         print("Non tiled: ", len(identifiers_aws))
         tasks = []
         # on lance les proxies
         for hub, limit in self.hubs_limit.items():
             if limit > 0:
-                tasks.append(asyncio.ensure_future(self.proxy_pool(hub, limit)))
+                tasks.append(
+                    asyncio.ensure_future(self.proxy_pool(hub, limit))
+                )
         # on remplit la queue
         if identifiers_hubs:
             for identifier, data in identifiers_hubs.items():
-                if TempContainer(identifier).l1c.in_library :
+                if TempContainer(identifier).l1c.in_library:
                 await self.queue.put(identifier)
@@ -453,8 +532,10 @@ class DownloadAndProcess:
         # on lance les DL aws sur la bonne liste
         if identifiers_aws:
-            aws = [asyncio.ensure_future(self.download_process_aws(identifier))
-                   for (identifier, data) in identifiers_aws.items()]
+            aws = [
+                asyncio.ensure_future(self.download_process_aws(identifier))
+                for (identifier, data) in identifiers_aws.items()
+            ]
             await asyncio.gather(*aws)
         # shutting down executors
@@ -479,8 +560,16 @@ class DownloadAndProcess:
             end_time = datetime.now() - start_time
-            total_products = len(self.identifiers["aws"]) + len(self.identifiers["hubs"]) - len(self.failed_products)
-            logger.info("Downloaded and processed {} file(s) in {}".format(total_products, end_time))
+            total_products = (
+                len(self.identifiers["aws"])
+                + len(self.identifiers["hubs"])
+                - len(self.failed_products)
+            )
+            logger.info(
+                "Downloaded and processed {} file(s) in {}".format(
+                    total_products, end_time
+                )
+            )
             logger.debug("closing loop")
             # self.loop.close()
diff --git a/sen2chain/geo_utils.py b/sen2chain/geo_utils.py
index e0b4d2cc33348cec5861c9211fed288d0bda26a3..52ddd60cdf810254b167a65c9681e9ed48cb4bfb 100644
--- a/sen2chain/geo_utils.py
+++ b/sen2chain/geo_utils.py
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# coding: utf-8
 Module for manipulating the Sentinel-2 tiles index geopackage file.
@@ -8,6 +9,7 @@ import pickle
 import fiona
 from osgeo import ogr
 from shapely.geometry import shape, Point, box
 # type annotation
 from typing import List, Set, Dict, Optional, Union
 from pathlib import Path
@@ -36,17 +38,16 @@ def serialise_tiles_index() -> None:
     with fiona.open(str(TILES_INDEX), "r") as tiles_index:
         for tile in tiles_index:
             name = tile["properties"]["Name"]
-            geom = shape(tile['geometry'])
+            geom = shape(tile["geometry"])
             tiles_dict[name] = geom
     with open(str(TILES_INDEX_DICT), "wb") as pfile:
         pickle.dump(tiles_dict, pfile)
-def get_tiles_from_point(lon: float,
-                         lat: float,
-                         land_only: bool = False
-                         ) -> Set[str]:
+def get_tiles_from_point(
+    lon: float, lat: float, land_only: bool = False
+) -> Set[str]:
     Returns tiles containing a point (longitude, latitude)
@@ -56,22 +57,27 @@ def get_tiles_from_point(lon: float,
     intersected_tiles = set()
-    with fiona.open(str(TILES_INDEX), 'r') as tiles_index:
+    with fiona.open(str(TILES_INDEX), "r") as tiles_index:
         point_geom = Point(lon, lat)
         if land_only:
-            tiles_index = filter(lambda feat: feat["properties"]["land"] == "True", tiles_index)
+            tiles_index = filter(
+                lambda feat: feat["properties"]["land"] == "True", tiles_index
+            )
         for tile in tiles_index:
-            tile_geom = shape(tile['geometry'])
+            tile_geom = shape(tile["geometry"])
             if tile_geom.contains(point_geom):
     return intersected_tiles
-def get_tiles_from_bbox(lon_min: float, lat_min: float,
-                        lon_max: float, lat_max: float,
-                        land_only=False
-                        ) -> Set[str]:
+def get_tiles_from_bbox(
+    lon_min: float,
+    lat_min: float,
+    lon_max: float,
+    lat_max: float,
+    land_only=False,
+) -> Set[str]:
     Returns S2 tiles intersecting a bbox.
@@ -83,13 +89,15 @@ def get_tiles_from_bbox(lon_min: float, lat_min: float,
     intersected_tiles = set()
-    with fiona.open(str(TILES_INDEX), 'r') as tiles_index:
+    with fiona.open(str(TILES_INDEX), "r") as tiles_index:
         bbox_geom = box(lon_min, lat_min, lon_max, lat_max)
         if land_only:
-            tiles_index = filter(lambda feat: feat["properties"]["land"] == "True", tiles_index)
+            tiles_index = filter(
+                lambda feat: feat["properties"]["land"] == "True", tiles_index
+            )
         for tile in tiles_index:
-            tile_geom = shape(tile['geometry'])
+            tile_geom = shape(tile["geometry"])
             if tile_geom.intersects(bbox_geom):
@@ -97,8 +105,7 @@ def get_tiles_from_bbox(lon_min: float, lat_min: float,
 def get_tiles_from_file(
-        vectors_file: str,
-        land_only: bool = False
+    vectors_file: str, land_only: bool = False
 ) -> Dict[str, Optional[List[str]]]:
     Returns the intersected tiles for each feature id in the vectors file.
@@ -130,15 +137,15 @@ def get_tiles_from_file(
             tile = filtered_t.GetField("Name")
-        intersected_tiles_dict[str(feat_id)] = contained_in_tiles if contained_in_tiles else None
+        intersected_tiles_dict[str(feat_id)] = (
+            contained_in_tiles if contained_in_tiles else None
+        )
         feat_id += 1
     return intersected_tiles_dict
-def get_processed_indices_vect(
-        out_folder: str = None
-        ):
+def get_processed_indices_vect(out_folder: str = None):
     Returns a vector file of the indice processed tiles
@@ -147,123 +154,239 @@ def get_processed_indices_vect(
     if not out_folder:
         out_folder = Path(Config().get("temp_path"))
     out_shapefile = str(Path(out_folder) / "tiles_indices_shp.shp")
-    out_shapefile_complement = str(Path(out_folder) / "tiles_indices_complement_shp.shp")
+    out_shapefile_complement = str(
+        Path(out_folder) / "tiles_indices_complement_shp.shp"
+    )
     out_shapefile_total = str(Path(out_folder) / "tiles_indices_total_shp.shp")
     drv_gpkg = ogr.GetDriverByName("GPKG")
     input_layer_ds = drv_gpkg.Open(str(TILES_INDEX), 0)
     input_layer_lyr = input_layer_ds.GetLayer(0)
-    #~ ndvi_index = Library().ndvi
-    #~ ndwigao_index = Library().ndwigao
-    #~ ndwimcf_index = Library().ndwimcf
-    #~ mndwi_index = Library().mndwi
-    #~ indices_index = set().union(ndvi_index, ndwigao_index, ndwimcf_index, mndwi_index)
+    # ~ ndvi_index = Library().ndvi
+    # ~ ndwigao_index = Library().ndwigao
+    # ~ ndwimcf_index = Library().ndwimcf
+    # ~ mndwi_index = Library().mndwi
+    # ~ indices_index = set().union(ndvi_index, ndwigao_index, ndwimcf_index, mndwi_index)
     lib = Library()
-    indices_index = {t for c in (getattr(lib, toto) for toto in ['l2a', 'ndvi', 'ndwigao', 'ndwimcf', 'mndwi', 'ndre', 'ireci']) for t in c}
-    total_index = {t for c in (getattr(lib, toto) for toto in ['l1c', 'l2a', 'ndvi', 'ndwigao', 'ndwimcf', 'mndwi', 'ndre', 'ireci']) for t in c}
-    complement_index =  total_index - indices_index
+    indices_index = {
+        t
+        for c in (
+            getattr(lib, toto)
+            for toto in [
+                "l2a",
+                "ndvi",
+                "ndwigao",
+                "ndwimcf",
+                "mndwi",
+                "ndre",
+                "ireci",
+            ]
+        )
+        for t in c
+    }
+    total_index = {
+        t
+        for c in (
+            getattr(lib, toto)
+            for toto in [
+                "l1c",
+                "l2a",
+                "ndvi",
+                "ndwigao",
+                "ndwimcf",
+                "mndwi",
+                "ndre",
+                "ireci",
+            ]
+        )
+        for t in c
+    }
+    complement_index = total_index - indices_index
     tile_count = {}
     for key in total_index:
-        #~ logger.info(key)
-        tile_count[key]={"l1c": 0, "l2a": 0, 'ndvi': 0, 'ndwigao': 0, 'ndwimcf': 0, 'mndwi': 0, 'ndre': 0, 'ireci': 0}
+        # ~ logger.info(key)
+        tile_count[key] = {
+            "l1c": 0,
+            "l2a": 0,
+            "ndvi": 0,
+            "ndwigao": 0,
+            "ndwimcf": 0,
+            "mndwi": 0,
+            "ndre": 0,
+            "ireci": 0,
+        }
         tile = Tile(key)
-        for p in ['l1c', 'l2a']:
+        for p in ["l1c", "l2a"]:
             tile_count[key][p] = len(getattr(tile, p))
-        for p in ['ndvi', 'ndwigao', 'ndwimcf', 'mndwi', 'ndre', 'ireci']:  
-            try:  
+        for p in ["ndvi", "ndwigao", "ndwimcf", "mndwi", "ndre", "ireci"]:
+            try:
                 tile_count[key][p] = len(getattr(tile, p).masks.cm001)
     # pour supprimer les tuiles ayant tous les indices à 0
-    indices_index_nonull = {k: v for k, v in tile_count.items() if sum(v[indice] for indice in [z for z in v.keys() if z in ['ndvi', 'ndwigao', 'ndwimcf', 'mndwi', 'ndre', 'ireci']])}
+    indices_index_nonull = {
+        k: v
+        for k, v in tile_count.items()
+        if sum(
+            v[indice]
+            for indice in [
+                z
+                for z in v.keys()
+                if z
+                in ["ndvi", "ndwigao", "ndwimcf", "mndwi", "ndre", "ireci"]
+            ]
+        )
+    }
     # Couche des indices
-    query_str = 'or '.join(['"{}" = "{}"'.format("Name", idx) for idx in indices_index_nonull.keys()])
+    query_str = "or ".join(
+        [
+            '"{}" = "{}"'.format("Name", idx)
+            for idx in indices_index_nonull.keys()
+        ]
+    )
-    driver = ogr.GetDriverByName('ESRI Shapefile')
+    driver = ogr.GetDriverByName("ESRI Shapefile")
     out_ds = driver.CreateDataSource(out_shapefile)
-    out_layer = out_ds.CopyLayer(input_layer_lyr, 'tuiles')
-    for name in ["L1C", "L1C_F", "L1C_L", \
-                 "L2A", "L2A_F", "L2A_L", \
-                 "NDVI", "NDVI_F", "NDVI_L", \
-                 "NDWIGAO", "NDWIGAO_F", "NDWIGAO_L", \
-                 "NDWIMCF", "NDWIMCF_F", "NDWIMCF_L", \
-                 "MNDWI", "MNDWI_F", "MNDWI_L",
-                 "NDRE", "NDRE_F", "NDRE_L",
-                 "IRECI", "IRECI_F", "IRECI_L",
-                 ]:
+    out_layer = out_ds.CopyLayer(input_layer_lyr, "tuiles")
+    for name in [
+        "L1C",
+        "L1C_F",
+        "L1C_L",
+        "L2A",
+        "L2A_F",
+        "L2A_L",
+        "NDVI",
+        "NDVI_F",
+        "NDVI_L",
+        "NDWIGAO",
+        "NDWIGAO_F",
+        "NDWIGAO_L",
+        "NDWIMCF",
+        "NDWIMCF_F",
+        "NDWIMCF_L",
+        "MNDWI",
+        "MNDWI_F",
+        "MNDWI_L",
+        "NDRE",
+        "NDRE_F",
+        "NDRE_L",
+        "IRECI",
+        "IRECI_F",
+        "IRECI_L",
+    ]:
         field_name = ogr.FieldDefn(name, ogr.OFTString)
     def fill_fields(layer):
         for feat in layer:
             tile_name = feat.GetField("Name")
             tile = Tile(tile_name)
-            feat.SetField("L1C", tile_count[tile_name]['l1c'])
+            feat.SetField("L1C", tile_count[tile_name]["l1c"])
-                feat.SetField("L1C_F", tile.l1c.first.date.strftime("%d/%m/%Y"))
+                feat.SetField(
+                    "L1C_F", tile.l1c.first.date.strftime("%d/%m/%Y")
+                )
                 feat.SetField("L1C_L", tile.l1c.last.date.strftime("%d/%m/%Y"))
                 feat.SetField("L1C_F", 0)
                 feat.SetField("L1C_L", 0)
-            feat.SetField("L2A", tile_count[tile_name]['l2a'])
+            feat.SetField("L2A", tile_count[tile_name]["l2a"])
-                feat.SetField("L2A_F", tile.l2a.first.date.strftime("%d/%m/%Y"))
+                feat.SetField(
+                    "L2A_F", tile.l2a.first.date.strftime("%d/%m/%Y")
+                )
                 feat.SetField("L2A_L", tile.l2a.last.date.strftime("%d/%m/%Y"))
                 feat.SetField("L2A_F", 0)
                 feat.SetField("L2A_L", 0)
-            feat.SetField("NDVI", tile_count[tile_name]['ndvi'])
+            feat.SetField("NDVI", tile_count[tile_name]["ndvi"])
-                feat.SetField("NDVI_F", tile.ndvi.masks.cm001.first.date.strftime("%d/%m/%Y"))
-                feat.SetField("NDVI_L", tile.ndvi.masks.cm001.last.date.strftime("%d/%m/%Y"))
+                feat.SetField(
+                    "NDVI_F",
+                    tile.ndvi.masks.cm001.first.date.strftime("%d/%m/%Y"),
+                )
+                feat.SetField(
+                    "NDVI_L",
+                    tile.ndvi.masks.cm001.last.date.strftime("%d/%m/%Y"),
+                )
                 feat.SetField("NDVI_F", 0)
                 feat.SetField("NDVI_L", 0)
-            feat.SetField("NDWIGAO", tile_count[tile_name]['ndwigao'])
+            feat.SetField("NDWIGAO", tile_count[tile_name]["ndwigao"])
-                feat.SetField("NDWIGAO_F", tile.ndwigao.masks.cm001.first.date.strftime("%d/%m/%Y"))
-                feat.SetField("NDWIGAO_L", tile.ndwigao.masks.cm001.last.date.strftime("%d/%m/%Y"))
+                feat.SetField(
+                    "NDWIGAO_F",
+                    tile.ndwigao.masks.cm001.first.date.strftime("%d/%m/%Y"),
+                )
+                feat.SetField(
+                    "NDWIGAO_L",
+                    tile.ndwigao.masks.cm001.last.date.strftime("%d/%m/%Y"),
+                )
                 feat.SetField("NDWIGAO_F", 0)
                 feat.SetField("NDWIGAO_L", 0)
-            feat.SetField("NDWIMCF", tile_count[tile_name]['ndwimcf'])
+            feat.SetField("NDWIMCF", tile_count[tile_name]["ndwimcf"])
-                feat.SetField("NDWIMCF_F", tile.ndwimcf.masks.cm001.first.date.strftime("%d/%m/%Y"))
-                feat.SetField("NDWIMCF_L", tile.ndwimcf.masks.cm001.last.date.strftime("%d/%m/%Y"))        
+                feat.SetField(
+                    "NDWIMCF_F",
+                    tile.ndwimcf.masks.cm001.first.date.strftime("%d/%m/%Y"),
+                )
+                feat.SetField(
+                    "NDWIMCF_L",
+                    tile.ndwimcf.masks.cm001.last.date.strftime("%d/%m/%Y"),
+                )
                 feat.SetField("NDWIMCF_F", 0)
                 feat.SetField("NDWIMCF_L", 0)
-            feat.SetField("MNDWI", tile_count[tile_name]['mndwi'])
+            feat.SetField("MNDWI", tile_count[tile_name]["mndwi"])
-                feat.SetField("MNDWI_F", tile.mndwi.masks.cm001.first.date.strftime("%d/%m/%Y"))
-                feat.SetField("MNDWI_L", tile.mndwi.masks.cm001.last.date.strftime("%d/%m/%Y"))
+                feat.SetField(
+                    "MNDWI_F",
+                    tile.mndwi.masks.cm001.first.date.strftime("%d/%m/%Y"),
+                )
+                feat.SetField(
+                    "MNDWI_L",
+                    tile.mndwi.masks.cm001.last.date.strftime("%d/%m/%Y"),
+                )
                 feat.SetField("MNDWI_F", 0)
-                feat.SetField("MNDWI_L",  0)
-            feat.SetField("NDRE", tile_count[tile_name]['ndre'])
+                feat.SetField("MNDWI_L", 0)
+            feat.SetField("NDRE", tile_count[tile_name]["ndre"])
-                feat.SetField("NDRE_F", tile.ndre.masks.cm001.first.date.strftime("%d/%m/%Y"))
-                feat.SetField("NDRE_L", tile.ndre.masks.cm001.last.date.strftime("%d/%m/%Y"))
+                feat.SetField(
+                    "NDRE_F",
+                    tile.ndre.masks.cm001.first.date.strftime("%d/%m/%Y"),
+                )
+                feat.SetField(
+                    "NDRE_L",
+                    tile.ndre.masks.cm001.last.date.strftime("%d/%m/%Y"),
+                )
                 feat.SetField("NDRE_F", 0)
                 feat.SetField("NDRE_L", 0)
-            feat.SetField("IRECI", tile_count[tile_name]['ireci'])
+            feat.SetField("IRECI", tile_count[tile_name]["ireci"])
-                feat.SetField("IRECI_F", tile.ireci.masks.cm001.first.date.strftime("%d/%m/%Y"))
-                feat.SetField("IRECI_L", tile.ireci.masks.cm001.last.date.strftime("%d/%m/%Y"))
+                feat.SetField(
+                    "IRECI_F",
+                    tile.ireci.masks.cm001.first.date.strftime("%d/%m/%Y"),
+                )
+                feat.SetField(
+                    "IRECI_L",
+                    tile.ireci.masks.cm001.last.date.strftime("%d/%m/%Y"),
+                )
                 feat.SetField("IRECI_F", 0)
                 feat.SetField("IRECI_L", 0)
@@ -273,43 +396,85 @@ def get_processed_indices_vect(
     out_layer = None
     del out_layer, out_ds
     # Couche complète
-    query_str = 'or '.join(['"{}" = "{}"'.format("Name", idx) for idx in tile_count.keys()])
+    query_str = "or ".join(
+        ['"{}" = "{}"'.format("Name", idx) for idx in tile_count.keys()]
+    )
-    driver = ogr.GetDriverByName('ESRI Shapefile')
+    driver = ogr.GetDriverByName("ESRI Shapefile")
     out_ds = driver.CreateDataSource(out_shapefile_total)
-    out_layer = out_ds.CopyLayer(input_layer_lyr, 'tuiles')
-    for name in ["L1C", "L1C_F", "L1C_L", \
-                 "L2A", "L2A_F", "L2A_L", \
-                 "NDVI", "NDVI_F", "NDVI_L", \
-                 "NDWIGAO", "NDWIGAO_F", "NDWIGAO_L", \
-                 "NDWIMCF", "NDWIMCF_F", "NDWIMCF_L", \
-                 "MNDWI", "MNDWI_F", "MNDWI_L",
-                 "NDRE", "NDRE_F", "NDRE_L",
-                 "IRECI", "IRECI_F", "IRECI_L",
-                 ]:
+    out_layer = out_ds.CopyLayer(input_layer_lyr, "tuiles")
+    for name in [
+        "L1C",
+        "L1C_F",
+        "L1C_L",
+        "L2A",
+        "L2A_F",
+        "L2A_L",
+        "NDVI",
+        "NDVI_F",
+        "NDVI_L",
+        "NDWIGAO",
+        "NDWIGAO_F",
+        "NDWIGAO_L",
+        "NDWIMCF",
+        "NDWIMCF_F",
+        "NDWIMCF_L",
+        "MNDWI",
+        "MNDWI_F",
+        "MNDWI_L",
+        "NDRE",
+        "NDRE_F",
+        "NDRE_L",
+        "IRECI",
+        "IRECI_F",
+        "IRECI_L",
+    ]:
         field_name = ogr.FieldDefn(name, ogr.OFTString)
     out_layer = None
     del out_layer, out_ds
     # Couche complémentaire
-    query_str = 'or '.join(['"{}" = "{}"'.format("Name", idx) for idx in (tile_count.keys()-indices_index_nonull.keys())])
+    query_str = "or ".join(
+        [
+            '"{}" = "{}"'.format("Name", idx)
+            for idx in (tile_count.keys() - indices_index_nonull.keys())
+        ]
+    )
-    driver = ogr.GetDriverByName('ESRI Shapefile')
+    driver = ogr.GetDriverByName("ESRI Shapefile")
     out_ds = driver.CreateDataSource(out_shapefile_complement)
-    out_layer = out_ds.CopyLayer(input_layer_lyr, 'tuiles')
-    for name in ["L1C", "L1C_F", "L1C_L", \
-                 "L2A", "L2A_F", "L2A_L", \
-                 "NDVI", "NDVI_F", "NDVI_L", \
-                 "NDWIGAO", "NDWIGAO_F", "NDWIGAO_L", \
-                 "NDWIMCF", "NDWIMCF_F", "NDWIMCF_L", \
-                 "MNDWI", "MNDWI_F", "MNDWI_L",
-                 "NDRE", "NDRE_F", "NDRE_L",
-                 "IRECI", "IRECI_F", "IRECI_L"]:
+    out_layer = out_ds.CopyLayer(input_layer_lyr, "tuiles")
+    for name in [
+        "L1C",
+        "L1C_F",
+        "L1C_L",
+        "L2A",
+        "L2A_F",
+        "L2A_L",
+        "NDVI",
+        "NDVI_F",
+        "NDVI_L",
+        "NDWIGAO",
+        "NDWIGAO_F",
+        "NDWIGAO_L",
+        "NDWIMCF",
+        "NDWIMCF_F",
+        "NDWIMCF_L",
+        "MNDWI",
+        "MNDWI_F",
+        "MNDWI_L",
+        "NDRE",
+        "NDRE_F",
+        "NDRE_L",
+        "IRECI",
+        "IRECI_F",
+        "IRECI_L",
+    ]:
         field_name = ogr.FieldDefn(name, ogr.OFTString)
@@ -317,14 +482,15 @@ def get_processed_indices_vect(
     out_layer = None
     del input_layer_ds, input_layer_lyr, out_layer, out_ds
 def crop_product_by_shp(
-        raster_path: Union[str, Path] = None,
-        vector_path: Union[str, Path] = None,
-        buff: int = 0,
-        out_folder: str = None
-        ):
+    raster_path: Union[str, Path] = None,
+    vector_path: Union[str, Path] = None,
+    buff: int = 0,
+    out_folder: str = None,
-    Returns a cropped raster 
+    Returns a cropped raster
     :param raster_path: path to input raster file
     :param vector_path: path to input shp
     :param buff: buffer size around shp (in raster unit, ie m)
@@ -332,21 +498,31 @@ def crop_product_by_shp(
     if not out_folder:
         out_folder = Path(Config().get("temp_path"))
     crop_extent = gpd.read_file(str(vector_path))
     raster = rasterio.open(str(raster_path))
     crop_extent_new_proj = crop_extent.to_crs(raster.crs)
-    extent_geojson = mapping(crop_extent_new_proj['geometry'][0].buffer(buff))
-    out_img, out_transform = mask(dataset=raster, shapes=[extent_geojson], crop=True)
+    extent_geojson = mapping(crop_extent_new_proj["geometry"][0].buffer(buff))
+    out_img, out_transform = mask(
+        dataset=raster, shapes=[extent_geojson], crop=True
+    )
     out_meta = raster.meta.copy()
-    out_meta.update({"driver": "GTiff",
-                     "compress": "DEFLATE",
-                     "height": out_img.shape[1],
-                     "width": out_img.shape[2],
-                     "transform": out_transform})
-    with rasterio.open(out_folder / (Path(raster_path).stem + "_cropped-" + str(buff) + "m.tif"), "w", **out_meta) as dest:
+    out_meta.update(
+        {
+            "driver": "GTiff",
+            "compress": "DEFLATE",
+            "height": out_img.shape[1],
+            "width": out_img.shape[2],
+            "transform": out_transform,
+        }
+    )
+    with rasterio.open(
+        out_folder
+        / (Path(raster_path).stem + "_cropped-" + str(buff) + "m.tif"),
+        "w",
+        **out_meta
+    ) as dest:
diff --git a/sen2chain/indices.py b/sen2chain/indices.py
index db933d8ec7f927a07e21432f9f15c6a358567dfe..4a17247a2b1bf3b36ff20018ceab91041feb0f0d 100644
--- a/sen2chain/indices.py
+++ b/sen2chain/indices.py
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# coding: utf-8
 Module for defining radiometric indices.
@@ -13,10 +13,20 @@ import os
 # type annotations
 from typing import Union, List
-from .indices_functions import (create_raw_ndr, create_raw_ireci,
-                                #~ create_raw_ndvi, create_raw_ndre, create_raw_ndwigao, create_raw_ndwimcf, create_raw_mndwi
-                                create_raw_bigr, create_raw_birnir, create_raw_bibg,
-                                create_masked_indice, index_tiff_2_jp2)
+from .indices_functions import (
+    create_raw_ndr,
+    create_raw_ireci,
+    # create_raw_ndvi,
+    # create_raw_ndre,
+    # create_raw_ndwigao,
+    # create_raw_ndwimcf,
+    # create_raw_mndwi,
+    create_raw_bigr,
+    create_raw_birnir,
+    create_raw_bibg,
+    create_masked_indice,
+    index_tiff_2_jp2,
 from .colormap import matplotlib_colormap_to_rgb, create_colormap, create_rvb
 logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
@@ -35,6 +45,7 @@ class Indice(metaclass=ABCMeta):
     process_indice(out_path, nodata_clouds, quicklook):
     def name(self):
@@ -61,6 +72,7 @@ class Ndvi(Indice):
     NIR: band 08 (10m)
     VIR: band 04 (10m)
     name = "NDVI"
     filename_template = "{product_identifier}_NDVI{ext}"
     ext = ".jp2"
@@ -69,25 +81,30 @@ class Ndvi(Indice):
     def __init__(self, l2a_product_object, cm_product_object):
         if (l2a_product_object or cm_product_object) is None:
-            raise ValueError("A L2aProduct and NewCloudMask objects must be provided")
+            raise ValueError(
+                "A L2aProduct and NewCloudMask objects must be provided"
+            )
             self.l2a_product = l2a_product_object
             self.cm_product = cm_product_object
         self.out_path = None
-        self.indice_stem = self.filename_template.format(product_identifier=self.l2a_product.identifier, ext="")
+        self.indice_stem = self.filename_template.format(
+            product_identifier=self.l2a_product.identifier, ext=""
+        )
         self.indice_filename = self.indice_stem + self.ext
         self.indice_raw = self.indice_stem + self.ext_raw
-    def process_indice(self,
-                       out_path: pathlib.PosixPath,
-                       reprocess: bool = False,
-                       nodata_clouds: bool = False,
-                       quicklook: bool = False
-                       ) -> None:
-        """ 
-        process NDVI 
+    def process_indice(
+        self,
+        out_path: pathlib.PosixPath,
+        reprocess: bool = False,
+        nodata_clouds: bool = False,
+        quicklook: bool = False,
+    ) -> None:
+        """
+        process NDVI
         :param out_path:
         :param reprocess:
         :param nodata_clouds:
@@ -97,54 +114,71 @@ class Ndvi(Indice):
         if (out_path / self.indice_filename).exists() and not reprocess:
             logger.info("{} already exists".format(self.indice_filename))
-            create_raw_ndr(b1_path=self.l2a_product.b08_10m,
-                           b2_path=self.l2a_product.b04_10m,
-                           out_path=(out_path / self.indice_raw))
-            index_tiff_2_jp2(img_path=(out_path / self.indice_raw),
-                            out_path=(out_path / self.indice_filename),
-                            quality = 20)
+            create_raw_ndr(
+                b1_path=self.l2a_product.b08_10m,
+                b2_path=self.l2a_product.b04_10m,
+                out_path=(out_path / self.indice_raw),
+            )
+            index_tiff_2_jp2(
+                img_path=(out_path / self.indice_raw),
+                out_path=(out_path / self.indice_filename),
+                quality=20,
+            )
         if nodata_clouds:
             if not self.cm_product.path.exists():
                 logger.info("Cloudmask does not exist, indice not masked")
                 raise ValueError("Cloud mask does not exist")
-            masked_indice_filename = self.indice_stem + "_" + self.cm_product.suffix + self.ext
-            masked_indice_raw = self.indice_stem + "_" + self.cm_product.suffix + self.ext_raw
+            masked_indice_filename = (
+                self.indice_stem + "_" + self.cm_product.suffix + self.ext
+            )
+            masked_indice_raw = (
+                self.indice_stem + "_" + self.cm_product.suffix + self.ext_raw
+            )
             if (out_path / masked_indice_filename).exists() and not reprocess:
                 logger.info("{} already exists".format(masked_indice_filename))
                 if (out_path / self.indice_raw).exists():
-                    ndvi_name = (out_path / self.indice_raw)
+                    ndvi_name = out_path / self.indice_raw
-                    ndvi_name = (out_path / self.indice_filename)
-                create_masked_indice(indice_path=ndvi_name,
-                                     cloud_mask_path=self.cm_product.path,
-                                     out_path=(out_path / masked_indice_raw))
-                index_tiff_2_jp2(img_path=(out_path / masked_indice_raw),
-                                out_path=(out_path / masked_indice_filename),
-                                quality = 20)
+                    ndvi_name = out_path / self.indice_filename
+                create_masked_indice(
+                    indice_path=ndvi_name,
+                    cloud_mask_path=self.cm_product.path,
+                    out_path=(out_path / masked_indice_raw),
+                )
+                index_tiff_2_jp2(
+                    img_path=(out_path / masked_indice_raw),
+                    out_path=(out_path / masked_indice_filename),
+                    quality=20,
+                )
                 os.remove(str(out_path / masked_indice_raw))
             os.remove(str(out_path / self.indice_raw))
             logger.info("Removing {}".format(self.indice_raw))
         if quicklook:
             cmap = matplotlib_colormap_to_rgb(self.colormap, revers=False)
-            quicklook_filename = self.indice_stem + "_" + self.cm_product.suffix + "_QL.tif"
+            quicklook_filename = (
+                self.indice_stem + "_" + self.cm_product.suffix + "_QL.tif"
+            )
             if (self.out_path / quicklook_filename).exists() and not reprocess:
                 logger.info("{} already exists".format(quicklook_filename))
                 logger.info("creating quicklook")
-                create_rvb(raster=(self.out_path / self.indice_filename),
-                                cloud_mask=self.cm_product.path,
-                                lut_dict=cmap, clouds_color="white",
-                                out_path=(self.out_path / quicklook_filename))
+                create_rvb(
+                    raster=(self.out_path / self.indice_filename),
+                    cloud_mask=self.cm_product.path,
+                    lut_dict=cmap,
+                    clouds_color="white",
+                    out_path=(self.out_path / quicklook_filename),
+                )
 class NdwiMcf(Indice):
@@ -154,86 +188,109 @@ class NdwiMcf(Indice):
     GREEN: band 03
     NIR: band 08
     name = "NDWIMCF"
     filename_template = "{product_identifier}_NDWIMCF{ext}"
     ext = ".jp2"
     ext_raw = ".tif"
-    colormap = cm.colors.LinearSegmentedColormap.from_list("", ["green", "white", "blue"])
+    colormap = cm.colors.LinearSegmentedColormap.from_list(
+        "", ["green", "white", "blue"]
+    )
     def __init__(self, l2a_product_object, cm_product_object):
         if (l2a_product_object or cm_product_object) is None:
-            raise ValueError("A L2aProduct and NewCloudMask objects must be provided")
+            raise ValueError(
+                "A L2aProduct and NewCloudMask objects must be provided"
+            )
             self.l2a_product = l2a_product_object
             self.cm_product = cm_product_object
         self.out_path = None
-        self.indice_stem = self.filename_template.format(product_identifier=self.l2a_product.identifier, ext="")
+        self.indice_stem = self.filename_template.format(
+            product_identifier=self.l2a_product.identifier, ext=""
+        )
         self.indice_filename = self.indice_stem + self.ext
         self.indice_raw = self.indice_stem + self.ext_raw
     def process_indice(
-            self,
-            out_path: pathlib.PosixPath,
-            reprocess: bool = False,
-            nodata_clouds: bool = False,
-            quicklook: bool = False
+        self,
+        out_path: pathlib.PosixPath,
+        reprocess: bool = False,
+        nodata_clouds: bool = False,
+        quicklook: bool = False,
     ) -> None:
-        """ process  """
+        """process"""
         self.out_path = out_path
         if (out_path / self.indice_filename).exists() and not reprocess:
             logger.info("{} already exists".format(self.indice_filename))
-            create_raw_ndr(b1_path=self.l2a_product.b03_10m,
-                           b2_path=self.l2a_product.b08_10m,
-                           out_path=(out_path / self.indice_raw))
-            index_tiff_2_jp2(img_path=(out_path / self.indice_raw),
-                             out_path=(out_path / self.indice_filename),
-                             quality = 20)
+            create_raw_ndr(
+                b1_path=self.l2a_product.b03_10m,
+                b2_path=self.l2a_product.b08_10m,
+                out_path=(out_path / self.indice_raw),
+            )
+            index_tiff_2_jp2(
+                img_path=(out_path / self.indice_raw),
+                out_path=(out_path / self.indice_filename),
+                quality=20,
+            )
         if nodata_clouds:
             if not self.cm_product.path.exists():
                 logger.info("Cloudmask does not exist, indice not masked")
                 raise ValueError("Cloud mask does not exist")
-            masked_indice_filename = self.indice_stem + "_" + self.cm_product.suffix + self.ext
-            masked_indice_raw = self.indice_stem + "_" + self.cm_product.suffix + self.ext_raw
+            masked_indice_filename = (
+                self.indice_stem + "_" + self.cm_product.suffix + self.ext
+            )
+            masked_indice_raw = (
+                self.indice_stem + "_" + self.cm_product.suffix + self.ext_raw
+            )
             if (out_path / masked_indice_filename).exists() and not reprocess:
                 logger.info("{} already exists".format(masked_indice_filename))
                 if (out_path / self.indice_raw).exists():
-                    ndwimcf_path = (out_path / self.indice_raw)
+                    ndwimcf_path = out_path / self.indice_raw
-                    ndwimcf_path = (out_path / self.indice_filename)
-                create_masked_indice(indice_path=ndwimcf_path,
-                                     cloud_mask_path=self.cm_product.path,
-                                     out_path=(out_path / masked_indice_raw))
-                index_tiff_2_jp2(img_path=(out_path / masked_indice_raw),
-                                 out_path=(out_path / masked_indice_filename),
-                                 quality = 20)
+                    ndwimcf_path = out_path / self.indice_filename
+                create_masked_indice(
+                    indice_path=ndwimcf_path,
+                    cloud_mask_path=self.cm_product.path,
+                    out_path=(out_path / masked_indice_raw),
+                )
+                index_tiff_2_jp2(
+                    img_path=(out_path / masked_indice_raw),
+                    out_path=(out_path / masked_indice_filename),
+                    quality=20,
+                )
                 os.remove(str(out_path / masked_indice_raw))
             os.remove(str(out_path / self.indice_raw))
             logger.info("Removing {}".format(self.indice_raw))
         if quicklook:
             cmap = matplotlib_colormap_to_rgb(self.colormap, revers=False)
-            quicklook_filename = self.indice_stem + "_" + self.cm_product.suffix + "_QL.tif"
+            quicklook_filename = (
+                self.indice_stem + "_" + self.cm_product.suffix + "_QL.tif"
+            )
             if (self.out_path / quicklook_filename).exists() and not reprocess:
                 logger.info("{} already exists".format(quicklook_filename))
                 logger.info("creating quicklook")
-                create_rvb(raster=(self.out_path / self.indice_filename),
-                                cloud_mask=self.cm_product.path,
-                                lut_dict=cmap, clouds_color="white",
-                                out_path=(self.out_path / quicklook_filename))
+                create_rvb(
+                    raster=(self.out_path / self.indice_filename),
+                    cloud_mask=self.cm_product.path,
+                    lut_dict=cmap,
+                    clouds_color="white",
+                    out_path=(self.out_path / quicklook_filename),
+                )
 class NdwiGao(Indice):
@@ -243,6 +300,7 @@ class NdwiGao(Indice):
     NIR: band 08
     SWIR: band 11
     name = "NDWIGAO"
     filename_template = "{product_identifier}_NDWIGAO{ext}"
     ext = ".jp2"
@@ -251,65 +309,81 @@ class NdwiGao(Indice):
     def __init__(self, l2a_product_object, cm_product_object):
         if (l2a_product_object or cm_product_object) is None:
-            raise ValueError("A L2aProduct and NewCloudMask objects must be provided")
+            raise ValueError(
+                "A L2aProduct and NewCloudMask objects must be provided"
+            )
             self.l2a_product = l2a_product_object
             self.cm_product = cm_product_object
         self.out_path = None
-        self.indice_stem = self.filename_template.format(product_identifier=self.l2a_product.identifier, ext="")
+        self.indice_stem = self.filename_template.format(
+            product_identifier=self.l2a_product.identifier, ext=""
+        )
         self.indice_filename = self.indice_stem + self.ext
         self.indice_raw = self.indice_stem + self.ext_raw
     def process_indice(
-            self,
-            out_path: pathlib.PosixPath,
-            reprocess: bool = False,
-            nodata_clouds: bool = False,
-            quicklook: bool = False
+        self,
+        out_path: pathlib.PosixPath,
+        reprocess: bool = False,
+        nodata_clouds: bool = False,
+        quicklook: bool = False,
     ) -> None:
-        """ process  """
+        """process"""
         self.out_path = out_path
         if (out_path / self.indice_filename).exists() and not reprocess:
             logger.info("{} already exists".format(self.indice_filename))
-            create_raw_ndr(b1_path=self.l2a_product.b08_10m,
-                           b2_path=self.l2a_product.b11_20m,
-                           out_path=(out_path / self.indice_raw))
-            index_tiff_2_jp2(img_path=(out_path / self.indice_raw),
-                            out_path=(out_path / self.indice_filename),
-                            quality = 20)
+            create_raw_ndr(
+                b1_path=self.l2a_product.b08_10m,
+                b2_path=self.l2a_product.b11_20m,
+                out_path=(out_path / self.indice_raw),
+            )
+            index_tiff_2_jp2(
+                img_path=(out_path / self.indice_raw),
+                out_path=(out_path / self.indice_filename),
+                quality=20,
+            )
         if nodata_clouds:
             if not self.cm_product.path.exists():
                 logger.info("Cloudmask does not exist, indice not masked")
                 raise ValueError("Cloud mask does not exist")
-            masked_indice_filename = self.indice_stem + "_" + self.cm_product.suffix + self.ext
-            masked_indice_raw = self.indice_stem + "_" + self.cm_product.suffix + self.ext_raw
+            masked_indice_filename = (
+                self.indice_stem + "_" + self.cm_product.suffix + self.ext
+            )
+            masked_indice_raw = (
+                self.indice_stem + "_" + self.cm_product.suffix + self.ext_raw
+            )
             if (out_path / masked_indice_filename).exists() and not reprocess:
                 logger.info("{} already exists".format(masked_indice_filename))
                 if (out_path / self.indice_raw).exists():
-                    ndwigao_name = (out_path / self.indice_raw)
+                    ndwigao_name = out_path / self.indice_raw
-                    ndwigao_name = (out_path / self.indice_filename)
-                create_masked_indice(indice_path=ndwigao_name,
-                                     cloud_mask_path=self.cm_product.path,
-                                     out_path=(out_path / masked_indice_raw))
-                index_tiff_2_jp2(img_path=(out_path / masked_indice_raw),
-                                out_path=(out_path / masked_indice_filename),
-                                quality = 20)
+                    ndwigao_name = out_path / self.indice_filename
+                create_masked_indice(
+                    indice_path=ndwigao_name,
+                    cloud_mask_path=self.cm_product.path,
+                    out_path=(out_path / masked_indice_raw),
+                )
+                index_tiff_2_jp2(
+                    img_path=(out_path / masked_indice_raw),
+                    out_path=(out_path / masked_indice_filename),
+                    quality=20,
+                )
                 os.remove(str(out_path / masked_indice_raw))
             os.remove(str(out_path / self.indice_raw))
             logger.info("Removing {}".format(self.indice_raw))
         if quicklook:
             cmap = matplotlib_colormap_to_rgb(self.colormap, revers=False)
@@ -318,10 +392,13 @@ class NdwiGao(Indice):
                 logger.info("{} already exists".format(quicklook_filename))
                 logger.info("creating quicklook")
-                create_rvb(raster=(self.out_path / self.indice_filename),
-                                cloud_mask=self.cm_product.path,
-                                lut_dict=cmap, clouds_color="white",
-                                out_path=(self.out_path / quicklook_filename))
+                create_rvb(
+                    raster=(self.out_path / self.indice_filename),
+                    cloud_mask=self.cm_product.path,
+                    lut_dict=cmap,
+                    clouds_color="white",
+                    out_path=(self.out_path / quicklook_filename),
+                )
 class Mndwi(Indice):
@@ -331,6 +408,7 @@ class Mndwi(Indice):
     GREEN: band 03
     SWIR: band 11
     name = "MNDWI"
     filename_template = "{product_identifier}_MNDWI{ext}"
     ext = ".jp2"
@@ -339,77 +417,98 @@ class Mndwi(Indice):
     def __init__(self, l2a_product_object, cm_product_object):
         if (l2a_product_object or cm_product_object) is None:
-            raise ValueError("A L2aProduct and NewCloudMask objects must be provided")
+            raise ValueError(
+                "A L2aProduct and NewCloudMask objects must be provided"
+            )
             self.l2a_product = l2a_product_object
             self.cm_product = cm_product_object
         self.out_path = None
-        self.indice_stem = self.filename_template.format(product_identifier=self.l2a_product.identifier, ext="")
+        self.indice_stem = self.filename_template.format(
+            product_identifier=self.l2a_product.identifier, ext=""
+        )
         self.indice_filename = self.indice_stem + self.ext
         self.indice_raw = self.indice_stem + self.ext_raw
     def process_indice(
-            self,
-            out_path: pathlib.PosixPath,
-            reprocess: bool = False,
-            nodata_clouds: bool = False,
-            quicklook: bool = False
+        self,
+        out_path: pathlib.PosixPath,
+        reprocess: bool = False,
+        nodata_clouds: bool = False,
+        quicklook: bool = False,
     ) -> None:
-        """ process  """
+        """process"""
         self.out_path = out_path
         if (out_path / self.indice_filename).exists() and not reprocess:
             logger.info("{} already exists".format(self.indice_filename))
-            create_raw_ndr(b1_path=self.l2a_product.b03_10m,
-                           b2_path=self.l2a_product.b11_20m,
-                           out_path=(out_path / self.indice_raw))
-            index_tiff_2_jp2(img_path=(out_path / self.indice_raw),
-                             out_path=(out_path / self.indice_filename),
-                             quality = 20)
+            create_raw_ndr(
+                b1_path=self.l2a_product.b03_10m,
+                b2_path=self.l2a_product.b11_20m,
+                out_path=(out_path / self.indice_raw),
+            )
+            index_tiff_2_jp2(
+                img_path=(out_path / self.indice_raw),
+                out_path=(out_path / self.indice_filename),
+                quality=20,
+            )
         if nodata_clouds:
             if not self.cm_product.path.exists():
                 logger.info("Cloudmask does not exist, indice not masked")
                 raise ValueError("Cloud mask does not exist")
-            masked_indice_filename = self.indice_stem + "_" + self.cm_product.suffix + self.ext
-            masked_indice_raw = self.indice_stem + "_" + self.cm_product.suffix + self.ext_raw
+            masked_indice_filename = (
+                self.indice_stem + "_" + self.cm_product.suffix + self.ext
+            )
+            masked_indice_raw = (
+                self.indice_stem + "_" + self.cm_product.suffix + self.ext_raw
+            )
             if (out_path / masked_indice_filename).exists() and not reprocess:
                 logger.info("{} already exists".format(masked_indice_filename))
                 if (out_path / self.indice_raw).exists():
-                    mndwi_name = (out_path / self.indice_raw)
+                    mndwi_name = out_path / self.indice_raw
-                    mndwi_name = (out_path / self.indice_filename)
-                create_masked_indice(indice_path=mndwi_name,
-                                     cloud_mask_path=self.cm_product.path,
-                                     out_path=(out_path / masked_indice_raw))
-                index_tiff_2_jp2(img_path=(out_path / masked_indice_raw),
-                                 out_path=(out_path / masked_indice_filename),
-                                 quality = 20)
+                    mndwi_name = out_path / self.indice_filename
+                create_masked_indice(
+                    indice_path=mndwi_name,
+                    cloud_mask_path=self.cm_product.path,
+                    out_path=(out_path / masked_indice_raw),
+                )
+                index_tiff_2_jp2(
+                    img_path=(out_path / masked_indice_raw),
+                    out_path=(out_path / masked_indice_filename),
+                    quality=20,
+                )
                 os.remove(str(out_path / masked_indice_raw))
             os.remove(str(out_path / self.indice_raw))
             logger.info("Removing {}".format(self.indice_raw))
         if quicklook:
             cmap = matplotlib_colormap_to_rgb(self.colormap, revers=False)
-            quicklook_filename = self.indice_stem + "_" + self.cm_product.suffix + "_QL.tif"
+            quicklook_filename = (
+                self.indice_stem + "_" + self.cm_product.suffix + "_QL.tif"
+            )
             if (self.out_path / quicklook_filename).exists() and not reprocess:
                 logger.info("{} already exists".format(quicklook_filename))
                 logger.info("creating quicklook")
-                create_rvb(raster=(self.out_path / self.indice_filename),
-                                cloud_mask=self.cm_product.path,
-                                lut_dict=cmap, clouds_color="white",
-                                out_path=(self.out_path / quicklook_filename))
+                create_rvb(
+                    raster=(self.out_path / self.indice_filename),
+                    cloud_mask=self.cm_product.path,
+                    lut_dict=cmap,
+                    clouds_color="white",
+                    out_path=(self.out_path / quicklook_filename),
+                )
 class Ndre(Indice):
@@ -419,6 +518,7 @@ class Ndre(Indice):
     NIR: band 08
     REDEDGE: band 05
     name = "NDRE"
     filename_template = "{product_identifier}_NDRE{ext}"
     ext = ".jp2"
@@ -427,58 +527,75 @@ class Ndre(Indice):
     def __init__(self, l2a_product_object, cm_product_object):
         if (l2a_product_object or cm_product_object) is None:
-            raise ValueError("A L2aProduct and NewCloudMask objects must be provided")
+            raise ValueError(
+                "A L2aProduct and NewCloudMask objects must be provided"
+            )
             self.l2a_product = l2a_product_object
             self.cm_product = cm_product_object
         self.out_path = None
-        self.indice_stem = self.filename_template.format(product_identifier=self.l2a_product.identifier, ext="")
+        self.indice_stem = self.filename_template.format(
+            product_identifier=self.l2a_product.identifier, ext=""
+        )
         self.indice_filename = self.indice_stem + self.ext
         self.indice_raw = self.indice_stem + self.ext_raw
-    def process_indice(self,
-                       out_path: pathlib.PosixPath,
-                       reprocess: bool = False,
-                       nodata_clouds: bool = False,
-                       quicklook: bool = False
-                       ) -> None:
-        """ process  """
+    def process_indice(
+        self,
+        out_path: pathlib.PosixPath,
+        reprocess: bool = False,
+        nodata_clouds: bool = False,
+        quicklook: bool = False,
+    ) -> None:
+        """process"""
         self.out_path = out_path
         if (out_path / self.indice_filename).exists() and not reprocess:
             logger.info("{} already exists".format(self.indice_filename))
-            create_raw_ndr(b1_path=self.l2a_product.b08_10m,
-                           b2_path=self.l2a_product.b05_20m,
-                           out_path=(out_path / self.indice_raw))
-            index_tiff_2_jp2(img_path=(out_path / self.indice_raw),
-                             out_path=(out_path / self.indice_filename),
-                             quality = 30)
+            create_raw_ndr(
+                b1_path=self.l2a_product.b08_10m,
+                b2_path=self.l2a_product.b05_20m,
+                out_path=(out_path / self.indice_raw),
+            )
+            index_tiff_2_jp2(
+                img_path=(out_path / self.indice_raw),
+                out_path=(out_path / self.indice_filename),
+                quality=30,
+            )
         if nodata_clouds:
             if not self.cm_product.path.exists():
                 logger.info("Cloudmask does not exist, indice not masked")
                 raise ValueError("Cloud mask does not exist")
-            masked_indice_filename = self.indice_stem + "_" + self.cm_product.suffix + self.ext
-            masked_indice_raw = self.indice_stem + "_" + self.cm_product.suffix + self.ext_raw
+            masked_indice_filename = (
+                self.indice_stem + "_" + self.cm_product.suffix + self.ext
+            )
+            masked_indice_raw = (
+                self.indice_stem + "_" + self.cm_product.suffix + self.ext_raw
+            )
             if (out_path / masked_indice_filename).exists() and not reprocess:
                 logger.info("{} already exists".format(masked_indice_filename))
                 if (out_path / self.indice_raw).exists():
-                    ndre_name = (out_path / self.indice_raw)
+                    ndre_name = out_path / self.indice_raw
-                    ndre_name = (out_path / self.indice_filename)
-                create_masked_indice(indice_path=ndre_name,
-                                     cloud_mask_path=self.cm_product.path,
-                                     out_path=(out_path / masked_indice_raw))
-                index_tiff_2_jp2(img_path=(out_path / masked_indice_raw),
-                                out_path=(out_path / masked_indice_filename),
-                                quality = 30)
+                    ndre_name = out_path / self.indice_filename
+                create_masked_indice(
+                    indice_path=ndre_name,
+                    cloud_mask_path=self.cm_product.path,
+                    out_path=(out_path / masked_indice_raw),
+                )
+                index_tiff_2_jp2(
+                    img_path=(out_path / masked_indice_raw),
+                    out_path=(out_path / masked_indice_filename),
+                    quality=30,
+                )
                 os.remove(str(out_path / masked_indice_raw))
             os.remove(str(out_path / self.indice_raw))
             logger.info("Removing {}".format(self.indice_raw))
@@ -486,15 +603,20 @@ class Ndre(Indice):
         if quicklook:
             cmap = matplotlib_colormap_to_rgb(self.colormap, revers=False)
-            quicklook_filename = self.indice_stem + "_" + self.cm_product.suffix + "_QL.tif"
+            quicklook_filename = (
+                self.indice_stem + "_" + self.cm_product.suffix + "_QL.tif"
+            )
             if (self.out_path / quicklook_filename).exists() and not reprocess:
                 logger.info("{} already exists".format(quicklook_filename))
                 logger.info("creating quicklook")
-                create_rvb(raster=(self.out_path / self.indice_filename),
-                                cloud_mask=self.cm_product.path,
-                                lut_dict=cmap, clouds_color="white",
-                                out_path=(self.out_path / quicklook_filename))
+                create_rvb(
+                    raster=(self.out_path / self.indice_filename),
+                    cloud_mask=self.cm_product.path,
+                    lut_dict=cmap,
+                    clouds_color="white",
+                    out_path=(self.out_path / quicklook_filename),
+                )
 class IRECI(Indice):
@@ -505,68 +627,86 @@ class IRECI(Indice):
     RE1: band 705nm (B5 - 20m)
     RE2: band 740nm (B6 - 20m)
     name = "IRECI"
     filename_template = "{product_identifier}_IRECI{ext}"
     ext = ".jp2"
     ext_raw = ".tif"
     colormap = cm.Spectral
     def __init__(self, l2a_product_object, cm_product_object):
         if (l2a_product_object or cm_product_object) is None:
-            raise ValueError("A L2aProduct and NewCloudMask objects must be provided")
+            raise ValueError(
+                "A L2aProduct and NewCloudMask objects must be provided"
+            )
             self.l2a_product = l2a_product_object
             self.cm_product = cm_product_object
         self.out_path = None
-        self.indice_stem = self.filename_template.format(product_identifier=self.l2a_product.identifier, ext="")
+        self.indice_stem = self.filename_template.format(
+            product_identifier=self.l2a_product.identifier, ext=""
+        )
         self.indice_filename = self.indice_stem + self.ext
         self.indice_raw = self.indice_stem + self.ext_raw
-    def process_indice(self,
-                       out_path: pathlib.PosixPath,
-                       reprocess: bool = False,
-                       nodata_clouds: bool = False,
-                       quicklook: bool = False
-                       ) -> None:
-        """ process  """
+    def process_indice(
+        self,
+        out_path: pathlib.PosixPath,
+        reprocess: bool = False,
+        nodata_clouds: bool = False,
+        quicklook: bool = False,
+    ) -> None:
+        """process"""
         self.out_path = out_path
         if (out_path / self.indice_filename).exists() and not reprocess:
             logger.info("{} already exists".format(self.indice_filename))
-            create_raw_ireci(b1_path = self.l2a_product.b07_20m,
-                             b2_path = self.l2a_product.b04_10m,
-                             b3_path = self.l2a_product.b05_20m,
-                             b4_path = self.l2a_product.b06_20m,
-                             out_path=(out_path / self.indice_raw))
-            index_tiff_2_jp2(img_path=(out_path / self.indice_raw),
-                             out_path=(out_path / self.indice_filename),
-                             quality = 30)
+            create_raw_ireci(
+                b1_path=self.l2a_product.b07_20m,
+                b2_path=self.l2a_product.b04_10m,
+                b3_path=self.l2a_product.b05_20m,
+                b4_path=self.l2a_product.b06_20m,
+                out_path=(out_path / self.indice_raw),
+            )
+            index_tiff_2_jp2(
+                img_path=(out_path / self.indice_raw),
+                out_path=(out_path / self.indice_filename),
+                quality=30,
+            )
         if nodata_clouds:
             if not self.cm_product.path.exists():
                 logger.info("Cloudmask does not exist, indice not masked")
                 raise ValueError("Cloud mask does not exist")
-            masked_indice_filename = self.indice_stem + "_" + self.cm_product.suffix + self.ext
-            masked_indice_raw = self.indice_stem + "_" + self.cm_product.suffix + self.ext_raw
+            masked_indice_filename = (
+                self.indice_stem + "_" + self.cm_product.suffix + self.ext
+            )
+            masked_indice_raw = (
+                self.indice_stem + "_" + self.cm_product.suffix + self.ext_raw
+            )
             if (out_path / masked_indice_filename).exists() and not reprocess:
                 logger.info("{} already exists".format(masked_indice_filename))
                 if (out_path / self.indice_raw).exists():
-                    ndre_name = (out_path / self.indice_raw)
+                    ndre_name = out_path / self.indice_raw
-                    ndre_name = (out_path / self.indice_filename)
-                create_masked_indice(indice_path=ndre_name,
-                                     cloud_mask_path=self.cm_product.path,
-                                     out_path=(out_path / masked_indice_raw))
-                index_tiff_2_jp2(img_path=(out_path / masked_indice_raw),
-                                out_path=(out_path / masked_indice_filename),
-                                quality = 30)
+                    ndre_name = out_path / self.indice_filename
+                create_masked_indice(
+                    indice_path=ndre_name,
+                    cloud_mask_path=self.cm_product.path,
+                    out_path=(out_path / masked_indice_raw),
+                )
+                index_tiff_2_jp2(
+                    img_path=(out_path / masked_indice_raw),
+                    out_path=(out_path / masked_indice_filename),
+                    quality=30,
+                )
                 os.remove(str(out_path / masked_indice_raw))
             os.remove(str(out_path / self.indice_raw))
             logger.info("Removing {}".format(self.indice_raw))
@@ -574,15 +714,20 @@ class IRECI(Indice):
         if quicklook:
             cmap = matplotlib_colormap_to_rgb(self.colormap, revers=False)
-            quicklook_filename = self.indice_stem + "_" + self.cm_product.suffix + "_QL.tif"
+            quicklook_filename = (
+                self.indice_stem + "_" + self.cm_product.suffix + "_QL.tif"
+            )
             if (self.out_path / quicklook_filename).exists() and not reprocess:
                 logger.info("{} already exists".format(quicklook_filename))
                 logger.info("creating quicklook")
-                create_rvb(raster=(self.out_path / self.indice_filename),
-                                cloud_mask=self.cm_product.path,
-                                lut_dict=cmap, clouds_color="white",
-                                out_path=(self.out_path / quicklook_filename))
+                create_rvb(
+                    raster=(self.out_path / self.indice_filename),
+                    cloud_mask=self.cm_product.path,
+                    lut_dict=cmap,
+                    clouds_color="white",
+                    out_path=(self.out_path / quicklook_filename),
+                )
 class BIGR(Indice):
@@ -592,6 +737,7 @@ class BIGR(Indice):
     GREEN: band 03
     RED: band 04
     name = "BIGR"
     filename_template = "{product_identifier}_BIGR{ext}"
     ext = ".jp2"
@@ -600,7 +746,9 @@ class BIGR(Indice):
     def __init__(self, l2a_product_object, cm_product_object):
         if (l2a_product_object or cm_product_object) is None:
-            raise ValueError("A L2aProduct and NewCloudMask objects must be provided")
+            raise ValueError(
+                "A L2aProduct and NewCloudMask objects must be provided"
+            )
             self.l2a_product = l2a_product_object
             self.cm_product = cm_product_object
@@ -609,69 +757,88 @@ class BIGR(Indice):
         self.out_path = None
         # filenames
-        self.indice_stem = self.filename_template.format(product_identifier=self.l2a_product.identifier, ext="")
+        self.indice_stem = self.filename_template.format(
+            product_identifier=self.l2a_product.identifier, ext=""
+        )
         self.indice_filename = self.indice_stem + self.ext
         self.indice_raw = self.indice_stem + self.ext_raw
     def process_indice(
-            self,
-            out_path: pathlib.PosixPath,
-            reprocess: bool = False,
-            nodata_clouds: bool = False,
-            quicklook: bool = False
+        self,
+        out_path: pathlib.PosixPath,
+        reprocess: bool = False,
+        nodata_clouds: bool = False,
+        quicklook: bool = False,
     ) -> None:
-        """ process  """
+        """process"""
         self.out_path = out_path
         if (out_path / self.indice_filename).exists() and not reprocess:
             logger.info("{} already exists".format(self.indice_filename))
-            create_raw_bigr(red_path=self.l2a_product.b04_10m,
-                            green_path=self.l2a_product.b03_10m,
-                            out_path=(out_path / self.indice_raw))
-            index_tiff_2_jp2(img_path=(out_path / self.indice_raw),
-                            out_path=(out_path / self.indice_filename))
+            create_raw_bigr(
+                red_path=self.l2a_product.b04_10m,
+                green_path=self.l2a_product.b03_10m,
+                out_path=(out_path / self.indice_raw),
+            )
+            index_tiff_2_jp2(
+                img_path=(out_path / self.indice_raw),
+                out_path=(out_path / self.indice_filename),
+            )
         if nodata_clouds:
             if not self.cm_product.path.exists():
                 logger.info("Cloudmask does not exist, indice not masked")
                 raise ValueError("Cloud mask does not exist")
-            masked_indice_filename = self.indice_stem + "_" + self.cm_product.suffix + self.ext
-            masked_indice_raw = self.indice_stem + "_" + self.cm_product.suffix + self.ext_raw
+            masked_indice_filename = (
+                self.indice_stem + "_" + self.cm_product.suffix + self.ext
+            )
+            masked_indice_raw = (
+                self.indice_stem + "_" + self.cm_product.suffix + self.ext_raw
+            )
             if (out_path / masked_indice_filename).exists() and not reprocess:
                 logger.info("{} already exists".format(masked_indice_filename))
                 if (out_path / self.indice_raw).exists():
-                    bigr_name = (out_path / self.indice_raw)
+                    bigr_name = out_path / self.indice_raw
-                    bigr_name = (out_path / self.indice_filename)
-                create_masked_indice(indice_path=bigr_name,
-                                     cloud_mask_path=self.cm_product.path,
-                                     out_path=(out_path / masked_indice_raw))
-                index_tiff_2_jp2(img_path=(out_path / masked_indice_raw),
-                                out_path=(out_path / masked_indice_filename))
+                    bigr_name = out_path / self.indice_filename
+                create_masked_indice(
+                    indice_path=bigr_name,
+                    cloud_mask_path=self.cm_product.path,
+                    out_path=(out_path / masked_indice_raw),
+                )
+                index_tiff_2_jp2(
+                    img_path=(out_path / masked_indice_raw),
+                    out_path=(out_path / masked_indice_filename),
+                )
                 os.remove(str(out_path / masked_indice_raw))
             os.remove(str(out_path / self.indice_raw))
             logger.info("Removing {}".format(self.indice_raw))
         if quicklook:
             cmap = matplotlib_colormap_to_rgb(self.colormap, revers=False)
-            quicklook_filename = self.indice_stem + "_" + self.cm_product.suffix + "_QL.tif"
+            quicklook_filename = (
+                self.indice_stem + "_" + self.cm_product.suffix + "_QL.tif"
+            )
             if (self.out_path / quicklook_filename).exists() and not reprocess:
                 logger.info("{} already exists".format(quicklook_filename))
                 logger.info("creating quicklook")
-                create_rvb(raster=(self.out_path / self.indice_filename),
-                                cloud_mask=self.cm_product.path,
-                                lut_dict=cmap, clouds_color="white",
-                                out_path=(self.out_path / quicklook_filename),
-                                stretch=(0,2500))
+                create_rvb(
+                    raster=(self.out_path / self.indice_filename),
+                    cloud_mask=self.cm_product.path,
+                    lut_dict=cmap,
+                    clouds_color="white",
+                    out_path=(self.out_path / quicklook_filename),
+                    stretch=(0, 2500),
+                )
 class BIRNIR(Indice):
@@ -681,6 +848,7 @@ class BIRNIR(Indice):
     NIR: band 08
     RED: band 04
     name = "BIRNIR"
     filename_template = "{product_identifier}_BIRNIR{ext}"
     ext = ".jp2"
@@ -689,7 +857,9 @@ class BIRNIR(Indice):
     def __init__(self, l2a_product_object, cm_product_object):
         if (l2a_product_object or cm_product_object) is None:
-            raise ValueError("A L2aProduct and NewCloudMask objects must be provided")
+            raise ValueError(
+                "A L2aProduct and NewCloudMask objects must be provided"
+            )
             self.l2a_product = l2a_product_object
             self.cm_product = cm_product_object
@@ -698,69 +868,88 @@ class BIRNIR(Indice):
         self.out_path = None
         # filenames
-        self.indice_stem = self.filename_template.format(product_identifier=self.l2a_product.identifier, ext="")
+        self.indice_stem = self.filename_template.format(
+            product_identifier=self.l2a_product.identifier, ext=""
+        )
         self.indice_filename = self.indice_stem + self.ext
         self.indice_raw = self.indice_stem + self.ext_raw
     def process_indice(
-            self,
-            out_path: pathlib.PosixPath,
-            reprocess: bool = False,
-            nodata_clouds: bool = False,
-            quicklook: bool = False
+        self,
+        out_path: pathlib.PosixPath,
+        reprocess: bool = False,
+        nodata_clouds: bool = False,
+        quicklook: bool = False,
     ) -> None:
-        """ process  """
+        """process"""
         self.out_path = out_path
         if (out_path / self.indice_filename).exists() and not reprocess:
             logger.info("{} already exists".format(self.indice_filename))
-            create_raw_birnir(red_path=self.l2a_product.b04_10m,
-                            nir_path=self.l2a_product.b08_10m,
-                            out_path=(out_path / self.indice_raw))
-            index_tiff_2_jp2(img_path=(out_path / self.indice_raw),
-                            out_path=(out_path / self.indice_filename))
+            create_raw_birnir(
+                red_path=self.l2a_product.b04_10m,
+                nir_path=self.l2a_product.b08_10m,
+                out_path=(out_path / self.indice_raw),
+            )
+            index_tiff_2_jp2(
+                img_path=(out_path / self.indice_raw),
+                out_path=(out_path / self.indice_filename),
+            )
         if nodata_clouds:
             if not self.cm_product.path.exists():
                 logger.info("Cloudmask does not exist, indice not masked")
                 raise ValueError("Cloud mask does not exist")
-            masked_indice_filename = self.indice_stem + "_" + self.cm_product.suffix + self.ext
-            masked_indice_raw = self.indice_stem + "_" + self.cm_product.suffix + self.ext_raw
+            masked_indice_filename = (
+                self.indice_stem + "_" + self.cm_product.suffix + self.ext
+            )
+            masked_indice_raw = (
+                self.indice_stem + "_" + self.cm_product.suffix + self.ext_raw
+            )
             if (out_path / masked_indice_filename).exists() and not reprocess:
                 logger.info("{} already exists".format(masked_indice_filename))
                 if (out_path / self.indice_raw).exists():
-                    birnir_name = (out_path / self.indice_raw)
+                    birnir_name = out_path / self.indice_raw
-                    birnir_name = (out_path / self.indice_filename)
-                create_masked_indice(indice_path=birnir_name,
-                                     cloud_mask_path=self.cm_product.path,
-                                     out_path=(out_path / masked_indice_raw))
-                index_tiff_2_jp2(img_path=(out_path / masked_indice_raw),
-                                out_path=(out_path / masked_indice_filename))
+                    birnir_name = out_path / self.indice_filename
+                create_masked_indice(
+                    indice_path=birnir_name,
+                    cloud_mask_path=self.cm_product.path,
+                    out_path=(out_path / masked_indice_raw),
+                )
+                index_tiff_2_jp2(
+                    img_path=(out_path / masked_indice_raw),
+                    out_path=(out_path / masked_indice_filename),
+                )
                 os.remove(str(out_path / masked_indice_raw))
             os.remove(str(out_path / self.indice_raw))
             logger.info("Removing {}".format(self.indice_raw))
         if quicklook:
             cmap = matplotlib_colormap_to_rgb(self.colormap, revers=False)
-            quicklook_filename = self.indice_stem + "_" + self.cm_product.suffix + "_QL.tif"
+            quicklook_filename = (
+                self.indice_stem + "_" + self.cm_product.suffix + "_QL.tif"
+            )
             if (self.out_path / quicklook_filename).exists() and not reprocess:
                 logger.info("{} already exists".format(quicklook_filename))
                 logger.info("creating quicklook")
-                create_rvb(raster=(self.out_path / self.indice_filename),
-                                cloud_mask=self.cm_product.path,
-                                lut_dict=cmap, clouds_color="white",
-                                out_path=(self.out_path / quicklook_filename),
-                                stretch=(0,5000))
+                create_rvb(
+                    raster=(self.out_path / self.indice_filename),
+                    cloud_mask=self.cm_product.path,
+                    lut_dict=cmap,
+                    clouds_color="white",
+                    out_path=(self.out_path / quicklook_filename),
+                    stretch=(0, 5000),
+                )
 class BIBG(Indice):
@@ -770,6 +959,7 @@ class BIBG(Indice):
     BLUE: band 02
     GREEN: band 03
     name = "BIBG"
     filename_template = "{product_identifier}_BIBG{ext}"
     ext = ".jp2"
@@ -778,7 +968,9 @@ class BIBG(Indice):
     def __init__(self, l2a_product_object, cm_product_object):
         if (l2a_product_object or cm_product_object) is None:
-            raise ValueError("A L2aProduct and NewCloudMask objects must be provided")
+            raise ValueError(
+                "A L2aProduct and NewCloudMask objects must be provided"
+            )
             self.l2a_product = l2a_product_object
             self.cm_product = cm_product_object
@@ -787,46 +979,60 @@ class BIBG(Indice):
         self.out_path = None
         # filenames
-        self.indice_stem = self.filename_template.format(product_identifier=self.l2a_product.identifier, ext="")
+        self.indice_stem = self.filename_template.format(
+            product_identifier=self.l2a_product.identifier, ext=""
+        )
         self.indice_filename = self.indice_stem + self.ext
         self.indice_raw = self.indice_stem + self.ext_raw
     def process_indice(
-            self,
-            out_path: pathlib.PosixPath,
-            reprocess: bool = False,
-            nodata_clouds: bool = False,
-            quicklook: bool = False
+        self,
+        out_path: pathlib.PosixPath,
+        reprocess: bool = False,
+        nodata_clouds: bool = False,
+        quicklook: bool = False,
     ) -> None:
-        """ process  """
+        """process"""
         self.out_path = out_path
         if (out_path / self.indice_filename).exists() and not reprocess:
             logger.info("{} already exists".format(self.indice_filename))
-            create_raw_bibg(blue_path=self.l2a_product.b02_10m,
-                            green_path=self.l2a_product.b03_10m,
-                            out_path=(out_path / self.indice_raw))
-            index_tiff_2_jp2(img_path=(out_path / self.indice_raw),
-                            out_path=(out_path / self.indice_filename))
+            create_raw_bibg(
+                blue_path=self.l2a_product.b02_10m,
+                green_path=self.l2a_product.b03_10m,
+                out_path=(out_path / self.indice_raw),
+            )
+            index_tiff_2_jp2(
+                img_path=(out_path / self.indice_raw),
+                out_path=(out_path / self.indice_filename),
+            )
         if nodata_clouds:
             if not self.cm_product.path.exists():
                 logger.info("Cloudmask does not exist, indice not masked")
                 raise ValueError("Cloud mask does not exist")
-            masked_indice_filename = self.indice_stem + "_" + self.cm_product.suffix + self.ext
-            masked_indice_raw = self.indice_stem + "_" + self.cm_product.suffix + self.ext_raw
+            masked_indice_filename = (
+                self.indice_stem + "_" + self.cm_product.suffix + self.ext
+            )
+            masked_indice_raw = (
+                self.indice_stem + "_" + self.cm_product.suffix + self.ext_raw
+            )
             if (out_path / masked_indice_filename).exists() and not reprocess:
                 logger.info("{} already exists".format(masked_indice_filename))
                 if (out_path / self.indice_raw).exists():
-                    bibg_name = (out_path / self.indice_raw)
+                    bibg_name = out_path / self.indice_raw
-                    bibg_name = (out_path / self.indice_filename)
-                create_masked_indice(indice_path=bibg_name,
-                                     cloud_mask_path=self.cm_product.path,
-                                     out_path=(out_path / masked_indice_raw))
-                index_tiff_2_jp2(img_path=(out_path / masked_indice_raw),
-                                out_path=(out_path / masked_indice_filename))
+                    bibg_name = out_path / self.indice_filename
+                create_masked_indice(
+                    indice_path=bibg_name,
+                    cloud_mask_path=self.cm_product.path,
+                    out_path=(out_path / masked_indice_raw),
+                )
+                index_tiff_2_jp2(
+                    img_path=(out_path / masked_indice_raw),
+                    out_path=(out_path / masked_indice_filename),
+                )
                 os.remove(str(out_path / masked_indice_raw))
             os.remove(str(out_path / self.indice_raw))
@@ -835,22 +1041,26 @@ class BIBG(Indice):
         if quicklook:
             cmap = matplotlib_colormap_to_rgb(self.colormap, revers=False)
-            quicklook_filename = self.indice_stem + "_" + self.cm_product.suffix + "_QL.tif"
+            quicklook_filename = (
+                self.indice_stem + "_" + self.cm_product.suffix + "_QL.tif"
+            )
             if (self.out_path / quicklook_filename).exists() and not reprocess:
                 logger.info("{} already exists".format(quicklook_filename))
                 logger.info("creating quicklook")
-                create_rvb(raster=(self.out_path / self.indice_filename),
-                                cloud_mask=self.cm_product.path,
-                                lut_dict=cmap, clouds_color="white",
-                                out_path=(self.out_path / quicklook_filename),
-                                stretch=(0,2500))
+                create_rvb(
+                    raster=(self.out_path / self.indice_filename),
+                    cloud_mask=self.cm_product.path,
+                    lut_dict=cmap,
+                    clouds_color="white",
+                    out_path=(self.out_path / quicklook_filename),
+                    stretch=(0, 2500),
+                )
 class IndicesCollectionMeta(type):
-    """Adds special methods to IndicesCollection class.
+    """Adds special methods to IndicesCollection class."""
-    """
     def __iter__(cls):
         return iter(cls._indices_classes)
@@ -895,6 +1105,9 @@ class IndicesCollection(metaclass=IndicesCollectionMeta):
         >>> IndicesCollection.list
     # TODO: Implement class as a singleton.
-    _indices_classes = {cls.__dict__["name"]: cls for cls in Indice.__subclasses__()}
+    _indices_classes = {
+        cls.__dict__["name"]: cls for cls in Indice.__subclasses__()
+    }
diff --git a/sen2chain/indices_functions.py b/sen2chain/indices_functions.py
index bd9689a3f566005d38da79bf68110fc7f8ae8992..ea9919a01f2b03b9aba21099dd8a436935558745 100644
--- a/sen2chain/indices_functions.py
+++ b/sen2chain/indices_functions.py
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# coding: utf-8
 This module contains functions to compute radiometric indices.
@@ -7,92 +7,96 @@ This module contains functions to compute radiometric indices.
 import logging
 import pathlib
 from pathlib import Path
-#~ import otbApplication
+#  import otbApplication
 import rasterio
 from rasterio.warp import reproject, Resampling
 import numpy as np
 from typing import Union
 from osgeo import gdal
 # import gdal
 logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
-#~ def create_raw_ndvi(nir_path: Union[str, pathlib.PosixPath],
-                    #~ vir_path: Union[str, pathlib.PosixPath],
-                    #~ out_path: Union[str, pathlib.PosixPath]="./raw_ndvi.tif"
-                    #~ ) -> pathlib.PosixPath:
-    #~ """
-    #~ Creates a NDVI raster from NIR and VIR rasters.
-    #~ :param nir_path: path to the NIR raster.
-    #~ :param vir_path: path to the VIR raster.
-    #~ :param out_path: path to the output raster.
-    #~ """
-    #~ logger.info("creating raw NDVI (tiff - int16)")
-    #~ with rasterio.open(str(nir_path)) as nir_src, \
-            #~ rasterio.open(str(vir_path)) as vir_src:
-        #~ nir_profile = nir_src.profile
-        #~ np.seterr(divide='ignore', invalid='ignore')    # ignore warnings when dividing by zero
-        #~ nir = nir_src.read(1).astype(np.float32)
-        #~ vir = vir_src.read(1).astype(np.float32)
-        #~ ndvi = ((nir - vir) / (nir + vir)*10000).astype(np.int16)
-        #~ ndvi_masked = np.where(nir != 0, ndvi, 32767)
-    #~ nir_profile.update(driver="Gtiff",
-                       #~ compress="DEFLATE",
-                       #~ tiled=False,
-                       #~ dtype=np.int16,
-                       #~ nodata=32767,
-                       #~ transform=nir_src.transform)
-    #~ nir_profile.pop('tiled', None)
-    #~ with rasterio.Env(GDAL_CACHEMAX=512) as env:
-        #~ with rasterio.open(str(out_path), "w", **nir_profile) as dst:
-            #~ dst.write(ndvi_masked, 1)
-    #~ return Path(str(out_path)).absolute
-#~ def create_raw_ndwimcf(nir_path: Union[str, pathlib.PosixPath],
-                       #~ green_path: Union[str, pathlib.PosixPath],
-                       #~ out_path: Union[str, pathlib.PosixPath]="./raw_ndwimcf.tif") -> pathlib.PosixPath:
-    #~ """
-    #~ Creates a NDWI (McFeeters) raster from GREEN and NIR rasters.
-    #~ :param nir_path: path to the NIR raster.
-    #~ :param green_path: path to the GREEN raster.
-    #~ :param out_path: path to the output raster.
-    #~ """
-    #~ logger.info("creating raw NDWIMCF (tiff - int16)")
-    #~ with rasterio.open(str(nir_path)) as nir_src, \
-            #~ rasterio.open(str(green_path)) as green_src:
-        #~ nir_profile = nir_src.profile
-        #~ nir = nir_src.read(1).astype(np.float32)
-        #~ green = green_src.read(1).astype(np.float32)
-        #~ np.seterr(divide='ignore', invalid='ignore')    # ignore warnings when dividing by zero
-        #~ ndwimcf = ((green - nir) / (green + nir)*10000).astype(np.int16)
-        #~ ndwimcf_masked = np.where(nir != 0, ndwimcf, 32767)
-    #~ nir_profile.update(driver="Gtiff",
-                       #~ compress="DEFLATE",
-                       #~ tiled=False,
-                       #~ dtype=np.int16,
-                       #~ nodata=32767,
-                       #~ transform=nir_src.transform)
-    #~ nir_profile.pop('tiled', None)
-    #~ with rasterio.Env(GDAL_CACHEMAX=512) as env:
-        #~ with rasterio.open(str(out_path), "w", **nir_profile) as dst:
-            #~ dst.write(ndwimcf_masked, 1)
-    #~ return Path(str(out_path)).absolute
-def create_raw_ndr(b1_path: Union[str, pathlib.PosixPath],
-                    b2_path: Union[str, pathlib.PosixPath],
-                    out_path: Union[str, pathlib.PosixPath]="./raw_ndr.tif"
-                    ) -> pathlib.PosixPath:
+#  def create_raw_ndvi(nir_path: Union[str, pathlib.PosixPath],
+#                      vir_path: Union[str, pathlib.PosixPath],
+#                      out_path: Union[str, pathlib.PosixPath]="./raw_ndvi.tif"
+#                      ) -> pathlib.PosixPath:
+#      """
+#      Creates a NDVI raster from NIR and VIR rasters.
+#      :param nir_path: path to the NIR raster.
+#      :param vir_path: path to the VIR raster.
+#      :param out_path: path to the output raster.
+#      """
+#      logger.info("creating raw NDVI (tiff - int16)")
+#      with rasterio.open(str(nir_path)) as nir_src, \
+#              rasterio.open(str(vir_path)) as vir_src:
+#          nir_profile = nir_src.profile
+#          np.seterr(divide='ignore', invalid='ignore')    # ignore warnings when dividing by zero
+#          nir = nir_src.read(1).astype(np.float32)
+#          vir = vir_src.read(1).astype(np.float32)
+#          ndvi = ((nir - vir) / (nir + vir)*10000).astype(np.int16)
+#          ndvi_masked = np.where(nir != 0, ndvi, 32767)
+#      nir_profile.update(driver="Gtiff",
+#                         compress="DEFLATE",
+#                         tiled=False,
+#                         dtype=np.int16,
+#                         nodata=32767,
+#                         transform=nir_src.transform)
+#      nir_profile.pop('tiled', None)
+#      with rasterio.Env(GDAL_CACHEMAX=512) as env:
+#          with rasterio.open(str(out_path), "w", **nir_profile) as dst:
+#              dst.write(ndvi_masked, 1)
+#      return Path(str(out_path)).absolute
+#  def create_raw_ndwimcf(nir_path: Union[str, pathlib.PosixPath],
+#                         green_path: Union[str, pathlib.PosixPath],
+#                         out_path: Union[str, pathlib.PosixPath]="./raw_ndwimcf.tif") -> pathlib.PosixPath:
+#      """
+#      Creates a NDWI (McFeeters) raster from GREEN and NIR rasters.
+#      :param nir_path: path to the NIR raster.
+#      :param green_path: path to the GREEN raster.
+#      :param out_path: path to the output raster.
+#      """
+#      logger.info("creating raw NDWIMCF (tiff - int16)")
+#      with rasterio.open(str(nir_path)) as nir_src, \
+#              rasterio.open(str(green_path)) as green_src:
+#          nir_profile = nir_src.profile
+#          nir = nir_src.read(1).astype(np.float32)
+#          green = green_src.read(1).astype(np.float32)
+#          np.seterr(divide='ignore', invalid='ignore')    # ignore warnings when dividing by zero
+#          ndwimcf = ((green - nir) / (green + nir)*10000).astype(np.int16)
+#          ndwimcf_masked = np.where(nir != 0, ndwimcf, 32767)
+#      nir_profile.update(driver="Gtiff",
+#                         compress="DEFLATE",
+#                         tiled=False,
+#                         dtype=np.int16,
+#                         nodata=32767,
+#                         transform=nir_src.transform)
+#      nir_profile.pop('tiled', None)
+#      with rasterio.Env(GDAL_CACHEMAX=512) as env:
+#          with rasterio.open(str(out_path), "w", **nir_profile) as dst:
+#              dst.write(ndwimcf_masked, 1)
+#      return Path(str(out_path)).absolute
+def create_raw_ndr(
+    b1_path: Union[str, pathlib.PosixPath],
+    b2_path: Union[str, pathlib.PosixPath],
+    out_path: Union[str, pathlib.PosixPath] = "./raw_ndr.tif",
+) -> pathlib.PosixPath:
     Creates a generic normalized difference ratio raster from B1 and B2 rasters.
     NDR = (B1 - B2) / (B1 + B2)
@@ -100,182 +104,204 @@ def create_raw_ndr(b1_path: Union[str, pathlib.PosixPath],
     :param b2_path: path to the B2 raster.
     :param out_path: path to the output raster.
-    logger.info("creating raw generic NDR ({}, {})".format(Path(b1_path).name, Path(b2_path).name))
-    with rasterio.open(str(b1_path)) as b1_src, \
-            rasterio.open(str(b2_path)) as b2_src:
+    logger.info(
+        "creating raw generic NDR ({}, {})".format(
+            Path(b1_path).name, Path(b2_path).name
+        )
+    )
+    with rasterio.open(str(b1_path)) as b1_src, rasterio.open(
+        str(b2_path)
+    ) as b2_src:
         b1_profile = b1_src.profile
-        np.seterr(divide='ignore', invalid='ignore')    # ignore warnings when dividing by zero
-        b1 = b1_src.read(1, 
-                         out_shape=(1, max(b1_src.height, b2_src.height), max(b1_src.width, b2_src.width)), 
-                         resampling=Resampling.bilinear)\
-                        .astype(np.float32)
-        b2 = b2_src.read(1,
-                         out_shape=(1, max(b1_src.height, b2_src.height), max(b1_src.width, b2_src.width)), 
-                         resampling=Resampling.bilinear)\
-                        .astype(np.float32)
-        ndr = ((b1 - b2) / (b1 + b2)*10000).astype(np.int16)
+        np.seterr(
+            divide="ignore", invalid="ignore"
+        )  # ignore warnings when dividing by zero
+        b1 = b1_src.read(
+            1,
+            out_shape=(
+                1,
+                max(b1_src.height, b2_src.height),
+                max(b1_src.width, b2_src.width),
+            ),
+            resampling=Resampling.bilinear,
+        ).astype(np.float32)
+        b2 = b2_src.read(
+            1,
+            out_shape=(
+                1,
+                max(b1_src.height, b2_src.height),
+                max(b1_src.width, b2_src.width),
+            ),
+            resampling=Resampling.bilinear,
+        ).astype(np.float32)
+        ndr = ((b1 - b2) / (b1 + b2) * 10000).astype(np.int16)
         ndr_masked = np.where(b1 != 0, ndr, 32767)
-    b1_profile.update(driver="Gtiff",
-                       compress="DEFLATE",
-                       tiled=False,
-                       dtype=np.int16,
-                       nodata=32767,
-                       transform=b1_src.transform)
-    b1_profile.pop('tiled', None)
+    b1_profile.update(
+        driver="Gtiff",
+        compress="DEFLATE",
+        tiled=False,
+        dtype=np.int16,
+        nodata=32767,
+        transform=b1_src.transform,
+    )
+    b1_profile.pop("tiled", None)
     with rasterio.Env(GDAL_CACHEMAX=512) as env:
         with rasterio.open(str(out_path), "w", **b1_profile) as dst:
             dst.write(ndr_masked, 1)
     return Path(str(out_path)).absolute
-#~ def create_raw_ndwigao(nir_path: Union[str, pathlib.PosixPath],
-        #~ swir_path: Union[str, pathlib.PosixPath],
-        #~ out_path: Union[str, pathlib.PosixPath]="./raw_ndwigao.tif") -> pathlib.PosixPath:
-    #~ """
-    #~ Creates a NDWI raster from NIR and SWIR rasters.
-    #~ :param nir_path: path to the NIR raster.
-    #~ :param swir_path: path to the SWIR raster.
-    #~ :param out_path: path to the output raster.
-    #~ """
-    #~ logger.info("creating raw NDWIGAO (tiff - int16)")
-    #~ with rasterio.open(str(nir_path)) as nir_src, \
-            #~ rasterio.open(str(swir_path)) as swir_src:
-        #~ nir_profile = nir_src.profile
-        #~ nir = nir_src.read(1).astype(np.float32)
-        #~ swir = swir_src.read(1).astype(np.float32)
-        #~ swir_reproj = np.empty(nir.shape, dtype=np.float32)
-        #~ reproject(source=swir,
-                  #~ destination=swir_reproj,
-                  #~ src_transform=swir_src.transform,
-                  #~ src_crs=swir_src.crs,
-                  #~ dst_transform=nir_src.transform,
-                  #~ dst_crs=nir_src.crs,
-                  #~ resampling=Resampling.bilinear)
-        #~ np.seterr(divide='ignore', invalid='ignore')    # ignore warnings when dividing by zero
-        #~ ndwi = ((nir - swir_reproj) / (nir + swir_reproj)*10000).astype(np.int16)
-        #~ ndwi_masked = np.where(nir != 0, ndwi, 32767)
-    #~ nir_profile.update(driver="Gtiff",
-                       #~ compress="DEFLATE",
-                       #~ tiled=False,
-                       #~ dtype=np.int16,
-                       #~ nodata=32767,
-                       #~ transform=nir_src.transform)
-    #~ nir_profile.pop('tiled', None)
-    #~ with rasterio.Env(GDAL_CACHEMAX=512) as env:
-        #~ with rasterio.open(str(out_path), "w", **nir_profile) as dst:
-            #~ dst.write(ndwi_masked, 1)
-    #~ return Path(str(out_path)).absolute
-#~ def create_raw_mndwi(green_path: Union[str, pathlib.PosixPath],
-        #~ swir_path: Union[str, pathlib.PosixPath],
-        #~ out_path: Union[str, pathlib.PosixPath]="./raw_mndwi.tif") -> pathlib.PosixPath:
-    #~ """
-    #~ Creates a MNDWI raster from GREEN and SWIR rasters.
-    #~ :param green_path: path to the GREEN raster.
-    #~ :param swir_path: path to the SWIR raster.
-    #~ :param out_path: path to the output raster.
-    #~ """
-    #~ logger.info("creating raw MNDWI (tiff - int16)")
-    #~ with rasterio.open(str(green_path)) as green_src, \
-            #~ rasterio.open(str(swir_path)) as swir_src:
-        #~ green_profile = green_src.profile
-        #~ # swir_profile = swir_src.profile
-        #~ green = green_src.read(1).astype(np.float32)
-        #~ swir = swir_src.read(1).astype(np.float32)
-        #~ # reproject swir band (20m) to nir band resolution (10m)
-        #~ swir_reproj = np.empty(green.shape, dtype=np.float32)
-        #~ reproject(source=swir,
-                  #~ destination=swir_reproj,
-                  #~ src_transform=swir_src.transform,
-                  #~ src_crs=swir_src.crs,
-                  #~ dst_transform=green_src.transform,
-                  #~ dst_crs=green_src.crs,
-                  #~ resampling=Resampling.bilinear)
-        #~ np.seterr(divide='ignore', invalid='ignore')    # ignore warnings when dividing by zero
-        #~ ndwi = ((green - swir_reproj) / (green + swir_reproj)*10000).astype(np.int16)
-        #~ ndwi_masked = np.where(green != 0, ndwi, 32767)
-    #~ green_profile.update(driver="Gtiff",
-                       #~ compress="DEFLATE",
-                       #~ tiled=False,
-                       #~ dtype=np.int16,
-                       #~ nodata=32767,
-                       #~ transform=green_src.transform)
-    #~ green_profile.pop('tiled', None)
-    #~ with rasterio.Env(GDAL_CACHEMAX=512) as env:
-        #~ with rasterio.open(str(out_path), "w", **green_profile) as dst:
-            #~ dst.write(ndwi_masked, 1)
-    #~ return Path(str(out_path)).absolute
-#~ def create_raw_ndre(nir_path: Union[str, pathlib.PosixPath],
-        #~ redge_path: Union[str, pathlib.PosixPath],
-        #~ out_path: Union[str, pathlib.PosixPath]="./raw_ndre.tif") -> pathlib.PosixPath:
-    #~ """
-    #~ Creates a NDRE raster from NIR and RED EDGE rasters.
-    #~ :param nir_path: path to the NIR raster.
-    #~ :param redge_path: path to the RED EDGE raster.
-    #~ :param out_path: path to the output raster.
-    #~ """
-    #~ logger.info("creating raw NDRE (tiff - int16)")
-    #~ with rasterio.open(str(nir_path)) as nir_src, \
-            #~ rasterio.open(str(redge_path)) as redge_src:
-        #~ nir_profile = nir_src.profile
-        #~ nir = nir_src.read(1).astype(np.float32)
-        #~ redge = redge_src.read(1).astype(np.float32)
-        #~ # reproject redge band (20m) to nir band resolution (10m)
-        #~ redge_reproj = np.empty(nir.shape, dtype=np.float32)
-        #~ reproject(source=redge,
-                  #~ destination=redge_reproj,
-                  #~ src_transform=redge_src.transform,
-                  #~ src_crs=redge_src.crs,
-                  #~ dst_transform=nir_src.transform,
-                  #~ dst_crs=nir_src.crs,
-                  #~ resampling=Resampling.bilinear)
-        #~ np.seterr(divide='ignore', invalid='ignore')    # ignore warnings when dividing by zero
-        #~ ndre = ((nir - redge_reproj) / (nir + redge_reproj)*10000).astype(np.int16)
-        #~ ndre_masked = np.where(nir != 0, ndre, 32767)
-    #~ nir_profile.update(driver="Gtiff",
-                       #~ compress="DEFLATE",
-                       #~ tiled=False,
-                       #~ dtype=np.int16,
-                       #~ nodata=32767,
-                       #~ transform=nir_src.transform)
-    #~ nir_profile.pop('tiled', None)
-    #~ with rasterio.Env(GDAL_CACHEMAX=512) as env:
-        #~ with rasterio.open(str(out_path), "w", **nir_profile) as dst:
-            #~ dst.write(ndre_masked, 1)
-    #~ return Path(str(out_path)).absolute
-def create_raw_ireci(b1_path: Union[str, pathlib.PosixPath],
-                     b2_path: Union[str, pathlib.PosixPath],
-                     b3_path: Union[str, pathlib.PosixPath],
-                     b4_path: Union[str, pathlib.PosixPath],                     
-                     out_path: Union[str, pathlib.PosixPath]="./raw_ireci.tif",
-                     ) -> pathlib.PosixPath:
+#  def create_raw_ndwigao(nir_path: Union[str, pathlib.PosixPath],
+#          swir_path: Union[str, pathlib.PosixPath],
+#          out_path: Union[str, pathlib.PosixPath]="./raw_ndwigao.tif") -> pathlib.PosixPath:
+#      """
+#      Creates a NDWI raster from NIR and SWIR rasters.
+#      :param nir_path: path to the NIR raster.
+#      :param swir_path: path to the SWIR raster.
+#      :param out_path: path to the output raster.
+#      """
+#      logger.info("creating raw NDWIGAO (tiff - int16)")
+#      with rasterio.open(str(nir_path)) as nir_src, \
+#              rasterio.open(str(swir_path)) as swir_src:
+#          nir_profile = nir_src.profile
+#          nir = nir_src.read(1).astype(np.float32)
+#          swir = swir_src.read(1).astype(np.float32)
+#          swir_reproj = np.empty(nir.shape, dtype=np.float32)
+#          reproject(source=swir,
+#                    destination=swir_reproj,
+#                    src_transform=swir_src.transform,
+#                    src_crs=swir_src.crs,
+#                    dst_transform=nir_src.transform,
+#                    dst_crs=nir_src.crs,
+#                    resampling=Resampling.bilinear)
+#          np.seterr(divide='ignore', invalid='ignore')    # ignore warnings when dividing by zero
+#          ndwi = ((nir - swir_reproj) / (nir + swir_reproj)*10000).astype(np.int16)
+#          ndwi_masked = np.where(nir != 0, ndwi, 32767)
+#      nir_profile.update(driver="Gtiff",
+#                         compress="DEFLATE",
+#                         tiled=False,
+#                         dtype=np.int16,
+#                         nodata=32767,
+#                         transform=nir_src.transform)
+#      nir_profile.pop('tiled', None)
+#      with rasterio.Env(GDAL_CACHEMAX=512) as env:
+#          with rasterio.open(str(out_path), "w", **nir_profile) as dst:
+#              dst.write(ndwi_masked, 1)
+#      return Path(str(out_path)).absolute
+#  def create_raw_mndwi(green_path: Union[str, pathlib.PosixPath],
+#          swir_path: Union[str, pathlib.PosixPath],
+#          out_path: Union[str, pathlib.PosixPath]="./raw_mndwi.tif") -> pathlib.PosixPath:
+#      """
+#      Creates a MNDWI raster from GREEN and SWIR rasters.
+#      :param green_path: path to the GREEN raster.
+#      :param swir_path: path to the SWIR raster.
+#      :param out_path: path to the output raster.
+#      """
+#      logger.info("creating raw MNDWI (tiff - int16)")
+#      with rasterio.open(str(green_path)) as green_src, \
+#              rasterio.open(str(swir_path)) as swir_src:
+#          green_profile = green_src.profile
+#          # swir_profile = swir_src.profile
+#          green = green_src.read(1).astype(np.float32)
+#          swir = swir_src.read(1).astype(np.float32)
+#          # reproject swir band (20m) to nir band resolution (10m)
+#          swir_reproj = np.empty(green.shape, dtype=np.float32)
+#          reproject(source=swir,
+#                    destination=swir_reproj,
+#                    src_transform=swir_src.transform,
+#                    src_crs=swir_src.crs,
+#                    dst_transform=green_src.transform,
+#                    dst_crs=green_src.crs,
+#                    resampling=Resampling.bilinear)
+#          np.seterr(divide='ignore', invalid='ignore')    # ignore warnings when dividing by zero
+#          ndwi = ((green - swir_reproj) / (green + swir_reproj)*10000).astype(np.int16)
+#          ndwi_masked = np.where(green != 0, ndwi, 32767)
+#      green_profile.update(driver="Gtiff",
+#                         compress="DEFLATE",
+#                         tiled=False,
+#                         dtype=np.int16,
+#                         nodata=32767,
+#                         transform=green_src.transform)
+#      green_profile.pop('tiled', None)
+#      with rasterio.Env(GDAL_CACHEMAX=512) as env:
+#          with rasterio.open(str(out_path), "w", **green_profile) as dst:
+#              dst.write(ndwi_masked, 1)
+#      return Path(str(out_path)).absolute
+#  def create_raw_ndre(nir_path: Union[str, pathlib.PosixPath],
+#          redge_path: Union[str, pathlib.PosixPath],
+#          out_path: Union[str, pathlib.PosixPath]="./raw_ndre.tif") -> pathlib.PosixPath:
+#      """
+#      Creates a NDRE raster from NIR and RED EDGE rasters.
+#      :param nir_path: path to the NIR raster.
+#      :param redge_path: path to the RED EDGE raster.
+#      :param out_path: path to the output raster.
+#      """
+#      logger.info("creating raw NDRE (tiff - int16)")
+#      with rasterio.open(str(nir_path)) as nir_src, \
+#              rasterio.open(str(redge_path)) as redge_src:
+#          nir_profile = nir_src.profile
+#          nir = nir_src.read(1).astype(np.float32)
+#          redge = redge_src.read(1).astype(np.float32)
+#          # reproject redge band (20m) to nir band resolution (10m)
+#          redge_reproj = np.empty(nir.shape, dtype=np.float32)
+#          reproject(source=redge,
+#                    destination=redge_reproj,
+#                    src_transform=redge_src.transform,
+#                    src_crs=redge_src.crs,
+#                    dst_transform=nir_src.transform,
+#                    dst_crs=nir_src.crs,
+#                    resampling=Resampling.bilinear)
+#          np.seterr(divide='ignore', invalid='ignore')    # ignore warnings when dividing by zero
+#          ndre = ((nir - redge_reproj) / (nir + redge_reproj)*10000).astype(np.int16)
+#          ndre_masked = np.where(nir != 0, ndre, 32767)
+#      nir_profile.update(driver="Gtiff",
+#                         compress="DEFLATE",
+#                         tiled=False,
+#                         dtype=np.int16,
+#                         nodata=32767,
+#                         transform=nir_src.transform)
+#      nir_profile.pop('tiled', None)
+#      with rasterio.Env(GDAL_CACHEMAX=512) as env:
+#          with rasterio.open(str(out_path), "w", **nir_profile) as dst:
+#              dst.write(ndre_masked, 1)
+#      return Path(str(out_path)).absolute
+def create_raw_ireci(
+    b1_path: Union[str, pathlib.PosixPath],
+    b2_path: Union[str, pathlib.PosixPath],
+    b3_path: Union[str, pathlib.PosixPath],
+    b4_path: Union[str, pathlib.PosixPath],
+    out_path: Union[str, pathlib.PosixPath] = "./raw_ireci.tif",
+) -> pathlib.PosixPath:
     Creates an IRECI raster from NIR, RED and RED EDGE rasters.
@@ -286,56 +312,84 @@ def create_raw_ireci(b1_path: Union[str, pathlib.PosixPath],
     :param out_path: path to the output raster.
     logger.info("creating raw IRECI (tiff - int16)")
-    with rasterio.open(str(b1_path)) as b1_src, \
-         rasterio.open(str(b2_path)) as b2_src, \
-         rasterio.open(str(b3_path)) as b3_src, \
-         rasterio.open(str(b4_path)) as b4_src:
+    with rasterio.open(str(b1_path)) as b1_src, rasterio.open(
+        str(b2_path)
+    ) as b2_src, rasterio.open(str(b3_path)) as b3_src, rasterio.open(
+        str(b4_path)
+    ) as b4_src:
         b2_profile = b2_src.profile
-        np.seterr(divide='ignore', invalid='ignore')    # ignore warnings when dividing by zero
-        b1 = b1_src.read(1, 
-                         out_shape=(1,
-                                    max(b1_src.height, b2_src.height, b3_src.height, b4_src.height), 
-                                    max(b1_src.width, b2_src.width, b3_src.width, b4_src.width)), 
-                         resampling=Resampling.bilinear)\
-                        .astype(np.float32)
-        b2 = b2_src.read(1, 
-                         out_shape=(1,
-                                    max(b1_src.height, b2_src.height, b3_src.height, b4_src.height), 
-                                    max(b1_src.width, b2_src.width, b3_src.width, b4_src.width)), 
-                         resampling=Resampling.bilinear)\
-                        .astype(np.float32)
-        b3 = b3_src.read(1, 
-                         out_shape=(1,
-                                    max(b1_src.height, b2_src.height, b3_src.height, b4_src.height), 
-                                    max(b1_src.width, b2_src.width, b3_src.width, b4_src.width)), 
-                         resampling=Resampling.bilinear)\
-                        .astype(np.float32)
-        b4 = b4_src.read(1, 
-                         out_shape=(1,
-                                    max(b1_src.height, b2_src.height, b3_src.height, b4_src.height), 
-                                    max(b1_src.width, b2_src.width, b3_src.width, b4_src.width)), 
-                         resampling=Resampling.bilinear)\
-                        .astype(np.float32)
+        np.seterr(
+            divide="ignore", invalid="ignore"
+        )  # ignore warnings when dividing by zero
+        b1 = b1_src.read(
+            1,
+            out_shape=(
+                1,
+                max(
+                    b1_src.height, b2_src.height, b3_src.height, b4_src.height
+                ),
+                max(b1_src.width, b2_src.width, b3_src.width, b4_src.width),
+            ),
+            resampling=Resampling.bilinear,
+        ).astype(np.float32)
+        b2 = b2_src.read(
+            1,
+            out_shape=(
+                1,
+                max(
+                    b1_src.height, b2_src.height, b3_src.height, b4_src.height
+                ),
+                max(b1_src.width, b2_src.width, b3_src.width, b4_src.width),
+            ),
+            resampling=Resampling.bilinear,
+        ).astype(np.float32)
+        b3 = b3_src.read(
+            1,
+            out_shape=(
+                1,
+                max(
+                    b1_src.height, b2_src.height, b3_src.height, b4_src.height
+                ),
+                max(b1_src.width, b2_src.width, b3_src.width, b4_src.width),
+            ),
+            resampling=Resampling.bilinear,
+        ).astype(np.float32)
+        b4 = b4_src.read(
+            1,
+            out_shape=(
+                1,
+                max(
+                    b1_src.height, b2_src.height, b3_src.height, b4_src.height
+                ),
+                max(b1_src.width, b2_src.width, b3_src.width, b4_src.width),
+            ),
+            resampling=Resampling.bilinear,
+        ).astype(np.float32)
         ireci = (b4 * (b1 - b2) / b3).astype(np.int16)
         ireci_masked = np.where(b1 != 0, ireci, 32767)
-    b2_profile.update(driver="Gtiff",
-                       compress="DEFLATE",
-                       tiled=False,
-                       dtype=np.int16,
-                       nodata=32767,
-                       transform=b2_src.transform)
-    b2_profile.pop('tiled', None)
+    b2_profile.update(
+        driver="Gtiff",
+        compress="DEFLATE",
+        tiled=False,
+        dtype=np.int16,
+        nodata=32767,
+        transform=b2_src.transform,
+    )
+    b2_profile.pop("tiled", None)
     with rasterio.Env(GDAL_CACHEMAX=512) as env:
         with rasterio.open(str(out_path), "w", **b2_profile) as dst:
             dst.write(ireci_masked, 1)
     return Path(str(out_path)).absolute
-def create_raw_bigr(red_path: Union[str, pathlib.PosixPath],
-        green_path: Union[str, pathlib.PosixPath],
-        out_path: Union[str, pathlib.PosixPath]="./raw_bigr.tif") -> pathlib.PosixPath:
+def create_raw_bigr(
+    red_path: Union[str, pathlib.PosixPath],
+    green_path: Union[str, pathlib.PosixPath],
+    out_path: Union[str, pathlib.PosixPath] = "./raw_bigr.tif",
+) -> pathlib.PosixPath:
     Creates a BI (Green, Red) raster from GREEN and RED rasters.
@@ -345,30 +399,38 @@ def create_raw_bigr(red_path: Union[str, pathlib.PosixPath],
     logger.info("creating raw BIGR (tiff - int16)")
-    with rasterio.open(str(red_path)) as red_src, \
-            rasterio.open(str(green_path)) as green_src:
+    with rasterio.open(str(red_path)) as red_src, rasterio.open(
+        str(green_path)
+    ) as green_src:
         red_profile = red_src.profile
         red = red_src.read(1).astype(np.float32)
         green = green_src.read(1).astype(np.float32)
-        np.seterr(divide='ignore', invalid='ignore')    # ignore warnings when dividing by zero
-        bigr = ((((green)**2 + (red)**2)/2)**0.5).astype(np.int16)
+        np.seterr(
+            divide="ignore", invalid="ignore"
+        )  # ignore warnings when dividing by zero
+        bigr = ((((green) ** 2 + (red) ** 2) / 2) ** 0.5).astype(np.int16)
         bigr_masked = np.where(red != 0, bigr, 32767)
-    red_profile.update(driver="Gtiff",
-                       compress="DEFLATE",
-                       tiled=False,
-                       dtype=np.int16,
-                       nodata=32767,
-                       transform=red_src.transform)
-    red_profile.pop('tiled', None)
+    red_profile.update(
+        driver="Gtiff",
+        compress="DEFLATE",
+        tiled=False,
+        dtype=np.int16,
+        nodata=32767,
+        transform=red_src.transform,
+    )
+    red_profile.pop("tiled", None)
     with rasterio.Env(GDAL_CACHEMAX=512) as env:
         with rasterio.open(str(out_path), "w", **red_profile) as dst:
             dst.write(bigr_masked, 1)
     return Path(str(out_path)).absolute
-def create_raw_birnir(red_path: Union[str, pathlib.PosixPath],
-        nir_path: Union[str, pathlib.PosixPath],
-        out_path: Union[str, pathlib.PosixPath]="./raw_birnir.tif") -> pathlib.PosixPath:
+def create_raw_birnir(
+    red_path: Union[str, pathlib.PosixPath],
+    nir_path: Union[str, pathlib.PosixPath],
+    out_path: Union[str, pathlib.PosixPath] = "./raw_birnir.tif",
+) -> pathlib.PosixPath:
     Creates a BI (Red, NIR) raster from RED and NIR rasters.
@@ -378,31 +440,38 @@ def create_raw_birnir(red_path: Union[str, pathlib.PosixPath],
     logger.info("creating raw BIRNIR (tiff - int16)")
-    with rasterio.open(str(red_path)) as red_src, \
-            rasterio.open(str(nir_path)) as nir_src:
+    with rasterio.open(str(red_path)) as red_src, rasterio.open(
+        str(nir_path)
+    ) as nir_src:
         red_profile = red_src.profile
         red = red_src.read(1).astype(np.float32)
         nir = nir_src.read(1).astype(np.float32)
-        np.seterr(divide='ignore', invalid='ignore')    # ignore warnings when dividing by zero
-        birnir = ((((nir)**2 + (red)**2)/2)**0.5).astype(np.int16)
+        np.seterr(
+            divide="ignore", invalid="ignore"
+        )  # ignore warnings when dividing by zero
+        birnir = ((((nir) ** 2 + (red) ** 2) / 2) ** 0.5).astype(np.int16)
         birnir_masked = np.where(red != 0, birnir, 32767)
-    red_profile.update(driver="Gtiff",
-                       compress="DEFLATE",
-                       tiled=False,
-                       dtype=np.int16,
-                       nodata=32767,
-                       transform=red_src.transform)
-    red_profile.pop('tiled', None)
+    red_profile.update(
+        driver="Gtiff",
+        compress="DEFLATE",
+        tiled=False,
+        dtype=np.int16,
+        nodata=32767,
+        transform=red_src.transform,
+    )
+    red_profile.pop("tiled", None)
     with rasterio.Env(GDAL_CACHEMAX=512) as env:
         with rasterio.open(str(out_path), "w", **red_profile) as dst:
             dst.write(birnir_masked, 1)
     return Path(str(out_path)).absolute
-def create_raw_bibg(blue_path: Union[str, pathlib.PosixPath],
-        green_path: Union[str, pathlib.PosixPath],
-        out_path: Union[str, pathlib.PosixPath]="./raw_bibg.tif") -> pathlib.PosixPath:
+def create_raw_bibg(
+    blue_path: Union[str, pathlib.PosixPath],
+    green_path: Union[str, pathlib.PosixPath],
+    out_path: Union[str, pathlib.PosixPath] = "./raw_bibg.tif",
+) -> pathlib.PosixPath:
     Creates a BI (Blue, Green) raster from BLUE and GREEN rasters.
@@ -412,32 +481,39 @@ def create_raw_bibg(blue_path: Union[str, pathlib.PosixPath],
     logger.info("creating raw BIBG (tiff - int16)")
-    with rasterio.open(str(blue_path)) as blue_src, \
-            rasterio.open(str(green_path)) as green_src:
+    with rasterio.open(str(blue_path)) as blue_src, rasterio.open(
+        str(green_path)
+    ) as green_src:
         blue_profile = blue_src.profile
         blue = blue_src.read(1).astype(np.float32)
         green = green_src.read(1).astype(np.float32)
-        np.seterr(divide='ignore', invalid='ignore')    # ignore warnings when dividing by zero
-        bibg = ((((green)**2 + (blue)**2)/2)**0.5).astype(np.int16)
+        np.seterr(
+            divide="ignore", invalid="ignore"
+        )  # ignore warnings when dividing by zero
+        bibg = ((((green) ** 2 + (blue) ** 2) / 2) ** 0.5).astype(np.int16)
         bibg_masked = np.where(blue != 0, bibg, 32767)
-    blue_profile.update(driver="Gtiff",
-                       compress="DEFLATE",
-                       tiled=False,
-                       dtype=np.int16,
-                       nodata=32767,
-                       transform=blue_src.transform)
-    blue_profile.pop('tiled', None)
+    blue_profile.update(
+        driver="Gtiff",
+        compress="DEFLATE",
+        tiled=False,
+        dtype=np.int16,
+        nodata=32767,
+        transform=blue_src.transform,
+    )
+    blue_profile.pop("tiled", None)
     with rasterio.Env(GDAL_CACHEMAX=512) as env:
         with rasterio.open(str(out_path), "w", **blue_profile) as dst:
             dst.write(bibg_masked, 1)
     return Path(str(out_path)).absolute
 # A faire
-def create_raw_bi(b1_path: Union[str, pathlib.PosixPath],
-                  b2_path: Union[str, pathlib.PosixPath],
-                  out_path: Union[str, pathlib.PosixPath]="./raw_bi.tif",
-                  ) -> pathlib.PosixPath:
+def create_raw_bi(
+    b1_path: Union[str, pathlib.PosixPath],
+    b2_path: Union[str, pathlib.PosixPath],
+    out_path: Union[str, pathlib.PosixPath] = "./raw_bi.tif",
+) -> pathlib.PosixPath:
     Creates a BI (Green, Red) raster from GREEN and RED rasters.
@@ -447,32 +523,38 @@ def create_raw_bi(b1_path: Union[str, pathlib.PosixPath],
     logger.info("creating raw BIGR (tiff - int16)")
-    with rasterio.open(str(red_path)) as red_src, \
-            rasterio.open(str(green_path)) as green_src:
+    with rasterio.open(str(red_path)) as red_src, rasterio.open(
+        str(green_path)
+    ) as green_src:
         red_profile = red_src.profile
         red = red_src.read(1).astype(np.float32)
         green = green_src.read(1).astype(np.float32)
-        np.seterr(divide='ignore', invalid='ignore')    # ignore warnings when dividing by zero
-        bigr = ((((green)**2 + (red)**2)/2)**0.5).astype(np.int16)
+        np.seterr(
+            divide="ignore", invalid="ignore"
+        )  # ignore warnings when dividing by zero
+        bigr = ((((green) ** 2 + (red) ** 2) / 2) ** 0.5).astype(np.int16)
         bigr_masked = np.where(red != 0, bigr, 32767)
-    red_profile.update(driver="Gtiff",
-                       compress="DEFLATE",
-                       tiled=False,
-                       dtype=np.int16,
-                       nodata=32767,
-                       transform=red_src.transform)
-    red_profile.pop('tiled', None)
+    red_profile.update(
+        driver="Gtiff",
+        compress="DEFLATE",
+        tiled=False,
+        dtype=np.int16,
+        nodata=32767,
+        transform=red_src.transform,
+    )
+    red_profile.pop("tiled", None)
     with rasterio.Env(GDAL_CACHEMAX=512) as env:
         with rasterio.open(str(out_path), "w", **red_profile) as dst:
             dst.write(bigr_masked, 1)
     return Path(str(out_path)).absolute
 def create_masked_indice(
-        indice_path: Union[str, pathlib.PosixPath],
-        cloud_mask_path: Union[str, pathlib.PosixPath],
-        out_path: Union[str, pathlib.PosixPath]="./masked_indice.tif"
-    ) -> pathlib.PosixPath:
+    indice_path: Union[str, pathlib.PosixPath],
+    cloud_mask_path: Union[str, pathlib.PosixPath],
+    out_path: Union[str, pathlib.PosixPath] = "./masked_indice.tif",
+) -> pathlib.PosixPath:
     Masks an indice raster with a cloud mask.
@@ -484,32 +566,39 @@ def create_masked_indice(
     logger.info("Cloud-masking indice (int16)")
-    with rasterio.open(str(indice_path)) as indice_src, \
-            rasterio.open(str(cloud_mask_path)) as cld_src:
+    with rasterio.open(str(indice_path)) as indice_src, rasterio.open(
+        str(cloud_mask_path)
+    ) as cld_src:
         profile = indice_src.profile
         raw_indice = indice_src.read(1)
         cld = cld_src.read(1)
         # repoject cloud_mask to ndvi resolution
         cld_reproj = np.empty(raw_indice.shape, dtype=np.uint8)
-        reproject(source=cld,
-                  destination=cld_reproj,
-                  src_transform=cld_src.transform,
-                  src_crs=cld_src.crs,
-                  dst_transform=indice_src.transform,
-                  dst_crs=indice_src.crs,
-                  resampling=Resampling.nearest)
-#        indice_borders_mask = np.where(raw_indice > 0, raw_indice, 32767)
+        reproject(
+            source=cld,
+            destination=cld_reproj,
+            src_transform=cld_src.transform,
+            src_crs=cld_src.crs,
+            dst_transform=indice_src.transform,
+            dst_crs=indice_src.crs,
+            resampling=Resampling.nearest,
+        )
+        #        indice_borders_mask = np.where(raw_indice > 0, raw_indice, 32767)
         indice_cloud_mask = np.where(cld_reproj == 0, raw_indice, 32767)
         if indice_path.suffix == ".jp2":
-            indice_cloud_mask = np.where(indice_cloud_mask == 16383, 32767, indice_cloud_mask)
-        profile.update(driver="Gtiff",
-                        compress="DEFLATE",
-                        tiled=False,
-                        dtype=np.int16,
-                        nodata=32767,
-                        transform=indice_src.transform)
-#        profile.pop('tiled', None)
+            indice_cloud_mask = np.where(
+                indice_cloud_mask == 16383, 32767, indice_cloud_mask
+            )
+        profile.update(
+            driver="Gtiff",
+            compress="DEFLATE",
+            tiled=False,
+            dtype=np.int16,
+            nodata=32767,
+            transform=indice_src.transform,
+        )
+    #        profile.pop('tiled', None)
     with rasterio.Env(GDAL_CACHEMAX=512) as env:
         with rasterio.open(str(out_path), "w", **profile) as dst:
@@ -517,9 +606,12 @@ def create_masked_indice(
     return str(Path(str(out_path)).absolute)
-def index_tiff_2_jp2(img_path: Union[str, pathlib.PosixPath],
-                     out_path: Union[str, pathlib.PosixPath]="./indice_2_jp2.jp2",
-                     quality: int = 20) -> pathlib.PosixPath:
+def index_tiff_2_jp2(
+    img_path: Union[str, pathlib.PosixPath],
+    out_path: Union[str, pathlib.PosixPath] = "./indice_2_jp2.jp2",
+    quality: int = 20,
+) -> pathlib.PosixPath:
     Convert a indice file from TIF to JP2.
     :param out_path: path to the output raster.
@@ -528,8 +620,12 @@ def index_tiff_2_jp2(img_path: Union[str, pathlib.PosixPath],
     src_ds = gdal.Open(str(img_path))
     driver = gdal.GetDriverByName("JP2OpenJPEG")
     for i in range(src_ds.RasterCount):
-            src_ds.GetRasterBand(i+1).SetNoDataValue(float(16383))
-    dst_ds = driver.CreateCopy(str(out_path), src_ds, options=['NBITS=15', 'CODEC=JP2', 'QUALITY=' + str(quality)])
+        src_ds.GetRasterBand(i + 1).SetNoDataValue(float(16383))
+    dst_ds = driver.CreateCopy(
+        str(out_path),
+        src_ds,
+        options=["NBITS=15", "CODEC=JP2", "QUALITY=" + str(quality)],
+    )
     dst_ds = None
     src_ds = None
     return str(Path(str(out_path)).absolute)
diff --git a/sen2chain/jobs.py b/sen2chain/jobs.py
index dfc10b7725690b202ad340bc1754bd1070078a17..c8fa7dde18dad78963f26355df1080379e4b4363 100644
--- a/sen2chain/jobs.py
+++ b/sen2chain/jobs.py
@@ -1,8 +1,9 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# coding: utf-8
 Module for managing sen2chain processing jobs
 import logging
 from pathlib import Path
 import pandas as pd
@@ -24,12 +25,11 @@ logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO)
 logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
-class Jobs():
+class Jobs:
     Class to manage created jobs
     def __init__(self):
         self._jobs_all = list(Config()._JOBS_DIR.glob("job_*.cfg"))
@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ class Jobs():
         self._py_scripts_exist = []
         self._logs = []
         self._timing = []
-        self._cron_status = [] 
+        self._cron_status = []
         self._cron_timing = []
         for jid in self._jid_set:
             logger.disabled = True
@@ -50,31 +50,31 @@ class Jobs():
             logger.disabled = False
     def __repr__(self):
-        return repr(pd.DataFrame(OrderedDict([("job_id", list(self._jid_set)),
-                                              ("config_file", self._config_files_exist),
-                                              ("python_script", self._py_scripts_exist),
-                                              ("logging", self._logs),
-                                              ("timing", self._timing),
-                                              ("cron_status", self._cron_status),
-                                              ("cron_timing", self._cron_timing),
-                                              ])))
-        ###### >>> job.render().split(' ')[0:4]
+        return repr(
+            pd.DataFrame(
+                OrderedDict(
+                    [
+                        ("job_id", list(self._jid_set)),
+                        ("config_file", self._config_files_exist),
+                        ("python_script", self._py_scripts_exist),
+                        ("logging", self._logs),
+                        ("timing", self._timing),
+                        ("cron_status", self._cron_status),
+                        ("cron_timing", self._cron_timing),
+                    ]
+                )
+            )
+        )
+        # >>> job.render().split(' ')[0:4]
     def list(self):
         return [t.stem[4:] for t in self._jobs_all]
-    def remove(self,
-               jid: str = None):
+    def remove(self, jid: str = None):
         if jid in self.list:
             logger.disabled = True
             j = Job(jid)
@@ -89,14 +89,14 @@ class Jobs():
             logger.info("Job {} not found, doing nothing...".format(jid))
-class Job():
+class Job:
     Class to manage job
-    #~ logger.propagate = False
-    def __init__(self,
-                 jid: str):
+    # logger.propagate = False
+    def __init__(self, jid: str):
         self._config_path = Config()._JOBS_DIR / ("job_" + jid + ".cfg")
         self._python_script_path = Config()._JOBS_DIR / ("job_" + jid + ".py")
         self.jid = jid
@@ -108,89 +108,100 @@ class Job():
         self._cron = CronTab(user=True)
         self.cron_status = self.get_cron_status()
         self._log_folder_path = Path(Config().get("log_path")) / ("job_" + jid)
     def __repr__(self):
         return repr(self.tasks)
     def init(self):
         raw_job_cfg = SHARED_DATA.get("raw_job_cfg")
-        first_row = OrderedDict([("tile", ["40KCB"]),
-                                 ("date_min", ["2022-02-04"]),
-                                 ("date_max", ["2022-02-04"]),
-                                 ("max_clouds", [100]),
-                                 ("l1c", [False]),
-                                 ("l2a", [False]),
-                                 ("cloudmask", [False]),
-                                 ("indices", [False]),
-                                 ("remove", [False]),
-                                 ])
+        first_row = OrderedDict(
+            [
+                ("tile", ["40KCB"]),
+                ("date_min", ["2022-02-04"]),
+                ("date_max", ["2022-02-04"]),
+                ("max_clouds", [100]),
+                ("l1c", [False]),
+                ("l2a", [False]),
+                ("cloudmask", [False]),
+                ("indices", [False]),
+                ("remove", [False]),
+            ]
+        )
         self.tasks = pd.DataFrame(first_row)
-    def task_add(self,
-                 row: dict = None):
+    def task_add(self, row: dict = None):
         if not row:
             logger.info("No row provided, using default")
-            row = pd.DataFrame({"tile": ["40KCB"],
-                   "date_min": ["2022-02-04"],
-                   "date_max": ["2022-02-04"],
-                   "max_clouds": [100],
-                   "l1c": [False],
-                   "l2a": [False],
-                   "cloudmask": [False],
-                   "indices": [False],
-                   "remove": [False],
-                   })
-        #~ self.tasks = self.tasks.append(row, ignore_index=True)  
-        self.tasks = pd.concat([self.tasks, row], ignore_index = True)[self.tasks.columns] 
+            row = pd.DataFrame(
+                {
+                    "tile": ["40KCB"],
+                    "date_min": ["2022-02-04"],
+                    "date_max": ["2022-02-04"],
+                    "max_clouds": [100],
+                    "l1c": [False],
+                    "l2a": [False],
+                    "cloudmask": [False],
+                    "indices": [False],
+                    "remove": [False],
+                }
+            )
+        # self.tasks = self.tasks.append(row, ignore_index=True)
+        self.tasks = pd.concat([self.tasks, row], ignore_index=True)[
+            self.tasks.columns
+        ]
-    def task_edit(self,
-                  task_id: int = None,
-                  **kwargs):
+    def task_edit(self, task_id: int = None, **kwargs):
         if task_id is None:
-            logger.info("Please provide task_number to edit, if no task in job, create_task first")
+            logger.info(
+                "Please provide task_number to edit, if no task in job, create_task first"
+            )
             if task_id in self.tasks.index:
                 for arg, val in kwargs.items():
                     if arg in self.tasks.columns:
                         self.tasks.loc[task_id, arg] = val
-                        logger.info("Line {}: {} updated to {}".format(task_id, arg, val))                        
+                        logger.info(
+                            "Line {}: {} updated to {}".format(
+                                task_id, arg, val
+                            )
+                        )
                         logger.info("{} not found".format(arg))
-                logger.info("\n{}".format(self.tasks))                
+                logger.info("\n{}".format(self.tasks))
                 logger.info("Task_number not found")
-    def task_remove(self, 
-                    task_id: int = None):
+    def task_remove(self, task_id: int = None):
         if task_id is None:
             logger.info("Please provide task_number to remove")
             if task_id in self.tasks.index:
-                self.tasks.drop(labels = task_id, axis=0, inplace = True)
-                self.tasks.reset_index(inplace = True, drop = True)
+                self.tasks.drop(labels=task_id, axis=0, inplace=True)
+                self.tasks.reset_index(inplace=True, drop=True)
                 logger.info("Task_number not found")
     def save(self):
         # save task to disk
-        with open(str(self._config_path), 'w') as ict:
-            header = '\n'.join(
-                    ['logs = ' + str(self.logs),
-                     'timing = ' + self.timing,
-                     '', 
-                    ]       
+        with open(str(self._config_path), "w") as ict:
+            header = "\n".join(
+                [
+                    "logs = " + str(self.logs),
+                    "timing = " + self.timing,
+                    "",
+                ]
             for line in header:
-            #~ self.tasks.to_csv(ict)
-            self.tasks.to_csv(ict, index = False, sep=';')
+            # self.tasks.to_csv(ict)
+            self.tasks.to_csv(ict, index=False, sep=";")
     def get_cron_status(self):
         iter = list(self._cron.find_comment("sen2chain_job_" + self.jid))
         if iter:
@@ -215,12 +226,17 @@ class Job():
         lines.append("from sen2chain import Job\n")
-        lines.append('Job("' + self.jid + '").run(clean_before = False, clean_after = False)\n')
-        with open(str(self._python_script_path), 'w') as f:
+        lines.append(
+            'Job("'
+            + self.jid
+            + '").run(clean_before = False, clean_after = False)\n'
+        )
+        with open(str(self._python_script_path), "w") as f:
-    def cron_enable(self,
-                    ):
+    def cron_enable(
+        self,
+    ):
         # enable job in cron
@@ -232,19 +248,21 @@ class Job():
-            job = self._cron.new(command="/usr/bin/python3 " + str(self._python_script_path), comment="sen2chain_job_" + self.jid)
+            job = self._cron.new(
+                command="/usr/bin/python3 " + str(self._python_script_path),
+                comment="sen2chain_job_" + self.jid,
+            )
             if self.timing:
                 job.setall("0 0 * * *")
             logger.info("Enabling job...")
-        #~ logger.info("Time: {}".format(job.time))
+        # logger.info("Time: {}".format(job.time))
-        #~ new.enable(False)
+        # new.enable(False)
     def cron_disable(self):
         # disable / commenting job in cron
@@ -265,38 +283,54 @@ class Job():
-    def read(self,
-             path):
+    def read(self, path):
         parser = ConfigParser(allow_no_value=True)
         with open(str(path)) as stream:
-            parser.read_string("[top]\n" + stream.read())  # This line does the trick.
-        self.logs = bool(distutils.util.strtobool(parser['top']['logs']))
-        self.timing = parser['top']['timing']
-        self.tasks = pd.read_csv(path, sep = ';', na_values="", na_filter=False, comment='#', dtype = str, header = 2)
-        #~ if "logs" not in self.tasks:
-            #~ self.tasks["logs"] = False
+            parser.read_string(
+                "[top]\n" + stream.read()
+            )  # This line does the trick.
+        self.logs = bool(distutils.util.strtobool(parser["top"]["logs"]))
+        self.timing = parser["top"]["timing"]
+        self.tasks = pd.read_csv(
+            path,
+            sep=";",
+            na_values="",
+            na_filter=False,
+            comment="#",
+            dtype=str,
+            header=2,
+        )
+        # if "logs" not in self.tasks:
+        # self.tasks["logs"] = False
         for index, row in self.tasks.iterrows():
             if not row.date_min:
-                #~ self.tasks.at[index, "start_time"] = (datetime.datetime.now()-datetime.timedelta(days=delta_t)).strftime('%Y-%m-%d')
-                self.tasks.at[index, "date_min"] = datetime.datetime.strptime("2015-01-01", "%Y-%m-%d").strftime('%Y-%m-%d')
+                # self.tasks.at[index, "start_time"] = (datetime.datetime.now()-datetime.timedelta(days=delta_t)).strftime('%Y-%m-%d')
+                self.tasks.at[index, "date_min"] = datetime.datetime.strptime(
+                    "2015-01-01", "%Y-%m-%d"
+                ).strftime("%Y-%m-%d")
             if not row.date_max:
-                self.tasks.at[index, "date_max"] = (datetime.datetime.now()+datetime.timedelta(days=1)).strftime('%Y-%m-%d')
+                self.tasks.at[index, "date_max"] = (
+                    datetime.datetime.now() + datetime.timedelta(days=1)
+                ).strftime("%Y-%m-%d")
             if not row.max_clouds:
                 self.tasks.at[index, "max_clouds"] = 100
             if not row.indices == "False":
                 if row.indices == "All":
-                    self.tasks.at[index, "indices"] = IndicesCollection.available_indices
+                    self.tasks.at[
+                        index, "indices"
+                    ] = IndicesCollection.available_indices
-                    self.tasks.at[index, "indices"] = str(row.indices).split("/")
+                    self.tasks.at[index, "indices"] = str(row.indices).split(
+                        "/"
+                    )
             if not row.cloudmask == "False":
-                self.tasks.at[index, "cloudmask"] = self.get_cm_version(row.cloudmask)
+                self.tasks.at[index, "cloudmask"] = self.get_cm_version(
+                    row.cloudmask
+                )
     def get_cm_version(identifier) -> str:
         """Returns cloudmask version from a cloud mask identifier string.
@@ -308,42 +342,54 @@ class Job():
-            pat = re.compile(r"(?P<cm_version>CM003)" + \
-                             "-PRB(?P<probability>.*)" + \
-                             "-ITER(?P<iterations>.*)")
+            pat = re.compile(
+                r"(?P<cm_version>CM003)"
+                + "-PRB(?P<probability>.*)"
+                + "-ITER(?P<iterations>.*)"
+            )
             return pat.match(identifier).groupdict()
-            pat = re.compile(r"(?P<cm_version>CM004)" + \
-                             "-CSH(?P<cld_shad>.*)" + \
-                             "-CMP(?P<cld_med_prob>.*)" + \
-                             "-CHP(?P<cld_hi_prob>.*)" + \
-                             "-TCI(?P<thin_cir>.*)" + \
-                             "-ITER(?P<iterations>.*)")
+            pat = re.compile(
+                r"(?P<cm_version>CM004)"
+                + "-CSH(?P<cld_shad>.*)"
+                + "-CMP(?P<cld_med_prob>.*)"
+                + "-CHP(?P<cld_hi_prob>.*)"
+                + "-TCI(?P<thin_cir>.*)"
+                + "-ITER(?P<iterations>.*)"
+            )
             return pat.match(identifier).groupdict()
-    def run(self,
-            nb_proc: int = 12,
-            clean_before: bool = False,
-            clean_after: bool = False):
+    def run(
+        self,
+        nb_proc: int = 12,
+        clean_before: bool = False,
+        clean_after: bool = False,
+    ):
         if self.logs:
-            self._log_folder_path.mkdir(exist_ok = True)
-            self._log_file = self._log_folder_path / ("job_" + self.jid + "_run_"+ datetime.datetime.now().strftime("%Y%m%d_%H%M%S") + ".log")
+            self._log_folder_path.mkdir(exist_ok=True)
+            self._log_file = self._log_folder_path / (
+                "job_"
+                + self.jid
+                + "_run_"
+                + datetime.datetime.now().strftime("%Y%m%d_%H%M%S")
+                + ".log"
+            )
             f = open(str(self._log_file), "w")
             f.write("Debut : {}\n\n".format(datetime.datetime.now()))
             f.write(repr(self) + "\n")
         if not self.tasks.empty:
             # Telechargement
             # todo
             # keep list of downloaded l1c products
             # Nettoyage
             if clean_before:
                 logger.info("Cleaning Tiles")
@@ -351,106 +397,170 @@ class Job():
                 for index, row in self.tasks.iterrows():
                 lib = Library()
-                pb_before = lib.clean(clean_list, remove=True, remove_indice_tif=True)
+                pb_before = lib.clean(
+                    clean_list, remove=True, remove_indice_tif=True
+                )
                 # lib.clean(clean_list, remove=False)
             # Traitement des L1C en L2A
-            logger.info("Computing l2a")        
-            l1c_process_list =  []
+            logger.info("Computing l2a")
+            l1c_process_list = []
             for index, row in self.tasks.iterrows():
                 if not row.l2a == False:
                     t = Tile(row.tile)
-                    l1c_to_process = list(p.identifier for p in t.l2a_missings.filter_dates(date_min = row.date_min, date_max = row.date_max))
+                    l1c_to_process = list(
+                        p.identifier
+                        for p in t.l2a_missings.filter_dates(
+                            date_min=row.date_min, date_max=row.date_max
+                        )
+                    )
-                    logger.info("ajout {}: {} l1c files".format(row.tile, len(l1c_to_process)))
+                    logger.info(
+                        "ajout {}: {} l1c files".format(
+                            row.tile, len(l1c_to_process)
+                        )
+                    )
             l1c_process_list = list(chain.from_iterable(l1c_process_list))
-            logger.info("l1c Sen2Cor process list ({} files): {}".format(len(l1c_process_list), l1c_process_list))
+            logger.info(
+                "l1c Sen2Cor process list ({} files): {}".format(
+                    len(l1c_process_list), l1c_process_list
+                )
+            )
             l2a_res = False
             if l1c_process_list:
-                l2a_res = l2a_multiprocessing(l1c_process_list, nb_proc = nb_proc)
-                #~ logger.info("je multiprocess les l1c en l2a")
+                l2a_res = l2a_multiprocessing(
+                    l1c_process_list, nb_proc=nb_proc
+                )
+                # logger.info("je multiprocess les l1c en l2a")
                 if self.logs:
                     f.write("\nTraitement des l1c : {}\n".format(l2a_res))
-                    f.write("l1c_process_list: \n" + "\n".join(l1c_process_list) + "\n")
+                    f.write(
+                        "l1c_process_list: \n"
+                        + "\n".join(l1c_process_list)
+                        + "\n"
+                    )
             # Remove L1C
             # todo
             # remove list of downloaded l1c products
             # Traitement des L2A (clouds)
             logger.info("Computing cloudmasks")
             reprocess = False
-            cld_l2a_process_list =  []
+            cld_l2a_process_list = []
             for index, row in self.tasks.iterrows():
-                #~ if not bool(distutils.util.strtobool(str(row.cloudmask))):
+                # if not bool(distutils.util.strtobool(str(row.cloudmask))):
                 if not (row.cloudmask == "False" or not row.cloudmask):
                     t = Tile(row.tile)
-                    l2a_to_process = [p.identifier for p in t.cloudmasks_missing().filter_dates(date_min = row.date_min, date_max = row.date_max)]
+                    l2a_to_process = [
+                        p.identifier
+                        for p in t.cloudmasks_missing().filter_dates(
+                            date_min=row.date_min, date_max=row.date_max
+                        )
+                    ]
                     for j in l2a_to_process:
-                        l2a_cm_details = [j, 
-                                          row.cloudmask["cm_version"],
-                                          row.cloudmask["probability"],
-                                          row.cloudmask["iterations"],
-                                          row.cloudmask["cld_shad"],
-                                          row.cloudmask["cld_med_prob"],
-                                          row.cloudmask["cld_hi_prob"],
-                                          row.cloudmask["thin_cir"],
-                                          reprocess,
-                                          ]
+                        l2a_cm_details = [
+                            j,
+                            row.cloudmask["cm_version"],
+                            row.cloudmask["probability"],
+                            row.cloudmask["iterations"],
+                            row.cloudmask["cld_shad"],
+                            row.cloudmask["cld_med_prob"],
+                            row.cloudmask["cld_hi_prob"],
+                            row.cloudmask["thin_cir"],
+                            reprocess,
+                        ]
-                    logger.info("ajout {}: {} l2a products".format(row.tile, len(l2a_to_process)))
-            logger.info("l2a cloudmasks process list ({} products): {}".format(len(cld_l2a_process_list), cld_l2a_process_list))
+                    logger.info(
+                        "ajout {}: {} l2a products".format(
+                            row.tile, len(l2a_to_process)
+                        )
+                    )
+            logger.info(
+                "l2a cloudmasks process list ({} products): {}".format(
+                    len(cld_l2a_process_list), cld_l2a_process_list
+                )
+            )
             cld_res = False
             if cld_l2a_process_list:
-                cld_res = cld_version_probability_iterations_reprocessing_multiprocessing(cld_l2a_process_list, nb_proc = nb_proc)
+                cld_res = cld_version_probability_iterations_reprocessing_multiprocessing(
+                    cld_l2a_process_list, nb_proc=nb_proc
+                )
                 if self.logs:
                     f.write("\nTraitement des clouds : {}\n".format(cld_res))
-                    f.write("cld_l2a_process_list: \n" + "\n".join(cld_l2a_process_list) + "\n")
+                    f.write(
+                        "cld_l2a_process_list: \n"
+                        + "\n".join(cld_l2a_process_list)
+                        + "\n"
+                    )
             # Traitement des L2A (indices)
             logger.info("Computing indices")
             nodata_clouds = True
             quicklook = False
-            indices_l2a_process_list =  []
+            indices_l2a_process_list = []
             for index, row in self.tasks.iterrows():
                 if not (row.indices == "False" or not row.indices):
                     t = Tile(row.tile)
-                    #~ indices_list = row.indices.split("/")
+                    # indices_list = row.indices.split("/")
                     for i in row.indices:
-                        #~ l2a_list = [p.identifier for p in t.missing_indices(i).filter_dates(date_min = row.start_time, date_max = row.end_time)]
-                        l2a_to_process = [p.identifier for p in t.missing_indices(indice = i,
-                                                                            nodata_clouds = nodata_clouds,
-                                                                            ).filter_dates(date_min = row.date_min, date_max = row.date_max)]
+                        # l2a_list = [p.identifier for p in t.missing_indices(i).filter_dates(date_min = row.start_time, date_max = row.end_time)]
+                        l2a_to_process = [
+                            p.identifier
+                            for p in t.missing_indices(
+                                indice=i,
+                                nodata_clouds=nodata_clouds,
+                            ).filter_dates(
+                                date_min=row.date_min, date_max=row.date_max
+                            )
+                        ]
                         for j in l2a_to_process:
-                            l2a_ind_details = [j, 
-                                               i,
-                                               reprocess,
-                                               nodata_clouds,
-                                               quicklook,
-                                               row.cloudmask["cm_version"],
-                                               row.cloudmask["probability"],
-                                               row.cloudmask["iterations"],
-                                               row.cloudmask["cld_shad"],
-                                               row.cloudmask["cld_med_prob"],
-                                               row.cloudmask["cld_hi_prob"],
-                                               row.cloudmask["thin_cir"],
-                                               ]
+                            l2a_ind_details = [
+                                j,
+                                i,
+                                reprocess,
+                                nodata_clouds,
+                                quicklook,
+                                row.cloudmask["cm_version"],
+                                row.cloudmask["probability"],
+                                row.cloudmask["iterations"],
+                                row.cloudmask["cld_shad"],
+                                row.cloudmask["cld_med_prob"],
+                                row.cloudmask["cld_hi_prob"],
+                                row.cloudmask["thin_cir"],
+                            ]
-                        logger.info("ajout {} - {}: {} l2a products".format(row.tile, i, len(l2a_to_process)))
-            logger.info("l2a indices process list ({} products): {}".format(len(indices_l2a_process_list), indices_l2a_process_list))
+                        logger.info(
+                            "ajout {} - {}: {} l2a products".format(
+                                row.tile, i, len(l2a_to_process)
+                            )
+                        )
+            logger.info(
+                "l2a indices process list ({} products): {}".format(
+                    len(indices_l2a_process_list), indices_l2a_process_list
+                )
+            )
             indices_res = False
             if indices_l2a_process_list:
-                indices_res = idx_multiprocessing(indices_l2a_process_list, nb_proc = nb_proc) 
+                indices_res = idx_multiprocessing(
+                    indices_l2a_process_list, nb_proc=nb_proc
+                )
                 if self.logs:
-                    f.write("\nTraitement des indices: {}\n".format(indices_res))
-                    f.write("indices_l2a_process_list: \n" + "\n".join(indices_l2a_process_list) + "\n")
+                    f.write(
+                        "\nTraitement des indices: {}\n".format(indices_res)
+                    )
+                    f.write(
+                        "indices_l2a_process_list: \n"
+                        + "\n".join(indices_l2a_process_list)
+                        + "\n"
+                    )
             # Remove L2A
             # todo
             logger.info("No task defined for this job, doing nothing")
         if self.logs:
             f.write("\nFin : {}\n".format(datetime.datetime.now()))
diff --git a/sen2chain/library.py b/sen2chain/library.py
index 9fbf94b70f3e21e69e4b223442067991b389f45b..72d2e679d1550593927ce0e74be8a98b7bf53a30 100644
--- a/sen2chain/library.py
+++ b/sen2chain/library.py
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# coding: utf-8
 Module for managing products and tiles in the library and temp folders.
@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ import pathlib
 from itertools import chain
 from pathlib import Path
 # type annotations
 from typing import List, Dict
@@ -18,7 +19,11 @@ from .config import Config, SHARED_DATA
 from .products import L1cProduct
 from .tiles import Tile
 from .utils import human_size, human_size_decimal
-from .multi_processing import l2a_multiprocessing, cld_version_probability_iterations_reprocessing_multiprocessing, idx_multiprocessing
+from .multi_processing import (
+    l2a_multiprocessing,
+    cld_version_probability_iterations_reprocessing_multiprocessing,
+    idx_multiprocessing,
 s2_tiles_index = SHARED_DATA.get("tiles_index")
@@ -27,9 +32,8 @@ logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
 class Library:
-    """Class for listing L1C, L2A and indices tiles in the library folders.
+    """Class for listing L1C, L2A and indices tiles in the library folders."""
-    """
     _temp_path = Path(Config().get("temp_path"))
     _l1c_path = Path(Config().get("l1c_path"))
     _l2a_path = Path(Config().get("l2a_path"))
@@ -41,7 +45,9 @@ class Library:
         self._indices = dict()
         for indice in [f.name for f in self._indices_path.glob("*")]:
-            self.__dict__[indice.lower()] = [f.name for f in self._indices_path.glob("{}/*".format(indice))]
+            self.__dict__[indice.lower()] = [
+                f.name for f in self._indices_path.glob("{}/*".format(indice))
+            ]
     def l1c(self) -> List[str]:
@@ -57,18 +63,24 @@ class Library:
     def indices(self) -> Dict[str, pathlib.PosixPath]:
         """Returns tiles in the indices library folder."""
         return self._indices
-    def clean(self, 
-              clean_list: list = [],
-              remove_indice_tif: bool = False, 
-              remove: bool = False):
-        """Function to clean corrupted files during processing errors from whole Library
-        or selected Tiles. Calls the clean_lib function from Tile class.
-        :param clean_list: list of tiles to be cleaned. If not provided, will process all l1c tiles.
-        :param remove_indice_tif: bool. If True will remove present TIFF files present in indice folders. Default value False.
-        :param remove: bool. If True will effectively remove corrupted files, if False will just list identified problems. Default value False.
+    def clean(
+        self,
+        clean_list: list = [],
+        remove_indice_tif: bool = False,
+        remove: bool = False,
+    ):
+        """Function to clean corrupted files during processing errors from
+        whole Library or selected Tiles. Calls the clean_lib function from Tile
+        class.
+        :param clean_list: list of tiles to be cleaned. If not provided, will
+            process all l1c tiles.
+        :param remove_indice_tif: bool. If True will remove present TIFF files
+            present in indice folders. Default value False.
+        :param remove: bool. If True will effectively remove corrupted files,
+            if False will just list identified problems. Default value False.
         nb_id = 0
         nb_rm = 0
@@ -78,103 +90,125 @@ class Library:
         for t in clean_list:
                 til = Tile(t)
-                counts = til.clean_lib(remove=remove, remove_indice_tif=remove_indice_tif)
+                counts = til.clean_lib(
+                    remove=remove, remove_indice_tif=remove_indice_tif
+                )
                 nb_id += counts["identified_problems"]
                 nb_rm += counts["removed_problems"]
                 if counts["problems"]:
-                logger.info("{} - identified problems:{} - removed problems:{}".format(til, counts["identified_problems"], counts["removed_problems"]))
+                logger.info(
+                    "{} - identified problems:{} - removed problems:{}".format(
+                        til,
+                        counts["identified_problems"],
+                        counts["removed_problems"],
+                    )
+                )
-        return {"identified_problems": nb_id, "removed_problems": nb_rm, "problems": prob_id}
-    def archive_l1c(self,
-                    archive_list: list = [],
-                    force: bool = False,
-                    size_only: bool = False,
-                    ):
+        return {
+            "identified_problems": nb_id,
+            "removed_problems": nb_rm,
+            "problems": prob_id,
+        }
+    def archive_l1c(
+        self,
+        archive_list: list = [],
+        force: bool = False,
+        size_only: bool = False,
+    ):
         Function to archive l1c products from library folder to l1c_archive_path.
         Calls the archive_l1c function from Tile class, see there for details.
-        :param archive_list: list of tiles to archive. If not provided, will process all l1c tiles.
+        :param archive_list: list of tiles to archive. If not provided, will
+            process all l1c tiles.
         :param size_only: if True, only gives sizes
-        """        
-        total_size = 0 
+        """
+        total_size = 0
         if not archive_list:
             archive_list = self.l1c
         for t in archive_list:
                 til = Tile(t)
-                size_tile = til.archive_l1c(size_only = size_only, force = force)
+                size_tile = til.archive_l1c(size_only=size_only, force=force)
                 if size_only:
                     total_size += size_tile
-        logger.info("Total l1c size to move: {}".format(human_size_decimal(total_size)))
-    def archive_l2a(self,
-                    tile_list: list = [],
-                    size_only: bool = False,
-                    ):
+        logger.info(
+            "Total l1c size to move: {}".format(human_size_decimal(total_size))
+        )
+    def archive_l2a(
+        self,
+        tile_list: list = [],
+        size_only: bool = False,
+    ):
         Function to archive l2a products from library folder to l2a_archive_path.
         Calls the archive_l2a function from Tile class, see there for details.
-        :param tile_list: list of tiles to archive. If not provided, will process all l2a tiles.
-        :param size_only: if True, only gives sizes
-        """        
-        total_size = 0 
+        :param tile_list: list of tiles to archive. If not provided, will
+            process all l2a tiles.
+        :param size_only: if True, only gives sizes.
+        """
+        total_size = 0
         if not tile_list:
             tile_list = self.l2a
         for t in tile_list:
                 til = Tile(t)
-                size_tile = til.archive_l2a(size_only = size_only)
+                size_tile = til.archive_l2a(size_only=size_only)
                 if size_only:
                     total_size += size_tile
                 logger.info("Problem while archiving")
-        logger.info("Total l2a size to move: {}".format(human_size_decimal(total_size)))
-    def archive_all(self,
-                    archive_list: list = [],
-                    size_only: bool = False,
-                    force: bool = False,
-                    ):
-        total_size = 0 
+        logger.info(
+            "Total l2a size to move: {}".format(human_size_decimal(total_size))
+        )
+    def archive_all(
+        self,
+        archive_list: list = [],
+        size_only: bool = False,
+        force: bool = False,
+    ):
+        total_size = 0
         if not archive_list:
             archive_list = self.l1c
         for t in archive_list:
                 til = Tile(t)
-                size_tile = til.archive_all(size_only = size_only, force = force)
+                size_tile = til.archive_all(size_only=size_only, force=force)
                 total_size += size_tile
-        logger.info("Total size to move: {}".format(human_size_decimal(total_size)))
-    def compute_ql(self,
-                      tile_list: list = [],
-                      product_list: list = [],
-                      resolution: int = 750,
-                      jpg: bool = True,
-                      ):
+        logger.info(
+            "Total size to move: {}".format(human_size_decimal(total_size))
+        )
+    def compute_ql(
+        self,
+        tile_list: list = [],
+        product_list: list = [],
+        resolution: int = 750,
+        jpg: bool = True,
+    ):
-         - l1c and/or l2a quicklooks 
-         - for provided tile_list or all the library tiles 
+         - l1c and/or l2a quicklooks
+         - for provided tile_list or all the library tiles
          - at specified resolution
          - in jpg or tiff format
-        """        
+        """
         if not tile_list:
             tile_list = list(set(self.l1c + self.l2a))
         for tile in tile_list:
@@ -190,12 +224,12 @@ class Library:
-    #~ def update_latest_ql(self):
-        #~ """
-        #~ Produce or update the latest quicklook for the L2A library tiles
-        #~ """
-        #~ for tile in self.l2a:
-            #~ Tile(tile).update_latest_ql()
+    # def update_latest_ql(self):
+    #     """
+    #     Produce or update the latest quicklook for the L2A library tiles
+    #     """
+    #     for tile in self.l2a:
+    #         Tile(tile).update_latest_ql()
     def update_old_cloudmasks(self):
@@ -203,7 +237,7 @@ class Library:
         for tile in self.l2a:
     def remove_very_old_cloudmasks(self):
         Remove very old cloudmasks, matching pattern : *_CLOUD_MASK.tif for the L2A library tiles
@@ -225,126 +259,184 @@ class Library:
         for tile in {f.name for f in list(self._indices_path.glob("*/*/"))}:
     def init_md(self):
-        Initiate sen2chain metadata for all tile products (l2a, cloudmasks, indices (raw, masked, ql)) 
+        Initiate sen2chain metadata for all tile products (l2a, cloudmasks, indices (raw, masked, ql))
         for the L1C, L2A and Indice library tiles
-        for tile in set([val for sublist in [k for k in [getattr(self,t) for t in self.__dict__]] for val in sublist]):
-           Tile(tile).init_md()
-    def compute_l2a(self, 
-                    tile_list: list = [],
-                    date_min: str = None,
-                    date_max: str = None,
-                    nb_proc: int = 4, 
-                    ):
-        l1c_process_list =  []
+        for tile in set(
+            [
+                val
+                for sublist in [
+                    k for k in [getattr(self, t) for t in self.__dict__]
+                ]
+                for val in sublist
+            ]
+        ):
+            Tile(tile).init_md()
+    def compute_l2a(
+        self,
+        tile_list: list = [],
+        date_min: str = None,
+        date_max: str = None,
+        nb_proc: int = 4,
+    ):
+        l1c_process_list = []
         for tile in tile_list:
             t = Tile(tile)
-            l1c_process_list.append(list(p.identifier for p in t.l2a_missings.filter_dates(date_min = date_min, date_max = date_max)))
+            l1c_process_list.append(
+                list(
+                    p.identifier
+                    for p in t.l2a_missings.filter_dates(
+                        date_min=date_min, date_max=date_max
+                    )
+                )
+            )
         l1c_process_list = list(chain.from_iterable(l1c_process_list))
-        logger.info("l1c_process_list ({} files): \n{}".format(len(l1c_process_list), l1c_process_list))
+        logger.info(
+            "l1c_process_list ({} files): \n{}".format(
+                len(l1c_process_list), l1c_process_list
+            )
+        )
         if l1c_process_list:
             l2a_res = l2a_multiprocessing(l1c_process_list, nb_proc=nb_proc)
-    def compute_cloudmasks(self, 
-                    tile_list: list = [],
-                    cm_version: str = "cm001",
-                    probability: int = 1,
-                    iterations: int = 5,
-                    cld_shad: bool = True,
-                    cld_med_prob: bool = True,
-                    cld_hi_prob: bool = True,
-                    thin_cir: bool = True,
-                    reprocess: bool = False,
-                    date_min: str = None,
-                    date_max: str = None,
-                    nb_proc: int = 4,
-                    ):
-        cld_l2a_process_list =  []
+    def compute_cloudmasks(
+        self,
+        tile_list: list = [],
+        cm_version: str = "cm001",
+        probability: int = 1,
+        iterations: int = 5,
+        cld_shad: bool = True,
+        cld_med_prob: bool = True,
+        cld_hi_prob: bool = True,
+        thin_cir: bool = True,
+        reprocess: bool = False,
+        date_min: str = None,
+        date_max: str = None,
+        nb_proc: int = 4,
+    ):
+        cld_l2a_process_list = []
         for tile in tile_list:
             t = Tile(tile)
             if not reprocess:
-                l2a_list = [p.identifier for p in t.cloudmasks_missing(cm_version = cm_version,
-                                                                       probability = probability,
-                                                                       iterations = iterations,
-                                                                       cld_shad = cld_shad,
-                                                                       cld_med_prob = cld_med_prob,
-                                                                       cld_hi_prob = cld_hi_prob,
-                                                                       thin_cir = thin_cir,
-                                                                       )\
-                                                                       .filter_dates(date_min = date_min, date_max = date_max)]
+                l2a_list = [
+                    p.identifier
+                    for p in t.cloudmasks_missing(
+                        cm_version=cm_version,
+                        probability=probability,
+                        iterations=iterations,
+                        cld_shad=cld_shad,
+                        cld_med_prob=cld_med_prob,
+                        cld_hi_prob=cld_hi_prob,
+                        thin_cir=thin_cir,
+                    ).filter_dates(date_min=date_min, date_max=date_max)
+                ]
-                l2a_list = [p.identifier for p in t.l2a.filter_dates(date_min = date_min, date_max = date_max)]
+                l2a_list = [
+                    p.identifier
+                    for p in t.l2a.filter_dates(
+                        date_min=date_min, date_max=date_max
+                    )
+                ]
             for j in l2a_list:
-                cld_l2a_process_list.append([j, 
-                                             cm_version,
-                                             probability,
-                                             iterations,
-                                             cld_shad,
-                                             cld_med_prob,
-                                             cld_hi_prob,
-                                             thin_cir,
-                                             reprocess,
-                                             ])
-        logger.info("cld_l2a_process_list ({} files): \n{}".format(len(cld_l2a_process_list), cld_l2a_process_list))
+                cld_l2a_process_list.append(
+                    [
+                        j,
+                        cm_version,
+                        probability,
+                        iterations,
+                        cld_shad,
+                        cld_med_prob,
+                        cld_hi_prob,
+                        thin_cir,
+                        reprocess,
+                    ]
+                )
+        logger.info(
+            "cld_l2a_process_list ({} files): \n{}".format(
+                len(cld_l2a_process_list), cld_l2a_process_list
+            )
+        )
         if cld_l2a_process_list:
-            cld_res = cld_version_probability_iterations_reprocessing_multiprocessing(cld_l2a_process_list, nb_proc=nb_proc)
-    def compute_indices(self, 
-                    tile_list: list = [],
-                    indice_list: list = [],                        
-                    reprocess: bool = False,
-                    nodata_clouds: bool = True,
-                    quicklook: bool = False,
-                    cm_version: list = "cm001",
-                    probability: int = 1,
-                    iterations: int = 5,
-                    cld_shad: bool = True,
-                    cld_med_prob: bool = True,
-                    cld_hi_prob: bool = True,
-                    thin_cir: bool = True,                    
-                    date_min: str = None,
-                    date_max: str = None,
-                    nb_proc: int = 4):
-        indices_l2a_process_list =  []
+            cld_res = cld_version_probability_iterations_reprocessing_multiprocessing(
+                cld_l2a_process_list, nb_proc=nb_proc
+            )
+    def compute_indices(
+        self,
+        tile_list: list = [],
+        indice_list: list = [],
+        reprocess: bool = False,
+        nodata_clouds: bool = True,
+        quicklook: bool = False,
+        cm_version: list = "cm001",
+        probability: int = 1,
+        iterations: int = 5,
+        cld_shad: bool = True,
+        cld_med_prob: bool = True,
+        cld_hi_prob: bool = True,
+        thin_cir: bool = True,
+        date_min: str = None,
+        date_max: str = None,
+        nb_proc: int = 4,
+    ):
+        indices_l2a_process_list = []
         for tile in tile_list:
             t = Tile(tile)
             for i in indice_list:
                 if not reprocess:
-                    l2a_list = [p.identifier for p in t.missing_indices(i,
-                                                                        nodata_clouds = nodata_clouds,
-                                                                        cm_version = cm_version,
-                                                                        probability = probability, 
-                                                                        iterations = iterations,
-                                                                        cld_shad = cld_shad,
-                                                                        cld_med_prob = cld_med_prob,
-                                                                        cld_hi_prob = cld_hi_prob,
-                                                                        thin_cir = thin_cir,
-                                                                        ).filter_dates(date_min = date_min, date_max = date_max)]
+                    l2a_list = [
+                        p.identifier
+                        for p in t.missing_indices(
+                            i,
+                            nodata_clouds=nodata_clouds,
+                            cm_version=cm_version,
+                            probability=probability,
+                            iterations=iterations,
+                            cld_shad=cld_shad,
+                            cld_med_prob=cld_med_prob,
+                            cld_hi_prob=cld_hi_prob,
+                            thin_cir=thin_cir,
+                        ).filter_dates(date_min=date_min, date_max=date_max)
+                    ]
-                    l2a_list = [p.identifier for p in t.l2a.filter_dates(date_min = date_min, date_max = date_max)]
+                    l2a_list = [
+                        p.identifier
+                        for p in t.l2a.filter_dates(
+                            date_min=date_min, date_max=date_max
+                        )
+                    ]
                 for j in l2a_list:
-                    indices_l2a_process_list.append([j, 
-                                                     i,
-                                                     reprocess,
-                                                     nodata_clouds,
-                                                     quicklook,
-                                                     cm_version,
-                                                     probability,
-                                                     iterations,
-                                                     cld_shad,
-                                                     cld_med_prob,
-                                                     cld_hi_prob,
-                                                     thin_cir,
-                                                     ])
-        logger.info("indices_l2a_process_list ({} files): \n{}".format(len(indices_l2a_process_list), indices_l2a_process_list))
+                    indices_l2a_process_list.append(
+                        [
+                            j,
+                            i,
+                            reprocess,
+                            nodata_clouds,
+                            quicklook,
+                            cm_version,
+                            probability,
+                            iterations,
+                            cld_shad,
+                            cld_med_prob,
+                            cld_hi_prob,
+                            thin_cir,
+                        ]
+                    )
+        logger.info(
+            "indices_l2a_process_list ({} files): \n{}".format(
+                len(indices_l2a_process_list), indices_l2a_process_list
+            )
+        )
         if indices_l2a_process_list:
-            indices_res = idx_multiprocessing(indices_l2a_process_list, nb_proc=nb_proc)
+            indices_res = idx_multiprocessing(
+                indices_l2a_process_list, nb_proc=nb_proc
+            )
 class TempContainer:
@@ -353,13 +445,16 @@ class TempContainer:
     :param l1c_identifier: L1C product's identifier.
     :param tile: product's tile name.
     _temp_path = Path(Config().get("temp_path"))
     def __init__(self, l1c_identifier=None, tile: str = None):
         self.tile = tile
         self.temp_id = l1c_identifier + "_TEMP"
         self.temp_path = self._temp_path / self.temp_id
-        self.l1c = L1cProduct(identifier=l1c_identifier, tile=tile, path=self.temp_path)
+        self.l1c = L1cProduct(
+            identifier=l1c_identifier, tile=tile, path=self.temp_path
+        )
     def create_temp_folder(self) -> "TempContainer":
         """Creates the L1C product's temporary folder in the TEMP library folder."""
@@ -375,9 +470,13 @@ class TempContainer:
         """Unzips the downloaded L1C zip file in the product's temporary folder."""
         zip_file = self.temp_path / (self.l1c.identifier + ".zip")
         if zip_file.exists():
-            logger.info("{} : Unzipping L1C archive".format(self.l1c.identifier))
+            logger.info(
+                "{} : Unzipping L1C archive".format(self.l1c.identifier)
+            )
             shutil.unpack_archive(str(zip_file), str(self.temp_path))
-            sorted(zip_file.parent.glob("*.SAFE"))[0].rename(zip_file.parent / (zip_file.stem + ".SAFE"))
+            sorted(zip_file.parent.glob("*.SAFE"))[0].rename(
+                zip_file.parent / (zip_file.stem + ".SAFE")
+            )
         return self
@@ -388,7 +487,9 @@ class TempContainer:
             except FileNotFoundError:
-                logger.warning("Temp folder does not exist: {}".format(self.temp_path))
+                logger.warning(
+                    "Temp folder does not exist: {}".format(self.temp_path)
+                )
             logger.error("Temp folder contains a SAFE product.")
         return self
diff --git a/sen2chain/multi_processing.py b/sen2chain/multi_processing.py
index f619dfa892318db3b3f83f3f504579fea62c7452..b794ee27b25a3455d9380e25431537ab6b52044f 100644
--- a/sen2chain/multi_processing.py
+++ b/sen2chain/multi_processing.py
@@ -1,11 +1,12 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# coding: utf-8
 import multiprocessing, subprocess
 import os
 from time import sleep
 import logging
 from functools import partial
-#~ import psutil
+# import psutil
 from .products import L1cProduct, L2aProduct
@@ -13,61 +14,72 @@ logger = logging.getLogger("Multiprocessing")
 def multi(product):
         fwd = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
         logger.info("Processing {}".format(product))
-        cmd= ["setsid", "/usr/bin/python3", fwd + "/multiprocess_l2a.py", product]
+        cmd = [
+            "setsid",
+            "/usr/bin/python3",
+            fwd + "/multiprocess_l2a.py",
+            product,
+        ]
         proc = subprocess.Popen(cmd)
         l1c = L1cProduct(product)
-        l2a_identifier = l1c.identifier.replace("L1C_", "L2A_").replace("_OPER_", "_USER_")
+        l2a_identifier = l1c.identifier.replace("L1C_", "L2A_").replace(
+            "_OPER_", "_USER_"
+        )
         l2a_prod = L2aProduct(l2a_identifier)
-        while not(l2a_prod.in_library):
+        while not (l2a_prod.in_library):
         logger.info("End {}".format(product))
         logger.info("Plante {}".format(product))
 def l2a_multiprocessing(process_list, nb_proc=4):
     """ """
-    nb_proc = max(min(len(os.sched_getaffinity(0))-1, nb_proc), 1)
+    nb_proc = max(min(len(os.sched_getaffinity(0)) - 1, nb_proc), 1)
     pool = multiprocessing.Pool(nb_proc)
     results = [pool.map(multi, process_list)]
     return True
-#~ def multi_cldidx(indice_list, l2a_identifier):
-    #~ l2a = L2aProduct(l2a_identifier)
-    #~ l2a.process_cloud_mask_v2()
-    #~ l2a.process_indices(indice_list, True, True)
-#~ def cldidx_multiprocessing(process_list, indice_list=["NDVI", "NDWIGAO", "NDWIMCF"], nb_proc=4):
-    #~ """ """
-    #~ nb_proc = max(min(len(os.sched_getaffinity(0))-1, nb_proc), 1)
-    #~ pool = multiprocessing.Pool(nb_proc)
-    #~ results = [pool.map(partial(multi_cldidx, indice_list), process_list)]
-    #~ pool.close()
-    #~ pool.join()
-    #~ return True
-#~ def multi_cld(l2a_identifier):
-    #~ l2a = L2aProduct(l2a_identifier)
-    #~ try:
-        #~ l2a.process_cloud_mask_v2()
-    #~ except:
-        #~ pass
-#~ def cld_multiprocessing(process_list, nb_proc=4):
-    #~ """ """
-    #~ nb_proc = max(min(len(os.sched_getaffinity(0))-1, nb_proc), 1)
-    #~ pool = multiprocessing.Pool(nb_proc)
-    #~ results = [pool.map(multi_cld, process_list)]
-    #~ pool.close()
-    #~ pool.join()
-    #~ return True
+# def multi_cldidx(indice_list, l2a_identifier):
+#     l2a = L2aProduct(l2a_identifier)
+#     l2a.process_cloud_mask_v2()
+#     l2a.process_indices(indice_list, True, True)
+# def cldidx_multiprocessing(process_list, indice_list=["NDVI", "NDWIGAO", "NDWIMCF"], nb_proc=4):
+#     """ """
+#     nb_proc = max(min(len(os.sched_getaffinity(0))-1, nb_proc), 1)
+#     pool = multiprocessing.Pool(nb_proc)
+#     results = [pool.map(partial(multi_cldidx, indice_list), process_list)]
+#     pool.close()
+#     pool.join()
+#     return True
+# def multi_cld(l2a_identifier):
+#     l2a = L2aProduct(l2a_identifier)
+#     try:
+#         l2a.process_cloud_mask_v2()
+#     except:
+#         pass
+# def cld_multiprocessing(process_list, nb_proc=4):
+#     """ """
+#     nb_proc = max(min(len(os.sched_getaffinity(0))-1, nb_proc), 1)
+#     pool = multiprocessing.Pool(nb_proc)
+#     results = [pool.map(multi_cld, process_list)]
+#     pool.close()
+#     pool.join()
+#     return True
 def multi_cld_ver_pro_iter_repro(l2a_ver_pro_iter_repro):
     l2a = L2aProduct(l2a_ver_pro_iter_repro[0])
@@ -80,33 +92,39 @@ def multi_cld_ver_pro_iter_repro(l2a_ver_pro_iter_repro):
     thin_cir = l2a_ver_pro_iter_repro[7]
     reprocess = l2a_ver_pro_iter_repro[8]
-        l2a.compute_cloud_mask(cm_version = cm_version, 
-                               probability = probability, 
-                               iterations = iterations, 
-                               cld_shad = cld_shad,
-                               cld_med_prob = cld_med_prob, 
-                               cld_hi_prob = cld_hi_prob,
-                               thin_cir = thin_cir,
-                               reprocess = reprocess)
+        l2a.compute_cloud_mask(
+            cm_version=cm_version,
+            probability=probability,
+            iterations=iterations,
+            cld_shad=cld_shad,
+            cld_med_prob=cld_med_prob,
+            cld_hi_prob=cld_hi_prob,
+            thin_cir=thin_cir,
+            reprocess=reprocess,
+        )
-def cld_version_probability_iterations_reprocessing_multiprocessing(process_list, nb_proc=4):
+def cld_version_probability_iterations_reprocessing_multiprocessing(
+    process_list, nb_proc=4
     """ """
-    nb_proc = max(min(len(os.sched_getaffinity(0))-1, nb_proc), 1)
+    nb_proc = max(min(len(os.sched_getaffinity(0)) - 1, nb_proc), 1)
     pool = multiprocessing.Pool(nb_proc)
     results = [pool.map(multi_cld_ver_pro_iter_repro, process_list)]
     return True
 def multi_idx(l2a_id_idx):
     l2a_identifier = l2a_id_idx[0]
     indice = l2a_id_idx[1]
     reprocess = l2a_id_idx[2]
     nodata_clouds = l2a_id_idx[3]
-    quicklook = l2a_id_idx[4] 
-    cm_version = l2a_id_idx[5] 
+    quicklook = l2a_id_idx[4]
+    cm_version = l2a_id_idx[5]
     probability = l2a_id_idx[6]
     iterations = l2a_id_idx[7]
     cld_shad = l2a_id_idx[8]
@@ -115,24 +133,26 @@ def multi_idx(l2a_id_idx):
     thin_cir = l2a_id_idx[11]
     l2a = L2aProduct(l2a_identifier)
-        l2a.compute_indice(indice = indice, 
-                           reprocess = reprocess, 
-                           nodata_clouds = nodata_clouds, 
-                           quicklook = quicklook, 
-                           cm_version = cm_version, 
-                           probability = probability,
-                           iterations = iterations,
-                           cld_shad = cld_shad,
-                           cld_med_prob = cld_med_prob,
-                           cld_hi_prob = cld_hi_prob,
-                           thin_cir = thin_cir,
-                           )
+        l2a.compute_indice(
+            indice=indice,
+            reprocess=reprocess,
+            nodata_clouds=nodata_clouds,
+            quicklook=quicklook,
+            cm_version=cm_version,
+            probability=probability,
+            iterations=iterations,
+            cld_shad=cld_shad,
+            cld_med_prob=cld_med_prob,
+            cld_hi_prob=cld_hi_prob,
+            thin_cir=thin_cir,
+        )
 def idx_multiprocessing(process_list, nb_proc=4):
     """ """
-    nb_proc = max(min(len(os.sched_getaffinity(0))-1, nb_proc), 1)
+    nb_proc = max(min(len(os.sched_getaffinity(0)) - 1, nb_proc), 1)
     pool = multiprocessing.Pool(nb_proc)
     results = [pool.map(multi_idx, process_list)]
diff --git a/sen2chain/multiprocess_l2a.py b/sen2chain/multiprocess_l2a.py
index da7409e89f49e1cefce562f8544227d5071c29cd..db74f4202c3ec6692feed3071da037dc893cd7a1 100644
--- a/sen2chain/multiprocess_l2a.py
+++ b/sen2chain/multiprocess_l2a.py
@@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
 # -*- coding:utf-8 -*-
+# FIXME: delete file ?
     This python script should be run from terminal for multiprocessing l1c-> l2a
diff --git a/sen2chain/parallel_processing.py b/sen2chain/parallel_processing.py
index 6de8294311d5b49ad158691a075895c3e91c8371..3bc92a5108715c9dabad7d55e32660fc07154e68 100644
--- a/sen2chain/parallel_processing.py
+++ b/sen2chain/parallel_processing.py
@@ -1,17 +1,23 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# coding: utf-8
 import concurrent.futures
 import urllib.request
 import time
-#~ from .tiles import Tile
-#~ from .products import L1cProduct, L2aProduct
+# from .tiles import Tile
+# from .products import L1cProduct, L2aProduct
 from sen2chain import Tile, L1cProduct, L2aProduct
-def process(l1c_identifier,
-            reprocess_l2a=False, reprocess_cloud_mask=False,
-            indices_list=[], reprocess_indices=False, nodata_clouds=False, quicklook=False):
+def process(
+    l1c_identifier,
+    reprocess_l2a=False,
+    reprocess_cloud_mask=False,
+    indices_list=[],
+    reprocess_indices=False,
+    nodata_clouds=False,
+    quicklook=False,
     """Process a list of products in paralle.
     :param l1c_identifier:
@@ -27,47 +33,66 @@ def process(l1c_identifier,
         l2a_identifier = l1c_identifier.replace("1C_", "2A_")
-        L2aProduct(l2a_identifier).process_cloud_mask(reprocess=reprocess_cloud_mask)
-        L2aProduct(l2a_identifier).process_indices(indices_list=indices_list,
-                                                     nodata_clouds=nodata_clouds,
-                                                     quicklook=quicklook,
-                                                     reprocess=reprocess_indices,
-                                                    )
+        L2aProduct(l2a_identifier).process_cloud_mask(
+            reprocess=reprocess_cloud_mask
+        )
+        L2aProduct(l2a_identifier).process_indices(
+            indices_list=indices_list,
+            nodata_clouds=nodata_clouds,
+            quicklook=quicklook,
+            reprocess=reprocess_indices,
+        )
     except Exception as e:
         return "FAILED", e
     return "success", None
-def parallel_processing(identifiers_list, max_workers=3,
-            reprocess_l2a=False, reprocess_cloud_mask=False,
-            indices_list=[], reprocess_indices=False,
-            nodata_clouds=False, quicklook=False):
+def parallel_processing(
+    identifiers_list,
+    max_workers=3,
+    reprocess_l2a=False,
+    reprocess_cloud_mask=False,
+    indices_list=[],
+    reprocess_indices=False,
+    nodata_clouds=False,
+    quicklook=False,
     """ """
     prods = [L1cProduct(p.identifier) for p in identifiers_list]
-    with concurrent.futures.ProcessPoolExecutor(max_workers=max_workers) as executor:
-        future_to_mot = {executor.submit(process, p.identifier, **kwargs): p for p in prods}
+    with concurrent.futures.ProcessPoolExecutor(
+        max_workers=max_workers
+    ) as executor:
+        future_to_mot = {
+            executor.submit(process, p.identifier, **kwargs): p for p in prods
+        }
         for future in concurrent.futures.as_completed(future_to_mot):
             identifier = future_to_mot[future]
             issue = future.result()
-            print("{} processing: {}. Errors: {}.".format(identifier, issue[0], issue[1]))
+            print(
+                "{} processing: {}. Errors: {}.".format(
+                    identifier, issue[0], issue[1]
+                )
+            )
 if __name__ == "__main__":
-    kwargs = {"reprocess_l2a": False,
-              "reprocess_cloud_mask": False,
-              "indices_list": ["NDVI", "NDWIGAO", "NDWIMCP"],
-              "nodata_clouds": True,
-              "quicklook": True,
-              "reprocess_indices": False}
+    kwargs = {
+        "reprocess_l2a": False,
+        "reprocess_cloud_mask": False,
+        "indices_list": ["NDVI", "NDWIGAO", "NDWIMCP"],
+        "nodata_clouds": True,
+        "quicklook": True,
+        "reprocess_indices": False,
+    }
     identifiers_list = Tile("38LPM").l1c
-    parallel_processing(identifiers_list=identifiers_list, max_workers=8, **kwargs)
+    parallel_processing(
+        identifiers_list=identifiers_list, max_workers=8, **kwargs
+    )
-#parallel(identifiers_list, process_indices
+# parallel(identifiers_list, process_indices
diff --git a/sen2chain/products.py b/sen2chain/products.py
index f93bff57706fd160c1a850635f9b04b731cb227b..5159cc160a9f77a5b3028c099e26d541d1c49659 100755
--- a/sen2chain/products.py
+++ b/sen2chain/products.py
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# coding: utf-8
 Module for managing products and tiles in the library and temp folders.
@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ import re
 import os
 from pathlib import Path
 # type annotations
 from typing import List, Tuple, Optional
@@ -18,9 +19,20 @@ from .utils import grouper, setPermissions, get_current_Sen2Cor_version
 from .config import Config, SHARED_DATA
 from .xmlparser import MetadataParser, Sen2ChainMetadataParser
 from .sen2cor import process_sen2cor
-from .cloud_mask import create_cloud_mask, create_cloud_mask_v2, create_cloud_mask_b11, create_cloud_mask_v003, create_cloud_mask_v004
+from .cloud_mask import (
+    create_cloud_mask,
+    create_cloud_mask_v2,
+    create_cloud_mask_b11,
+    create_cloud_mask_v003,
+    create_cloud_mask_v004,
 from .indices import IndicesCollection
-from .colormap import create_l2a_ql, create_l1c_ql, create_l1c_ql_v2, create_l2a_ql_v2
+from .colormap import (
+    create_l2a_ql,
+    create_l1c_ql,
+    create_l1c_ql_v2,
+    create_l2a_ql_v2,
 s2_tiles_index = SHARED_DATA.get("tiles_index")
@@ -29,13 +41,14 @@ logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
 class Product:
-    """ Base product template class. This class is designed to be
+    """Base product template class. This class is designed to be
     instanciated only by sub-classes.
     :param identifier: L1C product's identifier or SAFE filename.
     :param tile: tile's name.
     :param path: parent's SAFE folder path.
     _library_path = Path("")
     _metadata_filename_templates = ()
@@ -46,10 +59,10 @@ class Product:
         return object.__new__(cls)
     def __init__(
-            self,
-            identifier: str = None,
-            tile: str = None,
-            path: pathlib.PosixPath = None
+        self,
+        identifier: str = None,
+        tile: str = None,
+        path: pathlib.PosixPath = None,
     ) -> None:
         if identifier is None:
             raise ValueError("Product identifier is empty")
@@ -76,7 +89,9 @@ class Product:
         if path is None:
             self.path = self.library_path
-            logger.debug("No path specified, using library's: {}".format(self.path))
+            logger.debug(
+                "No path specified, using library's: {}".format(self.path)
+            )
             self.path = path / self.safe
@@ -101,10 +116,16 @@ class Product:
         if self._metadata_parser is None:
-                self._metadata_parser = MetadataParser(metadata_path=self._metadata_path, tile=self.tile)
+                self._metadata_parser = MetadataParser(
+                    metadata_path=self._metadata_path, tile=self.tile
+                )
             except Exception as e:
-                logger.error("{}: could not load metadata: {}".format(self.identifier, self._metadata_path))
+                logger.error(
+                    "{}: could not load metadata: {}".format(
+                        self.identifier, self._metadata_path
+                    )
+                )
     def _get_metadata_path(self) -> None:
         """Searchs and sets the metadata path of the product."""
@@ -112,7 +133,12 @@ class Product:
         if self._tiled:
             filename = self._tiled_metadata
-            filename = self.identifier.replace("_PRD_", "_MTD_").replace("_MSI", "_SAF") + ".xml"
+            filename = (
+                self.identifier.replace("_PRD_", "_MTD_").replace(
+                    "_MSI", "_SAF"
+                )
+                + ".xml"
+            )
         metadata_path = self.path / filename
         if not metadata_path.exists():
             self._metadata_path = None
@@ -165,13 +191,13 @@ class L1cProduct(Product):
     :param tile: product's tile.
     :param path: parent folder.
     _library_path = Path(Config().get("l1c_path"))
     _tiled_metadata = "MTD_MSIL1C.xml"
-    def __init__(self,
-                 identifier: str = None,
-                 tile: str = None,
-                 path: str = None):
+    def __init__(
+        self, identifier: str = None, tile: str = None, path: str = None
+    ):
         super().__init__(identifier=identifier, tile=tile, path=path)
@@ -179,10 +205,12 @@ class L1cProduct(Product):
             raise ValueError("Invalid L1C product name")
     def process_l2a(self, reprocess: bool = False) -> "L1cProduct":
-        """ process sen2cor """
+        """process sen2cor"""
         logger.info("{}: processing L2A".format(self.identifier))
-        l2a_identifier = self.identifier.replace("L1C_", "L2A_").replace("_OPER_", "_USER_")
+        l2a_identifier = self.identifier.replace("L1C_", "L2A_").replace(
+            "_OPER_", "_USER_"
+        )
         l2a_path = self.path.parent / (l2a_identifier + ".SAFE")
         l2a_prod = L2aProduct(l2a_identifier, self.tile, l2a_path.parent)
@@ -215,43 +243,49 @@ class L1cProduct(Product):
         return self
-    def process_ql(self,
-                   reprocess: bool = False,
-                   out_path: pathlib.PosixPath = None,
-                   out_resolution: Tuple[int, int] = (100, 100),
-                   jpg = False,
-                   ) -> "L1cProduct":
-        """
-        """
+    def process_ql(
+        self,
+        reprocess: bool = False,
+        out_path: pathlib.PosixPath = None,
+        out_resolution: Tuple[int, int] = (100, 100),
+        jpg=False,
+    ) -> "L1cProduct":
+        """ """
         logger.info("{}: processing L1C Quicklook".format(self.identifier))
         if jpg:
-            ql_filename = self.identifier + "_QL-"+ str(out_resolution[0]) + "m.jpg"
+            ql_filename = (
+                self.identifier + "_QL-" + str(out_resolution[0]) + "m.jpg"
+            )
-            ql_filename = self.identifier + "_QL-"+ str(out_resolution[0]) + "m.tif"
+            ql_filename = (
+                self.identifier + "_QL-" + str(out_resolution[0]) + "m.tif"
+            )
         if out_path is None:
             ql_folder = self.library_path.parent / "QL"
             ql_folder.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
             ql_path = ql_folder / ql_filename
             ql_path = Path(out_path)
         if ql_path.exists() and not reprocess:
             logger.info("{} Quicklook already exists".format(self.identifier))
-            #~ create_l1c_ql(tci = self.tci,
-                          #~ out_path = ql_path,
-                          #~ out_resolution = out_resolution,
-                          #~ jpg = jpg)
-            create_l1c_ql_v2(tci = self.tci,
-                          out_path = ql_path,
-                          out_resolution = out_resolution,
-                          jpg = jpg)
+            # create_l1c_ql(tci = self.tci,
+            # out_path = ql_path,
+            # out_resolution = out_resolution,
+            # jpg = jpg)
+            create_l1c_ql_v2(
+                tci=self.tci,
+                out_path=ql_path,
+                out_resolution=out_resolution,
+                jpg=jpg,
+            )
             self.user_ql = ql_path
         return ql_path
     def remove(self):
         if self.path.is_symlink():
             l1c_path = os.readlink(str(self.path))
@@ -260,10 +294,10 @@ class L1cProduct(Product):
             logger.info("Removing symlink: {}".format(self.path))
-            #~ l1c_path = os.readlink(str(l1c.path))
+            # l1c_path = os.readlink(str(l1c.path))
             logger.info("Removing: {}".format(self.path))
     def product_start_time(self):
@@ -382,15 +416,13 @@ class L2aProduct(Product):
     :param tile: tile's name.
     :param path: parent's SAFE folder path.
     _library_path = Path(Config().get("l2a_path"))
     _indices_library_path = Path(Config().get("indices_path"))
     _tiled_metadata = "MTD_MSIL2A.xml"
     def __init__(
-            self,
-            identifier: str = None,
-            tile: str = None,
-            path: str = None
+        self, identifier: str = None, tile: str = None, path: str = None
     ) -> None:
         super().__init__(identifier=identifier, tile=tile, path=path)
         if not re.match(r".*L2A_.*", identifier):
@@ -399,71 +431,80 @@ class L2aProduct(Product):
         self.indices_path = self._indices_library_path
         # user cloud mask
-        #~ self.user_cloud_mask = self.path.parent / (self.identifier + "_CLOUD_MASK.jp2")
-        #~ if not self.user_cloud_mask.exists():
-            #~ self.user_cloud_mask = None
-        #~ # user cloud mask b11
-        #~ self.user_cloud_mask_b11 = self.path.parent / (self.identifier + "_CLOUD_MASK_B11.jp2")
-        #~ if not self.user_cloud_mask_b11.exists():
-            #~ self.user_cloud_mask_b11 = None
+        # self.user_cloud_mask = self.path.parent / (self.identifier + "_CLOUD_MASK.jp2")
+        # if not self.user_cloud_mask.exists():
+        # self.user_cloud_mask = None
+        # # user cloud mask b11
+        # self.user_cloud_mask_b11 = self.path.parent / (self.identifier + "_CLOUD_MASK_B11.jp2")
+        # if not self.user_cloud_mask_b11.exists():
+        # self.user_cloud_mask_b11 = None
         # user QL
         self.user_ql = self.path.parent / (self.identifier + "_QL.tif")
         if not self.user_ql.exists():
             self.user_ql = None
         # versions
         self._sen2chain_info_path = self.path / "sen2chain_info.xml"
-        if self._sen2chain_info_path.parent.exists() and not self._sen2chain_info_path.exists():
+        if (
+            self._sen2chain_info_path.parent.exists()
+            and not self._sen2chain_info_path.exists()
+        ):
-    def process_ql(self,
-                   reprocess: bool = False,
-                   out_path: pathlib.PosixPath = None,
-                   out_resolution: Tuple[int, int] = (100, 100),
-                   jpg = False,
-                   ) -> "L2aProduct":
-        """
-        """
+    def process_ql(
+        self,
+        reprocess: bool = False,
+        out_path: pathlib.PosixPath = None,
+        out_resolution: Tuple[int, int] = (100, 100),
+        jpg=False,
+    ) -> "L2aProduct":
+        """ """
         logger.info("{}: processing L2A Quicklook".format(self.identifier))
         if jpg:
-            ql_filename = self.identifier + "_QL-"+ str(out_resolution[0]) + "m.jpg"
+            ql_filename = (
+                self.identifier + "_QL-" + str(out_resolution[0]) + "m.jpg"
+            )
-            ql_filename = self.identifier + "_QL-"+ str(out_resolution[0]) + "m.tif"
+            ql_filename = (
+                self.identifier + "_QL-" + str(out_resolution[0]) + "m.tif"
+            )
         if out_path is None:
             ql_folder = self.library_path.parent / "QL"
             ql_folder.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
             ql_path = ql_folder / ql_filename
             ql_path = Path(out_path)
         if ql_path.exists() and not reprocess:
             logger.info("{} Quicklook already exists".format(self.identifier))
-            #~ create_l2a_ql(b02 = self.b02_10m,
-                          #~ b03 = self.b03_10m,
-                          #~ b04 = self.b04_10m,
-                          #~ out_path = ql_path,
-                          #~ out_resolution = out_resolution,
-                          #~ jpg = jpg)
-            create_l2a_ql_v2(tci = self.tci_10m,
-                          out_path = ql_path,
-                          out_resolution = out_resolution,
-                          jpg = jpg)
+            # create_l2a_ql(b02 = self.b02_10m,
+            # b03 = self.b03_10m,
+            # b04 = self.b04_10m,
+            # out_path = ql_path,
+            # out_resolution = out_resolution,
+            # jpg = jpg)
+            create_l2a_ql_v2(
+                tci=self.tci_10m,
+                out_path=ql_path,
+                out_resolution=out_resolution,
+                jpg=jpg,
+            )
             self.user_ql = ql_path
         return self
-    def process_cloud_mask(self,
-                           buffering: bool = True,
-                           reprocess: bool = False,
-                           out_path: pathlib.PosixPath = None
-                           ) -> "L2aProduct":
-        """
-        """
+    def process_cloud_mask(
+        self,
+        buffering: bool = True,
+        reprocess: bool = False,
+        out_path: pathlib.PosixPath = None,
+    ) -> "L2aProduct":
+        """ """
         logger.info("{}: processing cloud_mask".format(self.identifier))
         cloud_mask_filename = self.identifier + "_CLOUD_MASK.tif"
@@ -478,26 +519,34 @@ class L2aProduct(Product):
         if cloud_mask_path.exists() and not reprocess:
             logger.info("{} cloud mask already exists".format(self.identifier))
-            create_cloud_mask(self.cld_20m,
-                              buffering=buffering,
-                              erosion=-40,
-                              dilatation=100,
-                              out_path=cloud_mask_path)
+            create_cloud_mask(
+                self.cld_20m,
+                buffering=buffering,
+                erosion=-40,
+                dilatation=100,
+                out_path=cloud_mask_path,
+            )
             self.user_cloud_mask = cloud_mask_path
         return self
-    def process_cloud_mask_v2(self,
-                              buffering: bool = True,
-                              reprocess: bool = False,
-                              out_path_mask = None,
-                              out_path_mask_b11 = None
-                              ) -> "L2aProduct":
-        """
-        """
+    def process_cloud_mask_v2(
+        self,
+        buffering: bool = True,
+        reprocess: bool = False,
+        out_path_mask=None,
+        out_path_mask_b11=None,
+    ) -> "L2aProduct":
+        """ """
         logger.info("{}: processing cloud_mask_v2".format(self.identifier))
         cloud_mask_filename = self.identifier + "_CLOUD_MASK.jp2"
-        cloud_mask_b11_filename = str(Path(cloud_mask_filename).parent/Path(cloud_mask_filename).stem) + "_B11.jp2"
+        cloud_mask_b11_filename = (
+            str(
+                Path(cloud_mask_filename).parent
+                / Path(cloud_mask_filename).stem
+            )
+            + "_B11.jp2"
+        )
         if out_path_mask is None:
             cloud_mask_folder = self.library_path.parent
@@ -514,124 +563,172 @@ class L2aProduct(Product):
             cloud_mask_b11_path = Path(out_path_mask_b11)
         if cloud_mask_path.exists() and not reprocess:
-            logger.info("{} cloud mask v2 already exists".format(self.identifier))
+            logger.info(
+                "{} cloud mask v2 already exists".format(self.identifier)
+            )
-            create_cloud_mask_v2(self.cld_20m,
-                                 erosion=1,
-                                 dilatation=5,
-                                 out_path=cloud_mask_path)
+            create_cloud_mask_v2(
+                self.cld_20m, erosion=1, dilatation=5, out_path=cloud_mask_path
+            )
             self.user_cloud_mask = cloud_mask_path
         if cloud_mask_b11_path.exists() and not reprocess:
-            logger.info("{} cloud mask v2 masked b11 already exists".format(self.identifier))
+            logger.info(
+                "{} cloud mask v2 masked b11 already exists".format(
+                    self.identifier
+                )
+            )
-            create_cloud_mask_b11(self.user_cloud_mask,
-                                  self.b11_20m,
-                                  dilatation=5,
-                                  out_path=cloud_mask_b11_path)
+            create_cloud_mask_b11(
+                self.user_cloud_mask,
+                self.b11_20m,
+                dilatation=5,
+                out_path=cloud_mask_b11_path,
+            )
             self.user_cloud_mask_b11 = cloud_mask_b11_path
         return self
-    def compute_cloud_mask(self,
-                           cm_version: str = "cm001",
-                           probability: int = 1,
-                           iterations: int = 5,
-                           cld_shad: bool = True,
-                           cld_med_prob: bool = True,
-                           cld_hi_prob: bool = True,
-                           thin_cir: bool = True,
-                           reprocess: bool = False,
-                           #~ out_path_mask = None,
-                           #~ out_path_mask_b11 = None
-                           ) -> "L2aProduct":
-        """
-        """
+    def compute_cloud_mask(
+        self,
+        cm_version: str = "cm001",
+        probability: int = 1,
+        iterations: int = 5,
+        cld_shad: bool = True,
+        cld_med_prob: bool = True,
+        cld_hi_prob: bool = True,
+        thin_cir: bool = True,
+        reprocess: bool = False,
+        # out_path_mask = None,
+        # out_path_mask_b11 = None
+    ) -> "L2aProduct":
+        """ """
         if cm_version == "cm003":
-            logger.info("Computing cloudmask version {}, probability {}%, iteration(s) {}: {}".format(cm_version, probability, iterations, self.identifier))
+            logger.info(
+                "Computing cloudmask version {}, probability {}%, iteration(s) {}: {}".format(
+                    cm_version, probability, iterations, self.identifier
+                )
+            )
         elif cm_version == "cm004":
-            logger.info("Computing cloudmask version {}, ITER {}, SHAD {}, MED-PRB {}, HI-PRB {}, CIRR {}: {}"\
-                        .format(cm_version, iterations, cld_shad, cld_med_prob, cld_hi_prob, thin_cir, self.identifier))
+            logger.info(
+                "Computing cloudmask version {}, ITER {}, SHAD {}, MED-PRB {}, HI-PRB {}, CIRR {}: {}".format(
+                    cm_version,
+                    iterations,
+                    cld_shad,
+                    cld_med_prob,
+                    cld_hi_prob,
+                    thin_cir,
+                    self.identifier,
+                )
+            )
-            logger.info("Computing cloudmask version {}: {}".format(cm_version, self.identifier))
-        cloudmask = NewCloudMaskProduct(l2a_identifier = self.identifier, 
-                                        sen2chain_processing_version = self.sen2chain_processing_version,
-                                        cm_version = cm_version, 
-                                        probability = probability, 
-                                        iterations = iterations,
-                                        cld_shad = cld_shad, 
-                                        cld_med_prob = cld_med_prob,
-                                        cld_hi_prob = cld_hi_prob, 
-                                        thin_cir = thin_cir,
-                                        )
+            logger.info(
+                "Computing cloudmask version {}: {}".format(
+                    cm_version, self.identifier
+                )
+            )
+        cloudmask = NewCloudMaskProduct(
+            l2a_identifier=self.identifier,
+            sen2chain_processing_version=self.sen2chain_processing_version,
+            cm_version=cm_version,
+            probability=probability,
+            iterations=iterations,
+            cld_shad=cld_shad,
+            cld_med_prob=cld_med_prob,
+            cld_hi_prob=cld_hi_prob,
+            thin_cir=thin_cir,
+        )
         if cloudmask.path.exists() and not reprocess:
-                logger.info("{} cloud mask already computed".format(cloudmask.identifier))
+            logger.info(
+                "{} cloud mask already computed".format(cloudmask.identifier)
+            )
             if not cloudmask.path.parent.exists():
             if cm_version == "cm001":
-                if cloudmask.path.exists():     # in version 3.8 will be updated using missing_ok = True
+                if (
+                    cloudmask.path.exists()
+                ):  # in version 3.8 will be updated using missing_ok = True
-                create_cloud_mask_v2(self.cld_20m,
-                                     erosion=1,
-                                     dilatation=5,
-                                     out_path=cloudmask.path)
-                #~ self.user_cloud_mask = cloudmask.updated_path
+                create_cloud_mask_v2(
+                    self.cld_20m,
+                    erosion=1,
+                    dilatation=5,
+                    out_path=cloudmask.path,
+                )
+                # self.user_cloud_mask = cloudmask.updated_path
             elif cm_version == "cm002":
-                cloudmask_cm001 = NewCloudMaskProduct(l2a_identifier = self.identifier, 
-                                                      sen2chain_processing_version = self.sen2chain_processing_version,
-                                                      cm_version = "cm001")
+                cloudmask_cm001 = NewCloudMaskProduct(
+                    l2a_identifier=self.identifier,
+                    sen2chain_processing_version=self.sen2chain_processing_version,
+                    cm_version="cm001",
+                )
                 if cloudmask_cm001.path.exists():
-                    if cloudmask.path.exists():    # in version 3.8 will be updated using missing_ok = True
+                    if (
+                        cloudmask.path.exists()
+                    ):  # in version 3.8 will be updated using missing_ok = True
-                    create_cloud_mask_b11(cloudmask_cm001.path,
-                                          self.b11_20m,
-                                          dilatation=5,
-                                          out_path=Path(str(cloudmask_cm001.path).replace("CM001", "CM002-B11")))
+                    create_cloud_mask_b11(
+                        cloudmask_cm001.path,
+                        self.b11_20m,
+                        dilatation=5,
+                        out_path=Path(
+                            str(cloudmask_cm001.path).replace(
+                                "CM001", "CM002-B11"
+                            )
+                        ),
+                    )
-                    logger.info("No cloudmask version cm001 found, please compute this one first")
+                    logger.info(
+                        "No cloudmask version cm001 found, please compute this one first"
+                    )
             elif cm_version == "cm003":
-                if cloudmask.path.exists():     # in version 3.8 will be updated using missing_ok = True
+                if (
+                    cloudmask.path.exists()
+                ):  # in version 3.8 will be updated using missing_ok = True
-                create_cloud_mask_v003(cloud_mask = self.msk_cldprb_20m,
-                                       out_path = cloudmask.path,
-                                       probability = probability,
-                                       iterations = iterations,
-                                       )
+                create_cloud_mask_v003(
+                    cloud_mask=self.msk_cldprb_20m,
+                    out_path=cloudmask.path,
+                    probability=probability,
+                    iterations=iterations,
+                )
             elif cm_version == "cm004":
-                if cloudmask.path.exists():     # in version 3.8 will be updated using missing_ok = True
+                if (
+                    cloudmask.path.exists()
+                ):  # in version 3.8 will be updated using missing_ok = True
-                create_cloud_mask_v004(scl_path = self.scl_20m,
-                                       out_path = cloudmask.path,
-                                       iterations = iterations,
-                                       cld_shad = cld_shad, 
-                                       cld_med_prob = cld_med_prob,
-                                       cld_hi_prob = cld_hi_prob, 
-                                       thin_cir = thin_cir,
-                                       )
+                create_cloud_mask_v004(
+                    scl_path=self.scl_20m,
+                    out_path=cloudmask.path,
+                    iterations=iterations,
+                    cld_shad=cld_shad,
+                    cld_med_prob=cld_med_prob,
+                    cld_hi_prob=cld_hi_prob,
+                    thin_cir=thin_cir,
+                )
                 logger.info("Wrong cloudmask version {}".format(cm_version))
-        #~ return self
-    def process_indices(self,
-                        indices_list: List[str] = [],
-                        nodata_clouds: bool = False,
-                        quicklook: bool = False,
-                        reprocess: bool = False,
-                        out_path: str = None
-                        ) -> "L2aProduct":
+        # return self
+    def process_indices(
+        self,
+        indices_list: List[str] = [],
+        nodata_clouds: bool = False,
+        quicklook: bool = False,
+        reprocess: bool = False,
+        out_path: str = None,
+    ) -> "L2aProduct":
         Process indices.
@@ -651,36 +748,52 @@ class L2aProduct(Product):
             logger.info("Processing {}: {}".format(indice, self.identifier))
             indice_cls = IndicesCollection.get_indice_cls(indice)
             if indice_cls is None:
-                print("Indices available: {}".format(IndicesCollection.available_indices))
+                print(
+                    "Indices available: {}".format(
+                        IndicesCollection.available_indices
+                    )
+                )
                 raise ValueError("Indice not defined")
             if out_path is None:
                 # logger.info(self.identifier)
-                indice_path = self.indices_path / indice.upper() / self.tile / self.identifier
+                indice_path = (
+                    self.indices_path
+                    / indice.upper()
+                    / self.tile
+                    / self.identifier
+                )
-                indice_path = Path(out_path) / (self.identifier + "_INDICES") / indice.upper()
+                indice_path = (
+                    Path(out_path)
+                    / (self.identifier + "_INDICES")
+                    / indice.upper()
+                )
             indice_path.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
             indice_obj = indice_cls(self)
-            indice_obj.process_indice(out_path=indice_path,
-                                      nodata_clouds=nodata_clouds,
-                                      quicklook=quicklook,
-                                      reprocess=reprocess)
+            indice_obj.process_indice(
+                out_path=indice_path,
+                nodata_clouds=nodata_clouds,
+                quicklook=quicklook,
+                reprocess=reprocess,
+            )
         return self
-    def compute_indice(self,
-                       indice: str = None,
-                       reprocess: bool = False,
-                       nodata_clouds: bool = True,
-                       quicklook: bool = False,
-                       cm_version: str = "cm001",
-                       probability: int = 1,
-                       iterations: int = 5,
-                       cld_shad: bool = True,
-                       cld_med_prob: bool = True,
-                       cld_hi_prob: bool = True,
-                       thin_cir: bool = True,
-                       out_path: str = None,
-                       ) -> "L2aProduct":
+    def compute_indice(
+        self,
+        indice: str = None,
+        reprocess: bool = False,
+        nodata_clouds: bool = True,
+        quicklook: bool = False,
+        cm_version: str = "cm001",
+        probability: int = 1,
+        iterations: int = 5,
+        cld_shad: bool = True,
+        cld_med_prob: bool = True,
+        cld_hi_prob: bool = True,
+        thin_cir: bool = True,
+        out_path: str = None,
+    ) -> "L2aProduct":
         compute and mask indice specified cloudmask version
         :param indice: a valid indice name
@@ -693,75 +806,102 @@ class L2aProduct(Product):
         logger.info("Computing indice {}: {}".format(indice, self.identifier))
-        #~ if not isinstance(indices_list, list):
-            #~ raise TypeError("Indices must be provided as a list.")
+        # if not isinstance(indices_list, list):
+        # raise TypeError("Indices must be provided as a list.")
-        #~ for indice in set(indices_list):
-            #~ logger.info("Processing {}: {}".format(indice, self.identifier))
+        # for indice in set(indices_list):
+        # logger.info("Processing {}: {}".format(indice, self.identifier))
         indice_cls = IndicesCollection.get_indice_cls(indice)
         if indice_cls is None:
-            print("Indices available: {}".format(IndicesCollection.available_indices))
+            print(
+                "Indices available: {}".format(
+                    IndicesCollection.available_indices
+                )
+            )
             raise ValueError("Indice not defined")
         if out_path is None:
             # logger.info(self.identifier)
-            indice_path = self.indices_path / indice.upper() / self.tile / self.identifier
+            indice_path = (
+                self.indices_path
+                / indice.upper()
+                / self.tile
+                / self.identifier
+            )
-            indice_path = Path(out_path) / (self.identifier + "_INDICES") / indice.upper()
+            indice_path = (
+                Path(out_path)
+                / (self.identifier + "_INDICES")
+                / indice.upper()
+            )
         indice_path.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
-        indice_obj = indice_cls(self, NewCloudMaskProduct(l2a_identifier = self.identifier, 
-                                                          cm_version = cm_version,
-                                                          probability = probability,
-                                                          iterations = iterations,
-                                                          cld_shad = cld_shad,
-                                                          cld_med_prob = cld_med_prob,
-                                                          cld_hi_prob = cld_hi_prob,
-                                                          thin_cir = thin_cir))
-        indice_obj.process_indice(out_path = indice_path,
-                                  nodata_clouds = nodata_clouds,
-                                  quicklook = quicklook,
-                                  reprocess = reprocess)
+        indice_obj = indice_cls(
+            self,
+            NewCloudMaskProduct(
+                l2a_identifier=self.identifier,
+                cm_version=cm_version,
+                probability=probability,
+                iterations=iterations,
+                cld_shad=cld_shad,
+                cld_med_prob=cld_med_prob,
+                cld_hi_prob=cld_hi_prob,
+                thin_cir=thin_cir,
+            ),
+        )
+        indice_obj.process_indice(
+            out_path=indice_path,
+            nodata_clouds=nodata_clouds,
+            quicklook=quicklook,
+            reprocess=reprocess,
+        )
         if nodata_clouds:
-            indice_raw = IndiceProduct(l2a_identifier = self.identifier, 
-                          indice = indice,
-                          masked = not nodata_clouds,
-                          cm_version = cm_version,
-                          probability = probability,
-                          iterations = iterations,
-                          cld_shad = cld_shad,
-                          cld_med_prob = cld_med_prob,
-                          cld_hi_prob = cld_hi_prob,
-                          thin_cir = thin_cir,
-                          )
-            indice_masked = IndiceProduct(l2a_identifier = self.identifier, 
-                          indice = indice,
-                          masked = nodata_clouds,
-                          cm_version = cm_version,
-                          probability = probability,
-                          iterations = iterations,
-                          cld_shad = cld_shad,
-                          cld_med_prob = cld_med_prob,
-                          cld_hi_prob = cld_hi_prob,
-                          thin_cir = thin_cir,
-                          )
+            indice_raw = IndiceProduct(
+                l2a_identifier=self.identifier,
+                indice=indice,
+                masked=not nodata_clouds,
+                cm_version=cm_version,
+                probability=probability,
+                iterations=iterations,
+                cld_shad=cld_shad,
+                cld_med_prob=cld_med_prob,
+                cld_hi_prob=cld_hi_prob,
+                thin_cir=thin_cir,
+            )
+            indice_masked = IndiceProduct(
+                l2a_identifier=self.identifier,
+                indice=indice,
+                masked=nodata_clouds,
+                cm_version=cm_version,
+                probability=probability,
+                iterations=iterations,
+                cld_shad=cld_shad,
+                cld_med_prob=cld_med_prob,
+                cld_hi_prob=cld_hi_prob,
+                thin_cir=thin_cir,
+            )
             if quicklook:
-                indice_masked_ql = IndiceProduct(identifier = indice_masked.identifier.replace(".jp2", "_QL.tif"))
+                indice_masked_ql = IndiceProduct(
+                    identifier=indice_masked.identifier.replace(
+                        ".jp2", "_QL.tif"
+                    )
+                )
-            IndiceProduct(l2a_identifier = self.identifier, 
-                          indice = indice,
-                          masked = nodata_clouds,
-                          cm_version = cm_version,
-                          probability = probability,
-                          iterations = iterations,
-                          cld_shad = cld_shad,
-                          cld_med_prob = cld_med_prob,
-                          cld_hi_prob = cld_hi_prob,
-                          thin_cir = thin_cir,
-                          )
+            IndiceProduct(
+                l2a_identifier=self.identifier,
+                indice=indice,
+                masked=nodata_clouds,
+                cm_version=cm_version,
+                probability=probability,
+                iterations=iterations,
+                cld_shad=cld_shad,
+                cld_med_prob=cld_med_prob,
+                cld_hi_prob=cld_hi_prob,
+                thin_cir=thin_cir,
+            )
         return self
@@ -784,31 +924,33 @@ class L2aProduct(Product):
     # indice_filename = template.format(product_identifier=self.identifier,
     # ext=ext)
     # return (self.indices_path / indice / self.tile / indice_filename).exists()
-    #~ @property
-    #~ def sen2cor_version(self):
-        #~ """ Used Sen2Cor version"""
-        #~ return Sen2ChainMetadataParser(self.identifier):
-        #~ sen2chain_info_path = self.path / "Sen2Chain_info.xml"
-        #~ if sen2chain_info_path.exists():
-            #~ return "xml present"
-            #~ Sen2ChainMetadataParser(self.identifier)
-        #~ else:
-            #~ return None
-    def update_md(self,
-                  sen2chain_version: str = None,
-                  sen2chain_processing_version: str = None,
-                  sen2cor_version: str = None,
-                  ):
-        """ Set custom sen2chain, sen2chain_processing and sen2cor versions """
-        Sen2ChainMetadataParser(self._sen2chain_info_path).set_metadata(sen2chain_version = sen2chain_version,
-                                                                        sen2chain_processing_version = sen2chain_processing_version,
-                                                                        sen2cor_version = sen2cor_version)
+    # @property
+    # def sen2cor_version(self):
+    #     """ Used Sen2Cor version"""
+    #     return Sen2ChainMetadataParser(self.identifier):
+    #     sen2chain_info_path = self.path / "Sen2Chain_info.xml"
+    #     if sen2chain_info_path.exists():
+    #         return "xml present"
+    #         Sen2ChainMetadataParser(self.identifier)
+    #     else:
+    #         return None
+    def update_md(
+        self,
+        sen2chain_version: str = None,
+        sen2chain_processing_version: str = None,
+        sen2cor_version: str = None,
+    ):
+        """Set custom sen2chain, sen2chain_processing and sen2cor versions"""
+        Sen2ChainMetadataParser(self._sen2chain_info_path).set_metadata(
+            sen2chain_version=sen2chain_version,
+            sen2chain_processing_version=sen2chain_processing_version,
+            sen2cor_version=sen2cor_version,
+        )
     def remove(self):
         if self.path.is_symlink():
             l2a_path = os.readlink(str(self.path))
@@ -822,16 +964,22 @@ class L2aProduct(Product):
     def sen2chain_version(self):
-        return Sen2ChainMetadataParser(self._sen2chain_info_path).get_metadata_value('SEN2CHAIN_VERSION')
+        return Sen2ChainMetadataParser(
+            self._sen2chain_info_path
+        ).get_metadata_value("SEN2CHAIN_VERSION")
     def sen2chain_processing_version(self):
-        return Sen2ChainMetadataParser(self._sen2chain_info_path).get_metadata_value('SEN2CHAIN_PROCESSING_VERSION')
+        return Sen2ChainMetadataParser(
+            self._sen2chain_info_path
+        ).get_metadata_value("SEN2CHAIN_PROCESSING_VERSION")
     def sen2cor_version(self):
-        return Sen2ChainMetadataParser(self._sen2chain_info_path).get_metadata_value('SEN2COR_VERSION')
+        return Sen2ChainMetadataParser(
+            self._sen2chain_info_path
+        ).get_metadata_value("SEN2COR_VERSION")
     def generation_time(self):
         return self._get_metadata_value(key="GENERATION_TIME")
@@ -855,7 +1003,9 @@ class L2aProduct(Product):
     def saturated_defective_pixel_percentage(self):
-        return self._get_metadata_value(key="SATURATED_DEFECTIVE_PIXEL_PERCENTAGE")
+        return self._get_metadata_value(
+        )
     def dark_features_percentage(self):
@@ -1007,9 +1157,9 @@ class L2aProduct(Product):
     def msk_cldprb_20m(self):
         """new sen2cor cloud-mask's name"""
-        #~ try:
-            #~ return self._get_band_path(key="MSK_CLDPRB", res="20m")
-        #~ except:
+        # try:
+        # return self._get_band_path(key="MSK_CLDPRB", res="20m")
+        # except:
         return self._get_band_path(key="CLD", res="20m")
@@ -1100,8 +1250,9 @@ class OldCloudMaskProduct:
     :param identifier: cloudmask filename.
     _library_path = Path(Config().get("l2a_path"))
     def __init__(self, identifier: str = None) -> None:
         if identifier is None:
             raise ValueError("Product identifier is empty")
@@ -1110,8 +1261,7 @@ class OldCloudMaskProduct:
         self.tile = self.get_tile(identifier)
         self.l2a = self.get_l2a(identifier)
         self.path = self._library_path / self.tile / self.identifier
     def get_tile(identifier) -> str:
         """Returns tile name from a string.
@@ -1119,56 +1269,74 @@ class OldCloudMaskProduct:
         :param string: string from which to extract the tile name.
         return re.findall("_T([0-9]{2}[A-Z]{3})_", identifier)[0]
     def get_l2a(identifier) -> str:
         """Returns l2a name from a old cloud mask identifier string.
         :param string: string from which to extract the l2a name.
-        return re.findall(r"(S2.+)_CLOUD_MASK.+jp2", identifier)[0] 
+        return re.findall(r"(S2.+)_CLOUD_MASK.+jp2", identifier)[0]
 class NewCloudMaskProduct:
     """New cloud mask product class.
     :param identifier: cloudmask filename.
     _library_path = Path(Config().get("cloudmasks_path"))
-    def __init__(self, 
-                 identifier: str = None,
-                 l2a_identifier: str = None,
-                 sen2chain_processing_version: str = None,
-                 cm_version: str = "cm001",
-                 probability: int = 1,
-                 iterations: int = 5,
-                 cld_shad: bool = True,
-                 cld_med_prob: bool = True,
-                 cld_hi_prob: bool = True,
-                 thin_cir: bool = True,
-                 ) -> None:
+    def __init__(
+        self,
+        identifier: str = None,
+        l2a_identifier: str = None,
+        sen2chain_processing_version: str = None,
+        cm_version: str = "cm001",
+        probability: int = 1,
+        iterations: int = 5,
+        cld_shad: bool = True,
+        cld_med_prob: bool = True,
+        cld_hi_prob: bool = True,
+        thin_cir: bool = True,
+    ) -> None:
         if not (identifier or l2a_identifier):
             raise ValueError("Product or L2a identifier cannot be empty")
             self.tile = self.get_tile(identifier or l2a_identifier)
-            self.l2a = (l2a_identifier or self.get_l2a(identifier)).replace(".SAFE", "")
-            self.suffix = [i for i in ["CM001", 
-                                       "CM002-B11", 
-                                       "CM003-PRB" + str(probability) + "-ITER" + str(iterations),
-                                       "CM004-CSH" + str(int(cld_shad)) + \
-                                            "-CMP" + str(int(cld_med_prob)) + \
-                                            "-CHP" + str(int(cld_hi_prob)) + \
-                                            "-TCI" + str(int(thin_cir)) + \
-                                            "-ITER" + str(iterations),
-                                       ] if cm_version.upper() in i][0]
-            self.identifier = identifier or self.l2a + "_" + self.suffix + ".jp2"
-            #~ self.cm_version, self.probability, self.iterations = self.get_cm_version(self.identifier)
+            self.l2a = (l2a_identifier or self.get_l2a(identifier)).replace(
+                ".SAFE", ""
+            )
+            self.suffix = [
+                i
+                for i in [
+                    "CM001",
+                    "CM002-B11",
+                    "CM003-PRB" + str(probability) + "-ITER" + str(iterations),
+                    "CM004-CSH"
+                    + str(int(cld_shad))
+                    + "-CMP"
+                    + str(int(cld_med_prob))
+                    + "-CHP"
+                    + str(int(cld_hi_prob))
+                    + "-TCI"
+                    + str(int(thin_cir))
+                    + "-ITER"
+                    + str(iterations),
+                ]
+                if cm_version.upper() in i
+            ][0]
+            self.identifier = (
+                identifier or self.l2a + "_" + self.suffix + ".jp2"
+            )
+            # self.cm_version, self.probability, self.iterations = self.get_cm_version(self.identifier)
             self.mask_info = self.get_cm_version(self.identifier)
-            self.path = self._library_path / self.tile / self.l2a / self.identifier
+            self.path = (
+                self._library_path / self.tile / self.l2a / self.identifier
+            )
             self._info_path = self.path.parent / (self.path.stem + ".xml")
     def get_tile(identifier) -> str:
         """Returns tile name from a string.
@@ -1176,27 +1344,30 @@ class NewCloudMaskProduct:
         :param string: string from which to extract the tile name.
         return re.findall("_T([0-9]{2}[A-Z]{3})_", identifier)[0]
     def get_identifier(l2a_identifier) -> str:
         """Returns l2a name from a old cloud mask identifier string.
         :param string: string from which to extract the l2a name.
-        return re.findall(r"(S2.+)_CM.+jp2", identifier)[0] 
-    #~ @staticmethod
-    #~ def get_l2a(identifier) -> str:
-        #~ """Returns l2a name from a old cloud mask identifier string.
-        #~ :param string: string from which to extract the l2a name.
-        #~ """
-        #~ return re.findall(r"(S2.+)_CM.+jp2", identifier)[0] 
+        return re.findall(r"(S2.+)_CM.+jp2", identifier)[0]
+    # @staticmethod
+    # def get_l2a(identifier) -> str:
+    # """Returns l2a name from a old cloud mask identifier string.
+    # :param string: string from which to extract the l2a name.
+    # """
+    # return re.findall(r"(S2.+)_CM.+jp2", identifier)[0]
     def get_l2a(identifier) -> str:
         """Returns l2a name from a old cloud mask identifier string.
         :param string: string from which to extract the l2a name.
-        return re.findall(r"(S2._.+_[0-9]{8}T[0-9]{6}_N[0-9]{4}_R[0-9]{3}_T[0-9]{2}[A-Z]{3}_[0-9]{8}T[0-9]{6})_.*", identifier)[0] 
+        return re.findall(
+            r"(S2._.+_[0-9]{8}T[0-9]{6}_N[0-9]{4}_R[0-9]{3}_T[0-9]{2}[A-Z]{3}_[0-9]{8}T[0-9]{6})_.*",
+            identifier,
+        )[0]
     def get_cm_version(identifier) -> str:
@@ -1209,136 +1380,190 @@ class NewCloudMaskProduct:
-            pat = re.compile(r"S2.+_(?P<cm_version>CM003)" + \
-                             "-PRB(?P<probability>.*)" + \
-                             "-ITER(?P<iterations>.*)" + \
-                             ".jp2")
+            pat = re.compile(
+                r"S2.+_(?P<cm_version>CM003)"
+                + "-PRB(?P<probability>.*)"
+                + "-ITER(?P<iterations>.*)"
+                + ".jp2"
+            )
             return pat.match(identifier).groupdict()
-            pat = re.compile(r"S2.+_(?P<cm_version>CM004)" + \
-                             "-CSH(?P<cld_shad>.*)" + \
-                             "-CMP(?P<cld_med_prob>.*)" + \
-                             "-CHP(?P<cld_hi_prob>.*)" + \
-                             "-TCI(?P<thin_cir>.*)" + \
-                             "-ITER(?P<iterations>.*)" + \
-                             ".jp2")
+            pat = re.compile(
+                r"S2.+_(?P<cm_version>CM004)"
+                + "-CSH(?P<cld_shad>.*)"
+                + "-CMP(?P<cld_med_prob>.*)"
+                + "-CHP(?P<cld_hi_prob>.*)"
+                + "-TCI(?P<thin_cir>.*)"
+                + "-ITER(?P<iterations>.*)"
+                + ".jp2"
+            )
             return pat.match(identifier).groupdict()
-        #~ try:
-            #~ return re.findall(r"S2.+_(CM004)-CSH(.*)-CMP(.*)-CHP(.*)-TCI(.*)-ITER(.*)\.", identifier)[0]
-        #~ except:
-            #~ try:
-                #~ return [re.findall(r"S2.+_(CM003)-PRB(.*)-ITER(.*)\.", identifier)[0], None, None]
-            #~ except:
-                #~ try:
-                    #~ return [re.findall(r"S2.+_(CM00[1-2]).+", identifier)[0], None, None]
-                #~ except:
-                    #~ return [None, None, None]
+        # try:
+        #     return re.findall(r"S2.+_(CM004)-CSH(.*)-CMP(.*)-CHP(.*)-TCI(.*)-ITER(.*)\.", identifier)[0]
+        # except:
+        #     try:
+        #         return [re.findall(r"S2.+_(CM003)-PRB(.*)-ITER(.*)\.", identifier)[0], None, None]
+        #     except:
+        #         try:
+        #             return [re.findall(r"S2.+_(CM00[1-2]).+", identifier)[0], None, None]
+        #         except:
+        #             return [None, None, None]
     def sen2chain_version(self):
-        return Sen2ChainMetadataParser(self._info_path).get_metadata_value('SEN2CHAIN_VERSION')
+        return Sen2ChainMetadataParser(self._info_path).get_metadata_value(
+            "SEN2CHAIN_VERSION"
+        )
     def sen2chain_processing_version(self):
-        return Sen2ChainMetadataParser(self._info_path).get_metadata_value('SEN2CHAIN_PROCESSING_VERSION')
+        return Sen2ChainMetadataParser(self._info_path).get_metadata_value(
+        )
     def sen2cor_version(self):
-        return Sen2ChainMetadataParser(self._info_path).get_metadata_value('SEN2COR_VERSION')
+        return Sen2ChainMetadataParser(self._info_path).get_metadata_value(
+            "SEN2COR_VERSION"
+        )
     def init_md(self):
-         if self.path.exists() and not self._info_path.exists():
-                l2a = L2aProduct(self.l2a)
-                if l2a._sen2chain_info_path.exists():
-                    Sen2ChainMetadataParser(self._info_path).set_metadata(sen2chain_version = l2a.sen2chain_version,
-                                                                        sen2chain_processing_version = l2a.sen2chain_processing_version,
-                                                                        sen2cor_version = l2a.sen2cor_version)
-                else:
-                    Sen2ChainMetadataParser(self._info_path).init_metadata()
-    def update_md(self,
-                  sen2chain_version: str = None,
-                  sen2chain_processing_version: str = None,
-                  sen2cor_version: str = None,
-                  ):
-        """ Set custom sen2chain, sen2chain_processing and sen2cor versions """
-        Sen2ChainMetadataParser(self._info_path).set_metadata(sen2chain_version = sen2chain_version,
-                                                                        sen2chain_processing_version = sen2chain_processing_version,
-                                                                        sen2cor_version = sen2cor_version)
+        if self.path.exists() and not self._info_path.exists():
+            l2a = L2aProduct(self.l2a)
+            if l2a._sen2chain_info_path.exists():
+                Sen2ChainMetadataParser(self._info_path).set_metadata(
+                    sen2chain_version=l2a.sen2chain_version,
+                    sen2chain_processing_version=l2a.sen2chain_processing_version,
+                    sen2cor_version=l2a.sen2cor_version,
+                )
+            else:
+                Sen2ChainMetadataParser(self._info_path).init_metadata()
+    def update_md(
+        self,
+        sen2chain_version: str = None,
+        sen2chain_processing_version: str = None,
+        sen2cor_version: str = None,
+    ):
+        """Set custom sen2chain, sen2chain_processing and sen2cor versions"""
+        Sen2ChainMetadataParser(self._info_path).set_metadata(
+            sen2chain_version=sen2chain_version,
+            sen2chain_processing_version=sen2chain_processing_version,
+            sen2cor_version=sen2cor_version,
+        )
 class IndiceProduct:
-    """Indice product class.
+    """Indice product class."""
-    """
-    #~ _library_path = Path(Config().get("cloudmasks_path"))
+    # _library_path = Path(Config().get("cloudmasks_path"))
     _indices_path = Path(Config().get("indices_path"))
-    def __init__(self, 
-                 identifier: str = None,
-                 l2a_identifier: str = None,
-                 indice: str = None,
-                 sen2chain_processing_version: str = None,
-                 masked: bool = False,
-                 cm_version: str = "cm001",
-                 probability: int = 1,
-                 iterations: int = 5,
-                 cld_shad: bool = True,
-                 cld_med_prob: bool = True,
-                 cld_hi_prob: bool = True,
-                 thin_cir: bool = True,
-                 ) -> None:
+    def __init__(
+        self,
+        identifier: str = None,
+        l2a_identifier: str = None,
+        indice: str = None,
+        sen2chain_processing_version: str = None,
+        masked: bool = False,
+        cm_version: str = "cm001",
+        probability: int = 1,
+        iterations: int = 5,
+        cld_shad: bool = True,
+        cld_med_prob: bool = True,
+        cld_hi_prob: bool = True,
+        thin_cir: bool = True,
+    ) -> None:
         if not (identifier or (l2a_identifier and indice)):
-            raise ValueError("Product or (L2a identifier and indice) cannot be empty")
+            raise ValueError(
+                "Product or (L2a identifier and indice) cannot be empty"
+            )
-            self.tile = NewCloudMaskProduct.get_tile(identifier or l2a_identifier)
-            self.l2a = (l2a_identifier or NewCloudMaskProduct.get_l2a(identifier)).replace(".SAFE", "")
-            self.indice = (indice or identifier.replace(".", "_").split("_")[7]).upper()
+            self.tile = NewCloudMaskProduct.get_tile(
+                identifier or l2a_identifier
+            )
+            self.l2a = (
+                l2a_identifier or NewCloudMaskProduct.get_l2a(identifier)
+            ).replace(".SAFE", "")
+            self.indice = (
+                indice or identifier.replace(".", "_").split("_")[7]
+            ).upper()
             self.masked = masked
             if self.masked:
-                #~ self.suffix = [i for i in ["CM001", "CM002-B11", "CM003-PRB" + str(probability) + "-ITER" + str(iterations)] if cm_version.upper() in i][0]
-                self.suffix = [i for i in ["CM001", 
-                                           "CM002-B11", 
-                                           "CM003-PRB" + str(probability) + "-ITER" + str(iterations),
-                                           "CM004-CSH" + str(int(cld_shad)) + \
-                                                "-CMP" + str(int(cld_med_prob)) + \
-                                                "-CHP" + str(int(cld_hi_prob)) + \
-                                                "-TCI" + str(int(thin_cir)) + \
-                                                "-ITER" + str(iterations),
-                                           ] if cm_version.upper() in i][0]
-                self.identifier = identifier or self.l2a + "_" + self.indice + "_" + self.suffix + ".jp2"
-                #~ self.cm_version, self.probability, self.iterations = NewCloudMaskProduct.get_cm_version(self.identifier)
-                self.mask_info = NewCloudMaskProduct.get_cm_version(self.identifier)
+                # self.suffix = [i for i in ["CM001", "CM002-B11", "CM003-PRB" + str(probability) + "-ITER" + str(iterations)] if cm_version.upper() in i][0]
+                self.suffix = [
+                    i
+                    for i in [
+                        "CM001",
+                        "CM002-B11",
+                        "CM003-PRB"
+                        + str(probability)
+                        + "-ITER"
+                        + str(iterations),
+                        "CM004-CSH"
+                        + str(int(cld_shad))
+                        + "-CMP"
+                        + str(int(cld_med_prob))
+                        + "-CHP"
+                        + str(int(cld_hi_prob))
+                        + "-TCI"
+                        + str(int(thin_cir))
+                        + "-ITER"
+                        + str(iterations),
+                    ]
+                    if cm_version.upper() in i
+                ][0]
+                self.identifier = (
+                    identifier
+                    or self.l2a
+                    + "_"
+                    + self.indice
+                    + "_"
+                    + self.suffix
+                    + ".jp2"
+                )
+                # self.cm_version, self.probability, self.iterations = NewCloudMaskProduct.get_cm_version(self.identifier)
+                self.mask_info = NewCloudMaskProduct.get_cm_version(
+                    self.identifier
+                )
                 self.suffix = None
-                self.identifier = identifier or self.l2a + "_" + self.indice + ".jp2"
-                #~ self.cm_version, self.probability, self.iterations = 3* [None]
+                self.identifier = (
+                    identifier or self.l2a + "_" + self.indice + ".jp2"
+                )
+                # self.cm_version, self.probability, self.iterations = 3* [None]
                 self.mask_info = None
-            self.path = self._indices_path / self.indice / self.tile / self.l2a / self.identifier
-            #~ self.cm_version = self.cm_version or cm_version
-            #~ self.probability = self.probability or probability
-            #~ self.iterations = self.iterations or iterations
+            self.path = (
+                self._indices_path
+                / self.indice
+                / self.tile
+                / self.l2a
+                / self.identifier
+            )
+            # self.cm_version = self.cm_version or cm_version
+            # self.probability = self.probability or probability
+            # self.iterations = self.iterations or iterations
             self._info_path = self.path.parent / (self.path.stem + ".xml")
     def get_indice(identifier) -> str:
-        """
-        """
-        return re.findall(r"S2.+_(.+)_.*jp2", identifier)[0] 
+        """ """
+        return re.findall(r"S2.+_(.+)_.*jp2", identifier)[0]
     def init_md(self):
         if self.path.exists() and not self._info_path.exists():
             l2a = L2aProduct(self.l2a)
             if l2a._sen2chain_info_path.exists():
-                Sen2ChainMetadataParser(self._info_path).set_metadata(sen2chain_version = l2a.sen2chain_version,
-                                                                      sen2chain_processing_version = l2a.sen2chain_processing_version,
-                                                                      sen2cor_version = l2a.sen2cor_version)
+                Sen2ChainMetadataParser(self._info_path).set_metadata(
+                    sen2chain_version=l2a.sen2chain_version,
+                    sen2chain_processing_version=l2a.sen2chain_processing_version,
+                    sen2cor_version=l2a.sen2cor_version,
+                )
diff --git a/sen2chain/sen2cor.py b/sen2chain/sen2cor.py
index 5ff53a0b7ce8573189d4c439af771fc112c7c5fe..ccab997b4981054158a2f016dc1340fe985c4984 100644
--- a/sen2chain/sen2cor.py
+++ b/sen2chain/sen2cor.py
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# coding: utf-8
 Module for sen2cor processings.
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ Module for sen2cor processings.
 import logging
 import pathlib
 import subprocess
-#~ import re
 from typing import Union
 from .config import Config
@@ -19,10 +19,10 @@ logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO)
 def process_sen2cor(
-        l1c_product_path: Union[str, pathlib.PosixPath],
-        l2a_product_path: Union[str, pathlib.PosixPath],
-        pb: str = '99.99',
-        resolution: int = 10
+    l1c_product_path: Union[str, pathlib.PosixPath],
+    l2a_product_path: Union[str, pathlib.PosixPath],
+    pb: str = "99.99",
+    resolution: int = 10,
 ) -> None:
     """Process a L1C SAFE folder using sen2cor thanks to a subprocess call.
     The sen2cor bashrc file must be specified in the sen2chain configuration.
@@ -37,55 +37,66 @@ def process_sen2cor(
     # TODO: Add 60m resolution.
     sen2cor_bashrc_path = Config().get("sen2cor_bashrc_path")
-    #~ s2c_v = next(iter(re.findall('Sen2Cor-(\d{2}\.\d{2}\.\d{2})', str(sen2cor_bashrc_path))), None)
+    # ~ s2c_v = next(iter(re.findall('Sen2Cor-(\d{2}\.\d{2}\.\d{2})', str(sen2cor_bashrc_path))), None)
     s2c_v = get_current_Sen2Cor_version()
-    l2a_product_path_tmp = l2a_product_path.parent / (l2a_product_path.stem + '.tmp')
-    if s2c_v == '02.05.05':
-        logger.info("sen2cor {} processing: {}".format(s2c_v, l1c_product_path))
+    l2a_product_path_tmp = l2a_product_path.parent / (
+        l2a_product_path.stem + ".tmp"
+    )
+    if s2c_v == "02.05.05":
+        logger.info(
+            "sen2cor {} processing: {}".format(s2c_v, l1c_product_path)
+        )
         if resolution == 10:
             logger.info("sen2cor processing 20 m: {}".format(l1c_product_path))
             command1 = "/bin/bash, -c, source {sen2cor_bashrc} && L2A_Process --resolution {res} {l1c_folder}".format(
-                l1c_folder=str(l1c_product_path)
-                )
+                l1c_folder=str(l1c_product_path),
+            )
             process1 = subprocess.run(command1.split(", "))
             logger.info("sen2cor processing 10 m: {}".format(l1c_product_path))
             command2 = "/bin/bash, -c, source {sen2cor_bashrc} && L2A_Process --resolution {res} {l1c_folder}".format(
-                l1c_folder=str(l1c_product_path)
-                )
+                l1c_folder=str(l1c_product_path),
+            )
             process2 = subprocess.run(command2.split(", "))
             logger.debug("sen2cor processing: {}".format(l1c_product_path))
             command = "/bin/bash, -c, source {sen2cor_bashrc} && L2A_Process --resolution {resolution} {l1c_folder}".format(
-                l1c_folder=str(l1c_product_path)
-                )
+                l1c_folder=str(l1c_product_path),
+            )
             process = subprocess.run(command.split(", "))
-    elif s2c_v in ['02.08.00','02.09.00', '02.10.01']:
-        logger.info("sen2cor {} processing: {}".format(s2c_v, l1c_product_path))
+    elif s2c_v in ["02.08.00", "02.09.00", "02.10.01"]:
+        logger.info(
+            "sen2cor {} processing: {}".format(s2c_v, l1c_product_path)
+        )
         command = "/bin/bash, -c, source {sen2cor_bashrc} && L2A_Process --processing_baseline {processing_baseline} --output_dir {out_dir} {l1c_folder}".format(
-            sen2cor_bashrc = str(sen2cor_bashrc_path),
-            processing_baseline = pb,
-            out_dir = l2a_product_path_tmp,
-            l1c_folder = str(l1c_product_path)
-            )
+            sen2cor_bashrc=str(sen2cor_bashrc_path),
+            processing_baseline=pb,
+            out_dir=l2a_product_path_tmp,
+            l1c_folder=str(l1c_product_path),
+        )
         process = subprocess.run(command.split(", "))
-        sorted(l2a_product_path_tmp.glob("*.SAFE"))[0].rename(l2a_product_path.parent / (l2a_product_path.stem + '.SAFE'))
+        sorted(l2a_product_path_tmp.glob("*.SAFE"))[0].rename(
+            l2a_product_path.parent / (l2a_product_path.stem + ".SAFE")
+        )
     elif s2c_v is not None:
-        logger.info('Sen2Cor version {} is not compatible with Sen2Chain'.format(s2c_v))
+        logger.info(
+            "Sen2Cor version {} is not compatible with Sen2Chain".format(s2c_v)
+        )
-        logger.info('Could not determine sen2cor version from path, please check pattern "Sen2Cor-**.**.**" is in path')
+        logger.info(
+            'Could not determine sen2cor version from path, please check pattern "Sen2Cor-**.**.**" is in path'
+        )
diff --git a/sen2chain/tiles.py b/sen2chain/tiles.py
index e0053c56c636d338d30ca87aa71e2a0dd36c94b3..12f286c34702874867f76d50c616e8346875e266 100644
--- a/sen2chain/tiles.py
+++ b/sen2chain/tiles.py
@@ -1,8 +1,9 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# coding: utf-8
 Module for managing products and tiles in the library and temp folders.
 import pathlib
 import logging
 import re
@@ -16,14 +17,25 @@ from pathlib import Path
 from collections import namedtuple
 from datetime import datetime
 from pprint import pformat
 # type annotations
 from typing import List, Dict, Iterable
 from .config import Config, SHARED_DATA
 from .utils import str_to_datetime, human_size, getFolderSize
 from .indices import IndicesCollection
-from .products import L1cProduct, L2aProduct, OldCloudMaskProduct, NewCloudMaskProduct, IndiceProduct
-from .multi_processing import l2a_multiprocessing, cld_version_probability_iterations_reprocessing_multiprocessing, idx_multiprocessing
+from .products import (
+    L1cProduct,
+    L2aProduct,
+    OldCloudMaskProduct,
+    NewCloudMaskProduct,
+    IndiceProduct,
+from .multi_processing import (
+    l2a_multiprocessing,
+    cld_version_probability_iterations_reprocessing_multiprocessing,
+    idx_multiprocessing,
 logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
@@ -38,6 +50,7 @@ class ProductsList:
     def __init__(self):
         self._dict = dict()
         self._time_index = dict()
@@ -73,27 +86,33 @@ class ProductsList:
         return TileProduct(prod, max_date, self._dict[prod]["cloud_cover"])
     def filter_dates(
-            self,
-            date_min: str = None, date_max: str = None
+        self, date_min: str = None, date_max: str = None
     ) -> "ProductsList":
         """Filters products list in a time range.
         :param date_min: oldest date.
         :param date_max: newest date.
-        min_date = str_to_datetime(date_min, "ymd") if date_min else self.first.date
-        max_date = str_to_datetime(date_max, "ymd") if date_max else self.last.date
+        min_date = (
+            str_to_datetime(date_min, "ymd") if date_min else self.first.date
+        )
+        max_date = (
+            str_to_datetime(date_max, "ymd") if date_max else self.last.date
+        )
         filtered = ProductsList()
         for k, v in self._dict.items():
             if min_date.date() <= v["date"].date() <= max_date.date():
-                filtered[k] = {"date": v["date"], "cloud_cover": v["cloud_cover"]}
+                filtered[k] = {
+                    "date": v["date"],
+                    "cloud_cover": v["cloud_cover"],
+                }
         return filtered
     def filter_clouds(
-            self,
-            cover_min: int = 0, cover_max: int = 100
+        self, cover_min: int = 0, cover_max: int = 100
     ) -> "ProductsList":
         """Filters products list.
         :param cover_min: minimum cloud coverage.
         :param cover_max: maximum cloud coverage.
@@ -101,9 +120,15 @@ class ProductsList:
         for k, v in self._dict.items():
             if v["cloud_cover"]:
                 if cover_min <= v["cloud_cover"] <= cover_max:
-                    filtered[k] = {"date": v["date"], "cloud_cover": v["cloud_cover"]}
+                    filtered[k] = {
+                        "date": v["date"],
+                        "cloud_cover": v["cloud_cover"],
+                    }
-                filtered[k] = {"date": v["date"], "cloud_cover": v["cloud_cover"]}
+                filtered[k] = {
+                    "date": v["date"],
+                    "cloud_cover": v["cloud_cover"],
+                }
         return filtered
     def __len__(self) -> int:
@@ -120,133 +145,176 @@ class ProductsList:
     def __getitem__(self, item) -> TileProduct:
         if item in self._dict:
-            return TileProduct(item, self._dict[item]["date"], self._dict[item]["cloud_cover"])
+            return TileProduct(
+                item, self._dict[item]["date"], self._dict[item]["cloud_cover"]
+            )
             raise KeyError("{} not found".format(item))
     def __setitem__(self, item, value) -> None:
-        self._dict[item] = {"date": value["date"], "cloud_cover": value["cloud_cover"]}
+        self._dict[item] = {
+            "date": value["date"],
+            "cloud_cover": value["cloud_cover"],
+        }
         self._time_index[value["date"]] = item
 class CloudMaskList(ProductsList):
-    """Class for managing mask product list
+    """Class for managing mask product list"""
-    """
     def cm001(self) -> "CloudMaskList":
         filtered = CloudMaskList()
         for k, v in self._dict.items():
-            if ("_CM001" in k) :
-                filtered[k] = {"date": v["date"], "cloud_cover": v["cloud_cover"]}
+            if "_CM001" in k:
+                filtered[k] = {
+                    "date": v["date"],
+                    "cloud_cover": v["cloud_cover"],
+                }
         return filtered
     def cm002(self) -> "CloudMaskList":
         filtered = CloudMaskList()
         for k, v in self._dict.items():
-            if ("_CM002" in k):
-                filtered[k] = {"date": v["date"], "cloud_cover": v["cloud_cover"]}
+            if "_CM002" in k:
+                filtered[k] = {
+                    "date": v["date"],
+                    "cloud_cover": v["cloud_cover"],
+                }
         return filtered
     def cm003(self) -> "CloudMaskList":
         filtered = CloudMaskList()
         for k, v in self._dict.items():
-            if ("_CM003" in k):
-                filtered[k] = {"date": v["date"], "cloud_cover": v["cloud_cover"]}
+            if "_CM003" in k:
+                filtered[k] = {
+                    "date": v["date"],
+                    "cloud_cover": v["cloud_cover"],
+                }
         return filtered
     def cm004(self) -> "CloudMaskList":
         filtered = CloudMaskList()
         for k, v in self._dict.items():
-            if ("_CM004" in k):
-                filtered[k] = {"date": v["date"], "cloud_cover": v["cloud_cover"]}
+            if "_CM004" in k:
+                filtered[k] = {
+                    "date": v["date"],
+                    "cloud_cover": v["cloud_cover"],
+                }
         return filtered
-    def params(self,
-               probability: int = 1, 
-               iterations: int = 5,
-               cld_shad: bool = True,
-               cld_med_prob: bool = True,
-               cld_hi_prob: bool = True,
-               thin_cir: bool = True,
-               ):
+    def params(
+        self,
+        probability: int = 1,
+        iterations: int = 5,
+        cld_shad: bool = True,
+        cld_med_prob: bool = True,
+        cld_hi_prob: bool = True,
+        thin_cir: bool = True,
+    ):
         filtered = CloudMaskList()
         for k, v in self._dict.items():
             if "_CM003" in k:
-                if "-PRB" + str(probability) + \
-                   "-ITER" + str(iterations) in k:
-                    filtered[k] = {"date": v["date"], "cloud_cover": v["cloud_cover"]}
+                if "-PRB" + str(probability) + "-ITER" + str(iterations) in k:
+                    filtered[k] = {
+                        "date": v["date"],
+                        "cloud_cover": v["cloud_cover"],
+                    }
             elif "_CM004" in k:
-                if "-CSH" + str(int(cld_shad)) + \
-                   "-CMP" + str(int(cld_med_prob)) + \
-                   "-CHP" + str(int(cld_hi_prob)) + \
-                   "-TCI" + str(int(thin_cir)) + \
-                   "-ITER" + str(iterations) in k:
-                    filtered[k] = {"date": v["date"], "cloud_cover": v["cloud_cover"]}
+                if (
+                    "-CSH"
+                    + str(int(cld_shad))
+                    + "-CMP"
+                    + str(int(cld_med_prob))
+                    + "-CHP"
+                    + str(int(cld_hi_prob))
+                    + "-TCI"
+                    + str(int(thin_cir))
+                    + "-ITER"
+                    + str(iterations)
+                    in k
+                ):
+                    filtered[k] = {
+                        "date": v["date"],
+                        "cloud_cover": v["cloud_cover"],
+                    }
-                filtered[k] = {"date": v["date"], "cloud_cover": v["cloud_cover"]}
-        return filtered       
-#~ class IndicesList(ProductsList):
-    #~ """Class for managing indices products lists.
-    #~ """
-    #~ @property
-    #~ def raws(self) -> "ProductsList":
-        #~ filtered = ProductsList()
-        #~ for k, v in self._dict.items():
-            #~ if not("MASK" in k) and not("QUICKLOOK" in k):
-                #~ filtered[k] = {"date": v["date"], "cloud_cover": v["cloud_cover"]}
-        #~ return filtered
-    #~ @property
-    #~ def masks(self) -> "ProductsList":
-        #~ filtre = ProductsList()
-        #~ for k, v in self._dict.items():
-            #~ if "MASK" in k:
-                #~ filtre[k] = {"date": v["date"], "cloud_cover": v["cloud_cover"]}
-        #~ return filtre
-    #~ @property
-    #~ def quicklooks(self) -> "ProductsList":
-        #~ filtered = ProductsList()
-        #~ for k, v in self._dict.items():
-            #~ if "QUICKLOOK" in k:
-                #~ filtered[k] = {"date": v["date"], "cloud_cover": v["cloud_cover"]}
-        #~ return filtered
+                filtered[k] = {
+                    "date": v["date"],
+                    "cloud_cover": v["cloud_cover"],
+                }
+        return filtered
+# class IndicesList(ProductsList):
+#     """Class for managing indices products lists.
+#     """
+#     @property
+#     def raws(self) -> "ProductsList":
+#         filtered = ProductsList()
+#         for k, v in self._dict.items():
+#             if not("MASK" in k) and not("QUICKLOOK" in k):
+#                 filtered[k] = {"date": v["date"], "cloud_cover": v["cloud_cover"]}
+#         return filtered
+#     @property
+#     def masks(self) -> "ProductsList":
+#         filtre = ProductsList()
+#         for k, v in self._dict.items():
+#             if "MASK" in k:
+#                 filtre[k] = {"date": v["date"], "cloud_cover": v["cloud_cover"]}
+#         return filtre
+#     @property
+#     def quicklooks(self) -> "ProductsList":
+#         filtered = ProductsList()
+#         for k, v in self._dict.items():
+#             if "QUICKLOOK" in k:
+#                 filtered[k] = {"date": v["date"], "cloud_cover": v["cloud_cover"]}
+#         return filtered
 class NewIndiceList(CloudMaskList):
-    """Class for managing indices products lists.
+    """Class for managing indices products lists."""
-    """
     def raws(self) -> "NewIndiceList":
         filtered = NewIndiceList()
         for k, v in self._dict.items():
-            if not("_CM" in k):
-                filtered[k] = {"date": v["date"], "cloud_cover": v["cloud_cover"]}
+            if not ("_CM" in k):
+                filtered[k] = {
+                    "date": v["date"],
+                    "cloud_cover": v["cloud_cover"],
+                }
         return filtered
     def masks(self) -> "NewIndiceList":
         filtred = NewIndiceList()
         for k, v in self._dict.items():
-            if ("_CM" in k) and not("_QL" in k):
-                filtred[k] = {"date": v["date"], "cloud_cover": v["cloud_cover"]}
+            if ("_CM" in k) and not ("_QL" in k):
+                filtred[k] = {
+                    "date": v["date"],
+                    "cloud_cover": v["cloud_cover"],
+                }
         return filtred
     def quicklooks(self) -> "NewIndiceList":
         filtered = NewIndiceList()
         for k, v in self._dict.items():
             if "_QL" in k:
-                filtered[k] = {"date": v["date"], "cloud_cover": v["cloud_cover"]}
+                filtered[k] = {
+                    "date": v["date"],
+                    "cloud_cover": v["cloud_cover"],
+                }
         return filtered
 class Tile:
     """Class for managing tiles in the library.
@@ -255,27 +323,31 @@ class Tile:
         >>> Tile("40KCC")
     def __init__(self, name: str):
         self.name = name
-        self._paths = {"l1c": Path(Config().get("l1c_path")) / name,
-                       "l2a": Path(Config().get("l2a_path")) / name,
-                       "indices": {}, 
-                       "cloudmasks": Path(Config().get("cloudmasks_path")) / name,
-                       }
+        self._paths = {
+            "l1c": Path(Config().get("l1c_path")) / name,
+            "l2a": Path(Config().get("l2a_path")) / name,
+            "indices": {},
+            "cloudmasks": Path(Config().get("cloudmasks_path")) / name,
+        }
         self._indices_path = Path(Config().get("indices_path"))
         self._cloudmasks_path = Path(Config().get("cloudmasks_path"))
-        self._products = {"l1c": ProductsList(),
-                          "l2a": ProductsList(),
-                          "cloudmasks" : ProductsList(),
-                          #~ "cloudmasks2" : ProductsList(),
-                          "indices": dict()}
+        self._products = {
+            "l1c": ProductsList(),
+            "l2a": ProductsList(),
+            "cloudmasks": ProductsList(),
+            # "cloudmasks2" : ProductsList(),
+            "indices": dict(),
+        }
-        #~ self._get_indices_list()
+        # self._get_indices_list()
     def _get_indices_paths(self) -> None:
@@ -286,41 +358,61 @@ class Tile:
     def _get_l1c_list(self) -> None:
         """Scans L1C folder and adds products in a ProductsList."""
         for f in self._paths["l1c"].glob("*L1C_*.SAFE"):
-            cloud_cover = L1cProduct(identifier=f.name, tile=self.name, path=None).cloud_coverage_assessment
-            self._products["l1c"][f.name] = {"date": Tile._get_date(f.name), "cloud_cover": float(cloud_cover)}
+            cloud_cover = L1cProduct(
+                identifier=f.name, tile=self.name, path=None
+            ).cloud_coverage_assessment
+            self._products["l1c"][f.name] = {
+                "date": Tile._get_date(f.name),
+                "cloud_cover": float(cloud_cover),
+            }
     def _get_l2a_list(self) -> None:
         """Scans L2A folder and adds products in a ProductsList."""
         for f in self._paths["l2a"].glob("*L2A*.SAFE"):
-            l1c_name = f.name.replace("L2A_", "L1C_").replace("_USER_", "_OPER_")
+            l1c_name = f.name.replace("L2A_", "L1C_").replace(
+                "_USER_", "_OPER_"
+            )
                 date = self._products["l1c"][l1c_name].date
                 cloud_cover = self._products["l1c"][l1c_name].cloud_cover
             except KeyError:
                 date = Tile._get_date(f.name)
-                cloud_cover = L2aProduct(f.name, self.name).cloud_coverage_assessment
-            self._products["l2a"][f.name] = {"date": date, "cloud_cover": float(cloud_cover)}
-    #~ def _get_cloudmasks(self) -> None:
-        #~ """Scans L2A folder for cloud masks and adds corresponding L2A products in a ProductsList."""
-        #~ for f in self._paths["l2a"].glob("*L2A*_CLOUD_MASK.jp2"):
-            #~ l1c_name = f.name.replace("L2A_", "L1C_").replace("_USER_", "_OPER_").replace("_CLOUD_MASK.jp2", ".SAFE")
-            #~ try:
-                #~ date = self._products["l1c"][l1c_name].date
-                #~ cloud_cover = self._products["l1c"][l1c_name].cloud_cover
-            #~ except KeyError:
-                #~ date = Tile._get_date(f.name.replace("_CLOUD_MASK.jp2", ".SAFE"))
-                #~ cloud_cover = L2aProduct(f.name.replace("_CLOUD_MASK.jp2", ".SAFE"), self.name).cloud_coverage_assessment
-            #~ self._products["cloudmasks"][f.name.replace("_CLOUD_MASK.jp2", ".SAFE")] = {"date": date, "cloud_cover": float(cloud_cover)}
+                cloud_cover = L2aProduct(
+                    f.name, self.name
+                ).cloud_coverage_assessment
+            self._products["l2a"][f.name] = {
+                "date": date,
+                "cloud_cover": float(cloud_cover),
+            }
+    # def _get_cloudmasks(self) -> None:
+    #     """Scans L2A folder for cloud masks and adds corresponding L2A products in a ProductsList."""
+    #     for f in self._paths["l2a"].glob("*L2A*_CLOUD_MASK.jp2"):
+    #         l1c_name = f.name.replace("L2A_", "L1C_").replace("_USER_", "_OPER_").replace("_CLOUD_MASK.jp2", ".SAFE")
+    #         try:
+    #             date = self._products["l1c"][l1c_name].date
+    #             cloud_cover = self._products["l1c"][l1c_name].cloud_cover
+    #         except KeyError:
+    #             date = Tile._get_date(f.name.replace("_CLOUD_MASK.jp2", ".SAFE"))
+    #             cloud_cover = L2aProduct(f.name.replace("_CLOUD_MASK.jp2", ".SAFE"), self.name).cloud_coverage_assessment
+    #         self._products["cloudmasks"][f.name.replace("_CLOUD_MASK.jp2", ".SAFE")] = {"date": date, "cloud_cover": float(cloud_cover)}
     def _get_cloudmasks(self) -> None:
-        """Scans cloudmasks folder for cloud masks and adds corresponding L2A products in a ProductsList."""
+        """Scans cloudmasks folder for cloud masks and adds corresponding L2A
+        products in a ProductsList."""
         self._products["cloudmasks"] = CloudMaskList()
         for f in self._paths["cloudmasks"].glob("*L2A*/*_CM*.jp2"):
-            l1c_name = f.parent.name.replace("L2A_", "L1C_").replace("_USER_", "_OPER_") + ".SAFE"
+            l1c_name = (
+                f.parent.name.replace("L2A_", "L1C_").replace(
+                    "_USER_", "_OPER_"
+                )
+                + ".SAFE"
+            )
                 date = self._products["l1c"][l1c_name].date
-                cloud_cover = float(self._products["l1c"][l1c_name].cloud_cover)
+                cloud_cover = float(
+                    self._products["l1c"][l1c_name].cloud_cover
+                )
             except KeyError:
                 date = Tile._get_date(f.parent.name)
                 l2a = L2aProduct(f.parent.name, self.name)
@@ -328,65 +420,79 @@ class Tile:
                     cloud_cover = float(l2a.cloud_coverage_assessment)
                     cloud_cover = None
-            self._products["cloudmasks"][f.name] = {"date": date, 
-                                                            "cloud_cover": cloud_cover, 
-                                                            #~ "version": re.findall(r"_(CM...)", f.name)[0]
-                                                            }
-    #~ def _get_indices_list(self) -> None:
-        #~ """Scans indices folders and adds products in a IndicesList."""
-        #~ for indice, path in self._paths["indices"].items():
-            #~ if path.is_dir():
-                #~ self._products["indices"][indice] = IndicesList()
-                #~ indice_template = IndicesCollection.get_indice_cls(indice.upper()).filename_template
-                #~ indice_ext = IndicesCollection.get_indice_cls(indice.upper()).ext
-                #~ file_patterns = [indice_ext, 'QUICKLOOK.tif']
-                #~ files_selected = []
-                #~ for p in file_patterns:
-                    #~ files_selected.extend(path.glob("*/*{}".format(p)))
-                #~ for f in files_selected:
-                    #~ try:
-                        #~ indice_pattern = re.sub("{.*?}", "", indice_template)
-                        #~ remove_pattern = "{}.*".format(indice_pattern)
-                        #~ l2a_name = re.sub(remove_pattern, '', f.name) + ".SAFE"
-                        #~ date = self._products["l2a"][l2a_name].date
-                        #~ cloud_cover = self._products["l2a"][l2a_name].cloud_cover
-                    #~ except KeyError:
-                        #~ date = Tile._get_date(f.name)
-                        #~ cloud_cover = None
-                    #~ self._products["indices"][indice][f.name] = {"date": date, "cloud_cover": cloud_cover}
-                #~ self.__dict__[indice] = self._products["indices"][indice]
+            self._products["cloudmasks"][f.name] = {
+                "date": date,
+                "cloud_cover": cloud_cover,
+                # "version": re.findall(r"_(CM...)", f.name)[0]
+            }
+    # def _get_indices_list(self) -> None:
+    # """Scans indices folders and adds products in a IndicesList."""
+    # for indice, path in self._paths["indices"].items():
+    # if path.is_dir():
+    # self._products["indices"][indice] = IndicesList()
+    # indice_template = IndicesCollection.get_indice_cls(indice.upper()).filename_template
+    # indice_ext = IndicesCollection.get_indice_cls(indice.upper()).ext
+    # file_patterns = [indice_ext, 'QUICKLOOK.tif']
+    # files_selected = []
+    # for p in file_patterns:
+    # files_selected.extend(path.glob("*/*{}".format(p)))
+    # for f in files_selected:
+    # try:
+    # indice_pattern = re.sub("{.*?}", "", indice_template)
+    # remove_pattern = "{}.*".format(indice_pattern)
+    # l2a_name = re.sub(remove_pattern, '', f.name) + ".SAFE"
+    # date = self._products["l2a"][l2a_name].date
+    # cloud_cover = self._products["l2a"][l2a_name].cloud_cover
+    # except KeyError:
+    # date = Tile._get_date(f.name)
+    # cloud_cover = None
+    # self._products["indices"][indice][f.name] = {"date": date, "cloud_cover": cloud_cover}
+    # self.__dict__[indice] = self._products["indices"][indice]
     def _get_new_indice_list(self) -> None:
         """Scans indice folders and adds products in a NewIndiceList."""
         for indice, path in self._paths["indices"].items():
             if path.is_dir():
                 self._products["indices"][indice] = NewIndiceList()
-                indice_template = IndicesCollection.get_indice_cls(indice.upper()).filename_template
-                indice_ext = IndicesCollection.get_indice_cls(indice.upper()).ext
-                #~ file_patterns = [indice_ext, '_QL.tif']
-                file_patterns = [indice.upper() + indice_ext, 
-                                 indice.upper() + "_CM*" + indice_ext, 
-                                 indice.upper() + "_CM*" + "_QL.tif"]
+                indice_template = IndicesCollection.get_indice_cls(
+                    indice.upper()
+                ).filename_template
+                indice_ext = IndicesCollection.get_indice_cls(
+                    indice.upper()
+                ).ext
+                # file_patterns = [indice_ext, '_QL.tif']
+                file_patterns = [
+                    indice.upper() + indice_ext,
+                    indice.upper() + "_CM*" + indice_ext,
+                    indice.upper() + "_CM*" + "_QL.tif",
+                ]
                 files_selected = []
                 for p in file_patterns:
                 for f in files_selected:
                     indice_pattern = re.sub("{.*?}", "", indice_template)
                     remove_pattern = "{}.*".format(indice_pattern)
-                    l2a_name = re.sub(remove_pattern, '', f.name) + ".SAFE"
+                    l2a_name = re.sub(remove_pattern, "", f.name) + ".SAFE"
                         date = self._products["l2a"][l2a_name].date
-                        cloud_cover = self._products["l2a"][l2a_name].cloud_cover
+                        cloud_cover = self._products["l2a"][
+                            l2a_name
+                        ].cloud_cover
                     except KeyError:
                         l1c_name = l2a_name.replace("L2A_", "L1C_")
                             date = self._products["l1c"][l1c_name].date
-                            cloud_cover = self._products["l1c"][l1c_name].cloud_cover
+                            cloud_cover = self._products["l1c"][
+                                l1c_name
+                            ].cloud_cover
                         except KeyError:
                             date = Tile._get_date(f.name)
                             cloud_cover = None
-                    self._products["indices"][indice][f.name] = {"date": date, "cloud_cover": cloud_cover}
+                    self._products["indices"][indice][f.name] = {
+                        "date": date,
+                        "cloud_cover": cloud_cover,
+                    }
                 self.__dict__[indice] = self._products["indices"][indice]
@@ -397,14 +503,13 @@ class Tile:
         if not re.match(r"^[0-9]{2}[A-Z]{3}$", tile_name):
             return False
-        with fiona.open(str(SHARED_DATA["tiles_index"]), 'r') as tiles_index:
+        with fiona.open(str(SHARED_DATA["tiles_index"]), "r") as tiles_index:
             tiles_names = [tile["properties"]["Name"] for tile in tiles_index]
             return tile_name in tiles_names
     def _get_date(product_name: str) -> datetime:
-        """Extracts the acquisition date of a products filename.
-        """
+        """Extracts the acquisition date of a products filename."""
         date_pattern = re.findall(r"[0-9]{8}T[0-9]{6}", product_name)
         if product_name.startswith("S2A_OPER"):
             date = date_pattern[1]
@@ -417,7 +522,7 @@ class Tile:
     def __str__(self) -> str:
         return self.name
     def paths(self) -> Dict[str, pathlib.PosixPath]:
         """Returns all the paths related to a Tile object."""
@@ -433,10 +538,10 @@ class Tile:
         """Returns tile's L2A products as a ProductsList."""
         return self._products["l2a"]
-    #~ @property
-    #~ def cloudmasks(self) -> "ProductsList":
-        #~ """Returns tile's cloud masks products as a ProductsList."""
-        #~ return self._products["cloudmasks"]
+    # @property
+    # def cloudmasks(self) -> "ProductsList":
+    # """Returns tile's cloud masks products as a ProductsList."""
+    # return self._products["cloudmasks"]
     def cloudmasks(self) -> "ProductsList":
@@ -447,253 +552,346 @@ class Tile:
     def l1c_missings(self) -> "ProductsList":
         """Returns tile's L2A products that don't have a L1C as a ProductsList."""
         prods_list = ProductsList()
-        missings_l1c_set = set(self.l2a.products) - {identifier.replace("L1C_", "L2A_").replace("__OPER__", "_USER_")
-                                                     for identifier in self.l1c.products}
+        missings_l1c_set = set(self.l2a.products) - {
+            identifier.replace("L1C_", "L2A_").replace("__OPER__", "_USER_")
+            for identifier in self.l1c.products
+        }
         for prod in missings_l1c_set:
-            prods_list[prod] = {"date": self._products["l2a"][prod].date,
-                                "cloud_cover": self._products["l2a"][prod].cloud_cover}
+            prods_list[prod] = {
+                "date": self._products["l2a"][prod].date,
+                "cloud_cover": self._products["l2a"][prod].cloud_cover,
+            }
         return prods_list
     def l2a_missings(self) -> "ProductsList":
         """Returns tile's L1C products that don't have a L2A as a ProductsList."""
         prods_list = ProductsList()
-        missings_l2a_set = set(self.l1c.products) - {identifier.replace("L2A_", "L1C_").replace("_USER_", "_OPER_")
-                                                     for identifier in self.l2a.products}
+        missings_l2a_set = set(self.l1c.products) - {
+            identifier.replace("L2A_", "L1C_").replace("_USER_", "_OPER_")
+            for identifier in self.l2a.products
+        }
         for prod in missings_l2a_set:
-            prods_list[prod] = {"date": self._products["l1c"][prod].date,
-                                "cloud_cover": self._products["l1c"][prod].cloud_cover}
+            prods_list[prod] = {
+                "date": self._products["l1c"][prod].date,
+                "cloud_cover": self._products["l1c"][prod].cloud_cover,
+            }
         return prods_list
-    #~ @property
-    #~ def cloudmasks_missings(self) -> "ProductsList":
-        #~ """Returns tile's L2A products that don't have a cloud mask as a ProductsList."""
-        #~ prods_list = ProductsList()
-        #~ missings_l2a_set = set(self.l2a.products) - {identifier for identifier in self.cloudmasks.products}
-        #~ for prod in missings_l2a_set:
-            #~ prods_list[prod] = {"date": self._products["l2a"][prod].date,
-                                #~ "cloud_cover": self._products["l2a"][prod].cloud_cover}
-        #~ return prods_list
-    def cloudmasks_missing(self,
-                           cm_version: str = "cm001",
-                           probability: int = 1,
-                           iterations: int = 5,
-                           cld_shad: bool = True,
-                           cld_med_prob: bool = True,
-                           cld_hi_prob: bool = True,
-                           thin_cir: bool = True,
-                           ) -> "ProductsList":
-        """Returns tile's L2A products that don't have a cloud mask as a ProductsList."""
+    # @property
+    # def cloudmasks_missings(self) -> "ProductsList":
+    # """Returns tile's L2A products that don't have a cloud mask as a ProductsList."""
+    # prods_list = ProductsList()
+    # missings_l2a_set = set(self.l2a.products) - {identifier for identifier in self.cloudmasks.products}
+    # for prod in missings_l2a_set:
+    # prods_list[prod] = {"date": self._products["l2a"][prod].date,
+    # "cloud_cover": self._products["l2a"][prod].cloud_cover}
+    # return prods_list
+    def cloudmasks_missing(
+        self,
+        cm_version: str = "cm001",
+        probability: int = 1,
+        iterations: int = 5,
+        cld_shad: bool = True,
+        cld_med_prob: bool = True,
+        cld_hi_prob: bool = True,
+        thin_cir: bool = True,
+    ) -> "ProductsList":
+        """Returns tile's L2A products that don't have a cloud mask as a
+        ProductsList."""
         prods_list = ProductsList()
-        missings_l2a_set = set(self.l2a.products) - {(re.findall(r"(S2.+)_CM.+.jp2", identifier)[0] + ".SAFE") \
-                                                     for identifier in getattr(self.cloudmasks, cm_version).\
-                                                                               params(probability = probability, 
-                                                                                      iterations = iterations,
-                                                                                      cld_shad = cld_shad,
-                                                                                      cld_med_prob = cld_med_prob, 
-                                                                                      cld_hi_prob = cld_hi_prob,
-                                                                                      thin_cir = thin_cir,
-                                                                                      ).\
-                                                                               products}
+        missings_l2a_set = set(self.l2a.products) - {
+            (re.findall(r"(S2.+)_CM.+.jp2", identifier)[0] + ".SAFE")
+            for identifier in getattr(self.cloudmasks, cm_version)
+            .params(
+                probability=probability,
+                iterations=iterations,
+                cld_shad=cld_shad,
+                cld_med_prob=cld_med_prob,
+                cld_hi_prob=cld_hi_prob,
+                thin_cir=thin_cir,
+            )
+            .products
+        }
         for prod in missings_l2a_set:
-            prods_list[prod] = {"date": self._products["l2a"][prod].date,
-                                "cloud_cover": self._products["l2a"][prod].cloud_cover}
+            prods_list[prod] = {
+                "date": self._products["l2a"][prod].date,
+                "cloud_cover": self._products["l2a"][prod].cloud_cover,
+            }
         return prods_list
     def info(self):
         logger.info("l1c: {}".format(len(self.l1c)))
         logger.info("l2a: {}".format(len(self.l2a)))
         logger.info("cloud_masks: {}".format(len(self.cloudmasks)))
         for indice, path in self._paths["indices"].items():
-            logger.info("{} (raw / masked): {} / {}".format(indice, len(getattr(self, indice).raws), len(getattr(self, indice).masks)))
+            logger.info(
+                "{} (raw / masked): {} / {}".format(
+                    indice,
+                    len(getattr(self, indice).raws),
+                    len(getattr(self, indice).masks),
+                )
+            )
     def size(self):
             local = getFolderSize(str(self.paths["l1c"]))
             total = getFolderSize(str(self.paths["l1c"]), True)
-            logger.info("l1c: {} (local: {} / archived: {})".format(human_size(total),
-                                                                    human_size(local),
-                                                                    human_size(total-local),
-                                                                    ))
+            logger.info(
+                "l1c: {} (local: {} / archived: {})".format(
+                    human_size(total),
+                    human_size(local),
+                    human_size(total - local),
+                )
+            )
             local = getFolderSize(str(self.paths["l2a"]))
             total = getFolderSize(str(self.paths["l2a"]), True)
-            logger.info("l2a: {} (local: {} / archived: {})".format(human_size(total),
-                                                                    human_size(local),
-                                                                    human_size(total-local),
-                                                                    ))
+            logger.info(
+                "l2a: {} (local: {} / archived: {})".format(
+                    human_size(total),
+                    human_size(local),
+                    human_size(total - local),
+                )
+            )
         for indice, path in self._paths["indices"].items():
-            logger.info("{}: {}".format(indice, human_size(getFolderSize(str(path), True))))
-    def missing_indices(self, 
-                        indice: str,
-                        nodata_clouds: bool = False,
-                        cm_version: list = "cm001",
-                        probability: int = 1,
-                        iterations: int = 5,
-                        cld_shad: bool = True,
-                        cld_med_prob: bool = True,
-                        cld_hi_prob: bool = True,
-                        thin_cir: bool = True,
-                        ) -> "ProductsList":
-        """Returns tile's L2A products that don't have indices as a ProductsList."""
+            logger.info(
+                "{}: {}".format(
+                    indice, human_size(getFolderSize(str(path), True))
+                )
+            )
+    def missing_indices(
+        self,
+        indice: str,
+        nodata_clouds: bool = False,
+        cm_version: list = "cm001",
+        probability: int = 1,
+        iterations: int = 5,
+        cld_shad: bool = True,
+        cld_med_prob: bool = True,
+        cld_hi_prob: bool = True,
+        thin_cir: bool = True,
+    ) -> "ProductsList":
+        """
+        Returns tile's L2A products that don't have indices as a ProductsList.
+        """
         prodlist = ProductsList()
             if not nodata_clouds:
-                missings_indice_set = set(self.l2a.products) - {re.sub("_" + indice.upper() + ".+jp2", ".SAFE", identifier) \
-                                                            for identifier in getattr(getattr(self, indice.lower()), 'raws').products}
+                missings_indice_set = set(self.l2a.products) - {
+                    re.sub("_" + indice.upper() + ".+jp2", ".SAFE", identifier)
+                    for identifier in getattr(
+                        getattr(self, indice.lower()), "raws"
+                    ).products
+                }
-                missings_indice_set = set(self.l2a.products) - {re.sub("_" + indice.upper() + "_CM.+jp2", ".SAFE", identifier) \
-                        for identifier in getattr(getattr(getattr(self, indice.lower()), 'masks'), cm_version)\
-                        .params(probability = probability, iterations = iterations).products}
+                missings_indice_set = set(self.l2a.products) - {
+                    re.sub(
+                        "_" + indice.upper() + "_CM.+jp2", ".SAFE", identifier
+                    )
+                    for identifier in getattr(
+                        getattr(getattr(self, indice.lower()), "masks"),
+                        cm_version,
+                    )
+                    .params(probability=probability, iterations=iterations)
+                    .products
+                }
             logger.info("Problem finding missing indices setting all L2A list")
             missings_indice_set = set(self.l2a.products)
         for prod in missings_indice_set:
-                prodlist[prod] = {"date": self._products["l2a"][prod].date,
-                                "cloud_cover": self._products["l2a"][prod].cloud_cover}            
+            prodlist[prod] = {
+                "date": self._products["l2a"][prod].date,
+                "cloud_cover": self._products["l2a"][prod].cloud_cover,
+            }
         return prodlist
-    def compute_l2a(self,
-                    reprocess: bool = False,
-                    p_60m_missing: bool = False,
-                    date_min: str = None,
-                    date_max: str = None,
-                    nb_proc: int = 4):
+    def compute_l2a(
+        self,
+        reprocess: bool = False,
+        p_60m_missing: bool = False,
+        date_min: str = None,
+        date_max: str = None,
+        nb_proc: int = 4,
+    ):
         Compute all missing l2a for l1c products between date_min and date_max
         If reprocess = True reprocess already processed products
         if reprocess:
             if p_60m_missing:
-                l2a_remove_list = [product.identifier for product in self.l2a.filter_dates(date_min = date_min, date_max = date_max) if not L2aProduct(product.identifier).b01_60m]
+                l2a_remove_list = [
+                    product.identifier
+                    for product in self.l2a.filter_dates(
+                        date_min=date_min, date_max=date_max
+                    )
+                    if not L2aProduct(product.identifier).b01_60m
+                ]
-                l2a_remove_list = [product.identifier for product in self.l2a.filter_dates(date_min = date_min, date_max = date_max)]
+                l2a_remove_list = [
+                    product.identifier
+                    for product in self.l2a.filter_dates(
+                        date_min=date_min, date_max=date_max
+                    )
+                ]
             if l2a_remove_list:
-        l1c_process_list =  []
-        l1c_process_list.append(list(p.identifier for p in self.l2a_missings.filter_dates(date_min = date_min, date_max = date_max)))
+        l1c_process_list = []
+        l1c_process_list.append(
+            list(
+                p.identifier
+                for p in self.l2a_missings.filter_dates(
+                    date_min=date_min, date_max=date_max
+                )
+            )
+        )
         l1c_process_list = list(chain.from_iterable(l1c_process_list))
         if l1c_process_list:
-            logger.info("{} l1c products to process:".format(len(l1c_process_list)))
+            logger.info(
+                "{} l1c products to process:".format(len(l1c_process_list))
+            )
             logger.info("All l2a products already computed")
         l2a_res = False
         if l1c_process_list:
             l2a_res = l2a_multiprocessing(l1c_process_list, nb_proc=nb_proc)
-    #~ def compute_cloudmasks(self,
-                           #~ version: str = "cm001",
-                           #~ probability: int = 1,
-                           #~ iterations: int = 5,
-                           #~ date_min: str = None,
-                           #~ date_max: str = None,
-                           #~ nb_proc: int = 4):
-        #~ """
-        #~ Compute all missing cloud masks for l2a products
-        #~ """
-        #~ cld_l2a_process_list =  []
-        #~ cld_l2a_process_list.append(list(p.identifier for p in self.cloudmasks_missing.filter_dates(date_min = date_min, date_max = date_max)))
-        #~ cld_l2a_process_list = list(chain.from_iterable(cld_l2a_process_list))
-        #~ if cld_l2a_process_list:
-            #~ logger.info("{} l2a products to process:".format(len(cld_l2a_process_list)))
-            #~ logger.info("{}".format(cld_l2a_process_list))
-        #~ else:
-            #~ logger.info("All cloud masks already computed")
-        #~ cld_res = False
-        #~ if cld_l2a_process_list:
-            #~ cld_res = cld_multiprocessing(cld_l2a_process_list, nb_proc=nb_proc)
-    def compute_cloudmasks(self,
-                           cm_version: str = "cm001",
-                           probability: int = 1,
-                           iterations: int = 5,
-                           cld_shad: bool = True,
-                           cld_med_prob: bool = True,
-                           cld_hi_prob: bool = True,
-                           thin_cir: bool = True,
-                           reprocess: bool = False,
-                           date_min: str = None,
-                           date_max: str = None,
-                           nb_proc: int = 4):
-        """
-        Compute all (missing) cloud masks for l2a products
-        :param cm_version: version of cloudmask to compute. Can be either cm001, cm002, cm003, or cm004
-        :param probability: only used by cm003: threshold probability of clouds to be considered
-        :param iterations: only used by cm003: number of iterations for dilatation process while computing cloudmask
-        :param reprocess: if False (default), only missing cloudmasks will be computed. if True already processed cloudmask will be computed again.
-        :param date_min: products before this date wont be processed. Defaut None = no limit
-        :param date_max: product after this date wont be processed. Defaut None = no limit
-        :param nb_proc: number of parallel process, limited to the number of proc of your PC (default 4)
+    # def compute_cloudmasks(self,
+    # version: str = "cm001",
+    # probability: int = 1,
+    # iterations: int = 5,
+    # date_min: str = None,
+    # date_max: str = None,
+    # nb_proc: int = 4):
+    # """
+    # Compute all missing cloud masks for l2a products
+    # """
+    # cld_l2a_process_list =  []
+    # cld_l2a_process_list.append(list(p.identifier for p in self.cloudmasks_missing.filter_dates(date_min = date_min, date_max = date_max)))
+    # cld_l2a_process_list = list(chain.from_iterable(cld_l2a_process_list))
+    # if cld_l2a_process_list:
+    # logger.info("{} l2a products to process:".format(len(cld_l2a_process_list)))
+    # logger.info("{}".format(cld_l2a_process_list))
+    # else:
+    # logger.info("All cloud masks already computed")
+    # cld_res = False
+    # if cld_l2a_process_list:
+    # cld_res = cld_multiprocessing(cld_l2a_process_list, nb_proc=nb_proc)
+    def compute_cloudmasks(
+        self,
+        cm_version: str = "cm001",
+        probability: int = 1,
+        iterations: int = 5,
+        cld_shad: bool = True,
+        cld_med_prob: bool = True,
+        cld_hi_prob: bool = True,
+        thin_cir: bool = True,
+        reprocess: bool = False,
+        date_min: str = None,
+        date_max: str = None,
+        nb_proc: int = 4,
+    ):
+        """Compute all (missing) cloud masks for l2a products.
+        :param cm_version: version of cloudmask to compute. Can be either cm001,
+            cm002, cm003, or cm004.
+        :param probability: only used by cm003: threshold probability of clouds
+            to be considered.
+        :param iterations: only used by cm003: number of iterations for
+            dilatation process while computing cloudmask.
+        :param reprocess: if False (default), only missing cloudmasks will be
+            computed. if True already processed cloudmask will be computed again.
+        :param date_min: products before this date wont be processed. Defaut
+            None = no limit.
+        :param date_max: product after this date wont be processed. Defaut
+            None = no limit.
+        :param nb_proc: number of parallel process, limited to the number of
+            proc of your PC (default 4).
         if not reprocess:
-            cld_l2a_process_list = list([p.identifier, 
-                                         cm_version, 
-                                         probability, 
-                                         iterations, 
-                                         cld_shad, 
-                                         cld_med_prob, 
-                                         cld_hi_prob, 
-                                         thin_cir, 
-                                         reprocess] \
-                                        for p in self.cloudmasks_missing(cm_version = cm_version,
-                                                                         probability = probability,
-                                                                         iterations = iterations,
-                                                                         cld_shad = cld_shad,
-                                                                         cld_med_prob = cld_med_prob, 
-                                                                         cld_hi_prob = cld_hi_prob,
-                                                                         thin_cir = thin_cir,
-                                                                         )\
-                                                                        .filter_dates(date_min = date_min, date_max = date_max))
+            cld_l2a_process_list = list(
+                [
+                    p.identifier,
+                    cm_version,
+                    probability,
+                    iterations,
+                    cld_shad,
+                    cld_med_prob,
+                    cld_hi_prob,
+                    thin_cir,
+                    reprocess,
+                ]
+                for p in self.cloudmasks_missing(
+                    cm_version=cm_version,
+                    probability=probability,
+                    iterations=iterations,
+                    cld_shad=cld_shad,
+                    cld_med_prob=cld_med_prob,
+                    cld_hi_prob=cld_hi_prob,
+                    thin_cir=thin_cir,
+                ).filter_dates(date_min=date_min, date_max=date_max)
+            )
-            cld_l2a_process_list = list([p.identifier, 
-                                         cm_version, 
-                                         probability, 
-                                         iterations, 
-                                         cld_shad, 
-                                         cld_med_prob, 
-                                         cld_hi_prob, 
-                                         thin_cir, 
-                                         reprocess] \
-                                        for p in self.l2a.filter_dates(date_min = date_min, date_max = date_max))
+            cld_l2a_process_list = list(
+                [
+                    p.identifier,
+                    cm_version,
+                    probability,
+                    iterations,
+                    cld_shad,
+                    cld_med_prob,
+                    cld_hi_prob,
+                    thin_cir,
+                    reprocess,
+                ]
+                for p in self.l2a.filter_dates(
+                    date_min=date_min, date_max=date_max
+                )
+            )
         if cld_l2a_process_list:
-            logger.info("{} l2a products to process:".format(len(cld_l2a_process_list)))
-            #~ logger.info("{}".format(cld_l2a_process_list))
-            cld_version_probability_iterations_reprocessing_multiprocessing(cld_l2a_process_list, nb_proc=nb_proc)
+            logger.info(
+                "{} l2a products to process:".format(len(cld_l2a_process_list))
+            )
+            # logger.info("{}".format(cld_l2a_process_list))
+            cld_version_probability_iterations_reprocessing_multiprocessing(
+                cld_l2a_process_list, nb_proc=nb_proc
+            )
             logger.info("All cloud masks already computed")
-            #~ return False
-    def compute_indices(self,
-                        indices: list = [],                        
-                        reprocess: bool = False,
-                        nodata_clouds: bool = True,
-                        quicklook: bool = False,
-                        cm_version: list = "cm001",
-                        probability: int = 1,
-                        iterations: int = 5,
-                        cld_shad: bool = True,
-                        cld_med_prob: bool = True,
-                        cld_hi_prob: bool = True,
-                        thin_cir: bool = True,
-                        date_min: str = None,
-                        date_max: str = None,
-                        nb_proc: int = 4):
+            # return False
+    def compute_indices(
+        self,
+        indices: list = [],
+        reprocess: bool = False,
+        nodata_clouds: bool = True,
+        quicklook: bool = False,
+        cm_version: list = "cm001",
+        probability: int = 1,
+        iterations: int = 5,
+        cld_shad: bool = True,
+        cld_med_prob: bool = True,
+        cld_hi_prob: bool = True,
+        thin_cir: bool = True,
+        date_min: str = None,
+        date_max: str = None,
+        nb_proc: int = 4,
+    ):
         Compute all missing indices for l2a products
         - indices are given as a list
@@ -702,63 +900,83 @@ class Tile:
         if not indices:
             indices = list(self._paths["indices"].keys())
-        #~ else:
+        # else:
         indices = [indice.upper() for indice in indices]
-        indices_l2a_process_list =  []
+        indices_l2a_process_list = []
         for i in indices:
             if not reprocess:
-                l2a_list = [p.identifier for p in self.missing_indices(i,
-                                                                       nodata_clouds = nodata_clouds,
-                                                                       cm_version = cm_version,
-                                                                       probability = probability, 
-                                                                       iterations = iterations,
-                                                                       cld_shad = cld_shad,
-                                                                       cld_med_prob = cld_med_prob,
-                                                                       cld_hi_prob = cld_hi_prob,
-                                                                       thin_cir = thin_cir,
-                                                                       ).filter_dates(date_min = date_min, date_max = date_max)]
+                l2a_list = [
+                    p.identifier
+                    for p in self.missing_indices(
+                        i,
+                        nodata_clouds=nodata_clouds,
+                        cm_version=cm_version,
+                        probability=probability,
+                        iterations=iterations,
+                        cld_shad=cld_shad,
+                        cld_med_prob=cld_med_prob,
+                        cld_hi_prob=cld_hi_prob,
+                        thin_cir=thin_cir,
+                    ).filter_dates(date_min=date_min, date_max=date_max)
+                ]
-                l2a_list = [p.identifier for p in self.l2a.filter_dates(date_min = date_min, date_max = date_max)]
+                l2a_list = [
+                    p.identifier
+                    for p in self.l2a.filter_dates(
+                        date_min=date_min, date_max=date_max
+                    )
+                ]
             for j in l2a_list:
-                indices_l2a_process_list.append([j, 
-                                                 i,
-                                                 reprocess,
-                                                 nodata_clouds,
-                                                 quicklook,
-                                                 cm_version,
-                                                 probability,
-                                                 iterations,
-                                                 cld_shad,
-                                                 cld_med_prob,
-                                                 cld_hi_prob,
-                                                 thin_cir])
+                indices_l2a_process_list.append(
+                    [
+                        j,
+                        i,
+                        reprocess,
+                        nodata_clouds,
+                        quicklook,
+                        cm_version,
+                        probability,
+                        iterations,
+                        cld_shad,
+                        cld_med_prob,
+                        cld_hi_prob,
+                        thin_cir,
+                    ]
+                )
         if indices_l2a_process_list:
-            logger.info("{} indice products to process:".format(len(indices_l2a_process_list)))
+            logger.info(
+                "{} indice products to process:".format(
+                    len(indices_l2a_process_list)
+                )
+            )
-            indices_res = idx_multiprocessing(indices_l2a_process_list, nb_proc=nb_proc)
+            indices_res = idx_multiprocessing(
+                indices_l2a_process_list, nb_proc=nb_proc
+            )
             logger.info("All indices already computed")
-    def clean_lib(self,
-                  remove_indice_tif: bool = False,
-                  remove: bool = False):
+    def clean_lib(self, remove_indice_tif: bool = False, remove: bool = False):
-        Function to search and clean corrupted files during processing errors from Tile
+        Function to search and clean corrupted files during processing errors
+        from Tile :
         - unmoved error l2a products from l1c folder
         - moved error l2a products from l2a folder
         - cloud masks error (0kb)
-        - indices error (0kb)        
-        :param clean_list: list of tiles to be cleaned. If not provided, will process all l1c Tiles.
-        :param remove_indice_tif: bool. If True will remove present TIFF files present in indice folders. Default value False.
-        :param remove: bool. If True will effectively remove corrupted files, if False will just list identified problems. Default value False.
+        - indices error (0kb)
+        :param clean_list: list of tiles to be cleaned. If not provided, will
+            process all l1c Tiles.
+        :param remove_indice_tif: bool. If True will remove present TIFF files
+            present in indice folders. Default value False.
+        :param remove: bool. If True will effectively remove corrupted files,
+            if False will just list identified problems. Default value False.
-        #~ logger.info("Cleaning {} library".format(self.name))
+        # logger.info("Cleaning {} library".format(self.name))
         # identify corrupted jp2 in l1c folder
         nb_id = 0
         nb_rm = 0
@@ -780,7 +998,10 @@ class Tile:
                 logger.error("Can't remove {} from L1C folder".format(e))
         # identify residual l2a from l1c folder
-        for f in chain(self._paths["l1c"].glob("*L2A*.SAFE"), self._paths["l1c"].glob("*L2A*.tmp")):
+        for f in chain(
+            self._paths["l1c"].glob("*L2A*.SAFE"),
+            self._paths["l1c"].glob("*L2A*.tmp"),
+        ):
             txt = "Identified {} in L1C folder".format(f.name)
@@ -791,22 +1012,32 @@ class Tile:
                     logger.info("Removing {} from L1C folder".format(f.name))
                     nb_rm += 1
-                    logger.error("Can't remove {} from L1C folder".format(f.name))
+                    logger.error(
+                        "Can't remove {} from L1C folder".format(f.name)
+                    )
         # identify missing jp2 in L2A folder
         for f in self._paths["l2a"].glob("*L2A*.SAFE"):
             # Nb jp2 < 7
             if len(list(f.glob("GRANULE/*/IMG_DATA/R10m/*.jp2"))) < 7:
-                txt = "Corrupted L2A {} in L2A folder (less than 7 jp2 files in R10m folder)".format(f.name)
+                txt = "Corrupted L2A {} in L2A folder (less than 7 jp2 files in R10m folder)".format(
+                    f.name
+                )
                 nb_id += 1
                 if remove:
-                        logger.info("Removing corrupted L2A {} from L2A folder".format(f.name))
+                        logger.info(
+                            "Removing corrupted L2A {} from L2A folder".format(
+                                f.name
+                            )
+                        )
                         nb_rm += 1
-                        logger.error("Can't remove {} from L2A folder".format(f.name))
+                        logger.error(
+                            "Can't remove {} from L2A folder".format(f.name)
+                        )
         # identify 0B cloud masks
         for f in self._paths["cloudmasks"].glob("*/*CM*.jp2"):
             if f.stat().st_size == 0:
@@ -815,7 +1046,11 @@ class Tile:
                 nb_id += 1
                 if remove:
-                    logger.info("Removing corrupted cloud mask {} from L2A folder".format(f.name))
+                    logger.info(
+                        "Removing corrupted cloud mask {} from L2A folder".format(
+                            f.name
+                        )
+                    )
                     nb_rm += 1
         # identify wrong size l2a_QL
@@ -826,49 +1061,59 @@ class Tile:
                 nb_id += 1
                 if remove:
-                    logger.info("Removing corrupted QL {} from L2A folder".format(f.name))
+                    logger.info(
+                        "Removing corrupted QL {} from L2A folder".format(
+                            f.name
+                        )
+                    )
                     nb_rm += 1
         # identify 0B or absent indice QL
         for f in self._paths["indices"]:
-            #~ logger.info(f, self._paths["indices"][f])
+            # logger.info(f, self._paths["indices"][f])
             for p in self._paths["indices"][f].glob("*_MSIL2A_*/"):
-                #~ logger.info(p)
+                # logger.info(p)
                 if p.is_file():
                     txt = "Identified old indice format {}".format(p.name)
                     nb_id += 1
                     if remove:
-                        logger.info("Removing old indice format {}".format(p.name))
+                        logger.info(
+                            "Removing old indice format {}".format(p.name)
+                        )
                         nb_rm += 1
-                    #~ for q in p.glob("*_QUICKLOOK.tif"):
-                        #~ if not ((q.stat().st_size == 3617212) or 
-                                #~ (q.stat().st_size == 4196652) or
-                                #~ (q.stat().st_size == 3617478)):
-                            #~ logger.info("Corrupted indice QL {} (bad size)".format(q.name))
-                            #~ if remove:
-                                #~ logger.info("Removing indice QL {}".format(q.name))
-                                #~ q.unlink()
+                    # for q in p.glob("*_QUICKLOOK.tif"):
+                    #     if not ((q.stat().st_size == 3617212) or
+                    #             (q.stat().st_size == 4196652) or
+                    #             (q.stat().st_size == 3617478)):
+                    #         logger.info("Corrupted indice QL {} (bad size)".format(q.name))
+                    #         if remove:
+                    #             logger.info("Removing indice QL {}".format(q.name))
+                    #             q.unlink()
                     for q in list(p.glob("*.jp2")) + list(p.glob("*.tif")):
-                        #~ logger.info(q)
+                        # logger.info(q)
                             Image.MAX_IMAGE_PIXELS = 120560400
-                            img = Image.open(str(q)) # open the image file
-                            img.verify() # verify that it is, in fact an image
+                            img = Image.open(str(q))  # open the image file
+                            img.verify()  # verify that it is, in fact an image
                         except (IOError, SyntaxError) as e:
-                            txt = 'Bad file (PIL): {}'.format(str(q.name)) # print out the names of corrupt files
+                            txt = "Bad file (PIL): {}".format(
+                                str(q.name)
+                            )  # print out the names of corrupt files
                             nb_id += 1
                             if remove:
-                                logger.info("Removing indice QL {}".format(q.name))
+                                logger.info(
+                                    "Removing indice QL {}".format(q.name)
+                                )
                                 nb_rm += 1
                     for q in list(p.glob("*.jp2")):
-                        if not (Path(str(q) + ".aux.xml")).exists(): 
+                        if not (Path(str(q) + ".aux.xml")).exists():
                             txt = "Missing metadata: {}".format(q.name)
@@ -884,44 +1129,65 @@ class Tile:
                             nb_id += 1
                             if remove:
-                                logger.info("Removing indice QL {}".format(q.name))
+                                logger.info(
+                                    "Removing indice QL {}".format(q.name)
+                                )
                                 nb_rm += 1
                     if remove_indice_tif:
                         for q in p.glob("*" + f.upper() + ".tif"):
-                            txt = "Identified indice in tif format {}".format(q.name)
+                            txt = "Identified indice in tif format {}".format(
+                                q.name
+                            )
                             nb_id += 1
                             if remove:
-                                logger.info("Removing indice QL {}".format(q.name))
+                                logger.info(
+                                    "Removing indice QL {}".format(q.name)
+                                )
                                 nb_rm += 1
-        return {"identified_problems": nb_id, "removed_problems": nb_rm, "problems": prob_id}
-    def archive_l1c(self, 
-                    size_only: bool = False,
-                    force: bool = False,
-                    ):
+        return {
+            "identified_problems": nb_id,
+            "removed_problems": nb_rm,
+            "problems": prob_id,
+        }
+    def archive_l1c(
+        self,
+        size_only: bool = False,
+        force: bool = False,
+    ):
         Check and move l1c products to l1c archive folder
         l1c_archive_path = Path(Config().get("l1c_archive_path"))
         if force:
             prod_list = self.l1c
             prod_list = ProductsList()
-            archive_l1c_set = {a for a in {identifier.replace("L2A_", "L1C_").replace("_USER_", "__OPER__")
-                                                         for identifier in self.l2a.products} if a in set(self.l1c.products)}
+            archive_l1c_set = {
+                a
+                for a in {
+                    identifier.replace("L2A_", "L1C_").replace(
+                        "_USER_", "__OPER__"
+                    )
+                    for identifier in self.l2a.products
+                }
+                if a in set(self.l1c.products)
+            }
             for prod in archive_l1c_set:
-                prod_list[prod] = {"date": self._products["l1c"][prod].date,
-                                    "cloud_cover": self._products["l1c"][prod].cloud_cover}
+                prod_list[prod] = {
+                    "date": self._products["l1c"][prod].date,
+                    "cloud_cover": self._products["l1c"][prod].cloud_cover,
+                }
         count = 0
-        total_size = 0 
+        total_size = 0
         if prod_list:
             for prod in prod_list:
                 l1c = L1cProduct(prod.identifier)
@@ -932,93 +1198,127 @@ class Tile:
                         move_path = l1c_archive_path / l1c.tile / l1c.path.name
                         logger.info("archiving {}".format(l1c.identifier))
-                        #~ shutil.move(str(l1c.path), str(move_path.parent))
-                        distutils.dir_util.copy_tree(str(l1c.path), str(move_path))
+                        # shutil.move(str(l1c.path), str(move_path.parent))
+                        distutils.dir_util.copy_tree(
+                            str(l1c.path), str(move_path)
+                        )
-                        l1c.path.symlink_to(move_path, target_is_directory = True)
+                        l1c.path.symlink_to(
+                            move_path, target_is_directory=True
+                        )
             if size_only:
-                logger.info("{} l1c product(s) to archive ({})".format(count, human_size(total_size)))
+                logger.info(
+                    "{} l1c product(s) to archive ({})".format(
+                        count, human_size(total_size)
+                    )
+                )
-                logger.info("{} l1c product(s) archived ({})".format(count, human_size(total_size)))
+                logger.info(
+                    "{} l1c product(s) archived ({})".format(
+                        count, human_size(total_size)
+                    )
+                )
             return total_size
         if not count:
             logger.info("No L1C products to archive")
             return 0
-    def archive_l2a(self,
-                    size_only: bool = False,):
+    def archive_l2a(
+        self,
+        size_only: bool = False,
+    ):
         Check errors and move l2a products to l2a archive folder
-        if (self.clean_lib()['identified_problems']-self.clean_lib()['removed_problems']) == 0:
+        if (
+            self.clean_lib()["identified_problems"]
+            - self.clean_lib()["removed_problems"]
+        ) == 0:
             l2a_archive_path = Path(Config().get("l2a_archive_path"))
             prod_list = self.l2a
             if prod_list:
                 count = 0
-                total_size = 0 
+                total_size = 0
                 for prod in prod_list:
                     l2a = L2aProduct(prod.identifier)
                     if not l2a.path.is_symlink():
                         count += 1
                         total_size += getFolderSize(str(l2a.path))
                         if not size_only:
-                            move_path = l2a_archive_path / l2a.tile / l2a.path.name
+                            move_path = (
+                                l2a_archive_path / l2a.tile / l2a.path.name
+                            )
                             logger.info("archiving {}".format(l2a.identifier))
                             shutil.move(str(l2a.path), str(move_path.parent))
-                            l2a.path.symlink_to(move_path, target_is_directory = True)
+                            l2a.path.symlink_to(
+                                move_path, target_is_directory=True
+                            )
                 if size_only:
-                    logger.info("{} l2a product(s) to archive ({})".format(count, human_size(total_size)))
+                    logger.info(
+                        "{} l2a product(s) to archive ({})".format(
+                            count, human_size(total_size)
+                        )
+                    )
-                    logger.info("{} l2a product(s) archived ({})".format(count, human_size(total_size)))
+                    logger.info(
+                        "{} l2a product(s) archived ({})".format(
+                            count, human_size(total_size)
+                        )
+                    )
                 return total_size
                 logger.info("No L2A products, nothing to archive")
                 return 0
-            logger.info("Error(s) in l2a product(s) please correct them running clean_lib(remove=True) before archiving")
+            logger.info(
+                "Error(s) in l2a product(s) please correct them running clean_lib(remove=True) before archiving"
+            )
             return 0
-    def archive_all(self, 
-                    force: bool = False,
-                    size_only: bool = False,
-                    ):
+    def archive_all(
+        self,
+        force: bool = False,
+        size_only: bool = False,
+    ):
         Chain archive_l1c and archive_l2a functions
-        """        
-        l1c_size = self.archive_l1c(size_only = size_only, force = force)
-        l2a_size = self.archive_l2a(size_only = size_only)
-        return l1c_size + l2a_size   
-    def compute_ql(self,
-                   product_list: list = [],
-                   resolution: int = 750,
-                   jpg: bool = True,
-                   ):
+        """
+        l1c_size = self.archive_l1c(size_only=size_only, force=force)
+        l2a_size = self.archive_l2a(size_only=size_only)
+        return l1c_size + l2a_size
+    def compute_ql(
+        self,
+        product_list: list = [],
+        resolution: int = 750,
+        jpg: bool = True,
+    ):
         Produce or update the latest l2a quicklook for the tile
-        And remove previous ones        """                               
+        And remove previous ones"""
         for product in product_list:
             # l1c
             if "l1c" in [item.lower() for item in product_list]:
                 for p in self.l1c:
                     l1c = L1cProduct(p.identifier)
-                    l1c.process_ql(out_resolution = (resolution, resolution), jpg = jpg)          
+                    l1c.process_ql(
+                        out_resolution=(resolution, resolution), jpg=jpg
+                    )
             # l2a
             if "l2a" in [item.lower() for item in product_list]:
                 for p in self.l2a:
                     l2a = L2aProduct(p.identifier)
-                    l2a.process_ql(out_resolution = (resolution, resolution), jpg = jpg)                    
+                    l2a.process_ql(
+                        out_resolution=(resolution, resolution), jpg=jpg
+                    )
             # indices
     def update_latest_ql(self):
         Produce or update the latest l2a quicklook for the tile
@@ -1028,48 +1328,63 @@ class Tile:
         if p:
             l2a = L2aProduct(p)
-            outfullpath = l2a.path.parent / "QL" / (l2a.tile + '_' + p[0:4] + Tile._get_date(p).strftime("%Y%m%d") + '_QL_latest.jpg')
+            outfullpath = (
+                l2a.path.parent
+                / "QL"
+                / (
+                    l2a.tile
+                    + "_"
+                    + p[0:4]
+                    + Tile._get_date(p).strftime("%Y%m%d")
+                    + "_QL_latest.jpg"
+                )
+            )
             outfullpath.parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
-            old_ql = list((l2a.path.parent / "QL").glob('*_QL_latest.jpg*'))
-            liste=[a for a in old_ql if str(outfullpath) not in str(a)]
+            old_ql = list((l2a.path.parent / "QL").glob("*_QL_latest.jpg*"))
+            liste = [a for a in old_ql if str(outfullpath) not in str(a)]
             for f in liste:
             if outfullpath in old_ql:
                 logger.info("{} - Latest QL already done".format(self.name))
-                l2a.process_ql(out_path = outfullpath, out_resolution=(750,750), jpg = True)
+                l2a.process_ql(
+                    out_path=outfullpath, out_resolution=(750, 750), jpg=True
+                )
             logger.info("{} - No L2A product available".format(self.name))
     def move_old_quicklooks(self):
-        Move all old quicklooks to QL subfolder
+        Move all old quicklooks to QL subfolder.
-        logger.info("{}: Moving all quicklooks to QL/ subfolder".format(self.name))
+        logger.info(
+            "{}: Moving all quicklooks to QL/ subfolder".format(self.name)
+        )
         (self._paths["l2a"] / "QL").mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True)
         for f in self._paths["l2a"].glob("*_QL*"):
             if f.is_file():
                 f.replace(f.parent / "QL" / f.name)
     def update_old_cloudmasks(self):
         Move and rename old cloudmasks to new cloudmask folder
-        cloudmask xmls are removed
+        cloudmask xmls are removed.
-        #Move and rename old  masks / B11
+        # Move and rename old  masks / B11
         logger.info("Moving and renaming old masks")
         for f in self._paths["l2a"].glob("*L2A*_CLOUD_MASK*.jp2"):
             p = OldCloudMaskProduct(f.name)
-            f_renamed = f.name.replace("CLOUD_MASK_B11", "CM002-B11")\
-                              .replace("CLOUD_MASK", "CM001")
+            f_renamed = f.name.replace("CLOUD_MASK_B11", "CM002-B11").replace(
+                "CLOUD_MASK", "CM001"
+            )
-            p_new = NewCloudMaskProduct(identifier = f_renamed)
+            p_new = NewCloudMaskProduct(identifier=f_renamed)
             p_new.path.parent.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True)
-        #Remove xml
+        # Remove xml
         logger.info("Removing xmls")
         for f in self._paths["l2a"].glob("*L2A*_CLOUD_MASK*.jp2.aux.xml"):
@@ -1079,7 +1394,9 @@ class Tile:
         Remove very old cloudmasks, matching pattern : *_CLOUD_MASK.tif
         files = list(self._paths["l2a"].glob("*_CLOUD_MASK.tif"))
-        logger.info("{}: Removing {} very old cloudmasks".format(self.name, len(files)))
+        logger.info(
+            "{}: Removing {} very old cloudmasks".format(self.name, len(files))
+        )
         for f in files:
             if f.is_file():
@@ -1088,35 +1405,50 @@ class Tile:
         Rename old indices to match new cloudmask nomenclature
-        #Rename old indices to default cm_version cm001
+        # Rename old indices to default cm_version cm001
         logger.info("Moving and renaming old indices")
         for indice, path in self._paths["indices"].items():
-            logger.info("{} - Processing: {}".format(self.name, indice.upper()))
-            for f in list(Path(path).glob("*/*MASKED*")) + list(Path(path).glob("*/*QUICKLOOK*")):
-                f_renamed = f.name.replace("MASKED", "CM001").replace("QUICKLOOK", "CM001_QL")
+            logger.info(
+                "{} - Processing: {}".format(self.name, indice.upper())
+            )
+            for f in list(Path(path).glob("*/*MASKED*")) + list(
+                Path(path).glob("*/*QUICKLOOK*")
+            ):
+                f_renamed = f.name.replace("MASKED", "CM001").replace(
+                    "QUICKLOOK", "CM001_QL"
+                )
                 f.rename(str(Path(f.parent / f_renamed)))
-                IndiceProduct(identifier = f_renamed)
+                IndiceProduct(identifier=f_renamed)
     def init_md(self):
-        Initiate sen2chain metadata for all tile products (l2a, cloudmasks, indices (raw, masked, ql)) 
+        Initiate sen2chain metadata for all tile products (l2a, cloudmasks,
+        indices (raw, masked, ql)).
         logger.info("{} - Initiating products metadata".format(self.name))
         for l2a in [product.identifier for product in self.l2a]:
         for cloudmask in [product.identifier for product in self.cloudmasks]:
-        for indice in [val for sublist in [getattr(self, i) for i in [p for p in self.paths["indices"]]] for val in sublist]:
-            IndiceProduct(identifier = indice.identifier)
-    def remove_l1c(self,
-                   product_list: list = [],
-                   ):
+        for indice in [
+            val
+            for sublist in [
+                getattr(self, i) for i in [p for p in self.paths["indices"]]
+            ]
+            for val in sublist
+        ]:
+            IndiceProduct(identifier=indice.identifier)
+    # FIXME: docs
+    def remove_l1c(
+        self,
+        product_list: list = [],
+    ):
         Remove l1c files
@@ -1127,10 +1459,11 @@ class Tile:
         logger.info("Removed: {} products".format(len(product_list)))
-    def remove_l2a(self, 
-                   product_list: list = [],
-                   ):
+    # FIXME: docs
+    def remove_l2a(
+        self,
+        product_list: list = [],
+    ):
         Remove l2a files
@@ -1140,4 +1473,3 @@ class Tile:
             l2a = L2aProduct(identifier)
         logger.info("Removed: {} products".format(len(product_list)))
diff --git a/sen2chain/tileset.py b/sen2chain/tileset.py
index 8c5d4f8a4b9ac1917f0e6c3c058a5e01beae405e..3128e87c6e4f4a8907e099a3fd669c9f315210f3 100644
--- a/sen2chain/tileset.py
+++ b/sen2chain/tileset.py
@@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# coding: utf-8
+# FIXME: docs
 import os
 import shutil
@@ -9,6 +8,7 @@ import logging
 import pathlib
 from pathlib import Path
 # type annotations
 from typing import List, Dict
 from itertools import chain
@@ -17,7 +17,11 @@ from .config import Config, SHARED_DATA
 from .products import L1cProduct
 from .tiles import Tile
 from .utils import human_size, human_size_decimal
-from .multi_processing import l2a_multiprocessing, cld_version_probability_iterations_reprocessing_multiprocessing, idx_multiprocessing
+from .multi_processing import (
+    l2a_multiprocessing,
+    cld_version_probability_iterations_reprocessing_multiprocessing,
+    idx_multiprocessing,
 s2_tiles_index = SHARED_DATA.get("tiles_index")
@@ -29,68 +33,88 @@ class TileSet:
     Module to process l2a, cloud masks and indices from a tile list, using multiprocessing.
-    def __init__(self, 
-                 tile_list: list = [],
-                 ):
+    def __init__(
+        self,
+        tile_list: list = [],
+    ):
         self.tile_list = tile_list
         if not self.tile_list:
-            logger.info("TileSet list cannot be empty, please provide a tile list while initializing class")            
+            logger.info(
+                "TileSet list cannot be empty, please provide a tile list while initializing class"
+            )
     def __repr__(self) -> str:
         return "TileSet: {}".format(self.tile_list)
-    def compute_l2a(self,
-                    date_min: str = None,
-                    date_max: str = None,
-                    nb_proc: int = 8):
+    def compute_l2a(
+        self, date_min: str = None, date_max: str = None, nb_proc: int = 8
+    ):
         Compute all missing l2a for l1c products
-        l1c_process_list =  []
+        l1c_process_list = []
         for tile in self.tile_list:
             t = Tile(tile)
-            l1c_process_list.append(list(p.identifier for p in t.l2a_missings.filter_dates(date_min = date_min, date_max = date_max)))
+            l1c_process_list.append(
+                list(
+                    p.identifier
+                    for p in t.l2a_missings.filter_dates(
+                        date_min=date_min, date_max=date_max
+                    )
+                )
+            )
         l1c_process_list = list(chain.from_iterable(l1c_process_list))
         if l1c_process_list:
-            logger.info("{} L1C products to process:".format(len(l1c_process_list)))
+            logger.info(
+                "{} L1C products to process:".format(len(l1c_process_list))
+            )
             l2a_multiprocessing(l1c_process_list, nb_proc=nb_proc)
             logger.info("All L2A already computed")
-    def compute_cloudmasks(self,
-                            date_min: str = None,
-                            date_max: str = None,
-                            nb_proc: int = 8):
+    def compute_cloudmasks(
+        self, date_min: str = None, date_max: str = None, nb_proc: int = 8
+    ):
         Compute all missing cloud masks for l2a products
-        cld_l2a_process_list =  []
+        cld_l2a_process_list = []
         for tile in self.tile_list:
             t = Tile(tile)
-            cld_l2a_process_list.append(list(p.identifier for p in t.cloudmasks_missings.filter_dates(date_min = date_min, date_max = date_max)))
+            cld_l2a_process_list.append(
+                list(
+                    p.identifier
+                    for p in t.cloudmasks_missings.filter_dates(
+                        date_min=date_min, date_max=date_max
+                    )
+                )
+            )
         cld_l2a_process_list = list(chain.from_iterable(cld_l2a_process_list))
         if cld_l2a_process_list:
-            logger.info("{} L2A products to process:".format(len(cld_l2a_process_list)))
+            logger.info(
+                "{} L2A products to process:".format(len(cld_l2a_process_list))
+            )
-            #~ cld_multiprocessing(cld_l2a_process_list, nb_proc=nb_proc)
+            # ~ cld_multiprocessing(cld_l2a_process_list, nb_proc=nb_proc)
             logger.info("All cloud masks already computed")
-    def compute_indices(self,
-                        indices: list = [],
-                        date_min: str = None,
-                        date_max: str = None,
-                        nb_proc: int = 8):
+    def compute_indices(
+        self,
+        indices: list = [],
+        date_min: str = None,
+        date_max: str = None,
+        nb_proc: int = 8,
+    ):
         Compute all missing indices for l2a products
         - indices are given as a list
         - if indices not provided, will compute missing dates of already existing indices for each tile (no new indice computed)
         - ! indices won't be masked if no cloud masks are present, you have to compute cloudmasks first
-        indices_l2a_process_list =  []
+        indices_l2a_process_list = []
         for tile in self.tile_list:
             t = Tile(tile)
             if not indices:
@@ -99,19 +123,27 @@ class TileSet:
                 indices = [indice.upper() for indice in indices]
             for i in indices:
-                l2a_list = [p.identifier for p in t.missing_indices(i).filter_dates(date_min = date_min, date_max = date_max)]
+                l2a_list = [
+                    p.identifier
+                    for p in t.missing_indices(i).filter_dates(
+                        date_min=date_min, date_max=date_max
+                    )
+                ]
                 for j in l2a_list:
                     indices_l2a_process_list.append([j, i])
         if indices_l2a_process_list:
-            logger.info("{} l2a products to process:".format(len(indices_l2a_process_list)))
+            logger.info(
+                "{} l2a products to process:".format(
+                    len(indices_l2a_process_list)
+                )
+            )
             idx_multiprocessing(indices_l2a_process_list, nb_proc=nb_proc)
             logger.info("All indices already computed")
     def info(self):
         for t in self.tile_list:
diff --git a/sen2chain/time_series.py b/sen2chain/time_series.py
index 389b276ce348aebb0ce92add45f8a6d49fc48ad9..edaac0ecb3938f87d9475f5923c486b78330f1fd 100644
--- a/sen2chain/time_series.py
+++ b/sen2chain/time_series.py
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# coding: utf-8
 Module for computing time series.
@@ -20,6 +20,7 @@ from shapely.geometry import mapping
 from rasterstats import zonal_stats
 import pandas as pd
 import geopandas as gpd
 # type annotations
 from typing import Sequence, List, Dict, Union
 import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
@@ -40,9 +41,14 @@ from .products import L2aProduct, IndiceProduct
 logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
-#~ logging.basicConfig(format='%(process)s %(asctime)s %(levelname)s:%(module)s:%(message)s', level=logging.INFO, datefmt='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
-                                                                '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'))
+# logging.basicConfig(format='%(process)s %(asctime)s %(levelname)s:%(module)s:%(message)s', level=logging.INFO, datefmt='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
+    logging.Formatter(
+        "%(process)s:%(asctime)s:%(levelname)s:%(name)s:%(message)s",
+        "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S",
+    )
 class TimeSeries:
     """Class for time series extraction.
@@ -55,17 +61,25 @@ class TimeSeries:
     :param cover_max: minimum cloud cover value. Default: 100.
-        >>> ts = TimeSeries("polygons.geojson", indices=["NDVI"], date_min="2017-01-01", date_max="2018-01-01")
+        >>> ts = TimeSeries(
+                "polygons.geojson",
+                indices=["NDVI"],
+                date_min="2017-01-01",
+                date_max="2018-01-01"
+            )
     def __init__(
-            self,
-            vectors_file: Union[str, pathlib.PosixPath],
-            indices: Sequence[str] = None,
-            date_min: str = None, date_max: str = None,
-            cover_min: int = 0, cover_max: int = 100,
-            field_names: str = None,
-            multiproc: int = 0, 
-            getstat: bool = True
+        self,
+        vectors_file: Union[str, pathlib.PosixPath],
+        indices: Sequence[str] = None,
+        date_min: str = None,
+        date_max: str = None,
+        cover_min: int = 0,
+        cover_max: int = 100,
+        field_names: str = None,
+        multiproc: int = 0,
+        getstat: bool = True,
     ) -> None:
         self._vectors_file = Path(vectors_file)
@@ -76,7 +90,7 @@ class TimeSeries:
         self._field_names = field_names
         self._multiproc = multiproc
         self._out_path = Config().get("time_series_path")
         if indices is None:
             self._indices_list = IndicesCollection.list
@@ -84,12 +98,12 @@ class TimeSeries:
                 if indice not in IndicesCollection:
                     raise ValueError("Invald indice name: {}".format(indice))
             self._indices_list = indices
         if self._field_names:
             self._key = self._field_names
-            self._key = 'fid'
+            self._key = "fid"
         self._tiles_geoms = self._get_tiles_geom_dict()
         self._df_dicts = dict()
         if getstat is True:
@@ -97,7 +111,6 @@ class TimeSeries:
     def data(self) -> Dict[str, pd.DataFrame]:
@@ -116,8 +129,11 @@ class TimeSeries:
         return False
     def _get_tiles_geom_dict(self) -> Dict[str, List[str]]:
-        """{Feature id: list of intersected tiles} to {tile: list of intersected features ids}."""
-        intersected_tiles_dict = get_tiles_from_file(self._vectors_file, land_only=False)
+        """{Feature id: list of intersected tiles} to {tile: list of intersected
+        features ids}."""
+        intersected_tiles_dict = get_tiles_from_file(
+            self._vectors_file, land_only=False
+        )
         tiles_geom = dict()
         for feat_id, tiles_list in intersected_tiles_dict.items():
             for tile in tiles_list:
@@ -128,10 +144,12 @@ class TimeSeries:
     def _filter_products(
-            tile: Tile,
-            indice: str,
-            date_min: str, date_max: str,
-            cover_min: int, cover_max: int
+        tile: Tile,
+        indice: str,
+        date_min: str,
+        date_max: str,
+        cover_min: int,
+        cover_max: int,
     ) -> ProductsList:
         """Filters tile's indices products.
@@ -142,78 +160,92 @@ class TimeSeries:
         :param cover_min: minimum cloud coverage.
         :param cover_max: maximum cloud coverage.
-        products = vars(tile)[indice.lower()].masks.cm001               ##########"" Ajouter ici un truc pour choisir le CM !!!!!
-        filt = products.filter_dates(date_min, date_max).filter_clouds(cover_min, cover_max)
+        products = vars(tile)[
+            indice.lower()
+        ].masks.cm001  ##########"" Ajouter ici un truc pour choisir le CM !!!!!
+        filt = products.filter_dates(date_min, date_max).filter_clouds(
+            cover_min, cover_max
+        )
         return filt
     def _get_raster_stats_in_geom(
-            feature: Dict,
-            raster_path: Union[str, pathlib.PosixPath],
-            cloud_path: str = None, 
-            cloud_proba_path: str = None
+        feature: Dict,
+        raster_path: Union[str, pathlib.PosixPath],
+        cloud_path: str = None,
+        cloud_proba_path: str = None,
     ) -> Dict:
         """Extracts statistics from a raster in a geometry.
         :param feature: GeoJSON like object.
         :param raster_path: path to the raster.
-        geom = shape(transform.transform_geom("EPSG:4326",
-                                              rasterio.open(str(raster_path)).crs["init"],
-                                              feature["geometry"]))
-        #~ with rasterio.open(str(raster_path)) as raster_src:
-            #~ raster_profile = raster_src.profile
-        #~ logger.info(raster_profile)
-        stats = zonal_stats(geom, str(raster_path), stats=["count",
-                                                           "nodata",
-                                                           "min",
-                                                           "max",
-                                                           "median",
-                                                           "mean",
-                                                           "std",
-                                                           "percentile_25",
-                                                           "percentile_75"])[0]
-        #~ logger.info(stats)
+        geom = shape(
+            transform.transform_geom(
+                "EPSG:4326",
+                rasterio.open(str(raster_path)).crs["init"],
+                feature["geometry"],
+            )
+        )
+        # with rasterio.open(str(raster_path)) as raster_src:
+        # raster_profile = raster_src.profile
+        # logger.info(raster_profile)
+        stats = zonal_stats(
+            geom,
+            str(raster_path),
+            stats=[
+                "count",
+                "nodata",
+                "min",
+                "max",
+                "median",
+                "mean",
+                "std",
+                "percentile_25",
+                "percentile_75",
+            ],
+        )[0]
+        # logger.info(stats)
         if cloud_path:
-            #~ def mycount(x):
-                #~ return np.count_nonzero(x == 1)            
-            #~ with rasterio.open(str(cloud_path)) as cld_src:
-                #~ cld_profile = cld_src.profile
-                #~ cld_array = cld_src.read(1, out_shape = (10980, 10980), resampling=Resampling.nearest)
-                #~ cld_array = cld_src.read(1)
-                #~ logger.info("shape: {}".format(cld_array.shape))
-            #~ stats_cld = zonal_stats(geom, cld_array, affine=raster_profile["transform"] , stats=["count", "nodata"], add_stats={'cldcount':mycount})
-            #~ stats_cld = zonal_stats(geom, cld_array, affine=raster_profile["transform"], categorical=True)[0]
-            #~ stats_cld = zonal_stats(geom, str(cloud_path), nodata = 16383.0, categorical=True)[0]
-            #~ stats_cld = zonal_stats(geom, str(cloud_path), stats=["count", "nodata"], add_stats={'cldcount':mycount})
-            #~ stats_cld = zonal_stats(geom, str(cloud_path), categorical=True, nodata = 16383.0, category_map= {-999: 'tttttttttttt', 1.0: 'clds', 0.0:'noclds', 16383.0: 'nnnnnnn'})[0]
-            stats_cld = zonal_stats(geom, str(cloud_path), stats=["count", "nodata"])[0]
-            #~ logger.info(stats_cld)
+            # def mycount(x):
+            # return np.count_nonzero(x == 1)
+            # with rasterio.open(str(cloud_path)) as cld_src:
+            # cld_profile = cld_src.profile
+            # cld_array = cld_src.read(1, out_shape = (10980, 10980), resampling=Resampling.nearest)
+            # cld_array = cld_src.read(1)
+            # logger.info("shape: {}".format(cld_array.shape))
+            # stats_cld = zonal_stats(geom, cld_array, affine=raster_profile["transform"] , stats=["count", "nodata"], add_stats={'cldcount':mycount})
+            # stats_cld = zonal_stats(geom, cld_array, affine=raster_profile["transform"], categorical=True)[0]
+            # stats_cld = zonal_stats(geom, str(cloud_path), nodata = 16383.0, categorical=True)[0]
+            # stats_cld = zonal_stats(geom, str(cloud_path), stats=["count", "nodata"], add_stats={'cldcount':mycount})
+            # stats_cld = zonal_stats(geom, str(cloud_path), categorical=True, nodata = 16383.0, category_map= {-999: 'tttttttttttt', 1.0: 'clds', 0.0:'noclds', 16383.0: 'nnnnnnn'})[0]
+            stats_cld = zonal_stats(
+                geom, str(cloud_path), stats=["count", "nodata"]
+            )[0]
+            # logger.info(stats_cld)
                 nbcld = stats["nodata"] - stats_cld["nodata"]
                 nbcld = 0
-            #~ logger.info(stats_cld)
-            #~ logger.info(cld_pct)
-            stats['nbcld'] = nbcld
+            # logger.info(stats_cld)
+            # logger.info(cld_pct)
+            stats["nbcld"] = nbcld
         if cloud_proba_path:
-            stats_cld_prb = zonal_stats(geom, str(cloud_proba_path), stats=["mean"])[0]
-            stats['cldprb'] = stats_cld_prb["mean"]
+            stats_cld_prb = zonal_stats(
+                geom, str(cloud_proba_path), stats=["mean"]
+            )[0]
+            stats["cldprb"] = stats_cld_prb["mean"]
         # mettre ici le cloud mask !
         return stats
     def _get_stats(self) -> None:
@@ -222,63 +254,94 @@ class TimeSeries:
         with fiona.open(str(self._vectors_file), "r") as vectors:
             features = {feat["id"]: feat for feat in vectors}
             for index2, indice in enumerate(self._indices_list):
-                logger.info("computing {}/{}: {}".format(index2 + 1, len(self._indices_list), indice))
+                logger.info(
+                    "computing {}/{}: {}".format(
+                        index2 + 1, len(self._indices_list), indice
+                    )
+                )
                 rows_list = []
-                #~ for tile, fid_list in self._tiles_geoms.items():
+                # for tile, fid_list in self._tiles_geoms.items():
                 for index3, tile in enumerate(self._tiles_geoms):
                     fid_list = self._tiles_geoms[tile]
                     tile_obj = Tile(tile)
-                    logger.info("Tile {}/{}: {}".format(index3 + 1, len(self._tiles_geoms), tile))
+                    logger.info(
+                        "Tile {}/{}: {}".format(
+                            index3 + 1, len(self._tiles_geoms), tile
+                        )
+                    )
                     if TimeSeries._is_indice_in_tile(indice, tile_obj):
-                        tile_indice_path = tile_obj.paths["indices"][indice.lower()]
-                        products = TimeSeries._filter_products(tile_obj, indice,
-                                                               self._date_min, self._date_max,
-                                                               self._cover_min, self._cover_max)
+                        tile_indice_path = tile_obj.paths["indices"][
+                            indice.lower()
+                        ]
+                        products = TimeSeries._filter_products(
+                            tile_obj,
+                            indice,
+                            self._date_min,
+                            self._date_max,
+                            self._cover_min,
+                            self._cover_max,
+                        )
                         for index1, prod in enumerate(products):
                             indice_product = IndiceProduct(prod.identifier)
                             prod_path = str(indice_product.path)
-                            prod_path_unmasked = prod_path.replace("_CM001", "")
+                            prod_path_unmasked = prod_path.replace(
+                                "_CM001", ""
+                            )
                             l2a = L2aProduct(indice_product.l2a)
                             if l2a.path.exists():
                                 prod_path_cloud_proba = l2a.msk_cldprb_20m
                                 prod_path_cloud_proba = None
-                            #~ prod_path = tile_indice_path / prod.identifier[:(-12 - len(indice))] / prod.identifier
-                            #~ cloud_path = tile_obj.paths["l2a"] / (prod.identifier[:(-12 - len(indice))] + "_CLOUD_MASK.jp2")
-                            #~ prod_path_unmasked = tile_indice_path / prod.identifier[:(-12 - len(indice))] / (prod.identifier[:-11] + '.jp2')
-                            #~ prod_path_cloud_proba = L2aProduct(prod.identifier[:(-12 - len(indice))]).msk_cldprb_20m
-                            #~ logger.info(prod_path_cloud_proba)
-                            logger.info("Product {}/{}: {}".format(index1 + 1, len(products), prod.identifier))
+                            # prod_path = tile_indice_path / prod.identifier[:(-12 - len(indice))] / prod.identifier
+                            # cloud_path = tile_obj.paths["l2a"] / (prod.identifier[:(-12 - len(indice))] + "_CLOUD_MASK.jp2")
+                            # prod_path_unmasked = tile_indice_path / prod.identifier[:(-12 - len(indice))] / (prod.identifier[:-11] + '.jp2')
+                            # prod_path_cloud_proba = L2aProduct(prod.identifier[:(-12 - len(indice))]).msk_cldprb_20m
+                            # logger.info(prod_path_cloud_proba)
+                            logger.info(
+                                "Product {}/{}: {}".format(
+                                    index1 + 1, len(products), prod.identifier
+                                )
+                            )
                             logger.info("{} features".format(len(fid_list)))
                             for index, fid in enumerate(fid_list):
                                 df_dict = OrderedDict()
                                 df_dict["fid"] = fid
                                 # feat_properties = features[fid]["properties"]
                                 # if feat_properties:
-                                    # df_dict.update(feat_properties)
-                                df_dict.update(TimeSeries._get_raster_stats_in_geom(features[fid], prod_path, prod_path_unmasked, prod_path_cloud_proba))
+                                # df_dict.update(feat_properties)
+                                df_dict.update(
+                                    TimeSeries._get_raster_stats_in_geom(
+                                        features[fid],
+                                        prod_path,
+                                        prod_path_unmasked,
+                                        prod_path_cloud_proba,
+                                    )
+                                )
                                 # df_properties = features[fid]["properties"]
                                 df_dict["date"] = prod.date
                                 df_dict["tile"] = tile
                                 df_dict["filename"] = prod.identifier
                                 for prop in features[fid]["properties"]:
-                                    df_dict[prop] = features[fid]["properties"][prop]
+                                    df_dict[prop] = features[fid][
+                                        "properties"
+                                    ][prop]
                 if rows_list:
                     self._df_dicts[indice] = TimeSeries._list_to_df(rows_list)
         end = time.time()
-        logger.info("Execution time: {}".format(timedelta(seconds = end - start)))
+        logger.info(
+            "Execution time: {}".format(timedelta(seconds=end - start))
+        )
     def _raster_stats_multi(self, features, shared_list, proc_item):
         indice_product = IndiceProduct(proc_item[0].identifier)
@@ -289,99 +352,136 @@ class TimeSeries:
             prod_path_cloud_proba = l2a.msk_cldprb_20m
             prod_path_cloud_proba = None
-        #~ prod_path = proc_item[2] / proc_item[0].identifier[:(-12 - len(proc_item[3]))] / proc_item[0].identifier
-        #~ prod_path_unmasked = proc_item[2] / proc_item[0].identifier[:(-12 - len(proc_item[3]))] / (proc_item[0].identifier[:-11] + '.jp2')
-        #~ prod_path_cloud_proba = L2aProduct(proc_item[0].identifier[:(-12 - len(proc_item[3]))]).msk_cldprb_20m
-        #~ logger.info(prod_path_cloud_proba)
+        # prod_path = proc_item[2] / proc_item[0].identifier[:(-12 - len(proc_item[3]))] / proc_item[0].identifier
+        # prod_path_unmasked = proc_item[2] / proc_item[0].identifier[:(-12 - len(proc_item[3]))] / (proc_item[0].identifier[:-11] + '.jp2')
+        # prod_path_cloud_proba = L2aProduct(proc_item[0].identifier[:(-12 - len(proc_item[3]))]).msk_cldprb_20m
+        # logger.info(prod_path_cloud_proba)
         fid = proc_item[1]
         result_dict = OrderedDict()
         result_dict["fid"] = fid
-        result_dict.update(TimeSeries._get_raster_stats_in_geom(features[fid], prod_path, prod_path_unmasked, prod_path_cloud_proba))
+        result_dict.update(
+            TimeSeries._get_raster_stats_in_geom(
+                features[fid],
+                prod_path,
+                prod_path_unmasked,
+                prod_path_cloud_proba,
+            )
+        )
         result_dict["date"] = proc_item[0].date
         result_dict["tile"] = proc_item[4]
         result_dict["filename"] = proc_item[0].identifier
         for prop in features[fid]["properties"]:
-            #~ if type(features[fid]["properties"][prop]) == float:
-                #~ result_dict[prop] = "{:.6f}".format(features[fid]["properties"][prop])
-                #~ logger.info("toto {}".format(result_dict[prop]))
-            #~ else:
-                #~ result_dict[prop] = features[fid]["properties"][prop]
-                #~ logger.info("tata {}".format(result_dict[prop]))
+            # if type(features[fid]["properties"][prop]) == float:
+            # result_dict[prop] = "{:.6f}".format(features[fid]["properties"][prop])
+            # logger.info("toto {}".format(result_dict[prop]))
+            # else:
+            # result_dict[prop] = features[fid]["properties"][prop]
+            # logger.info("tata {}".format(result_dict[prop]))
             result_dict[prop] = features[fid]["properties"][prop]
     def _get_stats_multiproc(self) -> None:
         start = time.time()
         """Compute stats in polygons."""
         with fiona.open(str(self._vectors_file), "r") as vectors:
             features = {feat["id"]: feat for feat in vectors}
             for index2, indice in enumerate(self._indices_list):
-                logger.info("computing {}/{}: {}".format(index2 + 1, len(self._indices_list), indice))
-                #~ rows_list = []
+                logger.info(
+                    "computing {}/{}: {}".format(
+                        index2 + 1, len(self._indices_list), indice
+                    )
+                )
+                # rows_list = []
                 manager = multiprocessing.Manager()
                 shared_list = manager.list()
-                #~ for tile, fid_list in self._tiles_geoms.items():
+                # for tile, fid_list in self._tiles_geoms.items():
                 for index3, tile in enumerate(self._tiles_geoms):
                     fid_list = self._tiles_geoms[tile]
                     tile_obj = Tile(tile)
-                    logger.info("Tile {}/{}: {}".format(index3 + 1, len(self._tiles_geoms), tile))
+                    logger.info(
+                        "Tile {}/{}: {}".format(
+                            index3 + 1, len(self._tiles_geoms), tile
+                        )
+                    )
                     if TimeSeries._is_indice_in_tile(indice, tile_obj):
-                        tile_indice_path = tile_obj.paths["indices"][indice.lower()]
-                        products = TimeSeries._filter_products(tile_obj, indice,
-                                                               self._date_min, self._date_max,
-                                                               self._cover_min, self._cover_max)
-                        proc_list = list(itertools.product(products, fid_list, [tile_indice_path], [indice], [tile]))
+                        tile_indice_path = tile_obj.paths["indices"][
+                            indice.lower()
+                        ]
+                        products = TimeSeries._filter_products(
+                            tile_obj,
+                            indice,
+                            self._date_min,
+                            self._date_max,
+                            self._cover_min,
+                            self._cover_max,
+                        )
+                        proc_list = list(
+                            itertools.product(
+                                products,
+                                fid_list,
+                                [tile_indice_path],
+                                [indice],
+                                [tile],
+                            )
+                        )
                         logger.info("{} extractions".format(len(proc_list)))
                         pool = multiprocessing.Pool(self._multiproc)
-                        results = [pool.map(partial(self._raster_stats_multi, features, shared_list), proc_list)]
+                        results = [
+                            pool.map(
+                                partial(
+                                    self._raster_stats_multi,
+                                    features,
+                                    shared_list,
+                                ),
+                                proc_list,
+                            )
+                        ]
-                        #~ logger.info("{}".format(shared_list))
-                        #~ for index1, prod in enumerate(products):
+                        # logger.info("{}".format(shared_list))
+                        # for index1, prod in enumerate(products):
                         rows_list = list(shared_list)
-                        #~ logger.info("rows_list {}".format(rows_list))
+                        # logger.info("rows_list {}".format(rows_list))
                         if rows_list:
-                            self._df_dicts[indice] = TimeSeries._list_to_df(rows_list)
-                            #~ prod_path = tile_indice_path / prod.identifier[:(-12 - len(indice))] / prod.identifier
-                            #~ logger.info("Product {}/{}: {}".format(index1 + 1, len(products), prod.identifier))
-                            #~ logger.info("{} features".format(len(fid_list)))
-                            #~ for index, fid in enumerate(fid_list):
-                                #~ df_dict = OrderedDict()
-                                #~ df_dict["fid"] = fid
-                                #~ # feat_properties = features[fid]["properties"]
-                                #~ # if feat_properties:
-                                    #~ # df_dict.update(feat_properties)
-                                #~ df_dict.update(TimeSeries._get_raster_stats_in_geom(features[fid], prod_path))
-                                #~ # df_properties = features[fid]["properties"]
-                                #~ df_dict["date"] = prod.date
-                                #~ df_dict["tile"] = tile
-                                #~ df_dict["filename"] = prod.identifier
-                                #~ for prop in features[fid]["properties"]:
-                                    #~ df_dict[prop] = features[fid]["properties"][prop]
-                                #~ rows_list.append(df_dict)
-                #~ if rows_list:
-                    #~ self._df_dicts[indice] = TimeSeries._list_to_df(rows_list)
+                            self._df_dicts[indice] = TimeSeries._list_to_df(
+                                rows_list
+                            )
+                #             prod_path = tile_indice_path / prod.identifier[:(-12 - len(indice))] / prod.identifier
+                #             logger.info("Product {}/{}: {}".format(index1 + 1, len(products), prod.identifier))
+                #             logger.info("{} features".format(len(fid_list)))
+                #             for index, fid in enumerate(fid_list):
+                #                 df_dict = OrderedDict()
+                #                 df_dict["fid"] = fid
+                #                 # feat_properties = features[fid]["properties"]
+                #                 # if feat_properties:
+                #                     # df_dict.update(feat_properties)
+                #                 df_dict.update(TimeSeries._get_raster_stats_in_geom(features[fid], prod_path))
+                #                 # df_properties = features[fid]["properties"]
+                #                 df_dict["date"] = prod.date
+                #                 df_dict["tile"] = tile
+                #                 df_dict["filename"] = prod.identifier
+                #                 for prop in features[fid]["properties"]:
+                #                     df_dict[prop] = features[fid]["properties"][prop]
+                #                 rows_list.append(df_dict)
+                # if rows_list:
+                #     self._df_dicts[indice] = TimeSeries._list_to_df(rows_list)
         end = time.time()
-        logger.info("Execution time: {}".format(timedelta(seconds = end - start)))
+        logger.info(
+            "Execution time: {}".format(timedelta(seconds=end - start))
+        )
     def _list_to_df(rows_list: List[Dict]) -> pd.DataFrame:
@@ -392,8 +492,8 @@ class TimeSeries:
         df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(rows_list)
         df = df.sort_values(by=["date"])
         df.set_index("date", inplace=True, drop=False)
-        del df['date']
-        df = df.dropna(subset = ['mean'])
+        del df["date"]
+        df = df.dropna(subset=["mean"])
         return df
     def to_csv(self, out_path: Union[str, pathlib.PosixPath] = None) -> None:
@@ -405,29 +505,63 @@ class TimeSeries:
             out_path = self._out_path
         out_path_folder = Path(out_path) / self._vectors_file.stem
         out_path_folder.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
-        list_order = ['fid', 'tile', 'filename', 'count', 'nodata', 'nbcld', 'cldprb', 'min', 'max', 'mean', 'std','median', 'percentile_25', 'percentile_75']
-        #~ b=[a for a in df.columns if a not in liste]
+        list_order = [
+            "fid",
+            "tile",
+            "filename",
+            "count",
+            "nodata",
+            "nbcld",
+            "cldprb",
+            "min",
+            "max",
+            "mean",
+            "std",
+            "median",
+            "percentile_25",
+            "percentile_75",
+        ]
+        # b=[a for a in df.columns if a not in liste]
         for df_name, df in self._df_dicts.items():
             csv_path = out_path_folder / "{0}_{1}_{2}_{3}.csv".format(
-                self._date_max)
-            #~ df.sort_values(by=['fid', 'date', 'count', 'tile']).reindex(columns=(list_order + [a for a in df.columns if a not in list_order]), copy=False).to_csv(str(csv_path))
-            df['fid'] = pd.to_numeric(df['fid'])
-            dg = df.sort_values(by=['fid', 'date', 'count', 'std'], ascending=[True, True, True, False]).\
-                    reindex(columns=(list_order + [a for a in df.columns if a not in list_order]), copy=False).\
-                    reset_index().\
-                    drop_duplicates(['date','fid'], keep='last')
+                self._date_max,
+            )
+            # df.sort_values(by=['fid', 'date', 'count', 'tile']).reindex(columns=(list_order + [a for a in df.columns if a not in list_order]), copy=False).to_csv(str(csv_path))
+            df["fid"] = pd.to_numeric(df["fid"])
+            dg = (
+                df.sort_values(
+                    by=["fid", "date", "count", "std"],
+                    ascending=[True, True, True, False],
+                )
+                .reindex(
+                    columns=(
+                        list_order
+                        + [a for a in df.columns if a not in list_order]
+                    ),
+                    copy=False,
+                )
+                .reset_index()
+                .drop_duplicates(["date", "fid"], keep="last")
+            )
             dg.set_index("date", inplace=True, drop=True)
-            dg.replace(to_replace=[r"\\t|\\n|\\r", "\t|\n|\r"], value=["",""], regex=True, inplace=True)
+            dg.replace(
+                to_replace=[r"\\t|\\n|\\r", "\t|\n|\r"],
+                value=["", ""],
+                regex=True,
+                inplace=True,
+            )
             logger.info("exported to csv: {}".format(csv_path))
-    def plot_global(self, out_path: Union[str, pathlib.PosixPath] = None) -> None:
+    def plot_global(
+        self, out_path: Union[str, pathlib.PosixPath] = None
+    ) -> None:
         """Exports the time series to CSV format.
         :param out_path: output folder. Default is DATA/TIME_SERIES.
@@ -436,26 +570,34 @@ class TimeSeries:
             out_path = self._out_path
         out_path_folder = Path(out_path) / self._vectors_file.stem
         out_path_folder.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
         for df_name, df in self._df_dicts.items():
-            png_path = out_path_folder / "{0}_plot-global_{1}_{2}_{3}.png".format(
-                self._vectors_file.stem,
-                df_name,
-                self._date_min,
-                self._date_max)
+            png_path = (
+                out_path_folder
+                / "{0}_plot-global_{1}_{2}_{3}.png".format(
+                    self._vectors_file.stem,
+                    df_name,
+                    self._date_min,
+                    self._date_max,
+                )
+            )
             df = self.data[df_name]
-            plt.figure(figsize=(19.2,10.8))
-            if df_name in ['NDVI', 'NDWIGAO', 'NDWIMCF', 'MNDWI']:
-                plt.ylim((-10000,10000))
+            plt.figure(figsize=(19.2, 10.8))
+            if df_name in ["NDVI", "NDWIGAO", "NDWIMCF", "MNDWI"]:
+                plt.ylim((-10000, 10000))
-                plt.ylim((0,10000))
-            df.dropna(subset = ['mean']).groupby(self._key)['mean'].plot(legend=True)
+                plt.ylim((0, 10000))
+            df.dropna(subset=["mean"]).groupby(self._key)["mean"].plot(
+                legend=True
+            )
             logger.info("Plot saved to png: {}".format(png_path))
-    def plot_details(self, out_path: Union[str, pathlib.PosixPath] = None) -> None:
+    def plot_details(
+        self, out_path: Union[str, pathlib.PosixPath] = None
+    ) -> None:
         """Exports the time series to CSV format.
         :param out_path: output folder. Default is DATA/TIME_SERIES.
@@ -465,55 +607,99 @@ class TimeSeries:
         out_path_folder = Path(out_path) / self._vectors_file.stem
         out_path_folder.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
         for df_name, df in self._df_dicts.items():
-            png_path = out_path_folder / "{0}_plot-details_{1}_{2}_{3}.png".format(
-                self._vectors_file.stem,
-                df_name,
-                self._date_min,
-                self._date_max)
-            png_path_nonan = out_path_folder / "{0}_plot-details_{1}-nonan_{2}_{3}.png".format(
-                self._vectors_file.stem,
-                df_name,
-                self._date_min,
-                self._date_max)
-            if df_name in ['NDVI', 'NDWIGAO', 'NDWIMCF', 'MNDWI']:
+            png_path = (
+                out_path_folder
+                / "{0}_plot-details_{1}_{2}_{3}.png".format(
+                    self._vectors_file.stem,
+                    df_name,
+                    self._date_min,
+                    self._date_max,
+                )
+            )
+            png_path_nonan = (
+                out_path_folder
+                / "{0}_plot-details_{1}-nonan_{2}_{3}.png".format(
+                    self._vectors_file.stem,
+                    df_name,
+                    self._date_min,
+                    self._date_max,
+                )
+            )
+            if df_name in ["NDVI", "NDWIGAO", "NDWIMCF", "MNDWI"]:
                 ylim = [-10000, 10000]
                 ylim = [0, 10000]
             df = self.data[df_name]
             grouped = df.groupby(self._key)
-            ncols = int(math.ceil(len(grouped)**0.5))
-            nrows = int(math.ceil(len(grouped)/ncols))
-            fig, axs = plt.subplots(nrows, ncols, figsize=(19.2,10.8))
+            ncols = int(math.ceil(len(grouped) ** 0.5))
+            nrows = int(math.ceil(len(grouped) / ncols))
+            fig, axs = plt.subplots(nrows, ncols, figsize=(19.2, 10.8))
             for (name, dfe), ax in zip(grouped, axs.flat):
-                dfe.dropna(subset = ['mean']).plot(y=['mean'], ax=ax, yerr='std', color='black', elinewidth=0.2, legend=False)
-                dfe.dropna(subset = ['mean']).plot(y=['min', 'max'], ax=ax, linewidth=0.25, color='black', legend=False)
+                dfe.dropna(subset=["mean"]).plot(
+                    y=["mean"],
+                    ax=ax,
+                    yerr="std",
+                    color="black",
+                    elinewidth=0.2,
+                    legend=False,
+                )
+                dfe.dropna(subset=["mean"]).plot(
+                    y=["min", "max"],
+                    ax=ax,
+                    linewidth=0.25,
+                    color="black",
+                    legend=False,
+                )
                 ax2 = ax.twinx()
                 ax2.set_ylim([0, 1])
-                dfe['na_ratio'] = dfe['nodata']/(dfe['count'] + dfe['nodata'])
-                dfe.dropna(subset = ['mean']).plot(y=['na_ratio'], marker='o', ax=ax2, color='red', linewidth=0.25, linestyle='', legend=False)
-                #~ dfe.dropna().plot.bar(y=['na_ratio'], ax=ax2, color='red',legend=False)
-                ax.plot(np.nan, '-r', label = 'NaN ratio')
-                #~ ax.legend(loc=0, prop={'size': 6})
+                dfe["na_ratio"] = dfe["nodata"] / (
+                    dfe["count"] + dfe["nodata"]
+                )
+                dfe.dropna(subset=["mean"]).plot(
+                    y=["na_ratio"],
+                    marker="o",
+                    ax=ax2,
+                    color="red",
+                    linewidth=0.25,
+                    linestyle="",
+                    legend=False,
+                )
+                # dfe.dropna().plot.bar(y=['na_ratio'], ax=ax2, color='red',legend=False)
+                ax.plot(np.nan, "-r", label="NaN ratio")
+                # ax.legend(loc=0, prop={'size': 6})
                 ax.legend(loc=0, labelspacing=0.05)
             fig.suptitle(df_name, fontsize=16)
-            logger.info("Plot saved to png: {}".format(png_path)) 
+            logger.info("Plot saved to png: {}".format(png_path))
-                fig, axs = plt.subplots(nrows, ncols, figsize=(19.2,10.8))
+                fig, axs = plt.subplots(nrows, ncols, figsize=(19.2, 10.8))
                 for (name, dfe), ax in zip(grouped, axs.flat):
-                    dfe = dfe.dropna(subset = ['mean'])
-                    dfe = dfe[(dfe[['nodata']] == 0).all(axis=1)]
-                    dfe.plot(y=['mean'], ax=ax, yerr='std', color='black', elinewidth=0.2, legend=False)
-                    dfe.plot(y=['min', 'max'], ax=ax, linewidth=0.25, color='black', legend=False)
+                    dfe = dfe.dropna(subset=["mean"])
+                    dfe = dfe[(dfe[["nodata"]] == 0).all(axis=1)]
+                    dfe.plot(
+                        y=["mean"],
+                        ax=ax,
+                        yerr="std",
+                        color="black",
+                        elinewidth=0.2,
+                        legend=False,
+                    )
+                    dfe.plot(
+                        y=["min", "max"],
+                        ax=ax,
+                        linewidth=0.25,
+                        color="black",
+                        legend=False,
+                    )
                     ax.legend(loc=0, labelspacing=0.05)
                 fig.suptitle(df_name, fontsize=16)
@@ -524,10 +710,10 @@ class TimeSeries:
                 logger.info("No data to plot (no date with 0 nodata)")
-    def extract_ql(self, out_path: Union[str, pathlib.PosixPath] = None) -> None:
-        """Extract ql images around vectors.
-        """
+    def extract_ql(
+        self, out_path: Union[str, pathlib.PosixPath] = None
+    ) -> None:
+        """Extract ql images around vectors."""
         if out_path is None:
             out_path = Config().get("time_series_path")
         out_path_folder = Path(out_path) / self._vectors_file.stem
@@ -536,129 +722,210 @@ class TimeSeries:
         for df_name, df in self.data.items():
             fid_list = dict(zip(df.fid, df[self._key]))
             if not self._field_names:
-                fid_list = fid_list.fromkeys(fid_list, '')
-            cmap_dict = {'NDVI' : 'RdYlGn',
-                         'NDWIGAO' : 'RdYlBu',
-                         'NDWIMCF' : 'RdYlBu',
-                         'BIGR' : 'pink',
-                         'BIRNIR' : 'afmhot',
-                         'BIBG' : 'bone',
-                         'MNDWI' : 'BrBG'}
-            if df_name in ['NDVI', 'NDWIGAO', 'NDWIMCF', 'MNDWI']:
+                fid_list = fid_list.fromkeys(fid_list, "")
+            cmap_dict = {
+                "NDVI": "RdYlGn",
+                "NDWIGAO": "RdYlBu",
+                "NDWIMCF": "RdYlBu",
+                "BIGR": "pink",
+                "BIRNIR": "afmhot",
+                "BIBG": "bone",
+                "MNDWI": "BrBG",
+            }
+            if df_name in ["NDVI", "NDWIGAO", "NDWIMCF", "MNDWI"]:
                 vmin = -10000
                 vmax = 10000
                 vmin = 0
                 vmax = 10000
             for fid, name in fid_list.items():
                 if name:
                     fidname = name
-                    fidname = 'FID'+fid
+                    fidname = "FID" + fid
                 out_path_fid_folder = out_path_folder / str("QL_" + fidname)
                 out_path_fid_folder.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
-                indice_png_path = out_path_fid_folder / "{0}_MOZ-QL_{1}_{2}_{3}_{4}.jpg".format(
-                                            self._vectors_file.stem,
-                                            fidname,
-                                            df_name,
-                                            self._date_min,
-                                            self._date_max)
-                l2a_png_path = out_path_fid_folder / "{0}_MOZ-QL_{1}_{2}_{3}_{4}.jpg".format(
-                                            self._vectors_file.stem,
-                                            fidname,
-                                            'L2A',
-                                            self._date_min,
-                                            self._date_max)
+                indice_png_path = (
+                    out_path_fid_folder
+                    / "{0}_MOZ-QL_{1}_{2}_{3}_{4}.jpg".format(
+                        self._vectors_file.stem,
+                        fidname,
+                        df_name,
+                        self._date_min,
+                        self._date_max,
+                    )
+                )
+                l2a_png_path = (
+                    out_path_fid_folder
+                    / "{0}_MOZ-QL_{1}_{2}_{3}_{4}.jpg".format(
+                        self._vectors_file.stem,
+                        fidname,
+                        "L2A",
+                        self._date_min,
+                        self._date_max,
+                    )
+                )
-                nb_prod = len(df.loc[df['fid'] == fid])
-                ncols = int(math.ceil(nb_prod**0.5))
-                nrows = int(math.ceil(nb_prod/ncols))
-                figa, axs = plt.subplots(nrows, ncols, figsize=(5*ncols,5*nrows), sharey=True, sharex=True)
-                figb, bxs = plt.subplots(nrows, ncols, figsize=(5*ncols,5*nrows), sharey=True, sharex=True)
-                for (index, row), ax, bx in zip((df.loc[df['fid'] == fid]).sort_values(by=['date']).iterrows(), 
-                                                 np.array(axs).flatten(),
-                                                 np.array(bxs).flatten()):
-                    #~ logger.info("row[filename]: {}".format(row['filename']))
-                    prod_id = IndiceProduct(row['filename']).l2a
-                    #~ prod_id = row['filename'][:(-12 - len(df_name))]
-                    indice_png_tile_path = out_path_fid_folder / "{0}_QL_{1}_{2}_{3}_{4}_{5}.jpg".format(
-                                            self._vectors_file.stem,
-                                            fidname,
-                                            df_name,
-                                            prod_id[11:19], 
-                                            prod_id[39:44],
-                                            prod_id[0:2])
-                    l2a_png_tile_path = out_path_fid_folder / "{0}_QL_{1}_{2}_{3}_{4}_{5}.jpg".format(
-                                            self._vectors_file.stem,
-                                            fidname,
-                                            'L2A',
-                                            prod_id[11:19], 
-                                            prod_id[39:44],
-                                            prod_id[0:2])
-                    tile_obj = Tile(row['tile'])
-                    tile_indice_path = tile_obj.paths["indices"][df_name.lower()]
+                nb_prod = len(df.loc[df["fid"] == fid])
+                ncols = int(math.ceil(nb_prod ** 0.5))
+                nrows = int(math.ceil(nb_prod / ncols))
+                figa, axs = plt.subplots(
+                    nrows,
+                    ncols,
+                    figsize=(5 * ncols, 5 * nrows),
+                    sharey=True,
+                    sharex=True,
+                )
+                figb, bxs = plt.subplots(
+                    nrows,
+                    ncols,
+                    figsize=(5 * ncols, 5 * nrows),
+                    sharey=True,
+                    sharex=True,
+                )
+                for (index, row), ax, bx in zip(
+                    (df.loc[df["fid"] == fid])
+                    .sort_values(by=["date"])
+                    .iterrows(),
+                    np.array(axs).flatten(),
+                    np.array(bxs).flatten(),
+                ):
+                    # logger.info("row[filename]: {}".format(row['filename']))
+                    prod_id = IndiceProduct(row["filename"]).l2a
+                    # prod_id = row['filename'][:(-12 - len(df_name))]
+                    indice_png_tile_path = (
+                        out_path_fid_folder
+                        / "{0}_QL_{1}_{2}_{3}_{4}_{5}.jpg".format(
+                            self._vectors_file.stem,
+                            fidname,
+                            df_name,
+                            prod_id[11:19],
+                            prod_id[39:44],
+                            prod_id[0:2],
+                        )
+                    )
+                    l2a_png_tile_path = (
+                        out_path_fid_folder
+                        / "{0}_QL_{1}_{2}_{3}_{4}_{5}.jpg".format(
+                            self._vectors_file.stem,
+                            fidname,
+                            "L2A",
+                            prod_id[11:19],
+                            prod_id[39:44],
+                            prod_id[0:2],
+                        )
+                    )
+                    tile_obj = Tile(row["tile"])
+                    tile_indice_path = tile_obj.paths["indices"][
+                        df_name.lower()
+                    ]
                     tile_l2a_path = tile_obj.paths["l2a"]
-                    prod_path = tile_indice_path / prod_id / row['filename']
+                    prod_path = tile_indice_path / prod_id / row["filename"]
                     tci_path = L2aProduct(prod_id).tci_10m
-                    #~ tci_path = list(Path(str(tile_l2a_path / row['filename'][:(-12 - len(df_name))])+ '.SAFE/')\
-                                             #~ .glob('GRANULE/*/IMG_DATA/R10m/*_TCI_10m.jp2'))
+                    # tci_path = list(Path(str(tile_l2a_path / row['filename'][:(-12 - len(df_name))])+ '.SAFE/')\
+                    # .glob('GRANULE/*/IMG_DATA/R10m/*_TCI_10m.jp2'))
                     crop_extent = gpd.read_file(str(self._vectors_file))
                     raster_tci = rasterio.open(tci_path)
                     crop_extent_new_proj = crop_extent.to_crs(raster_tci.crs)
-                    extent_geojson = mapping(crop_extent_new_proj['geometry'][int(fid)].buffer(1000))
+                    extent_geojson = mapping(
+                        crop_extent_new_proj["geometry"][int(fid)].buffer(1000)
+                    )
                     with rasterio.open(tci_path) as tci_data:
-                        tci_data_crop, tci_data_crop_affine = mask(tci_data,
-                                                 [extent_geojson],
-                                                 crop=True)
-                    tci_crop = np.dstack((tci_data_crop[0], tci_data_crop[1], tci_data_crop[2]))
-                    tci_data_extent = plotting_extent(tci_data_crop[0], tci_data_crop_affine)
-                    ax.imshow(tci_crop, extent = tci_data_extent)
-                    crop_extent_new_proj.loc[[int(fid)], 'geometry'].plot(ax=ax, facecolor='none', edgecolor='black', linewidth = 3)
-                    ax.set_title("{} - {}".format(prod_id[11:19], prod_id[39:44]), fontsize=10)
-                    fig2, ax2 = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(4,4))
-                    plt.subplots_adjust(left=0.1, right=0.9, top=0.9, bottom=0.1)
-                    ax2.imshow(tci_crop, extent = tci_data_extent)
-                    crop_extent_new_proj.loc[[int(fid)], 'geometry'].plot(ax=ax2, facecolor='none', edgecolor='black', linewidth = 3)
+                        tci_data_crop, tci_data_crop_affine = mask(
+                            tci_data, [extent_geojson], crop=True
+                        )
+                    tci_crop = np.dstack(
+                        (tci_data_crop[0], tci_data_crop[1], tci_data_crop[2])
+                    )
+                    tci_data_extent = plotting_extent(
+                        tci_data_crop[0], tci_data_crop_affine
+                    )
+                    ax.imshow(tci_crop, extent=tci_data_extent)
+                    crop_extent_new_proj.loc[[int(fid)], "geometry"].plot(
+                        ax=ax, facecolor="none", edgecolor="black", linewidth=3
+                    )
+                    ax.set_title(
+                        "{} - {}".format(prod_id[11:19], prod_id[39:44]),
+                        fontsize=10,
+                    )
+                    fig2, ax2 = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(4, 4))
+                    plt.subplots_adjust(
+                        left=0.1, right=0.9, top=0.9, bottom=0.1
+                    )
+                    ax2.imshow(tci_crop, extent=tci_data_extent)
+                    crop_extent_new_proj.loc[[int(fid)], "geometry"].plot(
+                        ax=ax2,
+                        facecolor="none",
+                        edgecolor="black",
+                        linewidth=3,
+                    )
-                    ax2.set_title(prod_id[39:44] + ' ' + prod_id[11:19])
+                    ax2.set_title(prod_id[39:44] + " " + prod_id[11:19])
-                    fig2.savefig(str(l2a_png_tile_path), bbox_inches='tight')
+                    fig2.savefig(str(l2a_png_tile_path), bbox_inches="tight")
                     raster = rasterio.open(prod_path)
                     nrg = raster.read(1)
                     with rasterio.open(prod_path) as img_data:
-                        img_data_crop, img_data_crop_affine = mask(img_data,
-                                                 [extent_geojson],
-                                                 crop=True)
-                    img_data_extent = plotting_extent(img_data_crop[0], img_data_crop_affine)
-                    bx.imshow(img_data_crop[0], extent=img_data_extent, cmap=cmap_dict[df_name], vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax)
-                    crop_extent_new_proj.loc[[int(fid)], 'geometry'].plot(ax=bx, facecolor='none', edgecolor='black', linewidth = 3)
-                    bx.set_title("{} - {}".format(prod_id[11:19], prod_id[39:44]), fontsize=10)
-                    fig_t_ind, ax_t_ind = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(4,4))
-                    plt.subplots_adjust(left=0.1, right=0.9, top=0.9, bottom=0.1)
-                    ax_t_ind.imshow(img_data_crop[0], extent=img_data_extent, cmap=cmap_dict[df_name], vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax)
-                    crop_extent_new_proj.loc[[int(fid)], 'geometry'].plot(ax=ax_t_ind, facecolor='none', edgecolor='black', linewidth = 3)
+                        img_data_crop, img_data_crop_affine = mask(
+                            img_data, [extent_geojson], crop=True
+                        )
+                    img_data_extent = plotting_extent(
+                        img_data_crop[0], img_data_crop_affine
+                    )
+                    bx.imshow(
+                        img_data_crop[0],
+                        extent=img_data_extent,
+                        cmap=cmap_dict[df_name],
+                        vmin=vmin,
+                        vmax=vmax,
+                    )
+                    crop_extent_new_proj.loc[[int(fid)], "geometry"].plot(
+                        ax=bx, facecolor="none", edgecolor="black", linewidth=3
+                    )
+                    bx.set_title(
+                        "{} - {}".format(prod_id[11:19], prod_id[39:44]),
+                        fontsize=10,
+                    )
+                    fig_t_ind, ax_t_ind = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(4, 4))
+                    plt.subplots_adjust(
+                        left=0.1, right=0.9, top=0.9, bottom=0.1
+                    )
+                    ax_t_ind.imshow(
+                        img_data_crop[0],
+                        extent=img_data_extent,
+                        cmap=cmap_dict[df_name],
+                        vmin=vmin,
+                        vmax=vmax,
+                    )
+                    crop_extent_new_proj.loc[[int(fid)], "geometry"].plot(
+                        ax=ax_t_ind,
+                        facecolor="none",
+                        edgecolor="black",
+                        linewidth=3,
+                    )
-                    ax_t_ind.set_title(prod_id[39:44] + ' ' + prod_id[11:19])
+                    ax_t_ind.set_title(prod_id[39:44] + " " + prod_id[11:19])
-                    fig_t_ind.savefig(str(indice_png_tile_path), bbox_inches='tight')
+                    fig_t_ind.savefig(
+                        str(indice_png_tile_path), bbox_inches="tight"
+                    )
-                figa.suptitle(fidname + ' - L2A')
-                figa.savefig(str(l2a_png_path), bbox_inches='tight')
+                figa.suptitle(fidname + " - L2A")
+                figa.savefig(str(l2a_png_path), bbox_inches="tight")
-                figb.suptitle(fidname + ' - ' + df_name)
-                figb.savefig(str(indice_png_path), bbox_inches='tight')
-                plt.close(fig=figb)
+                figb.suptitle(fidname + " - " + df_name)
+                figb.savefig(str(indice_png_path), bbox_inches="tight")
+                plt.close(fig=figb)
diff --git a/sen2chain/utils.py b/sen2chain/utils.py
index f06a4e368c37a3c080a56bba7414ae624ea39d69..f54d141f0878968241779dd395e8a02448aa4e1a 100644
--- a/sen2chain/utils.py
+++ b/sen2chain/utils.py
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# coding: utf-8
 This module contains usefull functions commons to every modules.
@@ -19,9 +19,8 @@ logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO)
 # useful dates formats encountered when working with Sentinel-2 data
-    ymd="%Y-%m-%d",
-    filename="%Y%m%dT%H%M%S",
-    metadata="%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%fZ")
+    ymd="%Y-%m-%d", filename="%Y%m%dT%H%M%S", metadata="%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%fZ"
 def format_word(word: str) -> str:
@@ -75,54 +74,73 @@ def datetime_to_str(date: datetime, date_format: str) -> str:
     return datetime.strftime(date, date_format)
-def human_size(bytes, units=['B','KB','MB','GB','TB', 'PB', 'EB']):
-    """ Returns a human readable string reprentation of bytes"""
-    return str(bytes) + units[0] if bytes < 1024.0 else human_size(bytes>>10, units[1:])
+def human_size(bytes, units=["B", "KB", "MB", "GB", "TB", "PB", "EB"]):
+    """Returns a human readable string reprentation of bytes"""
+    return (
+        str(bytes) + units[0]
+        if bytes < 1024.0
+        else human_size(bytes >> 10, units[1:])
+    )
 def human_size_decimal(size, decimal_places=2):
-    for unit in ['B','KB','MB','GB','TB', 'PB', 'EB']:
+    for unit in ["B", "KB", "MB", "GB", "TB", "PB", "EB"]:
         if size < 1024.0:
         size /= 1024.0
-    return "{}{}".format(format(size, '.' + str(decimal_places) + 'f'), unit)
-    #~ return f"{size:.{decimal_places}f}{unit}"
+    return "{}{}".format(format(size, "." + str(decimal_places) + "f"), unit)
+    # return f"{size:.{decimal_places}f}{unit}"
-def getFolderSize(folder, follow_symlinks = False):
+def getFolderSize(folder, follow_symlinks=False):
     total_size = os.path.getsize(folder)
         for item in os.listdir(folder):
             itempath = os.path.join(folder, item)
-            if os.path.isfile(itempath) and (follow_symlinks or not os.path.islink(itempath)):
+            if os.path.isfile(itempath) and (
+                follow_symlinks or not os.path.islink(itempath)
+            ):
                 total_size += os.path.getsize(itempath)
-            elif os.path.isdir(itempath) and (follow_symlinks or not os.path.islink(itempath)):
+            elif os.path.isdir(itempath) and (
+                follow_symlinks or not os.path.islink(itempath)
+            ):
                 total_size += getFolderSize(itempath)
     return total_size
 def setPermissions(path):
-    os.chmod(str(path), os.stat(str(path)).st_mode | stat.S_IWGRP | stat.S_IWUSR)
+    os.chmod(
+        str(path), os.stat(str(path)).st_mode | stat.S_IWGRP | stat.S_IWUSR
+    )
     os.chmod(str(path), os.stat(str(path)).st_mode & ~stat.S_IWOTH)
     for dir_path, dir_names, files in os.walk(str(path)):
         for d in dir_names:
-            name = dir_path + '/' + d
-            #~ os.chmod(name, os.stat(name).st_mode | 0o075)
-            #~ os.chmod(name, os.stat(name).st_mode & ~0o002)
+            name = dir_path + "/" + d
+            # os.chmod(name, os.stat(name).st_mode | 0o075)
+            # os.chmod(name, os.stat(name).st_mode & ~0o002)
             os.chmod(name, os.stat(name).st_mode | stat.S_IWGRP | stat.S_IWUSR)
             os.chmod(name, os.stat(name).st_mode & ~stat.S_IWOTH)
         for f in files:
-            name = dir_path + '/' + f
-            #~ os.chmod(name, os.stat(name).st_mode | 0o064)
-            #~ os.chmod(name, os.stat(name).st_mode & ~0o003)
+            name = dir_path + "/" + f
+            # os.chmod(name, os.stat(name).st_mode | 0o064)
+            # os.chmod(name, os.stat(name).st_mode & ~0o003)
             os.chmod(name, os.stat(name).st_mode | stat.S_IWGRP | stat.S_IWUSR)
-            os.chmod(name, os.stat(name).st_mode & ~stat.S_IXOTH & ~stat.S_IWOTH)
-def get_current_Sen2Cor_version():
-    """ Returns your current Sen2Cor version """
-    sen2cor_bashrc_path = Config().get("sen2cor_bashrc_path")
-    return next(iter(re.findall('Sen2Cor-(\d{2}\.\d{2}\.\d{2})', str(sen2cor_bashrc_path))), None)
+            os.chmod(
+                name, os.stat(name).st_mode & ~stat.S_IXOTH & ~stat.S_IWOTH
+            )
+def get_current_Sen2Cor_version():
+    """Returns your current Sen2Cor version"""
+    sen2cor_bashrc_path = Config().get("sen2cor_bashrc_path")
+    return next(
+        iter(
+            re.findall(
+                "Sen2Cor-(\d{2}\.\d{2}\.\d{2})", str(sen2cor_bashrc_path)
+            )
+        ),
+        None,
+    )
diff --git a/sen2chain/xmlparser.py b/sen2chain/xmlparser.py
index ed0cac46f3914c74f906a7f4697ba0e2893f363a..effe4036c192f20eb04886c119e5466400bf099b 100644
--- a/sen2chain/xmlparser.py
+++ b/sen2chain/xmlparser.py
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# coding: utf-8
 Module for parsing L1C and L2A products metadatada.
@@ -14,20 +14,23 @@ from .utils import get_current_Sen2Cor_version
 from .config import SHARED_DATA, Config
 logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
 class MetadataParser:
     """Class for getting metadata values from a L1C or L2A product's XML metadata file.
     :param metadata_path: XML metadata file path.
     :param tile: product's tile name.
     def __init__(self, metadata_path: pathlib.PosixPath, tile: str) -> None:
         if metadata_path is None or not metadata_path.exists():
-            raise ValueError("metadata file not found: {}".format(metadata_path))
+            raise ValueError(
+                "metadata file not found: {}".format(metadata_path)
+            )
         self._metadata_path = metadata_path
         self.tile = tile
@@ -53,24 +56,39 @@ class MetadataParser:
     def _get_psd(self) -> None:
         """Returns the version of the metadata file."""
-        schema_location = self._root.attrib["{http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance}schemaLocation"]
-        psd_version = re.findall("https://psd-([0-9]{2}).sentinel2.eo.esa.int", schema_location)[0]
+        schema_location = self._root.attrib[
+            "{http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance}schemaLocation"
+        ]
+        psd_version = re.findall(
+            "https://psd-([0-9]{2}).sentinel2.eo.esa.int", schema_location
+        )[0]
         self._psd = int(psd_version)
     def _get_granule(self) -> None:
         """Load granule identifier."""
         self._granule_string = "Granule" if self._psd > 13 else "Granules"
-            self._granule = [g.attrib['granuleIdentifier']
-                             for g in self._root.findall('.//{}'.format(self._granule_string))
-                             if self.tile in g.attrib['granuleIdentifier']][0]
+            self._granule = [
+                g.attrib["granuleIdentifier"]
+                for g in self._root.findall(
+                    ".//{}".format(self._granule_string)
+                )
+                if self.tile in g.attrib["granuleIdentifier"]
+            ][0]
         except IndexError:
-            logger.error("{}: could not find granule for tile {}".format(self._metadata_path.name, self.tile))
+            logger.error(
+                "{}: could not find granule for tile {}".format(
+                    self._metadata_path.name, self.tile
+                )
+            )
     def _get_bands_image_string(self) -> None:
         """Returns XML key string for granule's bands paths."""
-        image_string = {t.tag for t in self._root.findall('.//{}/*'.format(self._granule_string))}
+        image_string = {
+            t.tag
+            for t in self._root.findall(".//{}/*".format(self._granule_string))
+        }
         self._image_string = list(image_string)[0]
     def get_metadata_value(self, key: str = None) -> str:
@@ -80,7 +98,9 @@ class MetadataParser:
         :param key: metadata tag name.
-            return [v.text for v in self._root.findall(".//{0}".format(key))][0]
+            return [v.text for v in self._root.findall(".//{0}".format(key))][
+                0
+            ]
         except IndexError:
             logger.error("Metadata value not found: {}".format(key))
@@ -92,55 +112,75 @@ class MetadataParser:
         :param res: band's resolution. None for L1C.
         # folder's name for each resolution.
-        res_strings_dict = {"10m": "R10m",
-                            "20m": "R20m",
-                            "60m": "R60m"}
+        res_strings_dict = {"10m": "R10m", "20m": "R20m", "60m": "R60m"}
-        pattern = key.upper() if res is None else key.upper() + "_" + res.lower()
+        pattern = (
+            key.upper() if res is None else key.upper() + "_" + res.lower()
+        )
         if key.upper() in ("CLD", "SNW"):
-            #~ try:
-                #~ path = [v.text
-                        #~ for v in self._root.findall(".//{0}".format(self._image_string))
-                        #~ if pattern in v.text][0].split("/")
-                #~ if self._psd > 13:
-                    #~ full_path = self._safe_path / "{}/{}/{}/{}.jp2".format(path[0], path[1], path[2], path[3])
-                #~ else:
-                    #~ full_path = self._safe_path / "GRANULE/{}/QI_DATA/{}.jp2".format(self._granule, path[-1], pattern)
-                #~ return str(full_path)
-            #~ except Exception as e:
-                #~ logger.debug("{}".format(e))
-                #~ granule_path = self._safe_path / "GRANULE"
-                #~ return list(granule_path.rglob("*{}*".format(key.upper())))[0]
-            path = self._safe_path.glob("**/QI_DATA/*{}*{}.jp2".format(key.upper(), res.lower()))
+            # try:
+            #     path = [v.text
+            #             for v in self._root.findall(".//{0}".format(self._image_string))
+            #             if pattern in v.text][0].split("/")
+            #     if self._psd > 13:
+            #         full_path = self._safe_path / "{}/{}/{}/{}.jp2".format(path[0], path[1], path[2], path[3])
+            #     else:
+            #         full_path = self._safe_path / "GRANULE/{}/QI_DATA/{}.jp2".format(self._granule, path[-1], pattern)
+            #     return str(full_path)
+            # except Exception as e:
+            #     logger.debug("{}".format(e))
+            #     granule_path = self._safe_path / "GRANULE"
+            #     return list(granule_path.rglob("*{}*".format(key.upper())))[0]
+            path = self._safe_path.glob(
+                "**/QI_DATA/*{}*{}.jp2".format(key.upper(), res.lower())
+            )
             return next(path, None)
             if self._product_level == "L2A":
-                full_path = self._safe_path if self._psd > 13 \
-                    else self._safe_path / "GRANULE" / self._granule / "IMG_DATA" / res_strings_dict[res]
+                full_path = (
+                    self._safe_path
+                    if self._psd > 13
+                    else self._safe_path
+                    / "GRANULE"
+                    / self._granule
+                    / "IMG_DATA"
+                    / res_strings_dict[res]
+                )
-                full_path = self._safe_path if self._psd > 13 \
-                    else self._safe_path / "GRANULE" / self._granule / "IMG_DATA"
-            return [str(full_path/f.text) + ".jp2"
-                    for f in self._root.findall(".//{}[@granuleIdentifier='{}']/{}".format(self._granule_string,
-                                                                                           self._granule,
-                                                                                           self._image_string))
-                    if pattern in f.text][0]
+                full_path = (
+                    self._safe_path
+                    if self._psd > 13
+                    else self._safe_path
+                    / "GRANULE"
+                    / self._granule
+                    / "IMG_DATA"
+                )
+            return [
+                str(full_path / f.text) + ".jp2"
+                for f in self._root.findall(
+                    ".//{}[@granuleIdentifier='{}']/{}".format(
+                        self._granule_string, self._granule, self._image_string
+                    )
+                )
+                if pattern in f.text
+            ][0]
         except IndexError:
             logger.error("Band not found: {}".format(pattern))
 class Sen2ChainMetadataParser:
-    """
-    """
-    def __init__(self, 
-                 xml_path,
-                 ):
+    """ """
+    def __init__(
+        self,
+        xml_path,
+    ):
         SEN2CHAIN_META = SHARED_DATA.get("sen2chain_meta")
         self.xml_path = xml_path
         if xml_path.exists():
             self._tree = et.parse(str(xml_path))
@@ -148,13 +188,19 @@ class Sen2ChainMetadataParser:
             self._tree = et.parse(str(SEN2CHAIN_META))
         self._root = self._tree.getroot()
     def get_default_values(self):
+        keys = [
+            "SEN2CHAIN_VERSION",
+            "SEN2COR_VERSION",
+        ]
         self.default_values = []
         for key in keys:
-            self.default_values.append([v.text for v in self._root.findall(".//{0}".format(key))][0])
+            self.default_values.append(
+                [v.text for v in self._root.findall(".//{0}".format(key))][0]
+            )
     def get_metadata_value(self, key: str = None) -> str:
         Returns metadata.
@@ -162,23 +208,39 @@ class Sen2ChainMetadataParser:
         :param key: metadata tag name.
-            return [v.text for v in self._root.findall(".//{0}".format(key))][0]
+            return [v.text for v in self._root.findall(".//{0}".format(key))][
+                0
+            ]
         except IndexError:
             logger.error("Metadata value not found: {}".format(key))
     def init_metadata(self):
         self._root.find("SEN2CHAIN_VERSION").text = sen2chain.__version__
-        self._root.find("SEN2CHAIN_PROCESSING_VERSION").text = Config().get("sen2chain_processing_version")
+        self._root.find("SEN2CHAIN_PROCESSING_VERSION").text = Config().get(
+            "sen2chain_processing_version"
+        )
         self._root.find("SEN2COR_VERSION").text = get_current_Sen2Cor_version()
-        self._tree.write(str(self.xml_path), encoding="UTF-8", xml_declaration=True)
-    def set_metadata(self,
-                     sen2chain_version: str = None, 
-                     sen2chain_processing_version: str = None,
-                     sen2cor_version: str = None,
-                     ):
-        self._root.find("SEN2CHAIN_VERSION").text = sen2chain_version or sen2chain.__version__
-        self._root.find("SEN2CHAIN_PROCESSING_VERSION").text = sen2chain_processing_version or Config().get("sen2chain_processing_version")
-        self._root.find("SEN2COR_VERSION").text = sen2cor_version or get_current_Sen2Cor_version()
-        self._tree.write(str(self.xml_path), encoding="UTF-8", xml_declaration=True)
+        self._tree.write(
+            str(self.xml_path), encoding="UTF-8", xml_declaration=True
+        )
+    def set_metadata(
+        self,
+        sen2chain_version: str = None,
+        sen2chain_processing_version: str = None,
+        sen2cor_version: str = None,
+    ):
+        self._root.find("SEN2CHAIN_VERSION").text = (
+            sen2chain_version or sen2chain.__version__
+        )
+        self._root.find(
+        ).text = sen2chain_processing_version or Config().get(
+            "sen2chain_processing_version"
+        )
+        self._root.find("SEN2COR_VERSION").text = (
+            sen2cor_version or get_current_Sen2Cor_version()
+        )
+        self._tree.write(
+            str(self.xml_path), encoding="UTF-8", xml_declaration=True
+        )