diff --git a/sen2chain/config.py b/sen2chain/config.py
index 53a639b940626d25c40617a92f19a6438b2d6c7a..b6ca55c9dce9a3d522903a90e8aa1f82156ddf3b 100644
--- a/sen2chain/config.py
+++ b/sen2chain/config.py
@@ -44,6 +44,7 @@ class Config:
                                              "l1c_path": "",
                                              "l1c_archive_path": "/ARCHIVE_SENTINEL-PROD/S2_L1C_ARCHIVE",
                                              "l2a_path": "",
+                                             "l2a_archive_path": "/ARCHIVE_SENTINEL-PROD/S2_L2A_ARCHIVE",
                                              "indices_path": "",
                                              "time_series_path": "",
                                              "monthly_summaries_path": ""}
diff --git a/sen2chain/tiles.py b/sen2chain/tiles.py
index 1f358d618dfa1d92efe8625081b9a056bc1b3e81..a796a429d4fcf3b5ec483972b877f017fb706606 100644
--- a/sen2chain/tiles.py
+++ b/sen2chain/tiles.py
@@ -333,11 +333,19 @@ class Tile:
         #~ logger.info("Product: local / archived / total".format(human_size(getFolderSize(str(self.paths['l1c'])))))
         local = getFolderSize(str(self.paths["l1c"]))
         total = getFolderSize(str(self.paths["l1c"]), True)
-        logger.info("l1c: {} (l: {} / a: {})".format(human_size(total),
+        logger.info("l1c: {} (local: {} / archived: {})".format(human_size(total),
-        logger.info("l2a: {}".format(human_size(getFolderSize(str(self.paths["l2a"]), True))))
+        #~ logger.info("l2a: {}".format(human_size(getFolderSize(str(self.paths["l2a"]), True))))
+        local = getFolderSize(str(self.paths["l2a"]))
+        total = getFolderSize(str(self.paths["l2a"]), True)
+        logger.info("l2a: {} (local: {} / archived: {})".format(human_size(total),
+                                                   human_size(local),
+                                                   human_size(total-local),
+                                                   ))
         for indice, path in self._paths["indices"].items():
             logger.info("{}: {}".format(indice, human_size(getFolderSize(str(path), True))))
@@ -516,4 +524,33 @@ class Tile:
         if not count:
             logger.info("No L1C products to archive")
+    def archive_l2a(self):
+        """
+        Check and move l1c products to archive folder
+        """
+        if (self.clean_lib()['identified_problems']-self.clean_lib()['removed_problems']) == 0:
+            logger.info("No tile error processing l2a archive")
+            l2a_archive_path = Path(Config().get("l2a_archive_path"))
+            prod_list = self.l2a
+            if prod_list:
+                count = 0
+                for prod in prod_list:
+                    l2a = L2aProduct(prod.identifier)
+                    if not l2a.path.is_symlink():
+                        count += 1
+                        move_path = l2a_archive_path / l2a.tile / l2a.path.name
+                        logger.info("archiving {}".format(l2a.identifier))
+                        move_path.parent.mkdir(exist_ok=True)
+                        shutil.move(str(l2a.path), str(move_path.parent))
+                        l2a.path.symlink_to(move_path, target_is_directory = True)
+                logger.info("{} products archived".format(count))
+            else:
+                logger.info("No L2A products, nothing to archive")
+        else:
+            logger.info("Error(s) in l2a product(s) please correct them running clean_lib(remove=True) before archiving")