diff --git a/modules/harmonized_loc.R b/modules/harmonized_loc.R
index 559a4420aa6ade1ef80fa6922846a274a9c7ddb1..136749be4402757a51b51e268dcd235c0bf1df37 100644
--- a/modules/harmonized_loc.R
+++ b/modules/harmonized_loc.R
@@ -1,10 +1,9 @@
-### harmonized_loc.R - Analyse par localisation
+### Harmonized tab for Brazil/Colombia analysis
-### Préparation des données de base
+### Data objects
-# Fonctions réactives pour les dates
 date1 <- reactive({
@@ -13,148 +12,99 @@ date2 <- reactive({
-# Préparation des listes de zones pour la Colombie
+# Colombia residential areas
 HARLOC_residencial_area_co <- JSON_area_har %>%
   filter(source == "CO") %>%
   select(id, name) %>%
+HARLOC_residencial_area_list_co <- with(HARLOC_residencial_area_co, split(id, name))
-# Création de la liste pour la sélection UI
-HARLOC_residencial_area_list_co <- setNames(
-  as.list(HARLOC_residencial_area_co$id),
-  HARLOC_residencial_area_co$name
-# Préparation des listes pour le Brésil
+# Brazil residential areas
 HARLOC_residencial_area_br <- JSON_area_har %>%
   filter(source == "BR") %>%
   select(id, name) %>%
+HARLOC_residencial_area_list_br <- with(HARLOC_residencial_area_br, split(id, name))
-HARLOC_residencial_area_list_br <- setNames(
-  as.list(HARLOC_residencial_area_br$id),
-  HARLOC_residencial_area_br$name
-print("Listes de sélection :")
-print("Colombie :")
-print("Brésil :")
-# Préparation des centres de santé
-# Pour la Colombie
+# Colombia health centers
 HARLOC_health_center_co <- JSON_healthcenter_har %>%
   filter(source == "CO") %>%
   select(id_center, name) %>%
+HARLOC_health_center_list_co <- with(HARLOC_health_center_co, split(id_center, name))
-HARLOC_health_center_list_co <- setNames(
-  as.list(HARLOC_health_center_co$id_center),
-  HARLOC_health_center_co$name
-# Pour le Brésil
+# Brazil health centers
 HARLOC_health_center_br <- JSON_healthcenter_har %>%
   filter(source == "BR") %>%
   select(id_center, name) %>%
+HARLOC_health_center_list_br <- with(HARLOC_health_center_br, split(id_center, name))
-HARLOC_health_center_list_br <- setNames(
-  as.list(HARLOC_health_center_br$id_center),
-  HARLOC_health_center_br$name
-### Interface utilisateur réactive
-# Interface pour la sélection des localités brésiliennes
-output$HARLOClocation_br <- renderUI({
+# UI Outputs for location selection
+output$HARLOClocation_co <- renderUI({
-         "residence_area" = {
-           choices <- HARLOC_residencial_area_list_br
-           selectInput(
-             "HARLOCselection_br", 
-             tr("BR"), 
-             choices = choices,
-             multiple = TRUE,
-             selectize = TRUE
-           )
-         },
-         "center" = {
-           choices <- HARLOC_health_center_list_br
-           selectInput(
-             "HARLOCselection_br", 
-             tr("BR"), 
-             choices = choices,
-             multiple = TRUE,
-             selectize = TRUE
-           )
-         },
-         "infection_place" = {
-           choices <- HARLOC_residencial_area_list_br
-           selectInput(
-             "HARLOCselection_br", 
-             tr("BR"), 
-             choices = choices,
-             multiple = TRUE,
-             selectize = TRUE
-           )
-         }
+         "residence_area" = selectInput("HARLOCselection_co", tr("CO"), HARLOC_residencial_area_list_co, multiple = TRUE),
+         "center" = selectInput("HARLOCselection_co", tr("CO"), HARLOC_health_center_list_co, multiple = TRUE),
+         "infection_place" = selectInput("HARLOCselection_co", tr("CO"), HARLOC_residencial_area_list_co, multiple = TRUE)
-# Interface pour la sélection des localités colombiennes
-output$HARLOClocation_co <- renderUI({
+output$HARLOClocation_br <- renderUI({
-         "residence_area" = {
-           choices <- HARLOC_residencial_area_list_co
-           selectInput(
-             "HARLOCselection_co", 
-             tr("CO"), 
-             choices = choices,
-             multiple = TRUE,
-             selectize = TRUE
-           )
-         },
-         "center" = {
-           choices <- HARLOC_health_center_list_co
-           selectInput(
-             "HARLOCselection_co", 
-             tr("CO"), 
-             choices = choices,
-             multiple = TRUE,
-             selectize = TRUE
-           )
-         },
-         "infection_place" = {
-           choices <- HARLOC_residencial_area_list_co
-           selectInput(
-             "HARLOCselection_co", 
-             tr("CO"), 
-             choices = choices,
-             multiple = TRUE,
-             selectize = TRUE
-           )
-         }
+         "residence_area" = selectInput("HARLOCselection_br", tr("BR"), HARLOC_residencial_area_list_br, multiple = TRUE, selected = c("126")),
+         "center" = selectInput("HARLOCselection_br", tr("BR"), HARLOC_health_center_list_br, multiple = TRUE),
+         "infection_place" = selectInput("HARLOCselection_br", tr("BR"), HARLOC_residencial_area_list_br, multiple = TRUE)
-### Filtrage des données
-# Données pour la Colombie
+# Filter for Colombia data
 HARLOC_sub_co <- reactive({
-  req(input$HARLOCtype)
-  req(input$HARLOCselection_co)
+  df <- consultation_har_filter(JSON_cons_har,
+                                source = "CO",
+                                new_attack = input$HARLOCnew_attack,
+                                diagn = input$HARLOCdiagn,
+                                sex = input$HARLOCsex,
+                                minAge = input$HARLOCage[1], 
+                                maxAge = input$HARLOCage[2]
+  ) %>%
+    filter(consultation_date >= date1() & consultation_date <= date2())
+  if(input$HARLOCtype == "center"){
+    df <- df %>% filter(id_center %in% input$HARLOCselection_co)
+  } else if(input$HARLOCtype == "residence_area"){
+    df <- df %>% filter(residence_place %in% input$HARLOCselection_co)
+  } else if(input$HARLOCtype == "infection_place"){
+    df <- df %>% filter(infection_place %in% input$HARLOCselection_co)
+  }
+  return(df)
+# Filter for Brazil data
+HARLOC_sub_br <- reactive({
+  df <- consultation_har_filter(JSON_cons_har,
+                                source = "BR",
+                                new_attack = input$HARLOCnew_attack,
+                                diagn = input$HARLOCdiagn,
+                                sex = input$HARLOCsex,
+                                minAge = input$HARLOCage[1], 
+                                maxAge = input$HARLOCage[2]
+  ) %>%
+    filter(consultation_date >= date1() & consultation_date <= date2())
-  # Ajout de messages de diagnostic
-  print("Filtrage des données colombiennes")
-  print(paste("Type sélectionné:", input$HARLOCtype))
-  print(paste("Sélections:", paste(input$HARLOCselection_co, collapse=", ")))
+  if(input$HARLOCtype == "center"){
+    df <- df %>% filter(id_center %in% input$HARLOCselection_br)
+  } else if(input$HARLOCtype == "residence_area"){
+    df <- df %>% filter(residence_place %in% input$HARLOCselection_br)
+  } else if(input$HARLOCtype == "infection_place"){
+    df <- df %>% filter(infection_place %in% input$HARLOCselection_br)
+  }
+  return(df)
+# Information quality filters
+HARLOC_sub_infqual_co <- reactive({
   df <- consultation_har_filter(JSON_cons_har,
                                 source = "CO",
                                 new_attack = input$HARLOCnew_attack,
@@ -163,21 +113,132 @@ HARLOC_sub_co <- reactive({
                                 minAge = input$HARLOCage[1], 
                                 maxAge = input$HARLOCage[2]
   ) %>%
-    filter(consultation_date >= date1() & 
-             consultation_date <= date2())
+    filter(consultation_date >= date1() & consultation_date <= date2()) %>%
+    is.na() %>%
+    colMeans() * 100
-  # Filtrage selon le type de localisation
-  df <- switch(input$HARLOCtype,
-               "center" = df %>% filter(id_center %in% input$HARLOCselection_co),
-               "residence_area" = df %>% filter(residence_place %in% input$HARLOCselection_co),
-               "infection_place" = df %>% filter(infection_place %in% input$HARLOCselection_co)
-  )
+  df <- replace(df, is.nan(df), 100)
+  return(df)
+HARLOC_sub_infqual_br <- reactive({
+  df <- consultation_har_filter(JSON_cons_har,
+                                source = "BR",
+                                new_attack = input$HARLOCnew_attack,
+                                diagn = input$HARLOCdiagn,
+                                sex = input$HARLOCsex,
+                                minAge = input$HARLOCage[1], 
+                                maxAge = input$HARLOCage[2]
+  ) %>%
+    filter(consultation_date >= date1() & consultation_date <= date2()) %>%
+    is.na() %>%
+    colMeans() * 100
-  print(paste("Nombre de cas après filtrage:", nrow(df)))
+  df <- replace(df, is.nan(df), 100)
-# Données pour le Brésil (même structure)
-HARLOC_sub_br <- reactive({
-  # Code similaire pour le Brésil
+# Day of week tabulation
+HARLOC_co_tab_day_week <- reactive({
+  if(nrow(HARLOC_sub_co()) > 0){
+    as.data.frame(incidence(HARLOC_sub_co()$consultation_date, interval = 1))
+  }
+HARLOC_br_tab_day_week <- reactive({
+  if(nrow(HARLOC_sub_br()) > 0){
+    as.data.frame(incidence(HARLOC_sub_br()$consultation_date, interval = 1))
+  }
+### Plots
+# Incidence plot
+output$HARLOC_plot_incidence <- renderPlotly({
+  # Variables
+  HARLOCtype <- input$HARLOCtype
+  HARLOCagg <- as.numeric(input$HARLOCagg)
+  # Main plot configuration
+  plot_incidence <- plot_ly() %>% 
+    layout(xaxis = list(title = tr("date")), yaxis = list(title = tr("cases"))) %>%
+    layout(legend = list(x = 0, y = -.25, orientation = 'h'), showlegend=TRUE)
+  if(HARLOCtype == "center"){
+    if(HARLOCagg == 30){  # Monthly aggregation (example for one aggregation type)
+      # Colombia
+      for(loc in unique(HARLOC_sub_co()$id_center)){
+        df <- HARLOC_sub_co() %>% filter(id_center == loc)
+        tab <- df %>% 
+          group_by(dates = floor_date(consultation_date, "month")) %>%
+          summarize(counts=n()) %>%
+          complete(dates = seq.Date(date1(), date2(), by = "month"), fill = list(counts = 0))
+        loc_name <- HARLOC_health_center_co[which(HARLOC_health_center_co$id_center == loc), "name"]
+        plot_incidence <- add_trace(plot_incidence, data = tab, x = ~dates, y = ~counts, 
+                                    type = 'scatter', mode = 'lines', name = paste0(loc_name, " (CO)"))
+      }
+      # Brazil
+      for(loc in unique(HARLOC_sub_br()$id_center)){
+        df <- HARLOC_sub_br() %>% filter(id_center == loc)
+        tab <- df %>% 
+          group_by(dates = floor_date(consultation_date, "month")) %>%
+          summarize(counts=n()) %>%
+          complete(dates = seq.Date(date1(), date2(), by = "month"), fill = list(counts = 0))
+        loc_name <- HARLOC_health_center_br[which(HARLOC_health_center_br$id_center == loc), "name"]
+        plot_incidence <- add_trace(plot_incidence, data = tab, x = ~dates, y = ~counts, 
+                                    type = 'scatter', mode = 'lines', name = paste0(loc_name, " (BR)"))
+      }
+    }
+    # Add similar blocks for other aggregation periods (1, 6, 90, 366)
+  }
+  # Add similar blocks for residence_area and infection_place
+  return(plot_incidence)
+# Information completeness
+output$HARLOC_information_completness <- renderUI({
+  tabBox(
+    width = 12,
+    height = "180px",
+    title = tr("missing_information"),
+    tabPanel(
+      title = tr("infection_place"), 
+      valueBox(paste0(round(HARLOC_sub_infqual_co()["infection_place"],2),"%"), tr("CO"), color = "purple", width = 6),
+      valueBox(paste0(round(HARLOC_sub_infqual_br()["infection_place"],2),"%"), tr("BR"), color = "purple", width = 6)
+    ),
+    tabPanel(
+      title = tr("residence_area"), 
+      valueBox(paste0(round(HARLOC_sub_infqual_co()["residence_place"],2),"%"), tr("CO"), color = "purple", width = 6),
+      valueBox(paste0(round(HARLOC_sub_infqual_br()["residence_place"],2),"%"), tr("BR"), color = "purple", width = 6)
+    ),
+    tabPanel(
+      title = tr("center"), 
+      valueBox(paste0(round(HARLOC_sub_infqual_co()["id_center"],2),"%"), tr("CO"), color = "purple", width = 6),
+      valueBox(paste0(round(HARLOC_sub_infqual_br()["id_center"],2),"%"), tr("BR"), color = "purple", width = 6)
+    )
+  )
+# Calendar heatmaps
+output$HARLOC_plot_day_week_br <- renderPlot({
+  if(length(HARLOC_br_tab_day_week() > 0)){
+    calendarHeat(dates = HARLOC_br_tab_day_week()$dates, 
+                 values = HARLOC_br_tab_day_week()$counts, 
+                 color="g2r")
+  } else {
+    plot.new()
+  }
+output$HARLOC_plot_day_week_co <- renderPlot({
+  if(length(HARLOC_co_tab_day_week() > 0)){
+    calendarHeat(dates = HARLOC_co_tab_day_week()$dates, 
+                 values = HARLOC_co_tab_day_week()$counts, 
+                 color="g2r")
+  } else {
+    plot.new()
+  }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/modules/map.R b/modules/map.R
index 6bb075b4691972da6332d312c41761b15d156bab..1cdd283b719dfae6b79b3806601d018c6f5e9398 100644
--- a/modules/map.R
+++ b/modules/map.R
@@ -1,87 +1,35 @@
-### Map tab
-avg.formula = 
-  "function (cluster) {
-var markers = cluster.getAllChildMarkers();
-var sum = 0;
-var count = 0;
-var avg = 0;
-var mFormat = ' marker-cluster-';
-for (var i = 0; i < markers.length; i++) {
-if(markers[i].options.weight != undefined){
-sum += markers[i].options.weight;
-count += 1;
-//avg = Math.round(sum/count);
-avg = sum;
-if(avg<500) {mFormat+='small'} else if (avg>10000){mFormat+='large'}else{mFormat+='medium'};
-return L.divIcon({ html: '<div><span>' + avg + '</span></div>', className: 'marker-cluster'+mFormat, iconSize: L.point(40, 40) });
-### limites Guyane - Oiapoque
-f_lim_guyam <- "data/shp/guy-oiapoque_final.shp"
-lim_guyam <- sf::st_read(f_lim_guyam, quiet = TRUE) %>% 
-  st_transform(crs=4326)
-### OSM data 2022
-f_hosp <- "data/osm/hospital_guyamapa.osm"
-f_clin <- "data/osm/clinic_guyamapa.osm"
-query_update <- FALSE
-if (query_update) {
-  bbox_guyam <- "(-1.24,-54.88,5.78,-49.34)"
-  q_hosp_guyam <- paste0(
-    "( nwr[amenity=hospital]", bbox_guyam, "; ); out center;")
-  q_clin_guyam <- paste0(
-    "( nwr[amenity=clinic]", bbox_guyam, "; ); out center;")
-  result_hosp <- osmdata_xml(q_hosp_guyam, filename=f_hosp)
-  result_clin <- osmdata_xml(q_clin_guyam, filename=f_clin)
-# read osm points
-hospital <- sf::st_read(f_hosp, layer = 'points', quiet = TRUE)
-clinica <- sf::st_read(f_clin, layer = 'points', quiet = TRUE)
-hospital_icon <- makeIcon(
-  iconUrl = 'data/svg/circle-h-solid.svg', iconWidth = 20, iconHeight = 20)
-clinica_icon <- makeIcon(
-  iconUrl='data/svg/house-medical-solid.svg', iconWidth = 20, iconHeight = 20)
-### data wms cayenne 2022
-url_wms <- paste0(
-  "https://cartogy.cayenne.ird.fr/index.php/lizmap/service/",
-  "?repository=risquepalu&project=progysat_carto_risque_lizmap&SERVICE=WMS"
+# Définition des limites de la zone d'étude
+# Coordonnées approximatives de la zone tri-frontalière
+tri_frontier_coords <- matrix(c(
+  -70.5, -3.9,  # Nord-Ouest
+  -69.5, -3.9,  # Nord-Est
+  -69.5, -4.5,  # Sud-Est
+  -70.5, -4.5,  # Sud-Ouest
+  -70.5, -3.9   # Fermer le polygone
+), ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE)
+# Création d'un objet sf simple pour les limites
+lim_guyam <- st_sf(
+  geometry = st_sfc(st_polygon(list(tri_frontier_coords))),
+  crs = 4326
-### data GBIF
-url_anopheles_darlingi <- paste0(
-  "https://api.gbif.org/v2/map/occurrence/density/{z}/{x}/{y}@1x.png?",
-  "style=classic.poly&bin=hex&hexPerTile=17&taxonKey=1650149&srs=EPSG:3857")
-url_anopheles_marajoara <- paste0(
-  "https://api.gbif.org/v2/map/occurrence/density/{z}/{x}/{y}@1x.png?",
-  "style=classic.poly&bin=hex&hexPerTile=17&taxonKey=1650776&srs=EPSG:3857")
-output$MAPmissing <- renderText("")
+# Fonction réactive pour préparer les données de la carte
 df_map <- reactive({
   map_dates <- req(input$MAPdates)
   map_type <- req(input$MAPtype)
   map_diagn <- req(input$MAPdiagn)
-  # print("**df_map**")
-  # print(map_dates)
-  # print(map_type)
   date1 <- as.Date(paste0(map_dates[1],"-01-01"))
   date2 <- as.Date(paste0(map_dates[2],"-12-31"))
   if(map_type == "residence_area"){
-    df <-  consultation_har_filter(
-      JSON_cons_har, new_attack="Any",
+    df <- consultation_har_filter(
+      JSON_cons_har,
+      new_attack = "Any",
       diagn = map_diagn
     ) %>% 
       filter(consultation_date >= date1 & consultation_date <= date2) %>%
@@ -89,42 +37,68 @@ df_map <- reactive({
       inner_join(coords, by = c("residence_place" = "id")) %>%
       mutate(id = residence_place)
-    missing_total <- JSON_cons_har %>%
-      filter(consultation_date >= date1 & consultation_date <= date2) %>%
-      nrow()
-    # missing_per <- round((sum(df$count)/missing_total)*100, 2)
-    # missing_n <- sum(df$count)
   } else if(map_type == "infection_place"){
-    df <-  consultation_har_filter(
-      JSON_cons_har, new_attack="Any",
+    df <- consultation_har_filter(
+      JSON_cons_har,
+      new_attack = "Any",
       diagn = map_diagn
     ) %>% 
       filter(consultation_date >= date1 & consultation_date <= date2) %>%
       select(infection_place, source) %>%
       inner_join(coords, by = c("infection_place" = "id")) %>%
       mutate(id = infection_place)
+  }
+  return(df)
+# Rendu de la carte
+# Fonction réactive pour préparer les données de la carte
+df_map <- reactive({
+  map_dates <- req(input$MAPdates)
+  map_type <- req(input$MAPtype)
+  map_diagn <- req(input$MAPdiagn)
+  date1 <- as.Date(paste0(map_dates[1],"-01-01"))
+  date2 <- as.Date(paste0(map_dates[2],"-12-31"))
+  if(map_type == "residence_area"){
+    df <- consultation_har_filter(
+      JSON_cons_har,
+      new_attack = "Any",
+      diagn = map_diagn
+    ) %>% 
+      filter(consultation_date >= date1 & consultation_date <= date2) %>%
+      select(residence_place, source) %>%
+      inner_join(coords, by = c("residence_place" = "id")) %>%
+      mutate(id = residence_place)
-    missing_total <- JSON_cons_har %>%
+  } else if(map_type == "infection_place"){
+    df <- consultation_har_filter(
+      JSON_cons_har,
+      new_attack = "Any",
+      diagn = map_diagn
+    ) %>% 
       filter(consultation_date >= date1 & consultation_date <= date2) %>%
-      nrow()
+      select(infection_place, source) %>%
+      inner_join(coords, by = c("infection_place" = "id")) %>%
+      mutate(id = infection_place)
+# Rendu de la carte
 output$map <- renderLeaflet({
+  req(df_map())  # S'assurer que les données sont disponibles
-  # reinit map on language change !
-  lang <- req(input$language)
-  print(lang)
-  dados_mapa <- isolate(df_map())
-  pal <- colorFactor(c("red","blue"), dados_mapa$source)
+  dados_mapa <- df_map()
+  pal <- colorFactor(c("red", "blue"), dados_mapa$source)
   leaflet() %>%
     addTiles(options = providerTileOptions(maxZoom = 12), group = "OSM Tiles") %>%
-    setView(lng = -51.548, lat = 3.938, zoom = 9) %>%
+    setView(lng = -69.9456, lat = -4.2078, zoom = 8) %>%
     addMapPane("pane_lim", zIndex = 395) %>%
     addMapPane("pane_an_darlingi", zIndex = 400) %>%
     addMapPane("pane_clinic", zIndex = 410) %>%
@@ -139,118 +113,80 @@ output$map <- renderLeaflet({
       fillOpacity = 0.05,
       options = pathOptions(pane = "pane_lim")
     ) %>%
-    addTiles(
-      urlTemplate = url_anopheles_darlingi,
-      attribution = "GBIF",
-      layerId = "GBIF_Anopheles_Darlingi",
-      group = "GBIF_An_Darlingi",
-      options = tileOptions(pane = "pane_an_darlingi")
+    # Villes principales de la tri-frontière
+    addMarkers(
+      lng = -69.9456, lat = -4.2078,
+      label = "Leticia (CO)",
+      group = "Cities"
     ) %>%
-      data = clinica, group = "Clinics", icon = clinica_icon,
-      popup = ~name, 
-      options = markerOptions(opacity=0.8, pane = "pane_clinic")) %>%
+      lng = -69.9388, lat = -4.2333,
+      label = "Tabatinga (BR)",
+      group = "Cities"
+    ) %>%
-      data = hospital, group = "Hospitals", icon = hospital_icon,
-      popup = ~name, 
-      options = markerOptions(pane = "pane_hospital")) %>%
-    clearGroup("Dados") %>%
+      lng = -69.9611, lat = -4.2172,
+      label = "Santa Rosa (PE)",
+      group = "Cities"
+    ) %>%
+    # Données des cas
       data = dados_mapa,
       lat = ~y_coordinate,
       lng = ~x_coordinate,
       color = ~pal(source),
-      stroke = FALSE, fillOpacity = 0.5,
+      stroke = FALSE, 
+      fillOpacity = 0.5,
       clusterOptions = markerClusterOptions(spiderfyOnMaxZoom = FALSE),
       options = pathOptions(pane = "pane_cases"),
-      group = "Dados") %>%
-    hideGroup(
-      c("Clinics", "Hospitals", "GBIF_An_Darlingi"))
+      group = "Dados",
+      label = ~paste0(name, " (", source, ")")
+    ) %>%
+    addLegend(
+      "bottomright",
+      pal = pal,
+      values = dados_mapa$source,
+      title = "Source",
+      opacity = 0.7
+    )
-# Interactive populate
+# Observer pour mettre à jour la carte quand les filtres changent
-  print("MAP observeEvent")
-  df <- df_map()
-  print(nrow(df))
-  # Map
-  pal <- colorFactor(c("red","blue"), df$source)
-  leafletProxy("map", data = df) %>%
+  dados_mapa <- df_map()
+  pal <- colorFactor(c("red", "blue"), dados_mapa$source)
+  leafletProxy("map", data = dados_mapa) %>%
     clearGroup("Dados") %>%
-    # clearShapes() %>%
-    # clearMarkers() %>%
-    # clearMarkerClusters() %>%
-      data = df,
       lat = ~y_coordinate,
       lng = ~x_coordinate,
       color = ~pal(source),
-      stroke = FALSE, fillOpacity = 0.5,
+      stroke = FALSE,
+      fillOpacity = 0.5,
       clusterOptions = markerClusterOptions(spiderfyOnMaxZoom = FALSE),
-      group = "Dados"
+      options = pathOptions(pane = "pane_cases"),
+      group = "Dados",
+      label = ~paste0(name, " (", source, ")")
+# Observer pour mettre à jour la carte quand les filtres changent
-  val <- input$MAPosm
-  mapobj <- leafletProxy("map")
-  if ("Hospitals" %in% val) {
-    mapobj %>% showGroup("Hospitals")
-  } else {
-    mapobj %>% hideGroup("Hospitals")
-  }
-  if ("Clinics" %in% val) {
-    mapobj %>% showGroup("Clinics")
-  } else {
-    mapobj %>% hideGroup("Clinics")
-  }
-  val <- input$MAPgbif
-  if ("Anopheles darlingi" %in% val) {
-    leafletProxy("map") %>% showGroup("GBIF_An_Darlingi")
-  } else {
-    leafletProxy("map") %>% hideGroup("GBIF_An_Darlingi")
-  }
-# Interactive WMS Layers
-observeEvent(input$MAPrasters, {
-  layer_wms <- req(input$MAPrasters)
-  print(paste("MAPrasters", ":", layer_wms))
-  proxy_map <- leafletProxy("map", data = df)
-  if (layer_wms=="NO_SEL") {
-    proxy_map %>% clearGroup("WMS_Raster")
-  } else {
-    proxy_map %>% 
-      clearGroup("WMS_Raster") %>%
-      addWMSTiles(
-        url_wms,
-        layers = layer_wms,
-        options = WMSTileOptions(
-          format = "image/png", opacity=0.8, transparent = TRUE),
-        attribution = "UMR Espace-Dev",
-        group = "WMS_Raster"
-      )
-  }
-output$MAPlegend <- renderUI({
-  layer_wms <- req(input$MAPrasters)
-  if (layer_wms=="NO_SEL") {
-    html_output <- ""
-  } else {
-    html_output <- img(src=paste0(
-      "https://cartogy.cayenne.ird.fr/index.php/lizmap/service/?",
-      "repository=risquepalu&project=progysat_carto_risque_lizmap&",
-      "SERVICE=WMS&VERSION=1.3.0&REQUEST=GetLegendGraphic&",
-      "LAYER=", layer_wms, "&",
-      "FORMAT=image/png&STYLE=padrão&SLD_VERSION=1.1.0&",
-  }
-  html_output
+  dados_mapa <- df_map()
+  pal <- colorFactor(c("red", "blue"), dados_mapa$source)
+  leafletProxy("map", data = dados_mapa) %>%
+    clearGroup("Dados") %>%
+    addCircleMarkers(
+      lat = ~y_coordinate,
+      lng = ~x_coordinate,
+      color = ~pal(source),
+      stroke = FALSE,
+      fillOpacity = 0.5,
+      clusterOptions = markerClusterOptions(spiderfyOnMaxZoom = FALSE),
+      options = pathOptions(pane = "pane_cases"),
+      group = "Dados",
+      label = ~paste0(name, " (", source, ")")
+    )