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+# Popsimul
+## Description
+## Requirements
+python 3
+## Running popsimul
+``` python noisyplotype -o test1511.vcf -n 10 -s 44000000 -cM 180 -d 0.0058 -a 3 -m 10 -eA 0.03 -eB 0.05```
+### Parameters description
+You can see all parameters by running this command  
+``` python noisyplotype -h```
+| Short  | Long | Description | Default value |
+| -o  | --output | Name for the 3 generated files :  [output].vcf, [output]_errors.vcf, [output]_Breakpoints.csv | popsimul |
+| -n  | --nb_individuals | number of individuals | 10 |
+| -s  | --chr_size | chromosome size | 4000000|
+| -cM | --cM_size | size of genetic map | 180 |
+| -d  | --marker_density | marker density| 0.005 |
+| -a  | --average_depth | average depth | 3 |
+| -m  | --max_depth | max depth | 10 |
+| -eA | --error_rate_A | error rate for A | 0.05 |
+| -eB | --error_rate_B | error rate for B | 0.05 |