###-------- CALCULATION OF METHYLATION STATISTICS FROM TSV FILE GENERATED BY DeepSignal-Plant --------#### # Autor: Fadwa EL KHADDAR # Lab : DIADE - IRD # University : Montpellier - France import os import subprocess import numpy as np import sys import matplotlib import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import matplotlib.patches as mpatches import argparse import re from tkinter import * import tkinter as tk import glob import pandas as pd from matplotlib.backends.backend_tkagg import FigureCanvasTkAgg matplotlib.use('TkAgg') # Arguments parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=" Script to generate methylation statistics ") parser.add_argument('-fasta', type=str, help="Path to fasta file" ) parser.add_argument('-i', type=str, help='Path to the directory containing the .tsv files ') parser.add_argument('-t', type=int, help='Threshold of mapped methylated reads ') parser.add_argument('-o', type=str, help='Output directory ') args = parser.parse_args() path = args.i fasta = args.fasta seuil = args.t output_dir = args.o # Function definition def CpG_context(): global CpG global nb_C global nb_CpG motif_counts = {} motif_sum = {} # Dictionnary to store count all occurences motif_occurrences = {} # Dictionnary to store count of each occurence positions_par_chromosome = {} for motif in CpG: motif_counts[motif] = 0 motif_sum[motif] = 0 motif_occurrences[motif] = [] rows= [] # Loop through k_mer column of treated dataset for i, row in treated_df.iterrows(): kmer = row['k_mer'] first_two_letters = kmer[:2] if "CG" in first_two_letters: motif_count = first_two_letters.count("CG") motif_counts["CG"] += motif_count if motif_count > 0: motif_positions = [(row['chromosome'], row['strand'], pos) for pos in re.finditer("CG", first_two_letters)] # Store the positions of the motif motif_occurrences["CG"].extend(motif_positions) rows.append(row) #rows_CG_df = pd.DataFrame(rows) #rows_CG = rows_CG_df.sort_values("chromosome") #output_file = os.path.join(output_dir, filebasename + "_CG.csv") #rows_CG.to_csv(output_file, index=False, sep='\t') #if not rows_CG.empty: # for chromosome in rows_CG['chromosome'].unique(): # positions_par_chromosome[chromosome] = list(rows_CG.loc[rows_CG['chromosome'] == chromosome, ['strand', 'position']]) total_count_CpG = sum(motif_counts.values()) pourcentage_CpG = (total_count_CpG / nb_CpG) * 100 pourcentage_C = (total_count_CpG / nb_C) * 100 print(" --- CpG STATISTICS --- ") print() print(f" * The number of occurrences of CpG methylation : {total_count_CpG} ") print( f" * The percentage of CpG methylation among all CpGs in the genome : {pourcentage_CpG : .2f} %") print( f" * The percentage of methylated cytosines (CpG type) among all cytosines in the genome : {pourcentage_C : .2f} %") print() return total_count_CpG def CHG_context(): global CHG global nb_C global nb_CpG global output_dir global filebasename motif_counts = {} # create dictionnary to store the times the motif appears in the sequence motif_sum = {} # motif_occurrences = {} # create a dictionary to store occurrences of each motif positions_par_chromosome = {} for motif in CHG: motif_counts[motif] = 0 motif_sum[motif] = 0 motif_occurrences[motif] = [] # initialize an empty list for each motif rows = [] for i, row in treated_df.iterrows(): kmer= row['k_mer'] for motif in CHG: motif_count = kmer.count(motif) motif_counts[motif] += motif_count if motif_count > 0: motif_positions = [(row['chromosome'], row['strand'], pos) for pos in re.finditer(motif, kmer)] # Store the positions of the motif motif_occurrences[motif].extend(motif_positions) rows.append(row) #rows_CHG_df = pd.DataFrame(rows) #rows_CHG = rows_CHG_df.sort_values("chromosome") #output_file = os.path.join(output_dir, filebasename + "_CHG.csv") #rows_CHG.to_csv(output_file, index=False, sep='\t') #if not rows_CHG.empty: # for chromosome in rows_CHG['chromosome'].unique(): # positions_par_chromosome[chromosome] = list(rows_CHG.loc[rows_CHG['chromosome'] == chromosome, ['strand', 'position']]) total_count_CHG = sum(motif_counts.values()) pourcentage_C_total = (total_count_CHG / nb_C) * 100 print(" --- CHG STATISTICS --- ") print() print( f"The percentage of methylated cytosines (CHG type) among all cytosines in the genome: {pourcentage_C_total: .2f} %") print() print(f" The number of occurrences of CHG methylation : {total_count_CHG}, which includes : ") for motif in CHG: pourcentage_C_motif = (motif_counts[motif] / nb_C) * 100 print(f" -> {motif} apprears {motif_counts[motif]} times") print(f" The pourcentage of methylated cytosines (type {motif}) is : {pourcentage_C_motif: .2f}%") print() return total_count_CHG def CHH_context(): global CHH global nb_C global nb_CpG global output_dir global filebasename motif_counts = {} # create dictionnary to store the times the motif appears in the sequence motif_sum = {} # motif_occurrences = {} # create a dictionary to store occurrences of each motif positions_par_chromosome = {} for motif in CHH: motif_counts[motif] = 0 motif_sum[motif] = 0 motif_occurrences[motif] = [] # initialize an empty list for each motif rows = [] for i, row in treated_df.iterrows(): kmer = row['k_mer'] for motif in CHH: motif_count = kmer.count(motif) motif_counts[motif] += motif_count if motif_count > 0: motif_positions = [(row['chromosome'], row['strand'], pos) for pos in re.finditer(motif, kmer)] # Store the positions of the motif motif_occurrences[motif].extend(motif_positions) rows.append(row) #rows_CHH_df = pd.DataFrame(rows) #rows_CHH = rows_CHH_df.sort_values("chromosome") #output_file = os.path.join(output_dir, filebasename + "_CHH.csv") #rows_CHH.to_csv(output_file, index=False, sep='\t') #if not rows_CHH.empty: # for chromosome in rows_CHH['chromosome'].unique(): # positions_par_chromosome[chromosome] = list( # rows_CHH.loc[rows_CHH['chromosome'] == chromosome, ['strand', 'position']]) total_count_CHH = sum(motif_counts.values()) pourcentage_C_total = (total_count_CHH / nb_C) * 100 print(" --- CHH STATISTICS --- ") print() print( f"The percentage of methylated cytosines (CHH type) among all cytosines in the genome: {pourcentage_C_total: .2f} %") print() print(f" The number of occurrences of CHH methylation : {total_count_CHH}, which includes : ") for motif in CHH: pourcentage_C_motif = (motif_counts[motif] / nb_C) * 100 print(f" -> {motif} apprears {motif_counts[motif]} times") print(f" The pourcentage of methylated cytosines (type {motif}) is : {pourcentage_C_motif: .2f}%") print() return total_count_CHH def plotting(total_count_CpG_list, total_count_CHG_list, total_count_CHH_list): global nb_C CpG = sum(total_count_CpG_list) CHG = sum(total_count_CHG_list) CHH = sum(total_count_CHH_list) fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(10,6), subplot_kw=dict(aspect="equal")) nb_unmethylated = nb_C - CpG - CHG - CHH counts = [CpG, CHG , CHH , nb_unmethylated] labels = ["CpG", "CHG", "CHH", "unmethylated"] wedges, texts, autotexts = ax.pie(counts, autopct='%1.1f%%') bbox_props= dict(boxstyle="square, pad=0.3", fc="w", ec="k", lw=0.72) kw = dict(arrowprops=dict(arrowstyle="-"), bbox=bbox_props, zorder=0, va="center") for i, p in enumerate(wedges): ang = (p.theta2 - p.theta1) / 2. + p.theta1 y = np.sin(np.deg2rad(ang)) x = np.cos(np.deg2rad(ang)) horizontalalignment = {-1: "right", 1: "left"}[int(np.sign(x))] connectionstyle = "angle,angleA=0,angleB={}".format(ang) kw["arrowprops"].update({"connectionstyle": connectionstyle}) ax.annotate(f"{labels[i]}: {counts[i]}", xy=(x, y), xytext=(1.35 * np.sign(x), 1.4 * y), horizontalalignment=horizontalalignment, **kw) plt.title(f"Methylation context amoung all cytosines in the sample : {filebasename}") root = tk.Tk() root.title("Methylation Statistics") # Create a canvas to display the figure canvas = FigureCanvasTkAgg(fig, master=root) canvas.draw() canvas.get_tk_widget().pack() # Create a button to close the window button = tk.Button(master=root, text="Fermer", command=root.quit) button.pack() # Start the tkinter event loop tk.mainloop() print("####-------- CALCULATION OF METHYLATION STATISTICS FROM TSV FILE GENERATED BY DeepSignal-Plant --------####") # list of the three methylation contexts CpG = ["CG"] CHG = ["CCG", "CAG", "CTG"] CHH = ["CCC", "CAA", "CTT", "CCA", "CCT", "CAT", "CAC", "CTA", "CTC"] # Running seqtk result = subprocess.run(f"seqtk comp {fasta} | awk '{{C+=$4}}END{{print C}}'", shell=True, capture_output=True, text=True) nb_C = int(result.stdout.strip()) print(f"Le nombre total de cytosine : {nb_C}") result = subprocess.run(f"seqtk comp {fasta} | awk '{{CpG+=$10}}END{{print CpG}}'", shell=True, capture_output=True, text=True) nb_CpG = int(result.stdout.strip()) print(f"Le nombre total de CpG : {nb_CpG}") # read files total_count_CpG_list = [] total_count_CHH_list = [] total_count_CHG_list = [] files = path + "/*.tsv" # store the path to files print( f" %%% -- The following statistics are performed on a dataset whose number of reads \n in which the targeted base is considered modified is greater than or equal to {seuil} -- %%%") for filename in glob.glob(files): # to select all files present in that path filebasename = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(filename))[0] # store the name files print() print(f" Statistics for the file : {filebasename} ") print() chunksize= 100000 names = ["chromosome", "position","strand", "pos_in_strand", "prob_0_sum", "prob_1_sum", "count_modified", "count_unmodified", "coverage", "modification_frequency", "k_mer"] #Ajout des entêtes des colonnes call_mods = pd.read_csv(filename, sep='\t', names=names, chunksize=chunksize) # read files chunk_number = 1 for chunk in call_mods: # DataFrame Creation df = pd.DataFrame(chunk) # mean coverage : #couverture= df["coverage"].mean() #couverture_int =int(couverture) #print(f" The mean coverage : {couverture_int}") #print() print() methyl= df[df["count_modified"] >= seuil] print(f"Processing chunk {chunk_number}") methylated=pd.DataFrame(methyl) # save only the methylated reads. #methylated.to_csv(f"/home/fadwa/Téléchargements/test/methylated_seuil.tsv", sep ="\t") treated_df = methylated[['chromosome', 'strand', 'position', 'k_mer']] #filter dataset treated_df = pd.DataFrame(treated_df) treated_df['k_mer'] = treated_df['k_mer'].str[2:] # filter dataset "treated_df" which contains only from the 3th element from k_mer total_count_CpG_chunk = CpG_context() total_count_CHG_chunk = CHG_context() total_count_CHH_chunk = CHH_context() total_count_CpG_list.append(total_count_CpG_chunk) total_count_CHG_list.append(total_count_CHG_chunk) total_count_CHH_list.append(total_count_CHH_chunk) chunk_number += 1 total_count_CpG_chunk = sum(total_count_CpG_list) total_count_CHG_chunk = sum(total_count_CHG_list) total_count_CHH_chunk = sum(total_count_CHH_list) #CpG_context() #CHG_context() #CHH_context() plotting(total_count_CpG_list, total_count_CHG_list, total_count_CHH_list)