#!/home/nina/annotpangenome/.venv/bin/python # created by Nina Marthe 2023 - nina.marthe@ird.fr # licensed under MIT from Graph_gff import * from Functions_output import * #from inference import * import sys if not(len(sys.argv)>=4) :# intersect, gfa, pos_seg (target_genome_name) print("expected input : intersect, gfa file with walks, bed file with positions of the segments on the target genome, and the name of the walk of the target genome") sys.exit(1) elif (sys.argv[1]=="-h") : print("expected input : intersect, gfa file with walks, bed file with positions of the segments on the target genome, and the name of the walk of the target genome") print("output : graph gff, graph gaf, target genome gff+variations") sys.exit(1) intersect=sys.argv[1] gfa=sys.argv[2] pos_seg=sys.argv[3] out_graph_gff=gfa.split("/")[-1].split(".")[0:-1][0]+".gff" out_graph_gaf=gfa.split("/")[-1].split(".")[0:-1][0]+".gaf" out_target_gff=pos_seg.split("/")[-1].split(".")[0:-1][0]+".gff" out_target_var=pos_seg.split("/")[-1].split(".")[0:-1][0]+"_variations.txt" out_clustal=pos_seg.split("/")[-1].split(".")[0:-1][0]+"_clustal.txt" if len(sys.argv)==5: target_genome_name=sys.argv[4] else: target_genome_name=pos_seg.split("/")[-1].split(".")[0:-1][0] load_intersect(intersect) # outputs the gff and gaf of the graph for chr10 graph_gff(out_graph_gff) graph_gaf(out_graph_gaf,gfa) # outputs the gff of a genome for the chr10 max_diff=2 # maximum size difference (n times bigger or smaller) between the gene on the source genome and the gene on the target genome for the gene to be transfered. transfer_on_target(pos_seg,gfa,out_target_gff,out_target_var,out_clustal,target_genome_name,max_diff)