import argparse import os import subprocess from getSegmentsCoordinates import seg_coord def dir_path(path): if os.path.isdir(path): return path else: raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError(f"readable_dir:{path} is not a valid path") def range_type(astr, min=0, max=100): value = int(astr) if min<= value <= max: return value else: raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError('value not in range %s-%s'%(min,max)) def arg(): first_parser=argparse.ArgumentParser(add_help=False) first_parser.add_argument('-pav','--pav_matrix',help="output a presence-absence variation matrix to recapitulate the annotation transfers; requires the -ann/--annotation option",action='store_true') first_args, _ = first_parser.parse_known_args() parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(prog='GrAnnoT',description='Annotation transfer between genome and pangenome graph.',parents=[first_parser],usage='%(prog)s graph_file source_annotation_file source_genome_name [options]') # input files parser.add_argument('graph', metavar='graph.gfa', type=argparse.FileType('r'), help='pangenome graph file in GFA format containing the genome that the annotation refers to and the target genomes. the GFA file must have W-lines to describe the genomes walks in the graph, and not P-lines') parser.add_argument('gff', metavar='annotation.gff', type=argparse.FileType('r') ,help='annotation file in GFF format containing the annotations to be transfered') # optionnal input file parser.add_argument('-coord', '--segment_coordinates_path', metavar="path/to/files", type=dir_path, default=".", help="path to the files given by the preprocessing of the graph; if not given the program will do the preprocessing; recommended if the program will run several times") # genome names parser.add_argument('source_genome', metavar="source_genome", type=str, help="name of the annotated genome's path in the GFA (field ? in the W line), that the annotation file refers to") parser.add_argument('-t', '--target', metavar="target_genome", nargs='*', type=str, default=[], help="name of the target genomes' paths in the GFA (field ? in the W line) for the annotation; if the option is not used the programm will transfer the annotation on all the genomes") # graph annotation options parser.add_argument('-gff','--graph_gff',help="output the annotation of the graph in GFF format",action='store_true') parser.add_argument('-gaf','--graph_gaf',help="output the annotation of the graph in GAF format",action='store_true') # genome annotation options parser.add_argument('-ann','--annotation',help="output the annotation transfer in GFF format",action='store_true',required=first_args.pav_matrix) parser.add_argument('-var','--variation',help="output the detail of the variations for the transfered features",action='store_true') parser.add_argument('-aln','--alignment',help="output the alignment of the transfered features",action='store_true') # annotation transfer options parser.add_argument('-id', '--identity', metavar="[0-100]", type=range_type, default=80, choices=range(0,101), help="minimum identity percentage required for the feature to be transfered, between 0 and 100; default is 80") parser.add_argument('-cov', '--coverage', metavar="[0-100]", type=range_type, default=80, choices=range(0,101), help="minimum coverage percentage required for the feature to be transfered, between 0 and 100; default is 80") parser.add_argument('-diff', '--max_difference', metavar="N", type=int, default=0, help="maximum difference accepted for the feature to be transfered (transfer rejected if the feature size on the target genome is N times bigger or smaller than on the source genome)") # version parser.add_argument('--version', action='version', version='%(prog)s 0.1') return parser.parse_args() def read_args(args):[:] path_list.append(args.source_genome) if args.segment_coordinates_path==".": print("run") seg_coord(,path_list) args.segment_coordinates_path="seg_coord/" elif args.segment_coordinates_path[-1]!="/": args.segment_coordinates_path+="/" print("run intersect") # intersect between gff and several bed list_files=os.scandir(args.segment_coordinates_path) command="echo -n "" > intersect",shell=True,timeout=None) for file in list_files: if args.source_genome in command="bedtools intersect -wo -a "+file.path+" -b "">>intersect",shell=True,timeout=None) #command="for f in "+args.segment_coordinates_path+"*"+args.source_genome+"*; do bedtools intersect -wo -a $f -b "" >> "+args.segment_coordinates_path+"intersect;done" def get_genome_name(target_genomes,file_name): for genome in target_genomes: if genome in file_name: return genome return ""