import ClassSegFeat as Class # create global variables to manipulate them in the functions below and to pass them to global Features global Segments Segments={} Features={} global output_graph_gff output_graph_gff=[0,"",""] global output_graph_gaf output_graph_gaf=[0,"",""] # write in output file def write_line(line,output,force): # output [count_line;string_lines;output_file] output[1]+=line output[0]+=1 if (output[0]>999) or (force==True): output[2].write(output[1]) output[0]=0 output[1]="" def invert_seg(seg): if seg[0]==">": inv_seg="<"+seg[1:] elif seg[0]=="<": inv_seg=">"+seg[1:] else: print(seg," not invertable") return seg return inv_seg def search_segment(segment): if segment not in Segments: if invert_seg(segment) in Segments: return invert_seg(segment) return False return segment # functions to create the segments and the features # create a segment with its first feature def init_seg(line,segment_id,feature_stranded): [chr,start,stop]=[line[0],int(line[1])+1,int(line[2])] # +1 in the start to convert the bed 0-based coordinate to a 1-based system # add the current feature to the list of features that are on the segment feature_list=[feature_stranded] # create the segment, store it in the Segments dict Segments[segment_id]=Class.Segment(segment_id,feature_list,chr,start,stop) # create a feature with the first segment its on def init_feature(line,feature_id,segment_oriented): [type,annot,chr,start,stop,strand]=[line[6],line[12],line[4],int(line[7]),int(line[8]),line[10]] if feature_id in Features: # if the feature has been created to store the child, get the child and rewrite it childs=Features[feature_id].childs else: childs=[] parent=get_parent(annot,feature_id) # add the current segment to the list of segments that have the feature segments_list=[segment_oriented] # create the feature, store it in the dict Features Features[feature_id]=Class.Feature(feature_id,type,chr,start,stop,annot,childs,parent,segments_list,strand,True) # if there is a parent, returns the id of the parent feature and add the child to the parent def get_parent(annot,feature_id): if annot.split(";")[1].split("=")[0]=="Parent": # for annotations that look like : ID=LOC_Os01g01010.1:exon_7;Parent=LOC_Os01g01010.1, where the parent is in the field 1 parent=annot.split(";")[1].split("=")[1].replace(".","_").replace(":","_") add_child(parent,feature_id) elif annot.split(";")[2].split("=")[0]=="Parent": # for annotations that look like : ID=LOC_Os01g01010.1;Name=LOC_Os01g01010.1;Parent=LOC_Os01g01010, where the parent is in the field 2 parent=annot.split(";")[2].split("=")[1].replace(".","_").replace(":","_") add_child(parent,feature_id) else: parent="" return parent # add a feature to an existing segment def add_feature(seg,new_feature_stranded): if new_feature_stranded not in Segments[seg].features: Segments[seg].features.append(new_feature_stranded) # add a child feature to an existing feature def add_child(feat,new_child): if feat in Features: # if the feature exists, add new_child Features[feat].childs.append(new_child) else: # create the feature "empty", only with child Features[feat]=Class.Feature(feat,"","",0,0,"",[new_child],"",[],"",False) # add a segment to an existing feature def add_seg(feat_id,new_seg_oriented): if new_seg_oriented not in Features[feat_id].segments_list_source: Features[feat_id].segments_list_source.append(new_seg_oriented) # add the position of the feature on its first and last segment def add_pos(feature): feature.pos_start=get_feature_start_on_segment(feature.segments_list_source[0], feature.pos_stop=get_feature_stop_on_segment(feature.segments_list_source[-1], def load_feature_intersect(line,feature_id,seg_oriented): if (feature_id not in Features) or (not Features[feature_id].complete): # if the feature doesn't exist or is not complete, create it or complete it init_feature(line,feature_id,seg_oriented) else: # if it exists, add the current segment to the list of segments that have the existing feature add_seg(feature_id,seg_oriented) def load_segment_intersect(line,segment_id,feature_stranded): if segment_id not in Segments: # if the segment doesn't exist, create it and add the current feature to its feat list init_seg(line,segment_id,feature_stranded) else: # if it exists, add the current feature to the list of features on the existing segment add_feature(segment_id,feature_stranded) # create a note for the child features that do not have annotation. not clean. fct for getting parent gene ? def set_note(feature_id): # the note contains information on the function of the feature and is used for statistics on hypothetical/putatives features. # in the gff, the notes are only on the "gene" features. it's easier to have it for the childs than to check the parent's note (or the parent's parent). feature=Features[feature_id] parent_feat=find_parent(feature_id) note=Features[parent_feat].annot.split(';')[-1] feature.note=note # create all the Segment and Feature objects in the dictionnaries Segments and Features def load_intersect(intersect_path): print("loading the intersect file") # open the file with the intersect between the segments and the gff file = open(intersect_path, 'r') lines=file.readlines() file.close() for line in lines: # for each line in the intersect file line=line.split() # get the ids for the dictionnaries' keys feature_id=line[12].split(';')[0].split("=")[1].replace(".","_").replace(":","_") segment_id=line[3] strand=line[10] segment_oriented=line[3] feature_stranded=strand+feature_id load_feature_intersect(line,feature_id,segment_oriented) load_segment_intersect(line,segment_id,feature_stranded) # for all the features, add the position of the feature on its first and last segment. # cant do it before because for that i need to have all the segments in the list segments_list for each feature. for feat_id in Features: add_pos(Features[feat_id]) set_note(feat_id) def find_parent(feature_id): feature=Features[feature_id] if feature.type=="gene": return else: curent=feature.parent parent_found=False while parent_found==False: if Features[curent].type=="gene": return curent else: # if we didn't find the gene, we go up to the current feature's parent until we find it #curent=Features[Features[curent].parent].id curent=Features[curent].parent # functions to generate the graph's gff from the segments and features created with create_seg_feat # get the feature's start position on the segment def get_feature_start_on_segment(seg_id,feat_id): s=Segments[search_segment(seg_id)] f=Features[feat_id] if s.start>=f.start: result=1 else: result=f.start-s.start+1 return result # get the feature's stop position on the segment def get_feature_stop_on_segment(seg_id,feat_id): s=Segments[search_segment(seg_id)] f=Features[feat_id] if s.stop<=f.stop: result=s.size else: result=f.stop-s.start+1 return result # generates the annotation for the gff of the graph, with the rank of the segment in the feature def make_annot_graph(feature,segment): # get the rank and the total number of ocurrences for the feature rank=str(feature.segments_list_source.index(segment)+1) total=str(len(feature.segments_list_source)) # create the annotation with the rank information annotation=feature.annot+";Rank_occurrence="+rank+";Total_occurrences="+total return annotation def create_line_graph_gff(feature_stranded,segment): [strand,feature_id]=[feature_stranded[0:1],feature_stranded[1:]] feature=Features[feature_id] annotation=make_annot_graph(feature,segment) type=feature.type start=get_feature_start_on_segment(segment,feature_id) stop=get_feature_stop_on_segment(segment,feature_id) line=segment+"\tGrAnnot\t"+type+"\t"+str(start)+"\t"+str(stop)+"\t.\t"+strand+"\t.\t"+annotation+"\n" return line # go through all the segments in Segments and prints the gff, with one line for each segment/feature intersection def graph_gff(graph_gff_file): print("generation of the graph's gff") graph_gff_file = open(graph_gff_file, 'w') output_graph_gff[2]=graph_gff_file for segment_stranded in Segments: features_on_seg=Segments[segment_stranded].features # get the list of the features on the segment for feature_stranded in features_on_seg: # go through all the segment's features, and print the gff line for each line = create_line_graph_gff(feature_stranded,segment_stranded) write_line(line,output_graph_gff,False) write_line("",output_graph_gff,True) graph_gff_file.close() def graph_gaf(graph_gaf_file,segments_file): print("generation of the graph's gaf") graph_gaf_file = open(graph_gaf_file, 'w') output_graph_gaf[2]=graph_gaf_file seg_len=get_segments_length(segments_file) for feature_id in Features: feature=Features[feature_id] feature_segments=feature.segments_list_source feature_path="" path_length=0 for segment in feature_segments: feature_path+=segment[0]+segment[2:] path_length+=seg_len[segment[1:]] strand=feature.strand size=feature.size start_on_path=feature.pos_start-1 # -1 to get the position 0-based bed-like stop_on_path=start_on_path+size line=f'{}\t{size}\t0\t{size}\t{strand}\t{feature_path}\t{path_length}\t{start_on_path}\t{stop_on_path}\t{size}\t{size}\t255\n' write_line(line,output_graph_gaf,False) write_line("",output_graph_gaf,True) graph_gaf_file.close() def get_segments_length(segments): file_segments=open(segments,'r') lines_segments=file_segments.readlines() file_segments.close() seg_len={} for line in lines_segments: line=line.split() seg_id='s'+line[1] seg_len[seg_id]=len(line[2]) return seg_len