import subprocess import sys # creates a dictionnary with the length of the segments def get_seg_len(gfa): # get the lines that start with "S" command="grep ^S "+gfa+" > seg_coord/segments.txt",shell=True,timeout=None) # build a dictionnary with the segment sizes segments_size={} with open('seg_coord/segments.txt','r') as seg_file: for line in seg_file: line=line.split() seg_id='s'+line[1] seg_size=len(line[2]) segments_size[seg_id]=seg_size return segments_size # check that a walk in "walk_names" has "name" in it (check that "name" is a valid walk from the list) def check_walk_name(walk_names,name): name_found=False for walk in walk_names: if walk in name: name_found=True break return name_found def get_walks_paths(gfa): # get the lines that start with "W" command="grep ^W "+gfa+" | sed 's/>/,>/g' | sed 's/</,</g' > seg_coord/walks.txt",shell=True,timeout=None) w_lines = subprocess.Popen("wc -l seg_coord/walks.txt", shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) if w_lines[0]=='0': command="grep ^P "+gfa+" > seg_coord/paths.txt",shell=True,timeout=None) p_lines = subprocess.Popen("wc -l seg_coord/paths.txt", shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) if p_lines[0]=='0': command="rm seg_coord/walks.txt && rm seg_coord/paths.txt",shell=True,timeout=None) sys.exit("No walks or paths detected in the GFA file") else: with open("seg_coord/paths.txt","r") as path_file, open("seg_coord/walks.txt",'w') as walk_file: for path_line in path_file: path_line=path_line.split() name=path_line[1].split("#") # assembly#hapl#chr # todo [asm,hap,seq]=name # seq=seq.split(':')[0] <- needed for the paths that come from a conversion from walk to path. with paths from pggb graph, not useful. if ',' in path_line[2]: path=path_line[2].split(',') # 1+,2+,3+,4-,5+,7+ can be separated by , or ; else: path=path_line[2].split(';') # error message if no , or ; but if there is only one segment there is no separator...... # expect no overlap ! line=f'W\t{asm}\t{hap}\t{seq}\t0\t-\t' for seg in path: if seg[-1]=="-": strand="<" else: strand=">" seg_stranded=strand+seg[:-1] line+=',' line+=seg_stranded line+="\n" walk_file.write(line) command="rm seg_coord/paths.txt",shell=True,timeout=None) walk_path="seg_coord/walks.txt" return walk_path # outputs the coordinates of the segments on the walks in bed files def seg_coord(gfa,walk_names): # create directory to store output files command="mkdir seg_coord",shell=True) segments_size=get_seg_len(gfa) # get the walks or paths walk_path=get_walks_paths(gfa) # on these lines, get the name of the genome to name the output bed file file_names=list() with open(walk_path,'r') as walk_file: for line in walk_file: line=line.split() name=line[1]+"_"+line[3] if (check_walk_name(walk_names,name)) or ((len(walk_names)==1) and ("MINIGRAPH" not in name)): # len=1 if there is only the source genome. path_start=int(line[4]) seq_name=line[3] file_name="seg_coord/"+name+'.bed' # if we are writing in the file for the first time, overwrite it. else, append it # this is because chromosomes can be fragmented. the coordinates of all the fragments from the same chromosome will be written in the same bed file. if file_name not in file_names: file_names.append(file_name) open_mode="w" else : open_mode="a" path=line[6].split(',') position=path_start with open(file_name,open_mode) as output_bed: for i in range(1, len(path)): # for each segment in the path, write the position of the segment in the output bed file seg_start=position seg_name='s'+path[i][1:] seg_stop=position+segments_size[seg_name] out_line=seq_name+'\t'+str(seg_start)+'\t'+str(seg_stop)+'\t'+path[i][0:1]+seg_name+'\n' output_bed.write(out_line) position=seg_stop