diff --git a/Functions.py b/Functions.py
index 0e977ff202332b054559e1fa10cf5ded9ec68180..f8c504ea00b46dae8666a22f12c3b394489a8b06 100644
--- a/Functions.py
+++ b/Functions.py
@@ -398,14 +398,110 @@ def add_target_genome_paths(feature_id,target_genome_paths):
     for match in list_first_last_segs:
+        # first check if several copies in the walk
+        # [first_segs_list,last_segs_list]=detect_gene_copies(list_seg,walk_name)
+        # copy_number=len(first_segs_list)
+        # # then get first_seg+last_seg pairs to create the paths
+        # if copy_number==1:
+        #     feature_path.append(get_feature_path(target_genome_paths[walk_name],first_seg,last_seg,walk_name))
+        #     feature.segments_list_target.append(feature_path)
+        # else: # several copies.
+        #     # ADAPT TO ALL PAIRS OF SEGS
     if len(list_first_last_segs)==0: # the latter steps expect this list to not be empty.
+def detect_gene_copies(list_seg_source,walk_name):
+    # find all copies of all segments from the gene in the target genome (in both orientations)
+    index=0
+    list_seg_target=[] # contains list of info for each seg [seg_id,seg_strand,start_pos,index_on_source_walk]
+    list_seg_source_unstranded=[]
+    for seg in list_seg_source:
+        list_seg_source_unstranded.append([seg[1:],seg[0]]) # seg_id,seg_strand : [s24,>]
+        seg_inverted=invert_seg(seg)
+        # look for all the segment copies in the target genome walk, in both orientations
+        if (seg in segments_on_target_genome) and (walk_name in segments_on_target_genome[seg]):
+            for copy in segments_on_target_genome[seg][walk_name]:
+                seg_info=[seg[1:],seg[0],int(copy[1]),index] # [s24,>,584425,4]
+                list_seg_target.append(seg_info)
+        if (seg_inverted in segments_on_target_genome) and (walk_name in segments_on_target_genome[seg_inverted]) :
+            for copy in segments_on_target_genome[seg_inverted][walk_name]:
+                seg_info=[seg_inverted[1:],seg_inverted[0],int(copy[1]),index]
+                list_seg_target.append(seg_info)
+        index+=1
+    list_seg_target.sort(key=sort_seg_info) # order the list of segments by start position
+    old_index=list_seg_target[0][3]
+    old_strand=list_seg_target[0][1]
+    copy_number=1
+    first_segs_list=[]
+    last_segs_list=[]
+    old_seg_id=list_seg_target[0][1]+list_seg_target[0][0]
+    first_segs_list.append(old_seg_id)
+    # adjust old_index for the first iteration of the loop
+    first_inversion=(old_strand!=list_seg_source_unstranded[old_index][1])
+    if first_inversion:
+        old_index+=1
+    else:
+        old_index-=1
+    # find each copy of the gene in the ordered list of segments
+    for seg in list_seg_target:
+        new_seg_id=seg[1]+seg[0]
+        new_index=seg[3] # index in the list_source
+        new_strand=seg[1]
+        seg_start=seg[2]
+        inversion=(seg[1]!=list_seg_source_unstranded[new_index][1]) # inversion if this segment's strand is not the same as in the source walk
+        if inversion : 
+            if (old_strand==new_strand) and (old_index>new_index): # if the index decreases and the strand stays the same, it is the same gene copy
+                for segment in segments_on_target_genome[new_seg_id][walk_name]:
+                    if segment[1]==seg_start:
+                        copy_id="copy_"+str(copy_number)
+                        segment.append(copy_id)
+                        seg.append(copy_id)
+            else: # end of the copy
+                copy_number+=1
+                last_segs_list.append(old_seg_id)
+                first_segs_list.append(new_seg_id)
+                for segment in segments_on_target_genome[new_seg_id][walk_name]:
+                    if segment[1]==seg_start:
+                        copy_id="copy_"+str(copy_number)
+                        segment.append(copy_id)
+                        seg.append(copy_id)
+        else: 
+            if (old_strand==new_strand) and (old_index<new_index): # if the index increases and the strand stays the same, it is the same gene copy
+                for segment in segments_on_target_genome[new_seg_id][walk_name]:
+                    if segment[1]==seg_start:
+                        copy_id="copy_"+str(copy_number)
+                        segment.append(copy_id)
+                        seg.append(copy_id)
+            else: # end of the copy
+                copy_number+=1
+                last_segs_list.append(old_seg_id)
+                first_segs_list.append(new_seg_id)
+                for segment in segments_on_target_genome[new_seg_id][walk_name]:
+                    if segment[1]==seg_start:
+                        copy_id="copy_"+str(copy_number)
+                        segment.append(copy_id)
+                        seg.append(copy_id)
+        # if the strand changes, it is possible that it is an inversion inside the gene. treat this case later
+        old_strand=new_strand
+        old_index=new_index
+        old_seg_id=new_seg_id
+    last_segs_list.append(old_seg_id)
+    return [first_segs_list,last_segs_list] # return two lists, first_segs and last_segs
+def sort_seg_info(seg_info):
+    return seg_info[2]
 # find the feature's path in target genome walk
 def get_feature_path(target_genome_path,first_seg,last_seg,walk_name):
-    # if there is several occurences of first_seg and last_seg ???    