diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 6a81863217c0a85170bde0c78cc0fc11b4359067..386caa5fcfa0d3ba7761789ea1c5bfa131716819 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -10,8 +10,9 @@ See https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.en.html for details or the LICENSE.txt
-Gilles Boulet
-Jérémy Auclair
+Gilles Boulet,
+Jérémy Auclair,
 13 avenue du Colonel Roche
 31401 Toulouse cedex 9
diff --git a/config/config.json b/config/config.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e69de29bb2d1d6434b8b29ae775ad8c2e48c5391
diff --git a/config/config.py b/config/config.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..7a2c7278e9bb15b548cb7f60c2434496b7ab59ee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/config/config.py
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
+# Python
+@author: jeremy auclair
+# Create class that contains configuration file data
+from json import load  # to open config file
+class config:
+    """
+    The `Config` class contains input parameters necessary for the modspa chain to run.
+    It loads all these parameters from the ``.json`` input file and loads it automatically.
+    Attributes
+    ==========
+    - ___: ``str``
+    - ___: ``str``
+    """
+    # Constructor 
+    def __init__(self, config_file: str) -> None:
+        # Load json file
+        with open(config_file, "r") as read_file:
+            input_data = load(read_file)
+        # Add attributes in new object
+        for key, value in input_data.items():
+            setattr(self, key.strip(), value)
diff --git a/config/parameters.csv b/config/parameters.csv
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e69de29bb2d1d6434b8b29ae775ad8c2e48c5391
diff --git a/run_sparse.py b/run_sparse.py
index a80a112ec18bafd85152846ba80ba795ec6ae940..3eef11f0adf37065d2ce99cc80e2963b2690a2be 100644
--- a/run_sparse.py
+++ b/run_sparse.py
@@ -12,16 +12,17 @@ To test model, see: https://runningfingers.com/seb.php
 if __name__ == '__main__':
     import numpy as np  # vectorized calculations
     import src.pySPARSE as pySP  # load SPARSE model function
+    import config.config as config  # load config class
     # Inputs
-    Tsurf           = np.full((2,2), 297.24)    # 2D
+    Tsurf           = np.full((2,2), 297.24)    # 2D optical
     vza             = 0                         # 0D = 0
     rg              = np.full((2,2), 630)       # 2D météo
     Ta              = np.full((2,2), 293.15)    # 2D météo
     rh              = np.full((2,2), 50)        # 2D météo
     ua              = np.full((2,2), 2)         # 2D météo
-    za              = 3                         # 0D météo -> doit être plus haut que Zf (significativement, loi de passage)
-    lai             = np.full((2,2), 1.5)       # 2D
+    za              = 10                        # 0D météo -> doit être plus haut que Zf (significativement, loi de passage)
+    lai             = np.full((2,2), 1.5)       # 2D optical
     glai            = np.full((2,2), 1.5)       # 2D 1er temps : comme LAI
     zf              = np.full((2,2), 1)         # 2D avec le landcover
     rstmin          = np.full((2,2), 100)       # 2D landcover : herbacé 100, arboré 200
@@ -29,7 +30,7 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
     emisv           = 0.98                      # 0D
     emiss           = 0.96                      # 0D
     emissf          = 0.97                      # 0D
-    albe            = np.full((2,2), 0.3)       # 2D
+    albe            = np.full((2,2), 0.3)       # 2D optical
     xg              = 0.315                     # 0D
     sigmoy          = 0.5                       # 0D
     albmode         = 'UnCapped'
@@ -43,12 +44,9 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
     - Write small python sripts to download, load or generate the 2D sources
     - Write a csv file containing 0D parameters for the function
     - Add function to generate a clean netCDF4 output file, with 2D variables as DataArrays and 0D variables as scalars, write all necessary attributes
+    - Add option to clip inputs with shapefile
-    * 2D Weather inputs:
-        ! Rg (incoming radiation - ERA5Land)
-        ! Ta (surface air temperature - ERA5Land)
-        ! RH (relative humidity - ERA5Land)
-        ! UA (surface wind speed - ERA5Land)
+    * Weather: done
     * 2D Optical inputs:
         ! Tsurf (surface temperature - LandSat)
         ! LAI (leaf area index - with BVNET from LandSat)
diff --git a/src/landcover.py b/src/landcover.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..5cd887952e2818d772e2d534e0cf10e3c14d6871
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/landcover.py
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
+# Python
+@author: jeremy auclair
+Generate vegetation inputs for pySPARSE from land cover data.
+# For testing
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    from time import time  # to time code excecution
+    # Get start time of script
+    t0 = time()
+    # Print runtime
+    print('\nExcecution time:', time() - t0, 's', end = '\n\n')
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/optical.py b/src/optical.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..9cac2cf089fd758f423749324e61a1eb66eb80ab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/optical.py
@@ -0,0 +1,141 @@
+# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
+# Python
+@author: jeremy auclair
+Generate optical inputs for pySPARSE from LandSat products.
+import os  # to manage file paths
+from fnmatch import fnmatch  # to find file names from regular expressions
+import numpy as np  # to manage vectorized calculations
+import xarray as xr  # to manage georeferenced datasets
+from weather import product_str_to_datetime  # to get datetime
+def open_landsat_product(landsat_dir: str, output_dir: str, lai_file: str) -> str:
+    """
+    Open LandSat image, calculate albedo, extract surface temperature and
+    load custom LAI to save in a single netCDF4 file.
+    Arguments
+    =========
+    1. landsat_dir: ``str``
+        directory containing landsat bands
+    2. output_dir: ``str``
+        output directory to save inputs
+    3. lai_file: ``str``
+        path to file containing LAI data.
+        Must have the same resolution and projection as LandSat image.
+    Returns
+    =======
+    1. save_name: ``str``
+        path to optical data netCDF4 dataset
+    """
+    # Define global variables
+    chunk_size3 = {'band': -1, 'y': 2048, 'x': 2048}
+    chunk_size2 = {'y': 2048, 'x': 2048}
+    # TODO: change mask value for other satellites
+    mask_val = 21824
+    sr_scale = np.array([2.75e-5, - 0.2], dtype = np.float32)
+    st_scale = np.array([3.41802e-3, 149], dtype = np.float32)
+    # Liang coefficients to calculate albedo
+    liang_coeffs_a = xr.DataArray(np.array([0.356, 0, 0.130, 0.373, 0.085, 0.072], dtype = np.float32), coords = {'band': 6})
+    liang_coeffs_a['band'] = np.arange(2, 8)
+    liang_coeffs_b = np.float32(-0.0018)
+    # Get xml file path
+    for root, _, files in os.walk(landsat_dir):
+        for name in files:
+            if fnmatch(name, '*_MTL.xml'):
+                xml_file = os.path.join(root, name)
+    # Get date of image
+    passage_datetime = product_str_to_datetime(os.path.basename(landsat_dir), xml_file)
+    # Create file list from image directory to load bands for albedo calculation
+    band_list = []
+    for ext in ['*_SR_B2.TIF', '*_SR_B3.TIF', '*_SR_B4.TIF', '*_SR_B5.TIF', '*_SR_B6.TIF', '*_SR_B7.TIF']:
+        for root, _, files in os.walk(landsat_dir):
+            for name in files:
+                if fnmatch(name, ext):
+                    band_list.append(os.path.join(root, name))
+    # Open required bands
+    input_image = xr.open_mfdataset(band_list, combine = 'nested', concat_dim = 'band').chunk(chunk_size3) * sr_scale[0] + sr_scale[1]
+    input_image['band'] = np.arange(2, 8)
+    crs = input_image.rio.crs
+    # Calculate albedo
+    input_image = input_image.weighted(liang_coeffs_a).mean(dim = 'band').rename({'band_data': 'albedo'}).clip(min = 0, max = 1) + liang_coeffs_b
+    # Get surface temperature band
+    for root, _, files in os.walk(landsat_dir):
+        for name in files:
+            if fnmatch(name, '*_ST_B10.TIF'):
+                st_file = os.path.join(root, name)
+    # Open surface temperature
+    input_image['surface_temperature'] = xr.open_dataarray(st_file).squeeze(dim = 'band', drop = True).chunk(chunk_size2) * st_scale[0] + st_scale[1]
+    # Open LAI image (same resolution and projection)
+    input_image['lai'] = xr.open_dataarray(lai_file).chunk(chunk_size2)
+    # Get mask path
+    for root, _, files in os.walk(landsat_dir):
+        for name in files:
+            if fnmatch(name, '*_QA_PIXEL.TIF'):
+                mask_path = os.path.join(root, name)
+    # Open mask
+    mask = xr.open_dataarray(mask_path).chunk(chunk_size2).squeeze(dim = 'band', drop = True).astype(np.uint16)
+    # Mask image
+    input_image = input_image.where(mask == mask_val, other = np.nan)
+    # Create encoding dictionnary
+    for variable in list(input_image.keys()):
+        # Write encoding dict
+        encod = {}
+        encod['dtype'] = 'f4'
+        if '_FillValue' in input_image[variable].attrs:
+            del input_image[variable].attrs['_FillValue']
+        encod['_FillValue'] = np.nan
+        # TODO: check if compression affects reading speed
+        encod['zlib'] = True
+        encod['complevel'] = 1
+        input_image[variable].encoding.update(encod)
+    # Write crs
+    input_image.rio.write_crs(crs, inplace = True)
+    # Create save name and save image
+    save_name = os.path.join(output_dir, 'LandSat_' + passage_datetime.strftime(format = '%Y-%m-%d') + '_optical.nc')
+    input_image.to_netcdf(save_name)
+    return save_name
+# For testing
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    from time import time  # to time code excecution
+    # Get start time of script
+    t0 = time()
+    out_dir = '/mnt/e/SPARSE/test'
+    l8_dir = '/mnt/e/TEST/LANDSAT/LC08_L2SP_198031_20210413_20210423_02_T1'
+    lai_path = '/mnt/e/SPARSE/test/LC08_L2SP_198031_20210413_20210423_02_T1_LAI.nc'
+    out_name = open_landsat_product(l8_dir, out_dir, lai_path)
+    print(out_name)
+    # Print runtime
+    print('\nExcecution time:', time() - t0, 's', end = '\n\n')
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/weather.py b/src/weather.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..89370d5c71aae57a729f05af62658f9048d8a95e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/weather.py
@@ -0,0 +1,408 @@
+# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
+# Python
+@author: jeremy auclair
+Generate weather inputs for pySPARSE from ERA5-Land data.
+import os  # for path exploration
+import numpy as np  # for math on arrays
+import xarray as xr  # to manage nc files
+from rasterio.enums import Resampling  # reprojection algorithms
+from shapely.geometry import box  # create polygon from bounding box
+from geopandas import GeoDataFrame  # create geodataframe
+from datetime import datetime, timedelta  # to manage dates
+from fnmatch import fnmatch  # to match srings
+import re  # to look for characters in a string
+import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET  # read xml files
+from psutil import cpu_count  # to get number of physical cores available
+from psutil import virtual_memory  # to check available ram
+# CDS API external library
+import cdsapi  # to download cds data
+def product_str_to_datetime(product_name: str, xml_file: str) -> datetime:
+    """
+    product_str_to_datetime returns a ``datetime`` object for the date of the given product.
+    Works for LandSat products.
+    Arguments
+    =========
+    1. product_name: ``str``
+        name or path of the product
+    Returns
+    =======
+    1. product_date: ``datetime.date``
+        datetime.date object, date of the product
+    """
+    # Look for time of passage in xml file
+    tree = ET.parse(xml_file)
+    root = tree.getroot()
+    # Assuming the passage time is stored in an element named 'passage_time'
+    passage_time_str = root.find('.//SCENE_CENTER_TIME').text
+    # Search for a date pattern (yyyymmdd) in the product name or path
+    try:
+        match = re.search('\d{4}\d{2}\d{2}', product_name)
+        format = '%Y%m%d/%H:%M:%S'
+        datetime_object = datetime.strptime(match[0] + '/' + passage_time_str[:8], format)
+        return datetime_object
+    except TypeError:
+        pass
+    # Search for a date pattern (yymmdd) in the product name or path
+    try:
+        match = re.search('\d{2}\d{2}\d{2}', product_name)
+        format = '%Y%m%d/%H:%M:%S'
+        datetime_object = datetime.strptime(match[0] + '/' + passage_time_str[:8], format)
+        return datetime_object
+    except TypeError:
+        pass
+def convert_bbox_crs(in_bbox: list[float, float, float, float], in_crs: str, out_crs: int = 4326) -> list[float, float, float, float]:
+    """
+    Convert bounding box projection.
+    Arguments
+    =========
+    1. in_bbox: ``list[float, float, float, float]``
+        input bounding boc
+    2. in_crs: ``str``
+        input crs
+    3. out_crs: ``int`` ``default = 4326``
+        output crs
+    Returns
+    =======
+    1. bbox: ``list[float, float, float, float]``
+        reprojected bounding box
+    """
+    # Create a square polygon from the bounding box
+    polygon = box(*in_bbox)
+    # Create a GeoDataFrame
+    gdf = GeoDataFrame({'geometry': [polygon]}, crs =  in_crs).to_crs(out_crs)
+    # Get bounding box in lat/lon
+    bbox = gdf.total_bounds
+    return bbox
+def era5_enclosing_shp_aera(bbox: list[float], pas: float) -> tuple[float, float, float, float]:
+    """
+    Find the four coordinates including the boxbound scene
+    to agree with gridsize resolution
+    system projection: WGS84 lat/lon degree
+    Arguments
+    =========
+    1. bbox: ``List[float]``
+        bounding box of the demanded area
+        list of floats: [lat north, lon west, lat south, lon east] in degree WGS84
+    2. pas: ``float``
+        gridsize
+    Returns
+    =======
+    1. era5_area: ``Tuple[float, float, float, float]``
+        coordinates list corresponding to N,W,S,E corners of the grid in decimal degree
+    .. note:: 
+        gdal coordinates reference upper left corner of pixel, ERA5 coordinates refere to center of grid. To resolve this difference an offset of pas/2 is applied
+    """
+    lat_max, lon_min, lat_min, lon_max = bbox[3], bbox[0], bbox[1], bbox[2]
+    # North
+    era5_lat_max = round((lat_max // pas + 2) * pas, 2)
+    # West
+    era5_lon_min = round((lon_min // pas) * pas, 2)
+    # South
+    era5_lat_min = round((lat_min // pas) * pas, 2)
+    # Est
+    era5_lon_max = round((lon_max // pas + 2) * pas, 2)
+    era5_area = [era5_lat_max, era5_lon_min, era5_lat_min, era5_lon_max]
+    return era5_area  # [N,W,S,E]
+def calculate_mem_size(time: int, y: int, x: int, data_vars: int, dtype: np.dtype) -> int:
+    """
+    Calculate memory size of reprojected dataset in MiB.
+    Arguments
+    =========
+    1. time: ``int``
+        length of time dimension
+    2. y: ``int``
+        length of y dimension (equivalent of latitude)
+    3. x: ``int``
+        mength of x dimension (equivalent of longitude)
+    4. data_vars: ``int``
+        number of data variables
+    5. dtype: ``np.dtype``
+        numpy data type
+    Returns
+    =======
+    1. mem_size: ``int``
+        memory size of output dataset in MiB
+    """
+    return int((time * y * x * data_vars * np.dtype(dtype).itemsize) / (1024**2))
+def ea_calc(T: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray:
+    """
+    comments
+    Actual vapour pressure (ea or es) derived from dewpoint temperature or temperature.
+    Arguments
+    =========
+    1. T: ``np.ndarray``
+        Temperature in degree celsius (float).
+    Returns
+    =======
+    1. e_a: ``np.ndarray``
+        the actual Vapour pressure in Kpa
+    """
+    return 0.6108 * np.exp(17.27 * T / (T + 237.15))
+def call_era5landhourly(variables: str, passage_datetime: datetime, bbox: list[float, float, float, float], out_dir: str, gridsize: float = 0.1) -> None:
+    """
+    Call a list of variables from CDS ERA5-land Reanalysis on an area, for a given dates with two hours.
+    Arguments
+    =========
+    1. variables: ``list[str]``
+        variables to download.
+        https: // con f l u e nce.ecmwf.int/display/CKB/ERA5-Land%3A+data+documentation#ERA5Land:datadocumentation-parameterlistingParameterlistings
+    2. passage_datetime: ``datetime``
+        date and time of satellite passage in datetime format
+    3. bbox: ``list[float]``
+        bounding box [lat north, lon west, lat south, lon east] in degree WGS84
+    4. out_dir : ``str``,
+        absolute directory for output netcdf file.
+    5. gridsize : ``float`` ``default = 0.1``
+        spatial resolution in degree. The default is 0.1.
+    Returns
+    =======
+    1. output_filename: ``str``
+        output filename
+    """
+    # full path name of the output file
+    output_filename = os.path.join(out_dir, 'ERA5Land_' + passage_datetime.strftime(format = '%Y-%m-%d') + '_weather.nc')
+    # Get previous and next hour of satellite passage
+    previous_hour = passage_datetime.replace(minute = 0, second = 0, microsecond = 0)
+    next_hour = previous_hour + timedelta(hours = 1)
+    # Get modified bbox
+    print(bbox)
+    area = era5_enclosing_shp_aera(bbox, gridsize)
+    print(area)
+    # Check if file already exists
+    if os.path.isfile(output_filename):
+        print('\n', output_filename, 'already exist !\n')
+    else:
+        # cds api request
+        c = cdsapi.Client(timeout = 300)
+        try:
+            c.retrieve('reanalysis-era5-single-levels',
+                       {
+                           'product_type': 'reanalysis',
+                           'format': 'netcdf',
+                           'variable': variables,
+                           'year': passage_datetime.strftime(format = '%Y'),
+                           'month': passage_datetime.strftime(format = '%m'),
+                           'day': passage_datetime.strftime(format = '%d'),
+                           'time': [previous_hour.strftime(format = '%H:%M'), next_hour.strftime(format = '%H:%M')],
+                           'area': area,
+                           'grid': [gridsize, gridsize],
+                       },
+                       output_filename)
+            print('\n', output_filename, ' downloaded !\n')
+        except:
+            print('\nRequest', variables, '  failed !\n')
+    return output_filename
+def create_weather_dataset(era5land_file: str, passage_datetime: datetime, landsat_img_file: str, mem_limit: int = None, nb_threads: int = None) -> str:
+    """
+    Create high resolution weather dataset from ERA5 Land low resolution
+    raw weather variables and LandSat data at time of passage.
+    Arguments
+    =========
+    1. era5land_file: ``str``
+        raw weather dataset path
+    2. passage_datetime: ``datetime``
+        datetime of landsat passage
+    3. landsat_img_file: ``str``
+        path to landsat band file
+    4. mem_limit: ``int`` ``default = None``
+        memory limit for reprojection (optional)
+    5. nb_threads: ``int`` ``default = None``
+        max number of threads to use (optional)
+    Returns
+    =======
+    1. save_name: ``str``
+        output savename of reprojected weather data
+    """
+    # Open raw weather
+    raw_weather_dataset = xr.open_dataset(era5land_file)
+    # Write input crs
+    raw_weather_dataset.rio.write_crs(4326, inplace = True)
+    # Calculate temporary weather variables for SPARSE
+    raw_weather_dataset['ea'] = ea_calc(raw_weather_dataset.t2m - 273.15)
+    raw_weather_dataset['es'] = ea_calc(raw_weather_dataset.d2m - 273.15)
+    # Calculate weather variables for SPARSE
+    weather_dataset = raw_weather_dataset[['ssrd', 't2m']]
+    weather_dataset['ua'] = np.sqrt(raw_weather_dataset.u10 ** 2 + raw_weather_dataset.v10 ** 2)
+    weather_dataset['rh'] = np.clip(100.*(raw_weather_dataset.es / raw_weather_dataset.ea), a_min = 0, a_max = 100)
+    # Interpolate weather variables to satellite passage
+    weather_dataset = weather_dataset.interp(time = passage_datetime, method = 'linear').astype(np.float32)
+    # Open landsat band to reproject weather dataset to LandSat grid
+    landsat_band = xr.open_dataarray(landsat_img_file)
+    # Get variables
+    variables = [key for key in weather_dataset.keys() if key != 'spatial_ref']
+    # Get metadata
+    target_crs = landsat_band.rio.crs
+    spatial_ref = landsat_band.spatial_ref.load()
+    # Manage ressources
+    if not mem_limit:
+        mem_limit = min([calculate_mem_size(1, len(landsat_band.y), len(landsat_band.x), len(variables), np.float32), 0.8 * virtual_memory().available / (1024**2)])
+    if not nb_threads:
+        nb_threads = min([cpu_count(logical = True), len(os.sched_getaffinity(0))])
+    # Reproject
+    reprojected_weather_dataset = weather_dataset.rio.reproject(target_crs, transform = landsat_band.rio.transform(), shape = (landsat_band.rio.height, landsat_band.rio.width), resampling = Resampling.bilinear, num_threads = nb_threads, warp_mem_limit = mem_limit, nodata = np.nan)
+    # Take reference spatial_ref
+    reprojected_weather_dataset['spatial_ref'] = spatial_ref
+    # Create encoding dictionnary
+    for variable in list(reprojected_weather_dataset.keys()):
+        # Write encoding dict
+        encod = {}
+        encod['dtype'] = 'f4'
+        if '_FillValue' in reprojected_weather_dataset[variable].attrs:
+            del reprojected_weather_dataset[variable].attrs['_FillValue']
+        encod['_FillValue'] = np.nan
+        # TODO: check if compression affects reading speed
+        encod['zlib'] = True
+        encod['complevel'] = 1
+        reprojected_weather_dataset[variable].encoding.update(encod)
+    # Create save name
+    save_name = era5land_file[:-3] + '_HR.nc'
+    # Save file
+    reprojected_weather_dataset.to_netcdf(save_name)
+    return save_name
+def get_ERA5Land_data(landsat_dir: str, out_dir: str) -> str:
+    """
+    Download ERA5 Land data, interpolate and reproject it according to
+    LandSat data.
+    Arguments
+    =========
+    1. landsat_dir: ``str``
+        directory to landsat data
+    2. out_dir: ``str``
+        output directory for weather data
+    Returns
+    =======
+    1. weather_dataset_path: ``str``
+        output path of reprojected weather dataset
+    """
+    # Get xml file path
+    for root, _, files in os.walk(landsat_dir):
+        for name in files:
+            if fnmatch(name, '*_MTL.xml'):
+                xml_file = os.path.join(root, name)
+    # Get product name and passage datetime
+    product_name = os.path.basename(landsat_dir)
+    passage_datetime = product_str_to_datetime(product_name, xml_file)
+    # Get bounding box
+    ## Get a LandSat band
+    for root, _, files in os.walk(landsat_dir):
+        for name in files:
+            if fnmatch(name, '*_SR_B2.TIF'):
+                B2_band = os.path.join(root, name)
+    bounds = xr.open_dataarray(B2_band).rio.bounds()
+    crs = xr.open_dataarray(B2_band).rio.crs
+    # Convert bounding box projection
+    bbox = convert_bbox_crs(bounds, crs, out_crs = 4326)
+    # Call ERA5 download function
+    variables = ['2m_temperature', '2m_dewpoint_temperature', 'surface_solar_radiation_downwards', '10m_u_component_of_wind','10m_v_component_of_wind']
+    output_file = call_era5landhourly(variables, passage_datetime, bbox, out_dir)
+    # Convert output_files in a single dataset for SPARSE
+    weather_dataset_path = create_weather_dataset(output_file, passage_datetime, B2_band)
+    return weather_dataset_path
+# For testing
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    out_dir = '/mnt/e/SPARSE/test'
+    l8_dir = '/mnt/e/TEST/LANDSAT/LC08_L2SP_198031_20210413_20210423_02_T1'
+    get_ERA5Land_data(l8_dir, out_dir)
\ No newline at end of file