# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*- # Python """ 04-07-2023 @author: rivallandv, heavily modified by jeremy auclair Download ERA5 daily weather files for modspa """ import glob # for path management import sys # for path management import os # for path exploration import geopandas as gpd # to manage shapefiles from datetime import datetime # manage dates from psutil import cpu_count # to get number of physical cores available import modspa_pixel.preprocessing.lib_era5_land_pixel as era5land # custom built functions for ERA5-Land data download from modspa_pixel.config.config import config # to load modspa config file from modspa_pixel.preprocessing.parcel_to_pixel import convert_dataframe_to_xarray def request_ER5_weather(config_file: str, ndvi_path: str, raw_S2_image_ref: str = None, shapefile: str = None, mode: str = 'pixel') -> str: """ Download ERA5 reanalysis daily weather files, concatenate and calculate ET0 to obtain a netCDF4 dataset for precipitation and ET0 values. Weather data reprojection and conversion can take some time for large spatial windows. Arguments ========= 1. config_file: ``str`` json configuration file 2. ndvi_path: ``str`` path to ndvi cube, used for weather data reprojection 3. raw_S2_image_ref: ``str`` ``default = None`` unmodified sentinel-2 image at correct resolution for weather data reprojection in pixel mode 4. shapefile: ``str`` ``default = None`` path to shapefile for extraction in parcel mode 5. mode: ``str`` ``default = 'pixel'`` choose between ``'pixel'`` and ``'parcel'`` mode Returns ======= 1. weather_file: ``str`` path to netCDF4 file containing weather data """ # Get config file config_params = config(config_file) # Get parameters data_path = config_params.data_path shapefile_path = config_params.shapefile_path run_name = config_params.run_name mode = config_params.mode start_date = config_params.start_date end_date = config_params.end_date weather_overwrite = config_params.weather_overwrite # Set output paths outpath = os.path.join(data_path, 'WEATHER', run_name) # Create daily wheather ncfile name weather_daily_ncFile = os.path.join(outpath, start_date + '_' + end_date + '_' + run_name + '_era5-land-daily-meteo') # Check if file exists and ndvi overwrite is false if os.path.exists(weather_daily_ncFile + '.nc' * (mode == 'pixel') + '_parcel.nc' * (mode == 'parcel' )) and not weather_overwrite: return weather_daily_ncFile # Geometry configuration wgs84_epsg = 'epsg:4326' # WGS84 is the ERA5 epsg # ERA5 product parameters wind_height = 10 # height of ERA5 wind measurements in meters print('REQUEST CONFIGURATION INFORMATIONS:') if shapefile_path: if os.path.exists(shapefile_path): print('shapeFile: ', shapefile_path) else: print('shapeFile not found') else: # print('specify either shapeFile, boxbound or point coordinate in json file') print('specify shapeFile in json file') sys.exit(-1) print('period: ', start_date, ' - ', end_date) print('experiment name:', run_name) if os.path.exists(outpath): print('path for nc files: ', outpath) else: os.mkdir(outpath) print('mkdir path for nc files: ', outpath) print('----------') # Request ERA5-land BoxBound Determination if shapefile_path: # Load shapefile to access geometrics informations for ERA5-Land request gdf_expe_polygons = gpd.read_file(shapefile_path) print('Input polygons CRS :', gdf_expe_polygons.crs) expe_epsg = gdf_expe_polygons.crs # verification que les polygones sont tous fermés liste_polygons_validity = gdf_expe_polygons.geometry.is_valid if list(liste_polygons_validity).count(False) > 0: print('some polygons of Shapefile are not valid') polygons_invalid = liste_polygons_validity.loc[liste_polygons_validity == False] print('invalid polygons:', polygons_invalid) for i in polygons_invalid.index: gdf_expe_polygons.geometry[i] # Application d'un buffer de zero m gdf_expe_polygons_clean = gdf_expe_polygons.geometry.buffer(0) gdf_expe_polygons = gdf_expe_polygons_clean # search for the total extent of the whole polygons in lat/lon [xlo/ylo/xhi/yhi] [W S E N] expe_polygons_boxbound = gdf_expe_polygons.geometry.total_bounds expe_polygons_boxbound = list(expe_polygons_boxbound) print('shape extend in ', expe_epsg.srs, ':', expe_polygons_boxbound) if expe_epsg.srs != wgs84_epsg: print('--- convert extend in wgs84 coordinates ---') # idem en wgs84 pour des lat/lon en degree (format utilisé par google earth engine) expe_polygons_boxbound_wgs84 = gdf_expe_polygons.to_crs(wgs84_epsg).geometry.total_bounds # convert to list for earth engine expe_polygons_boxbound_wgs84 = list(expe_polygons_boxbound_wgs84) else: expe_polygons_boxbound_wgs84 = expe_polygons_boxbound # switch coordinates order to agree with ECMWF order: N W S E expe_area = expe_polygons_boxbound_wgs84[3], expe_polygons_boxbound_wgs84[0], expe_polygons_boxbound_wgs84[1], expe_polygons_boxbound_wgs84[2] print('boxbound [N W S E] extend in ', wgs84_epsg) print(expe_area) # determine boxbound for ECMWF request (included shape boxbound) era5_expe_polygons_boxbound_wgs84 = era5land.era5_enclosing_shp_aera(expe_area, 0.1) print('boxbound [N W S E] request extend in ', wgs84_epsg) print(era5_expe_polygons_boxbound_wgs84) print('--start request--') # Get number of available CPUs nb_processes = 4 * min([cpu_count(logical = False), len(os.sched_getaffinity(0)), config_params.max_cpu]) # downloading data demands very little computing power, each processor core can manage multiple downloads # Call daily data weather_file = era5land.call_era5land_daily(start_date, end_date, era5_expe_polygons_boxbound_wgs84, output_path = outpath) print('path to daily weather netCDF file: ', weather_file) # Generate pandas dataframe for parcel mode if mode == 'parcel': # Create save path weather_datframe = weather_daily_ncFile + '_df.csv' weather_dataset = weather_daily_ncFile + '_parcel.nc' # Check if weather dataset already exists if os.path.exists(weather_dataset) and not weather_overwrite: return weather_dataset # Generate daily weather datasets as Geotiffs for each variable weather_daily_rain, weather_daily_ET0 = era5land.era5Land_daily_to_yearly_parcel(weather_file, weather_daily_ncFile, start_date, end_date, h = wind_height) # Generate and save weather dataframe era5land.extract_weather_dataframe(weather_daily_rain, weather_daily_ET0, shapefile, config_file, weather_datframe) # Convert dataframe to xarray dataset convert_dataframe_to_xarray(weather_datframe, weather_dataset, variables = ['Rain', 'ET0'], data_types = ['u2', 'u2']) print('\nWeather dataset:', weather_daily_ncFile) return weather_dataset # Calculate ET0 over the whole time period weather_daily_ncFile = era5land.era5Land_daily_to_yearly_pixel(weather_file, weather_daily_ncFile, raw_S2_image_ref, ndvi_path, start_date, end_date, h = wind_height, max_ram = config_params.max_ram, weather_overwrite = weather_overwrite) print('\nWeather dataset:', weather_daily_ncFile) return weather_daily_ncFile