{ "_comment": "Sart date of the period on which the model will run", "start_date": "2019-01-01", "_comment": "End date of the period on which the model will run", "end_date": "2019-12-31", "_comment": "Choose between parcel or pixel mode for the run. You need a parcel shapefile for the parcel mode, and a boundary shapefile for the pixel mode.", "mode": "pixel", "_comment": "Name of the current run, all output files will be saved under a subdirectory of Saves/ with that name, log file will also have that name", "run_name": "Aurade_test", "_comment": "Path to eodag configuration file for sentinel-2 image download", "path_to_eodag_config_file": "/home/auclairj/.config/eodag/eodag.yml", "_comment": "Prefered S2 data provider, choices = theia, copernicus", "preferred_provider": "copernicus", "_comment": "Maximum cloud cover percentage to download data, images with higher cloud cover will not be downloaded", "cloud_cover_limit": 80, "_comment": "Path to the directory on which the satellite image data will be downloaded", "download_path": "/mnt/e/DATA", "_comment": "Output path for output netcdf files (outpus will be stored in a subdirectory carrying the run_name)", "output_path": "/mnt/e/DATA/OUTPUT", "_comment": "Output path for netcdf era5 files (Weather)", "era5_path": "/mnt/e/DATA/WEATHER", "_comment": "Path to soil netCDF4 dataset", "soil_path": "/mnt/e/DATA/SOIL/Aurade_test/Soil_interpolated.nc", "_comment": "Path to Land Cover file (netCDF4 or GeoTiff)", "land_cover_path": "/mnt/e/DATA/LAND_COVER/Aurade_test/Aurade_test_new_LC.nc", "_comment": "Path to the shapefile to run the model on", "shapefile_path": "/home/auclairj/notebooks/Shapefiles/Aurade_tests/aurade_square.shp", "_comment": "Path to SAMIR parameter csv file", "param_csv_file": "/home/auclairj/GIT/modspa_pixel/parameters/csv_files/params_samir_Aurade_test.csv", "_comment": "Resolution in meters in which to run the processing chain. Choice is either 10 or 20.", "resolution": 10, "_comment": "Overwrite NDVI images or not (set to true if you want the code to rewrite NDVI images, takes longer)", "ndvi_overwrite": false, "_comment": "Overwrite Weather dataset or not (set to true if you want the code to rewrite weather dataset, takes longer)", "weather_overwrite": false, "_comment": "Boolean to choose to automatically open the Dask Dashboard on default brower", "open_browser": false, "_comment": "Max number of processor cores to use for multiprocessing calculations", "max_cpu": 3, "_comment": "Max amount of RAM memory (in GiB) to use for calculations", "max_ram": 16, "_comment": "List of variables to save as shapefiles for the parcel mode", "parcel_shapefile_vars": ["ETR"] }