diff --git a/main_prepare_inputs.py b/main_prepare_inputs.py
index 29db89da9e30db66577ea2f96717c58629d40871..080cc3127dd596c04f3fba43575e4c0dbbfb016a 100644
--- a/main_prepare_inputs.py
+++ b/main_prepare_inputs.py
@@ -116,7 +116,7 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
         # Extract NDVI values on shapefile features
         csv_ndvi_extract_file = os.path.join(ndvi_path, run_name, 'ndvi_extract.csv')
-        raw_ndvi = extract_ndvi_stats(ndvi_precube, shapefile_path, ndvi_dates, csv_ndvi_extract_file)
+        raw_ndvi = extract_ndvi_stats(ndvi_precube, shapefile_path, ndvi_dates, csv_ndvi_extract_file, max_cpu = config_params.max_cpu * 2)
         # Process and interpolate NDVI values to a daily time step
         csv_ndvi_interp_file = os.path.join(ndvi_path, run_name, 'ndvi_interp.csv')
diff --git a/parameters/params_samir_class.py b/parameters/params_samir_class.py
index 5913d6e2d4cf79d512826e5456c178966c2991dd..2beb44caad930c69b447a52ec7d88aeb2f8fc595 100644
--- a/parameters/params_samir_class.py
+++ b/parameters/params_samir_class.py
@@ -161,6 +161,20 @@ class samir_parameters:
                 # Equation: Koffset = - NDVIsol * Kslope
                 self.table.at['Koffset', class_name] = - np.round(self.table.at['NDVIsol', class_name] * self.table.at['Kslope', class_name], decimals = round(np.log10(self.table.at['Koffset', 'scale_factor'])))
+            if self.table.at['maxZr', class_name] > self.table.at['Zsoil', class_name]:
+                print(f'\nmaxZr is higher than Zsoil for class {class_name}')
+                # Set boolean to true to exit script
+                out_of_range_param = True
+            if self.table.at['minZr', class_name] > self.table.at['maxZr', class_name]:
+                print(f'\minZr is higher than maxZr for class {class_name}')
+                # Set boolean to true to exit script
+                out_of_range_param = True
         # Test values of the parameters
         min_max_table = read_csv(min_max_param_file, index_col = 0)
diff --git a/preprocessing/download_ERA5_weather.py b/preprocessing/download_ERA5_weather.py
index f1373e4fbd71fd69e3a12b2dfebc2042bb7605f3..32360b6bd6a343a0229e45764cd524c4531e158f 100644
--- a/preprocessing/download_ERA5_weather.py
+++ b/preprocessing/download_ERA5_weather.py
@@ -175,7 +175,7 @@ def request_ER5_weather(config_file: str, ndvi_path: str, raw_S2_image_ref: str
         weather_daily_rain, weather_daily_ET0 = era5land.era5Land_daily_to_yearly_parcel(weather_files, variables, weather_daily_ncFile, start_date, end_date, h = wind_height)
         # Generate and save weather dataframe
-        era5land.extract_weather_dataframe(weather_daily_rain, weather_daily_ET0, shapefile, config_file, weather_datframe)
+        era5land.extract_weather_dataframe(weather_daily_rain, weather_daily_ET0, shapefile, config_file, weather_datframe, max_cpu = config_params.max_cpu)
         # Convert dataframe to xarray dataset
         convert_dataframe_to_xarray(weather_datframe, weather_dataset, variables = ['Rain', 'ET0'], data_types = ['u2', 'u2'])
diff --git a/preprocessing/extract_ndvi.py b/preprocessing/extract_ndvi.py
index c635d6f81cfc9039b11189b5a2b1273a396605de..5dfa7257914f11ce563273922985c607a2c8c22a 100644
--- a/preprocessing/extract_ndvi.py
+++ b/preprocessing/extract_ndvi.py
@@ -15,15 +15,146 @@ import rasterio as rio  # to open geotiff files
 from datetime import datetime  # manage dates
 from rasterio.mask import mask  # to mask images
 import numpy as np  # vectorized math
-from shapely.geometry import box  # to extract parcel statistics
 from tqdm import tqdm  # for classic progress bars
+from multiprocessing import Pool, Manager  # to parallelize functions
 from p_tqdm import p_map  # for multiprocessing with progress bars
 from psutil import cpu_count  # to get number of physical cores available
 import warnings  # To suppress some warnings
 from modspa_pixel.preprocessing.input_toolbox import find_anomalies
-def extract_ndvi_stats(ndvi_cube: str, shapefile_path: str, dates_file_path: str, save_raw_dataframe_path: str, scaling: int = 255, buffer_distance: int = -10) -> list:
+def init_worker(shared_value_, lock_) -> None:
+    """
+    Function to initialize the pool workers with shared value and lock.
+    Arguments
+    =========
+    1. shared_value_: ``float``
+        shared progress bar value
+    2. lock_: ``Lock``
+        lock to access shared value
+    """
+    global shared_value, lock
+    shared_value = shared_value_
+    lock = lock_
+def divide_geodataframe(gdf: gpd.GeoDataFrame, n: int) -> list[gpd.GeoDataFrame]:
+    """
+    Divide geodataframes into n equal parts.
+    Arguments
+    =========
+    1. gdf: ``gpd.GeoDataFrame``
+        input geodataframe
+    2. n: ``int``
+        number of parts to divide into
+    Returns
+    =======
+    1. divided_gdfs: ``list[gpd.GeoDataFrame]``
+        output geodataframes
+    """
+    # Calculate the size of each part
+    part_size = len(gdf) // n
+    remainder = len(gdf) % n
+    # Create a list to store the divided GeoDataFrames
+    divided_gdfs = []
+    start_idx = 0
+    for i in range(n):
+        end_idx = start_idx + part_size + (1 if i < remainder else 0)
+        divided_gdfs.append(gdf.iloc[start_idx:end_idx])
+        start_idx = end_idx
+    return divided_gdfs
+def extract_ndvi_multiprocess(args: tuple) -> list:
+    """
+    Wrapped extract ndvi function for multiprocessing.
+    Arguments (packed in args)
+    ==========================
+    1. shapefile: ``gpd.GeoDataFrame``
+        geodataframe containing polygons for extraction
+    2. ndvi_cube: ``str``
+        path to ndvi cube geotiff
+    3. nodata: ``float``
+        ndvi no data value
+    4. scaling: ``int``
+        ndvi scaling value
+    5. dates: ``list[datetime.date]``
+        list of ndvi datetimes
+    Returns
+    =======
+    1. ndvi_stats: ``list``
+        extracted ndvi stats
+    """
+    # Extract args
+    shapefile, ndvi_cube, nodata, scaling, dates = args
+    # Open dataset
+    ndvi_dataset = rio.open(ndvi_cube, mode = 'r')
+    ndvi_stats = []
+    for index, row in shapefile.iterrows():
+        # Get the feature geometry as a shapely object
+        geom = row.geometry
+        # id number of the current polygon
+        id = index + 1
+        # Get land cover
+        LC = row.LC
+        # Crop the raster using the bounding box
+        try:
+            masked_raster, _ = mask(ndvi_dataset, [geom], crop = True)
+        except:
+            ndvi_stats.extend([[dates[i], id, 0, 0, LC] for i in range(len(dates))])
+            continue
+        # Mask the raster using the geometry
+        masked_raster, _ = mask(ndvi_dataset, [geom], crop = True)
+        # Replace the nodata values with nan
+        masked_raster = masked_raster.astype(np.float32)
+        masked_raster[masked_raster == nodata] = np.nan
+        # Correct scaling
+        np.round(masked_raster * (scaling / (scaling - 1)) - 1, decimals = 0, out = masked_raster)
+        # Calculate the zonal statistics
+        mean = np.nanmean(masked_raster, axis = (1,2))
+        count = np.count_nonzero(~np.isnan(masked_raster), axis = (1,2))
+        # Append current statistics to dataframe
+        ndvi_stats.extend([[dates[i], id, mean[i], count[i], LC] for i in range(len(dates))])
+        # Update progress bar
+        with lock:
+            shared_value.value += 1
+    # Close dataset
+    ndvi_dataset.close()
+    return ndvi_stats
+def extract_ndvi_stats(ndvi_cube: str, shapefile_path: str, dates_file_path: str, save_raw_dataframe_path: str, scaling: int = 255, buffer_distance: int = -10, max_cpu: int = 4) -> list:
     extract_ndvi_stats extracts ndvi statistics (``mean`` and ``count``) from a ndvi image and a
     geopandas shapefile object. It iterates over the features of the shapefile geometry (polygons).
@@ -49,6 +180,8 @@ def extract_ndvi_stats(ndvi_cube: str, shapefile_path: str, dates_file_path: str
     6. buffer_distance: ``int`` ``default = -10``
         distance to buffer shapefile polygon to prevent extracting pixels that are not entirely in a polygon,
         in meters for Sentinel-2 and LandSat 8 images, < 0 to reduce size
+    7. max_cpu: ``int`` ``default = 4``
+        max number of CPU cores to use for calculation
@@ -66,62 +199,55 @@ def extract_ndvi_stats(ndvi_cube: str, shapefile_path: str, dates_file_path: str
     ndvi_stats = []
     # Open ndvi image and shapefile geometry
-    ndvi_dataset = rio.open(ndvi_cube, mode = 'r')
+    with rio.open(ndvi_cube, mode = 'r') as ndvi_dataset:
+        # Get input raster spatial reference and epsg code to reproject shapefile in the same spatial reference
+        target_epsg = ndvi_dataset.crs
+        # Get no data value
+        nodata = ndvi_dataset.nodata
     # Open dates file
     dates = np.load(dates_file_path, allow_pickle = True)
-    # Get input raster spatial reference and epsg code to reproject shapefile in the same spatial reference
-    target_epsg = ndvi_dataset.crs
     # Open shapefile with geopandas and reproject its geometry
     shapefile = gpd.read_file(shapefile_path)
     shapefile['geometry'] = shapefile['geometry'].to_crs(target_epsg)
     # TODO: decide how to manage small polygons
     # shapefile['geometry'] = shapefile['geometry'].buffer(buffer_distance)
-    # Get no data value
-    nodata = ndvi_dataset.nodata
-    # Loop on the individual polygons in the shapefile geometry
-    print('')
-    for index, row in tqdm(shapefile.iterrows(), desc = 'Extracting zonal statistics', total = len(shapefile), unit = ' polygons', dynamic_ncols = True):
-        # Get the feature geometry as a shapely object
-        geom = row.geometry
-        # id number of the current polygon
-        id = index + 1
-        # Get land cover
-        LC = row.LC
-        # Crop the raster using the bounding box
-        try:
-            masked_raster, _ = mask(ndvi_dataset, [geom], crop = True)
-        except:
-            ndvi_stats.extend([[dates[i], id, 0, 0, LC] for i in range(len(dates))])
-            continue
-        # Mask the raster using the geometry
-        masked_raster, _ = mask(ndvi_dataset, [geom], crop = True)
-        # Replace the nodata values with nan
-        masked_raster = masked_raster.astype(np.float32)
-        masked_raster[masked_raster == nodata] = np.nan
-        # Correct scaling
-        np.round(masked_raster * (scaling / (scaling - 1)) - 1, decimals = 0, out = masked_raster)
+    args = [(smaller_shapefile, ndvi_cube, nodata, scaling, dates) for smaller_shapefile in divide_geodataframe(shapefile, max_cpu)]
+    # Shared value and lock for controlling access to the value
+    manager = Manager()
+    shared_value = manager.Value('i', 0)
+    lock = manager.Lock()
+    # Total iterations
+    total_iterations = len(shapefile.index)
+    # Create and initialize the pool
+    pool = Pool(processes = max_cpu, initializer = init_worker, initargs = (shared_value, lock))
+    # Progress bar
+    with tqdm(desc = 'Extracting zonal statistics', total = total_iterations, unit = ' polygons', dynamic_ncols = True) as pbar:
-        # Calculate the zonal statistics
-        mean = np.nanmean(masked_raster, axis = (1,2))
-        count = np.count_nonzero(~np.isnan(masked_raster), axis = (1,2))
+        # Start the worker processes
+        results = [pool.apply_async(extract_ndvi_multiprocess, args = (arg,)) for arg in args]
-        # Append current statistics to dataframe
-        ndvi_stats.extend([[dates[i], id, mean[i], count[i], LC] for i in range(len(dates))])
+        while shared_value.value < total_iterations:
+            with lock:
+                pbar.update(shared_value.value - pbar.n)
+        # Wait for all processes to complete
+        for result in results:
+            result.wait()
+    # Close the pool
+    pool.close()
+    pool.join()
-    # Close dataset
-    ndvi_dataset.close()
+    for result in results:
+        ndvi_stats.extend(result.get())
     # Build DataFrame and put the dates as index
     ndvi_dataframe = pd.DataFrame(ndvi_stats, columns = ['date', 'id', 'NDVI', 'count', 'LC'])
@@ -295,9 +421,9 @@ def process_raw_ndvi(ndvi_dataframe: Union[pd.DataFrame, str], save_path: str,
     # Get number of CPU cores and limit max value (working on a cluster requires os.sched_getaffinity to get true number of available CPUs, 
     # this is not true on a "personnal" computer, hence the use of the min function)
-        nb_cores = min([max_cpu, cpu_count(logical = False), len(os.sched_getaffinity(0))])
+        nb_cores = min([max_cpu * 2, cpu_count(logical = True), len(os.sched_getaffinity(0))])
-        nb_cores = min([max_cpu, cpu_count(logical = False)])  # os.sched_getaffinity won't work on windows
+        nb_cores = min([max_cpu * 2, cpu_count(logical = True)])  # os.sched_getaffinity won't work on windows
     # Prepare clean_dataframes_feature arguments for multiprocessing
     args = [(id_filter, start_date, end_date, min_pixel_ratio, interp_method, threshold_ratio_deriv, threshold_median, median_window, custom) for _, id_filter in ndvi_dataframe.groupby('id')]
diff --git a/preprocessing/lib_era5_land_pixel.py b/preprocessing/lib_era5_land_pixel.py
index 89cc726aa2050d61ce2ab63a3ebdf64b96907a02..a3bdd914dd9b05a3b9a2ebaaebb9e544cceb8d90 100644
--- a/preprocessing/lib_era5_land_pixel.py
+++ b/preprocessing/lib_era5_land_pixel.py
@@ -4,10 +4,10 @@
 Functions to call ECMWF Reanalysis with CDS-api
 - ERA5-land daily request
-- request a list of daily variables dedicated to the calculus of ET0
- and the generation of MODSPA daily forcing files
- heavily modified from @rivallandv's original file
+- request a list of hourly variables dedicated to the calculus of ET0
+and the generation of MODSPA daily forcing files
+heavily modified from @rivallandv's original file
 @author: auclairj
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ from rasterio.mask import mask  # to mask images
 from rasterio.enums import Resampling  # reprojection algorithms
 import netCDF4 as nc  # to write netcdf4 files
 from tqdm import tqdm  # to follow progress
-from multiprocessing import Pool  # to parallelize reprojection
+from multiprocessing import Pool, Manager  # to parallelize functions
 from psutil import virtual_memory  # to check available ram
 from psutil import cpu_count  # to get number of physical cores available
 from modspa_pixel.config.config import config  # to import config file
@@ -48,10 +48,10 @@ def era5_enclosing_shp_aera(bbox: list[float], pas: float) -> tuple[float, float
     Find the four coordinates including the boxbound scene
     to agree with gridsize resolution
     system projection: WGS84 lat/lon degree
     1. area: ``list[float]``
         bounding box of the demanded area
         list of floats: [lat north, lon west, lat south, lon east] in degree WGS84
@@ -839,21 +839,11 @@ def extract_rasterstats(args: tuple) -> list[float]:
     # Open ndvi image and shapefile geometry
     raster_dataset = rio.open(raster_path, mode = 'r')
-    # Get input raster spatial reference and epsg code to reproject shapefile in the same spatial reference
-    target_epsg = raster_dataset.crs
-    # Open shapefile with geopandas and reproject its geometry
-    shapefile = gpd.read_file(shapefile)
-    shapefile['geometry'] = shapefile['geometry'].to_crs(target_epsg)
     # Get no data value
     nodata = raster_dataset.nodata
     # Get the number of bands
     nbands = raster_dataset.count
-    # Create progress bar
-    progress_bar = tqdm(total = len(shapefile.index), desc='Extracting zonal statistics', unit=' polygons')
     # Loop on the individual polygons in the shapefile geometry
     for index, row in shapefile.iterrows():
@@ -888,16 +878,68 @@ def extract_rasterstats(args: tuple) -> list[float]:
         raster_stats.extend([[dates[i], id, mean[i], LC] for i in range(nbands)])
         # Update progress bar
-        progress_bar.update(1)
+        with lock:
+            shared_value.value += 0.5
-    # Close dataset and progress bar
-    progress_bar.close()
     return raster_stats
-def extract_weather_dataframe(rain_path: str, ET0_path: str, shapefile: str, config_file: str, save_path: str) -> None:
+def init_worker(shared_value_, lock_) -> None:
+    """
+    Function to initialize the pool workers with shared value and lock.
+    Arguments
+    =========
+    1. shared_value_: ``float``
+        shared progress bar value
+    2. lock_: ``Lock``
+        lock to access shared value
+    """
+    global shared_value, lock
+    shared_value = shared_value_
+    lock = lock_
+def divide_geodataframe(gdf: gpd.GeoDataFrame, n: int) -> list[gpd.GeoDataFrame]:
+    """
+    Divide geodataframes into n equal parts.
+    Arguments
+    =========
+    1. gdf: ``gpd.GeoDataFrame``
+        input geodataframe
+    2. n: ``int``
+        number of parts to divide into
+    Returns
+    =======
+    1. divided_gdfs: ``list[gpd.GeoDataFrame]``
+        output geodataframes
+    """
+    # Calculate the size of each part
+    part_size = len(gdf) // n
+    remainder = len(gdf) % n
+    # Create a list to store the divided GeoDataFrames
+    divided_gdfs = []
+    start_idx = 0
+    for i in range(n):
+        end_idx = start_idx + part_size + (1 if i < remainder else 0)
+        divided_gdfs.append(gdf.iloc[start_idx:end_idx])
+        start_idx = end_idx
+    return divided_gdfs
+def extract_weather_dataframe(rain_path: str, ET0_path: str, shapefile: str, config_file: str, save_path: str, max_cpu: int = 4) -> None:
     Extract a weather dataframe for each variable (Rain, ET0) and merge them in one
     dataframe. This dataframe is saved as ``csv`` file.
@@ -915,6 +957,8 @@ def extract_weather_dataframe(rain_path: str, ET0_path: str, shapefile: str, con
         path to config file
     5. save_path: ``str``
         save path for weather dataframe
+    6. max_cpu: ``int`` ``default = 4``
+        max number of CPU cores to use for calculation
@@ -922,18 +966,59 @@ def extract_weather_dataframe(rain_path: str, ET0_path: str, shapefile: str, con
-    # Generate arguments for multiprocessing
-    args = [(rain_path, shapefile, config_file), (ET0_path, shapefile, config_file)]
+    print(f'\nStarting weather data extraction on {max_cpu} cores..\n')
-    print('\nStarting weather data extraction on two cores..\n')
+    # Shared value and lock for controlling access to the value
+    manager = Manager()
+    shared_value = manager.Value('i', 0)
+    lock = manager.Lock()
+    # Get target epsg
+    with rio.open(rain_path, mode = 'r') as src:
+        target_epsg = src.crs
+    # Total iterations (assuming each extract_rasterstats call represents one iteration)
+    shapefile = gpd.read_file(shapefile)
+    shapefile['geometry'] = shapefile['geometry'].to_crs(target_epsg)
+    total_iterations = len(shapefile.index)
+    args1 = [(rain_path, smaller_shapefile, config_file) for smaller_shapefile in divide_geodataframe(shapefile, max_cpu)]
+    args2 = [(ET0_path, smaller_shapefile, config_file) for smaller_shapefile in divide_geodataframe(shapefile, max_cpu)]
+    # # Generate arguments for multiprocessing
+    # args = [(rain_path, shapefile, config_file), (ET0_path, shapefile, config_file)]
+    args = args1 + args2
+    # Create and initialize the pool
+    pool = Pool(processes = 2 * max_cpu, initializer = init_worker, initargs = (shared_value, lock))
+    # Progress bar
+    with tqdm(desc = 'Extracting zonal statistics', total = total_iterations, unit = ' polygons', dynamic_ncols = True) as pbar:
+        # Start the worker processes
+        results = [pool.apply_async(extract_rasterstats, args=(arg,)) for arg in args]
+        while shared_value.value < total_iterations:
+            with lock:
+                pbar.update(round(shared_value.value - pbar.n))
+        # Wait for all processes to complete
+        for result in results:
+            result.wait()
+    # Close the pool
+    pool.close()
+    pool.join()
-    # Extract weather values for both weather varialbes
-    with Pool(2) as p:
-        results = p.map(extract_rasterstats, args)
+    rain_list = []
+    ET0_list = []
+    for i in range(max_cpu):
+        rain_list.extend(results[i].get())
+        ET0_list.extend(results[max_cpu + i].get())
+    del results, result
     # Collect results in a single dataframe
-    weather_dataframe = pd.DataFrame(results[0], columns = ['date', 'id', 'Rain', 'LC'])
-    weather_dataframe['ET0'] = pd.DataFrame(results[1], columns = ['date', 'id', 'ET0', 'LC'])['ET0']
+    weather_dataframe = pd.DataFrame(rain_list, columns = ['date', 'id', 'Rain', 'LC'])
+    weather_dataframe['ET0'] = pd.DataFrame(ET0_list, columns = ['date', 'id', 'ET0', 'LC'])['ET0']
     # Reorder columns
     weather_dataframe = weather_dataframe.reindex(columns = ['date', 'id', 'Rain', 'ET0', 'LC'])