diff --git a/source/code_toolbox.py b/source/code_toolbox.py
index cb6cc8cab7d918d06caf9fea85159d7d6bd8a810..d6492f9118c2309fa92e4633f129e2017acc39ac 100644
--- a/source/code_toolbox.py
+++ b/source/code_toolbox.py
@@ -8,8 +8,10 @@ Contains functions to facilitate code workflow, directory creation, Notebook rea
 from os import path  # os management
-from numpy import ceil  # for vectorized maths
+import numpy as np  # for vectorized maths
 from pandas import DataFrame  # to manage dataframes
+import xarray as xr  # to manage datasets
+from numba.typed import List  #type: ignore, to type lists
 from modspa_pixel.parameters.params_samir_class import samir_parameters  # to load SAMIR parameters
@@ -30,36 +32,24 @@ def format_duration(timedelta: float) -> None:
-    if timedelta < 1e-6:
-        unit, scale = 'ns', 1e9
-    elif timedelta < 1e-3:
-        unit, scale = 'µs', 1e6
-    elif timedelta < 1:
-        unit, scale = 'ms', 1e3
+    if timedelta < 0.9e-6:
+        print(round(timedelta * 1e9, 1), 'ns')
+    elif timedelta < 0.9e-3:
+        print(round(timedelta * 1e6, 1), 'µs')
+    elif timedelta < 0.9:
+        print(round(timedelta * 1e3, 1), 'ms')
     elif timedelta < 60:
-        unit, scale = 's', 1
-    elif timedelta < 3600:
-        unit, scale = 'm', 1/60
-    elif timedelta < 86400:
-        unit, scale = 'h', 1/3600
+        print(round(timedelta, 1), 's')
+    elif timedelta < 3.6e3:
+        print(round(timedelta // 60), 'm', round(timedelta % 60, 1),  's')
+    elif timedelta < 24*3.6e3:
+        print(round((timedelta / 3.6e3) // 1), 'h', round((timedelta / 3.6e3) % 1 * 60 // 1), 'm', round((timedelta / 3.6e3) % 1 * 60 % 1 * 60, 1), 's')
+    elif timedelta < 48*3.6e3:
+        print(round((timedelta / (24 * 3.6e3)) // 1), 'day,', round(((timedelta / (24 * 3.6e3)) % 1 * 24) // 1), 'h,',
+              round((timedelta / (24*3.6e3)) % 1 * 24 % 1 * 60 // 1), 'm,',  round((timedelta / (24 * 3.6e3)) % 1 * 24 % 1 * 60 % 1 * 60, 1), 's')
-        unit, scale = 'days', 1/86400
-    value = timedelta * scale
-    if unit in ['m', 'h']:
-        minutes, seconds = divmod(value, 60)
-        if unit == 'h':
-            hours, minutes = divmod(minutes, 60)
-            print(f"{int(hours)}h {int(minutes)}m {seconds:.1f}s")
-        else:
-            print(f"{int(minutes)}m {seconds:.1f}s")
-    elif unit == 'days':
-        days, remainder = divmod(value, 1)
-        hours, remainder = divmod(remainder * 24, 1)
-        minutes, seconds = divmod(remainder * 1440, 1)
-        print(f"{int(days)} days, {int(hours)}h, {int(minutes)}m, {seconds:.1f}s")
-    else:
-        print(f"{value:.1f} {unit}")
+        print(round((timedelta / (24 * 3.6e3)) // 1), 'days,', round(((timedelta / (24 * 3.6e3)) % 1 * 24) // 1), 'h,',
+              round((timedelta / (24 * 3.6e3)) % 1 * 24 % 1 * 60 // 1), 'm,',  round((timedelta / (24 * 3.6e3)) % 1 * 24 % 1 * 60 % 1 * 60, 1), 's')
     return None
@@ -306,7 +296,7 @@ def calculate_x_slices(x_size, y_size, time_size, available_ram, additinal_outpu
         return [slice(0, x_size)], [x_size]
     # Estimate the number of chunks required to stay below memory limit
-    approx_chunks = int(ceil(total_memory / available_ram))
+    approx_chunks = int(np.ceil(total_memory / available_ram))
     # Calculate the base chunk size
     base_chunk_size = x_size // approx_chunks
@@ -317,7 +307,7 @@ def calculate_x_slices(x_size, y_size, time_size, available_ram, additinal_outpu
     max_chunk_size = base_chunk_size + 1 if remainder > 0 else base_chunk_size
     if max_chunk_size > min_chunk_size * (1 + tolerance):
         # Recalculate chunks to maintain balance
-        approx_chunks = int(ceil(x_size / ((1 + tolerance) * base_chunk_size)))
+        approx_chunks = int(np.ceil(x_size / ((1 + tolerance) * base_chunk_size)))
         base_chunk_size = x_size // approx_chunks
         remainder = x_size % approx_chunks
         min_chunk_size = base_chunk_size
@@ -372,4 +362,194 @@ def print_memory_prevision(total_memory_requirement: float, actual_memory_requir
         print('\nApproximate memory requirement of calculation:', print_size1, print_unit1 + ', available memory:', available_ram, 'GiB\n\nLoading single block of', chunks[0], '*', y_size, '*', time_size, 'elements', '\n')
-    return None
\ No newline at end of file
+    return None
+def rasterize_samir_parameters(csv_param_file: str, land_cover_raster: str, irrigation_raster: str, init_RU_raster: str, x_slice: slice) -> tuple[np.ndarray, np.dtype]:
+    """
+    Creates a dictionnary containing raster parameter values and the scale factors from the csv parameter file
+    and the land cover raster. For each parameter, the function loops on land cover classes to fill the raster.
+    Before creating the dictionnary, it updates the parameter ``DataFrame`` and verifies the parameter range with
+    the ``test_samir_parameter()`` function.
+    Arguments
+    =========
+    1. csv_param_file: ``str``
+        path to csv paramter file
+    2. land_cover_raster: ``str``
+        path to land cover netcdf raster
+    3. irrigation_raster: ``str``
+        path to irrigation mask raster
+    4. init_RU_raster: ``str``
+        path to initial soil water content. None if no input.
+    5. x_slice: ``slice``
+        x_slice to load
+    Returns
+    =======
+    1. parameter_dict: ``Dict[str, np.ndarray]``
+        the dictionnary containing all the rasterized Parameters
+        and the scale factors
+    """
+    # Get path of min max csv file
+    min_max_param_file = path.join(path.dirname(csv_param_file), 'params_samir_min_max.csv')
+    # Load samir params into an object
+    table_param = samir_parameters(csv_param_file)
+    # Set general variables
+    class_count = table_param.table.shape[1] - 2  # remove dtype and Default columns
+    # Open land cover raster
+    land_cover = xr.open_dataarray(land_cover_raster).isel(x = x_slice).to_numpy()
+    shape = land_cover.shape
+    # Modify parameter table based on its content
+    table_param.test_samir_parameter(min_max_param_file)
+    # If test_samir_parameter returns 0, parameters are incorrect
+    if type(table_param.table) != DataFrame:
+        import sys  # to exit script
+        print(f'\nModify the SAMIR parameter file: {csv_param_file}\n')
+        sys.exit()
+    # Loop through parameters to count them
+    count = 0
+    for parameter in table_param.table.index[1:]:
+        if parameter == 'Irrig_auto' or parameter == 'Init_RU':
+            pass
+        else:
+            count+=1
+    parameter_array = np.zeros((count,) + shape, dtype = np.float32, order = 'C')
+    param_list = []
+    i = 0
+    # Loop on samir parameters and create
+    for parameter in table_param.table.index[1:]:
+        if parameter == 'Irrig_auto' and table_param.table.at[parameter, 'load_raster'] == 1:
+            # Load Irrig mask
+            Irrig_auto = np.ascontiguousarray(xr.open_dataarray(irrigation_raster, decode_coords = 'all').isel(x = x_slice).astype(np.bool_).values, dtype = np.bool_)
+            continue
+        elif parameter == 'Init_RU' and table_param.table.at[parameter, 'load_raster'] == 1:
+            # Load initial soil water content
+            Init_RU = np.ascontiguousarray((xr.open_dataarray(init_RU_raster) / 1000).isel(x = x_slice).astype(np.float32).values, dtype = np.float32)
+            continue
+        # If scale_factor == 0, then the parameter does not have to be spatialized, it can stay scalar
+        elif parameter == 'Kcmax':
+            param_list.append(parameter)
+            # Take Default parameter value
+            parameter_array[i] = np.ones(shape = shape, dtype = np.float32) * np.float32(table_param.table.at[parameter, 'Default'])
+            i+=1         
+            continue
+        # Check data type based on parameter
+        if (parameter != 'Irrig_auto') and (parameter != 'Init_RU'):
+            dtype = np.float32
+            param_list.append(parameter)
+        # Create 2D array from land cover
+        value = land_cover.copy().astype(dtype)
+        # Loop on classes to set parameter values for each class
+        for class_val, class_name in zip(range(1, class_count + 1), table_param.table.columns[2:]):
+            # Get parameter value
+            param_value = table_param.table.at[parameter, class_name]
+            # Load parameter value for each class
+            value = np.where(land_cover == class_val, np.float32(param_value), value)
+        # Assign parameter value
+        if parameter == 'Irrig_auto':
+            Irrig_auto = value.astype(np.bool_)
+        elif parameter == 'Init_RU':
+            Init_RU = value.astype(np.float32)
+        else:
+            parameter_array[i] = value.astype(dtype)
+            i+=1
+    # Assure parameter array is contiguous in memory
+    parameter_array = np.ascontiguousarray(parameter_array, dtype = np.float32)
+    # Change param_list type
+    param_list = List(param_list)
+    return parameter_array, Irrig_auto, Init_RU, param_list
+def get_scaling_elements(scaling_dict: dict[str, int], additional_outputs: dict[str, int]) -> tuple[list[str], np.ndarray, bool, np.ndarray, list[str], np.ndarray, np.ndarray]:
+    """
+    Get output and additional output scaling names and arrays, tailored to work with numba compiled functions.
+    Arguments
+    =========
+    1. scaling_dict: ``dict[str, int]``
+        output scaling dictionary
+    2. additional_outputs: ``dict[str, int]``
+        additional output scaling dictionary
+    Returns
+    =======
+    1. scaling_names: ``list[str]``
+        numba typed list of names of standard output variables
+    2. scaling array: ``np.ndarray``
+        1D numpy int16 array containing scaling factors corresponding to standard output variables
+    3. write_additional_data: ``bool``
+        boolean to trigger additional output data loading and writing
+    4. additional_scaling_array: ``np.ndarray``
+        1D numpy int16 array containing scaling factors corresponding to addtional output variables
+    5. additional_names: ``list[str]``
+        numba typed list of names of addtional output variables
+    6. additional_idx: ``np.ndarray``
+        1D numpy int16 array contaning indexes of additional variables to correctly access additional output data in numba compiled function
+    7. additional_outputs_data: ``np.ndarray``
+        empty 3D int16 array generated in case no additional data is required (necessary for numba compiled function). Rewritten when loading empty output arrays if additional output data is required.
+    """
+    # Standard scaling dict
+    scaling_array = []
+    for var in scaling_dict.keys():
+        scaling_array.append(scaling_dict[var])
+    scaling_array = np.ascontiguousarray(np.array(scaling_array, dtype = np.int16))
+    scaling_names = List(list(scaling_dict.keys()))
+    # Manage additional output parameters
+    if additional_outputs is not None:
+        # Additional output scaling dict
+        additional_scaling_array = []
+        for var in additional_outputs.keys():
+            additional_scaling_array.append(additional_outputs[var])
+        additional_scaling_array = np.array(additional_scaling_array, dtype = np.int16)
+        additional_names = list(additional_outputs.keys())
+        field_name_to_index = {name: idx for idx, name in enumerate(additional_outputs)}
+        additional_idx = np.ascontiguousarray(np.array([field_name_to_index[var] for var in additional_names], dtype = np.int16))
+        additional_names = List(additional_names)
+        write_additional_data = True
+        additional_outputs_data = None
+    else:
+        # Create empty variables for correct numba parsing
+        additional_scaling_array = np.array([0], dtype = np.int16)
+        additional_idx = np.array([0], dtype = np.int16)
+        additional_names = List(['0'])
+        additional_outputs_data = np.empty(shape = (1,1,1,1), dtype = np.int16)
+        write_additional_data = False
+    return scaling_names, scaling_array, write_additional_data, additional_scaling_array, additional_names, additional_idx, additional_outputs_data
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/source/modspa_samir.py b/source/modspa_samir.py
index 0530ede98bd3e82eeeb70408455cb3da3748e8ab..7f4e972cc561a46d92c152a756ad522bddfc0df1 100644
--- a/source/modspa_samir.py
+++ b/source/modspa_samir.py
@@ -14,142 +14,12 @@ import rioxarray  # to better manage dataset projections
 from numba import njit, types, boolean, uint8, uint16, int16, float32, int64, set_num_threads  # to compile functions in nopython mode for faster calculation
 from numba.typed import List  #type: ignore, to type lists
 import numpy as np  # for vectorized maths
-import pandas as pd  # to manage dataframes
 import netCDF4 as nc  # to efficiently read and write netCDF files
 from tqdm import tqdm  # to show a progress bar
 from psutil import virtual_memory  # to check available ram
 from psutil import cpu_count  # to get number of physical cores available
 from gc import collect  # to free up unused memory
-from modspa_pixel.parameters.params_samir_class import samir_parameters  # to load SAMIR parameters
-from modspa_pixel.source.code_toolbox import calculate_memory_requirement, calculate_x_slices, print_memory_prevision  # to print memory requirements
-def rasterize_samir_parameters(csv_param_file: str, land_cover_raster: str, irrigation_raster: str, init_RU_raster: str, x_slice: slice) -> tuple[np.ndarray, np.dtype]:
-    """
-    Creates a dictionnary containing raster parameter values and the scale factors from the csv parameter file
-    and the land cover raster. For each parameter, the function loops on land cover classes to fill the raster.
-    Before creating the dictionnary, it updates the parameter ``DataFrame`` and verifies the parameter range with
-    the ``test_samir_parameter()`` function.
-    Arguments
-    =========
-    1. csv_param_file: ``str``
-        path to csv paramter file
-    2. land_cover_raster: ``str``
-        path to land cover netcdf raster
-    3. irrigation_raster: ``str``
-        path to irrigation mask raster
-    4. init_RU_raster: ``str``
-        path to initial soil water content. None if no input.
-    5. x_slice: ``slice``
-        x_slice to load
-    Returns
-    =======
-    1. parameter_dict: ``Dict[str, np.ndarray]``
-        the dictionnary containing all the rasterized Parameters
-        and the scale factors
-    """
-    # Get path of min max csv file
-    min_max_param_file = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(csv_param_file), 'params_samir_min_max.csv')
-    # Load samir params into an object
-    table_param = samir_parameters(csv_param_file)
-    # Set general variables
-    class_count = table_param.table.shape[1] - 2  # remove dtype and Default columns
-    # Open land cover raster
-    land_cover = xr.open_dataarray(land_cover_raster).isel(x = x_slice).to_numpy()
-    shape = land_cover.shape
-    # Modify parameter table based on its content
-    table_param.test_samir_parameter(min_max_param_file)
-    # If test_samir_parameter returns 0, parameters are incorrect
-    if type(table_param.table) != pd.DataFrame:
-        import sys  # to exit script
-        print(f'\nModify the SAMIR parameter file: {csv_param_file}\n')
-        sys.exit()
-    # Loop through parameters to count them
-    count = 0
-    for parameter in table_param.table.index[1:]:
-        if parameter == 'Irrig_auto' or parameter == 'Init_RU':
-            pass
-        else:
-            count+=1
-    parameter_array = np.zeros((count,) + shape, dtype = np.float32, order = 'C')
-    param_list = []
-    i = 0
-    # Loop on samir parameters and create
-    for parameter in table_param.table.index[1:]:
-        if parameter == 'Irrig_auto' and table_param.table.at[parameter, 'load_raster'] == 1:
-            # Load Irrig mask
-            Irrig_auto = np.ascontiguousarray(xr.open_dataarray(irrigation_raster, decode_coords = 'all').isel(x = x_slice).astype(np.bool_).values, dtype = np.bool_)
-            continue
-        elif parameter == 'Init_RU' and table_param.table.at[parameter, 'load_raster'] == 1:
-            # Load initial soil water content
-            Init_RU = np.ascontiguousarray((xr.open_dataarray(init_RU_raster) / 1000).isel(x = x_slice).astype(np.float32).values, dtype = np.float32)
-            continue
-        # If scale_factor == 0, then the parameter does not have to be spatialized, it can stay scalar
-        elif parameter == 'Kcmax':
-            param_list.append(parameter)
-            # Take Default parameter value
-            parameter_array[i] = np.ones(shape = shape, dtype = np.float32) * np.float32(table_param.table.at[parameter, 'Default'])
-            i+=1         
-            continue
-        # Check data type based on parameter
-        if (parameter != 'Irrig_auto') and (parameter != 'Init_RU'):
-            dtype = np.float32
-            param_list.append(parameter)
-        # Create 2D array from land cover
-        value = land_cover.copy().astype(dtype)
-        # Loop on classes to set parameter values for each class
-        for class_val, class_name in zip(range(1, class_count + 1), table_param.table.columns[2:]):
-            # Get parameter value
-            param_value = table_param.table.at[parameter, class_name]
-            # Load parameter value for each class
-            value = np.where(land_cover == class_val, np.float32(param_value), value)
-        # Assign parameter value
-        if parameter == 'Irrig_auto':
-            Irrig_auto = value.astype(np.bool_)
-        elif parameter == 'Init_RU':
-            Init_RU = value.astype(np.float32)
-        else:
-            parameter_array[i] = value.astype(dtype)
-            i+=1
-    # Assure parameter array is contiguous in memory
-    parameter_array = np.ascontiguousarray(parameter_array, dtype = np.float32)
-    # Change param_list type
-    param_list = List(param_list)
-    return parameter_array, Irrig_auto, Init_RU, param_list
+from modspa_pixel.source.code_toolbox import calculate_memory_requirement, calculate_x_slices, print_memory_prevision, rasterize_samir_parameters, get_scaling_elements  # to print memory requirements
 def prepare_output_dataset(ndvi_path: str, dimensions: dict[str, int], scaling_dict: dict[str, int] = {'E': 1000, 'Tr': 1000, 'SWCe': 1000, 'SWCr': 1000, 'DP': 100, 'Irr': 100}, additional_outputs: dict[str, int] = None) -> xr.Dataset:
@@ -1253,32 +1123,7 @@ def run_samir(csv_param_file: str, ndvi_cube_path: str, weather_path: str, soil_
     # ============ Scaling factors ============ #
-    # Standard scaling dict
-    scaling_array = []
-    for var in scaling_dict.keys():
-        scaling_array.append(scaling_dict[var])
-    scaling_array = np.ascontiguousarray(np.array(scaling_array, dtype = np.int16))
-    scaling_names = List(list(scaling_dict.keys()))
-    # Manage additional output parameters
-    if additional_outputs is not None:
-        # Additional output scaling dict
-        additional_scaling_array = []
-        for var in additional_outputs.keys():
-            additional_scaling_array.append(additional_outputs[var])
-        additional_scaling_array = np.array(additional_scaling_array, dtype = np.int16)
-        additional_names = list(additional_outputs.keys())
-        field_name_to_index = {name: idx for idx, name in enumerate(additional_outputs)}
-        additional_idx = np.ascontiguousarray(np.array([field_name_to_index[var] for var in additional_names], dtype = np.int16))
-        additional_names = List(additional_names)
-        write_additional_data = True
-    else:
-        # Create empty variables for correct numba parsing
-        additional_scaling_array = np.array([0], dtype = np.int16)
-        additional_idx = np.array([0], dtype = np.int16)
-        additional_names = List(['0'])
-        additional_outputs_data = np.empty(shape = (1,1,1,1), dtype = np.int16)
-        write_additional_data = False
+    scaling_names, scaling_array, write_additional_data, additional_scaling_array, additional_names, additional_idx, additional_outputs_data = get_scaling_elements(scaling_dict, additional_outputs)
     # ============ Begining of x chunk loops ============ ## Create progress bar
     progress_bar = tqdm(total = x_size * y_size * time_size, desc = '', unit = ' it', unit_scale = True)